magic eye doctor

Chapter 3133

Chapter 3133
As a guest, you will naturally sit at the banquet table with the monks from Ning County who are the hosts. Jun Jun and the monks did not waste time on the business owners. They sent them out of the hall, turned around and sat down again, and then each family claimed their respective stores. objects.

Each storage container is tied with a wooden plaque engraved with your last name, which is easy to identify.

Each family took the storage device back, looked at it subconsciously, and found that there was a return gift from the fairy, and they all beamed with joy.

Jun Jun also saw the return gifts belonging to his family and the county governor's mansion, and there was also a return gift from the fairy to the people who came with him - a box of pills!
The elixir was packed in a big box, labeled "Life Extension Pill", and there was a handwritten letter from the fairy explaining its use.

Some of the people who accompanied them from Anjun to Ningjun were over [-] years old. The distance between the two counties was long and it might take them decades to return to Anjun. Some of the old people were likely to die on the way back.

The fairy gave a life-extending pill as a precaution. It would be great if all the people returned home safely. When he returned to Anjun, he asked him to give one pill to each of the people.

Lord Geng was moved and did not say anything. He put away the elixir box properly without making any move, and he and the monks looked forward to the dinner with great joy.

After the merchant finished his errands, he flew back to the east side hall like a whirlwind, returned his life to the fairy, and received a reward of "hard work". He felt happier than if his cultivation had improved to a higher level.

After the Lord Shang and the officials of the county governor's office completed the New Year's sacrificial ceremony, they took the people to collect the offerings, and then used a small array plate to encircle the altar and the offering table.

According to the rules, the altar set up for the New Year cannot be moved once it is set up. New Year's sacrifices and blessing ceremonies are also held on the altar on the first day of the new year. Later, on the Lantern Festival, there is also a blessing and tribute ceremony held specifically for the king and the royal family.

After protecting the altar, Shang Junjun and Lord Bo were also present to direct the arrangement of the seats. The seats were arranged around the altar in the center of the courtyard, but they were also divided into priorities.

The half of the courtyard between the main hall and the altar is the chairperson's seat area, followed by the seats in the opposite half of the courtyard, and the seats in front of the east and west side halls are the companion seats.

In the past, the chairperson's seat was arranged in an array. This year, because the guardian of the Immortal Tree came to the county magistrate's mansion, the chairperson's seat was also prioritized. A large round table with a seating capacity of dozens of people was set up in the middle.

Secondly, the seats are divided into four fan-shaped blocks, surrounding the large round table.

First, first and then second, the seats in the chairman's area were placed in place, and then the other seats were arranged. In less than half an hour, the entire courtyard was filled with seats.

Shang Junjun placed a small array disk in the air to cover the entire courtyard to prevent the cold wind from hitting people. At the same time, he also hung the jade talisman with only the flying magic array in the air regularly. The jade talismans were hung with lighting beads and emitted emitting Fire talisman of heat.

The fire talisman formed a simple magic circle, and the heat dissipated the chill in the circle, making people feel as warm as spring.

After tidying up the main courtyard, Lord Shang went to the courtyards of the third, fourth, and fifth entrance halls to check the seats. The courtyard in front of the third, fourth, and fifth entrance halls was also a banquet area. The seats were arranged neatly, and wind and cold protection were also enabled. array.

The main purpose of the magic weapon to protect the seats is to keep cold and warm. The owner of the magic weapon has no restrictions and anyone can enter and exit the barrier.

The seats are in place and you can take your seat.

Shang Junjun notified the family and several monk families in Ningjun who were responsible for picking up and dropping off people, and asked them to bring people to the table.

Because the guardian of the sacred tree is in the county governor's mansion, the county governor's office invited some people to the county governor's mansion to have a New Year's banquet. There were hundreds of representatives from each district in Ningcheng, and officials from each district and district office also went with their families. feast.

When the city lords of the cities under the county rushed to Ningcheng, in addition to some of their entourage serving in the city, they also brought with them more than thirty people's representatives and their own family members.

Only the people from various cities who come to Ningcheng are counted, and it is estimated that there will be more than 300 seats.

Among Ningjun's monk families in Ningcheng, in addition to the monks having a seat at the annual banquet of the governor's mansion, each family also has ten places for mortals.

The ten places seemed small, but it was already a big advantage. After all, the monks from each family were having New Year's Eve dinner at the Sheriff's Mansion.

If each monk family does not take the initiative to provide food, manpower and material support, Lord Shang will also invite the monk families to participate in the annual banquet of the County Sheriff's Mansion, but at most twenty places will be given to each family.

The monk families in Ning County were discerning and took the initiative to provide ingredients. They also helped organize the annual banquet and provided manpower to pick up and drop off the people. Therefore, they also got an extra quota for mortals to attend the banquet.

The mortals of each monk family each occupy a seat, and the monks occupy at least fifteen seats. Speaking of which, the monk families have received great preferential treatment from the county governor's office.

People from various cities were arranged to stay in the guest house of the county governor's mansion. Representatives of the people from various districts in Ningcheng and the mortals from the monk families did not stay in the county governor's mansion. The monks went to pick up people to the county governor's mansion on the New Year's Day.

There are so many people, it is estimated that it will take an hour just to get people seated.

The monks who were responsible for leading the people to the seats took the people from the guest house to the main hall of the governor's palace in an orderly manner and placed them in the pre-arranged seating areas.

Some of the monks who went to various districts in Ningcheng to pick them up also returned to the county governor's house, and each of them sent the people's representatives they picked up to their respective districts.

