magic eye doctor

Chapter 3132

Chapter 3132
Xuan Shaoyan didn't understand why the little Loli wanted to bring him along to offer incense. It was hard to ask at this time, so he could only pretend to follow the little Loli calmly.

Shang Junjun was waiting for the sign after the incense was burning. He noticed the fluctuation of spiritual energy in the air. He looked over and saw the fairy and the alchemy master coming through the air. He couldn't help but be stunned.

He was stunned, and hurriedly floated out of the queue in front of the crowd. He stood on the open ground and watched the fairy floating in. He bowed: "I have seen the fairy. If you have orders, you only need to summon Shang Jun. How dare you bother me personally?" Drive here."

"It's okay, no need to salute. This fairy is here to offer incense sticks." Le Yun waved her hands, landed calmly, and walked from the crowd to the sacrificial table.

Fairy comes to offer incense?Lord Shang was shocked at first, then beamed with joy, and hurriedly followed the fairy to lead the way.

The officials in Ning County were also stunned. They never dreamed that the fairy would come to offer incense at the New Year's Day ceremony!
Young Master Xuan Yan followed closely behind Little Loli and walked in front of the formation. His heart was pounding, but his steps were steady and strong. His feet clearly did not touch the ground. To others, every step they took seemed to be sonorous and powerful.

Lord Shang led the fairy to the incense burner, took a stick of incense and lit it himself, then bowed and handed it to the fairy, then took two sticks of incense, lit them, and handed them to the two handsome monks who came with the fairy.

Xuan Shaoyan took the sandalwood, stood behind the little Loli, and followed her to bow.

After bowing three times, Le Yun placed a stick of incense on the top of the incense burner, then walked around the incense burner, walked slowly to the altar table, took out a jade bowl, took a jar of ten kilograms of home-made wine, and opened the mud seal. Remove several layers of wooden lids and pour the wine.

The seal of the wine jar was opened, and a strong aroma of wine came out.

The fragrance of the wine spread and dyed the air in the square.

The aroma of the wine was astonishing, and Lord Shang and the officials were dumbfounded. The fairy's wine was clearly like the finest spiritual wine!
After pouring a bowl of wine, Le Yun covered the wine jar with a wooden lid, picked up the bowl, dipped her index finger into the wine and flicked it into the air, and read aloud: "Heaven and earth have their own ways, and all the gods have their spirits. Respect my name with all respect." The land of the Emperor and Queen, secondly, respect the gods of all places and the sacred tree of immortality, and thirdly, respect the heroes who sacrificed their lives for Yunlan in the past generations!

A drop of wine represents a thousand cups, each cup contains sincerity, a jade bottle contains sake, and sincerity serves the gods! "

When Lord Shang saw the fairy toasting, he immediately sang "Kneel down!" and took the lead in kneeling down and bowing to the ground.

All the officials also knelt down and kowtowed.

Major General Xuan Shaoyan placed the incense behind the incense burner and stood aside. When he saw the county governor and all the officials kneeling down, he also hurriedly adjusted his clothes, solemnized his hands, and bowed to salute.

Le Yun flicked the wine three times with three dips and three flicks of her fingers, and threw a bowl of wine into the air.

The fragrant wine turns into white mist and rises when poured into the sky.

After toasting a bowl of wine, Le Yun poured two or two bowls of wine in succession, poured them into the air, filled another bowl, dipped his index finger into the wine again and flicked it empty, and then read: "Heaven and earth have their own way, and all the gods have their spirits. In my name, I wish that the first is that the clouds will last forever, the second is that the sacred trees will live forever, and the third is that thousands of heroes rest in peace and that their souls reunite and enter reincarnation.

A drop of wine represents a thousand cups, and each cup contains blessings! "

After reciting the blessing, the wine was poured into the air.

The fine wine is poured out and turns into mist steaming up.

After pouring three bowls of wine into the air, Le Yun poured another bowl of wine, dipped it in the wine and flicked it to the ground, and then read: "In my name, I respect the land and all the spirits here. May the mountains and rivers be eternal, and the land be blessed with outstanding people."

After reading the congratulations, he poured the wine on the ground.

The wine didn't hit the ground and turned into mist in the air.

Le Yun put away the jade bowl, sealed the mouth of the wine jar, put the wine jar into the storage container, took three steps back, and stood sideways: "Mr. Shang, I will perform the nine-kowtow ceremony with you all."

Lord Shang and all the officials did not hesitate, straightened up, knelt down again, stood up again and knelt down again, and respectfully performed nine bows and nine kowtows.

All the officials in Ning County were sincere and kowtowed again and again.

There was a smile in Leyun's eyes: "Rise."

Lord Shang led all the officials to stand up and bowed again: "Thank you, Fairy!"

"There is no need to be more polite. The sacrifice is over. Lord Shang can continue to do your business." Le Yun waved her hand.

Lord Shang and all the officials stood up and looked at the incense burner. Their pupils suddenly shrank. The incense in the burner was about to burn out!

Before the fairy came, they spent nearly half an hour offering incense and toasting, and the incense in the incense burner had only burned about two-fifths of its length.

The fairy offered incense and wine, which took less than a cup of tea. However, most of the incense in the incense burner was burned out in less than a cup of tea, leaving only less than a knuckle left!
The speed of the incense burning is visible to the naked eye!

Under the eyes of everyone, the incense flickered, and the last incense burned out in the blink of an eye. A little white smoke fell from the tip of the incense stem, and the last wisp of smoke rose into the sky and disappeared.

"Congratulations to Ningjun for getting everything you asked for." Le Yun watched the last bit of incense ashes fall to the ground and said congratulations with a smile. The incense burned out at the same time, and she received the offerings on behalf of the gods who were being sacrificed.

"Shang Jun thanks the fairy for your kindness on behalf of Ningjun!" Shang Jun was so excited that he bowed down and worshiped. They offered sacrifices, but they didn't see any sign from God. The fairy came in person to offer incense and wine, and in the blink of an eye the incense gave the perfect gift. It’s a sign that this is a great blessing thanks to the fairy!
All the officials with excited faces also bowed and bowed.

Le Yun waved her hands and turned to the east hall: "It's too polite to be too polite. Only the people of Ning County are kind-hearted, so they can seek kindness and be kind. Lord Shang, please continue your work. There is still some time before the night banquet, so I will go and sit in the east hall for a while. A while."

Xuan Shaoyan looked at each other and followed the little Loli.

"Follow the Fairy's decree!" Shang Junjun hurriedly ordered: "The city lords, governors and districts of each city will go to the East Palace to see the Fairy at once, while the others will collect the offerings."

The city lord, Fu Zheng, Ou Zheng and others who came from afar were overjoyed and hurriedly saluted in the direction of the altar table. They quickly flew out of the array and rushed into the East Side Hall first, where they lined up to wait for the fairy.

Leyun walked slowly and walked to the east side hall, climbed the stairs, then passed through the colonnade, crossed the threshold and entered the main hall.

The people who entered the temple first lined up on both sides. When they saw the fairy entering the temple, they knelt down to greet her.

Looking at Wuyang Wuyang's head, Xuan Shaoyan almost wanted to turn around and run away, but in the end he didn't become a deserter and instead followed the little Loli as a tail.

Le Yun walked to the Xumi Seat in the side hall, summoned three chairs and set them up, and sat down on her own horse, saying no courtesy.

Xuan Shaoyan sat on the left and right sides of Little Loli. They also looked at each other and moved their chairs back a step.

After the fairy flattened herself, everyone who was saluting stood up, turned around, and said "sit" to the fairy, then took a few steps back and took their seats.

As soon as the person sat down, the head of the Shang family stood up again, walked to the front of the fairy, placed a three-foot-long square table, and presented four plates of Shanshui City's special fruits.

He also stood on one side, took water himself and purified his hands. Then he took a fresh fruit, cut it into small pieces with a jade knife, put it in a jade plate and placed it in front of the fairy, and then put a wooden skewer on it.

The city lords, governors and district governors of each city also presented fresh fruits.The case was huge, and in a blink of an eye the table was covered with plates of fresh fruit, and some plates had to be stacked.

The business owner peeled a fruit for the fairy, cut the fruit into pieces and put it on a small plate, and invited the alchemist and the refiner to taste it: "This is a native fruit tree variety of Shanshui City. It is not as spiritual as the spiritual fruit, but it is better." The taste is delicious, please give it to the fairy and the alchemy master."

The head of the Shang family is Lord Shang's great-uncle, and his face is [-]% similar to Lord Shang's. He has a wood fire spirit root, and is a monk in the Hedao realm. His face looks like he is in his early twenties.

"There is a business owner, please sit down, business owner." Le Yun nodded, took a wooden skewer and picked up a fruit slice that looked like a tomato on earth, and took a bite. Hey, it looks like a tomato fruit, but the flesh is like a peach. ,crispy.

The business owner bowed slightly, stepped back and sat in the first seat in the first row on the east side.

Young Master Xuan Shaoyan also tasted the pulp. The fruit was sweet, like eating peaches, and tasted good.

After eating a piece of pulp, Leyun picked another fruit that looked like a pomegranate, but was not a pomegranate. She asked what kind of fruit it was and how to grow it.

The fairy inquired, and the city lord who presented the fruit hurriedly responded.

The questions and answers also opened up the topic and opened up the big issue of fruit cultivation.

The little Loli kept talking to everyone about the relationship between fruits, crops and soil, light, etc. Young Master Xuan Shaoyan was dumbfounded.

The fairy was down-to-earth and well-versed in the growth habits of crops. The city lords, district governors, and governors were both shocked and surprised. They also had a common topic and had a good time chatting.

After chatting for nearly half an hour, the business owner handed over another fruit plate. In addition to the four-color fruits, there were also two storage containers.

"The Shang family has lived in Shuishan City for generations, and only a few members of the Shang family are in Ningcheng to accompany the young head of the family who serves as the county prince. This time, some members of the Shang family and the city lords rushed to Ningcheng a few years ago, just to pay homage to the fairy's holy face during the greetings. Today I have the honor to pay homage to the fairy during the festive season, and the Shang family has been blessed for three lifetimes. On behalf of Shanshui City and the entire Shang family, I would like to offer a small gift in advance and wish the fairy good luck in the new year in advance."