When a large number of people were seated at the table, each monk's family allocated one person to go home and bring their mortal representatives to the governor's mansion to arrange for them to be seated.

The monks who received the people of Ningcheng also returned to the mansion one after another, and the people also entered the banquet one after another.

When all the people in Ning County sat down at the table, the families of the officials in the county governor's office also took their seats, and then the monks whose families had no work also came to take their seats in each district.The officials' families and the people of the county made arrangements. The chief minister and the guards went to the Fifth Hall in person and asked Gen Zhenjun to bring the monks and people of Anjun to the table.

The people from An County were guests, and their seats were arranged in front of the main hall. Gen Zhenjun and the monks were in the main seat area, and the people's representatives were arranged in the secondary seat area, accompanied by some people's representatives from Ningcheng.

All the guests from Anjun were also seated at the table. Shangjun took the master, the guards, and the heads of the monk family into the east side hall to ask the fairy to move over and prepare for the banquet.

Le Yun nodded, put all the fresh fruits that each city invited her to eat into a storage bag, then got up and walked out.

Mr. Xuan finally had a chance to speak and immediately expressed his opinion: "Little beauty, brother Yan and I would like to sit at the same table with two new friends we met. Is that okay?"

The fairy didn't answer, but Lord Shang immediately answered: "The alchemist and the master of weapon refining are also distinguished guests. Naturally, they will sit at the same table as the fairy. How can we sit on the side table?"

The heads of the monk family also agreed unanimously.

"I don't feel comfortable letting me sit as the chairman." For his own freedom, Mr. Xuan grabbed the sleeve of the little Lolita and acted shamelessly: "My friend, we will leave Ningcheng in a few days. I don't know when we will meet again." We reunited with our friends in Ningcheng, why don’t you let us get together with our friends again!”

"Okay, you two go find your new friends." Le Yun herself was the one who didn't want to sit in the chair, so naturally she said "don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you", which satisfied Young Master Xuan's wish.

"Jun Lao Shang helped to arrange the seats, so the two brothers were seated with the two Yuan Juns of the Yu family and the Luo family, and Jun Jun Shang's youngest daughter, Miao Yin Zhenjun. The four of them were a little familiar with each other, so it would be nice to have them sit at the same table. companion."

"Yes, Shang Jun obeys the order!" The fairy opened her mouth, and Lord Shang could no longer insist. He bowed to the two true monarchs: "In this way, I have wronged the two masters!"

"No grievance, no grievance, eating with friends is a happy thing." Mr. Xuan was immediately elated. He was asked to sit at the same table with a large group of Mahayana or county guards, and he felt a lot of pressure.

Young Master Yan made no comment, but his walking pace became lighter.

Walking out of the East Side Hall, Le Yun nodded to the people behind her: "Everyone, please take your seats first. I will go to the other seating areas."

Everyone was slightly startled at first, but then they understood that the fairy was considerate of all living beings, so she made a special trip to each seating area before the banquet started, in order to satisfy the wishes of the people from far away to pay homage to the guardian of the sacred tree.

"Fairy, please—" Everyone responded in unison.

Shang Junjun asked Zhu Bo, the head of the monk family, the city lords and others to accompany the alchemist and weapon master to sit down first. He followed the fairy beside him, and while walking, he sent a message to Zhu Bo and the heads of Luo and Yu to explain the seating arrangements.

The master and everyone accompanied the two young masters down the steps, entered the magic weapon barrier, passed through the east district, bypassed the chairman's seat, and arrived in the north district.

Master Bo arranged the alchemist and the weapon refining master at a seat in the middle of the first row in the north area, then moved the two Nascent Soul Masters from the Yu family and the Luo family, and moved the Master Miaoyin to the same table.

Xuan Shaoyan felt a little relieved both physically and mentally when he saw a familiar person.

Luo Shuyin, Yu Zhen, and Shang Miaoyin were temporarily transferred to the North District and were filled with nervousness. Until they found out that they were sitting at the same table as Xuan Zhenjun Yan Zhenjun, their uneasy heart finally calmed down.

The head of the monk family in Ning County and the principals of the monk family in An County all sit in the chair, while Lord Yu Zhen and Lord Bo in An County sit in the second most important seats.

The heads of each family, the city lord and others took their seats one by one, waiting for the fairy.

Every time you enter the courtyard of the Sheriff's Mansion, it is extremely wide. At normal walking speed, it would take at least 7 minutes to walk from the second hall to the third hall.

It was still early in the morning, so I took my time and walked along the corridor.

The fairy has the power to make people feel at ease. Being by the fairy's side brings peace of mind and body. Shang Junjun walks with the fairy and his whole person is light-hearted.

Entering the third hall, Le Yun did not stop, crossed the third hall and the fourth hall, entered the fifth hall, released the lotus-shaped magic weapon, and stood up.

Lord Shang caught the light and entered the lotus-shaped magic weapon. When the magic weapon flew to the edge of the barrier, he announced in advance: "The Immortal Guardian of the Immortal Tree has arrived -"

The high tent in the barrier was full, and everyone was looking forward to the New Year banquet. When they heard the announcement, they stood up with excitement and looked to the southeast.

In the blink of an eye, a glittering golden lotus flew in from the southeast. On top of the lotus stood a female cultivator in a blue skirt with wide sleeves. To her right stood a handsome man in an exquisite white robe.

It was obvious that the lotus-shaped magic weapon was far away, but people in the barrier could clearly see the faces of the fairy and Lord Shang no matter where they were.

When everyone saw the two people on the magic weapon, they excitedly saluted: "Greetings to the fairy! The sacred tree will flourish and the fairy will stay healthy!"

(End of this chapter)

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