"Ningcheng Zhongcheng District is paying homage to the fairy with the sincere wishes of the people of Zhongcheng, and wishes the fairy a happy new year in advance!" The four districts of Ningcheng Zhongcheng followed Shang's footsteps and also presented a gift.

The city lords and magistrates of each city also presented gifts one after another. They came with gifts of congratulations. Because the fairy refused to hold the congratulatory ceremony, they originally wanted to wait for another time. Unexpectedly, the fairy took pity on them and came all the way to see them on the New Year's Day. .

As the festival approaches, it is most appropriate to offer congratulatory gifts.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan: "..." The little lolita is so popular that they can't surpass it even if they ride on a rocket!

Le Yun was stumped. She accepted the gifts from Anjun. If she did not accept the gifts from various cities in Ningjun, it might make people think that she favored one over the other.

If this is closed, if it spreads to other places, other cities will also respond, which is equivalent to setting a precedent.

The person who gave the gift was not embarrassed, but she, the recipient of the gift, felt even more embarrassed.

After thinking about it for a while, she still had to accept this gift. After all, she had accepted a gift from Jun Jun on behalf of An Jun.

"The people of Ning County are full of sincerity. I can't bear to betray the public opinion and accept this heart."

Leyun put away some of the fresh fruits on the table and asked each city to place gifts.

Shang and all the city lords were overjoyed and placed the small plates on the table.

After everyone put down their gifts, Le Yun used her spiritual consciousness to investigate, and surprisingly found that there was a large amount of grain in each storage container, and the smallest portion weighed hundreds of millions of kilograms.

Several cities donated more than one billion catties of grain!
"This gift is too heavy." Such a generous gift made Le Yun feel like it was heavy on her hands and even more so on her heart.

"The only thing Ningjun can get is food. Fairies don't mind ordinary food occupying storage containers. This is the greatest luck for the people of Ningjun."

"It's not easy for the people to grow crops in the rain or the wind. I feel worthy of receiving so much food from each city."

"Fairy, you have offended us. The fairy did it for the people of Ning County. It is difficult for the people to repay you, so they only gave the fairy a small gift to show their love."

"It's hard for you, I will accept this kindness from the common people." Le Yun knew that it was impossible to return it, so she moved the things neatly.

Shang and all the city lords were also completely relieved, with brisk smiles on their faces.

Le Yun's spiritual consciousness is so powerful that she can summon multiple storage containers at once to transfer items at the same time. After each gift is transferred, she puts an array disk into the storage bag.

The size of the formation disk also depends on the gift. If the food exceeds one billion catties, a high-grade formation disk will be given as a gift. The maximum coverage of the formation disk will reach [-] miles wide. For a city with about [-] million kilograms of grain, the returned formation disk can Covering a formation disk three hundred miles wide.

The amount of grain ranges from [-] million to [-] million jins, and the reward array can cover one to two hundred miles wide.

She was very fast, and it only took a stick of incense to transfer all the gifts in the storage containers to her own storage container, and then asked the city lords to retrieve their storage containers.

Shang was the first to retrieve his storage container. He was worried that the fairy had not received all the food. He checked it and saw that the fairy had gifted a magic weapon in return. He was surprised and happy: "Thank you for your reward! Shang will definitely offer the magic weapon as a legacy." A family treasure!”

After hearing what the merchant owners said, the city lords took back their city's storage containers and immediately checked them. When they saw the magic array plate, they were overjoyed and bowed and thanked them.

The magic weapon rewarded by the fairy has greater metaphorical meaning than actual use. From now on, it will be the treasure of the city lord's palace.

"I have accepted the gift you sent me. I only give you a small gift. Please don't give me any more thanksgiving gifts." Le Yun asked the city lords to skip the thanksgiving gifts and took out two storage containers to invite the merchants. The main gang sent it to Jun Jun in the fifth palace.

She received gifts from Junjun and some families in Anjun, but she did not return their storage containers at that time. Today is the Chinese New Year, so it is appropriate to return their storage containers.

The business owner was seriously injured by the fairy. He immediately took the storage container, put it on a small plate, and flew out of the East Side Hall as quickly as possible, bypassing the people setting up tables in front of the main hall, and blew in like the wind. Entering the hall on the fifth day.

When he arrived at the fifth entrance to the main hall, he announced his name and entered the main hall after receiving an invitation from Jun Jun.

Junjun Jun and the monks from Anjun were sitting quietly in the main hall, drinking tea. When they learned that the head of the Shang family was coming in person, they warmly welcomed them into the main hall and sat down.

The business owner took the tea and drank half a cup, then handed the storage container in the tray to Lord Genu: "The fairy said that he has received gifts from the families in Ningjun County, and today he ordered me to send the storage container for the storage space. Thank you for your help." The prince returns the storage containers of each household to each household."

Jun Jun took the storage container and said, "A business owner has made this trip himself."

"You're welcome, Lord Geng. The storage container has been delivered. I'll go back and resume my duties first. See you later." The merchant drank a cup of tea and stood up to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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