magic eye doctor

Chapter 3134 Annual Banquet Ceremony

Chapter 3134 Annual Banquet Ceremony
Why doesn’t Le Yun want to reveal her identity?
The reason is simple - fear of being bowed down.

It is said that it is not strange to be polite to many people, but this "ceremony" also depends on the etiquette. Leyun is really unable to accept being kneeled down. Every time she is kneeled down, she feels unhappy.

Although she guessed that she would not be able to escape being saluted when she showed up, she still chose to show up because she didn't want the people who really respected her to feel sorry for not seeing her.

Seeing the crowd descending, Le Yun said warmly: "Without courtesy, please stand up and sit down. It's New Year's Day, so don't be restrained."

Lord Shang Jun once again sent a message: "Fairy has given me the gift of immunity, please get up, elders! Fairy is unparalleled in virtue, benevolent to all living beings, and understands the wishes of all living beings. I can't bear to let you go back disappointed, so I came here specially to ask all the elders to stand up and pay homage to the fairy's holy face!" "

The people who were lying on the ground kowtowed in thanks and stood up as instructed. They all stood up straight with their heads held high and their chests held high. They watched with excitement on their faces as the lotus magic weapon in the air slowly flew to the central area.

"The people of Ning County have a pure heart. I cannot come to drink with you. I will give you a talisman drawn by my own hand. I hope the light of the talisman will bring good luck to everyone here. I wish you all no illness or disaster from now on. Joy and peace.”

Le Yun took out a talisman and threw it. The talisman flew into the air and turned into a ball of golden light. It rose up and stuck to the center of the dome of the barrier.

Golden talisman light filled the entire enchantment.

"Thank you fairy, thank you fairy!"

Everyone who was illuminated by the golden talisman felt that their body and mind felt as if they had been washed by water, feeling relaxed and refreshed.

As a gift, Le Yun rode the lotus magic weapon in a circle around the central area, flew out of the barrier, and headed to the fourth hall.

When you get to the fourth and third major halls, enter the magic circle from the northeast corner. You still show your face, present a talisman and leave.

Lord Shang was the messenger, and he also sent a message before entering the barrier of the main palace area.

Everyone in the barrier stood up to greet the fairy. The people were so excited that they knelt down to greet the fairy.

Le Yun let the lotus-shaped magic weapon walk along the passage outside the altar protected by the magic weapon. When everyone stood up, she also sent a talisman to the center of the magic weapon barrier protecting the seats.

This time, she went to the south area and circled around before returning to the north area. She flew to the north side of the chair and landed, putting away the lotus magic weapon.

The main table is a huge round table. The huge table is divided into three inner and outer circles. The inner and outer circles are fixed, and the middle circle can rotate, similar to the turntable table in the modern technological society of the earth.

There is a platter of flowers placed in the inner circle of the round table. There are 99 seats surrounding the large round table. Only the seat in the center on the north side is an exquisitely carved armchair. The other seats are all high-backed chairs without armrests.

The armchair was placed on a gorgeous carpet, and was covered with soft red brocade cushions trimmed with blue brocade. The chair's head was also covered with a piece of golden fur.

Lord Shang invited the fairy to the main seat and stood behind the chair on the left hand side of the fairy. The first seat on the right hand side of the fairy was Lord Geng Zhen.

After the fairy took his seat, Lord Shang invited all the guests to take their seats.

The common people and monks sat down one after another, all looking in the direction of the fairy, and the whole area was silent.

The atmosphere was too...serious.

Le Yun looked at Lord Shang in surprise: "Mr. Shang, were banquets held in the governor's mansion so serious in the past?"

"Ah, no, it used to be very lively. The reason why today is special is because everyone here only wants to admire the holy face of the fairy and has no time to talk." Lord Shang was busy smoothing things over.

Of the two waiters standing next to the chairman's seat, one took out a basin of water, and the other took out a tray with water, sake and tea and stood behind the monarch.

Shang Junjun first cleaned his hands, wiped them dry with a handkerchief, picked up a bowl of water, dipped the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger of his right hand into the water and flicked them one by one to the fairy's head.

The next step is to dip your fingers into the wine and sprinkle it, then tea.

Lord Shang completed a ceremony, and the waiter changed the basin of water and the tray again. The tray was still full of water, wine, and tea.

Lord Shang repeated the ceremony again.

Then came the third round.

After the three rounds of the ceremony, everyone stood up and congratulated: "Good luck to the fairy!"

"Good luck!" Le Yun replied with a smile.

Everyone sat down again.

But the ceremony is not over yet.

The waiter brought a basin of water and a tray with only a cup of tea.

Lord Shang brought a basin and asked the fairy to clean her hands.

Le Yun washed her hands with clean water.

Lord Shang brought another tray and presented tea.

Le Yun took the tea, took a sip, and gave it a blue flower.

Everyone at the banquet saw the blue flowers and looked at Lord Shang with envy in their eyes. The flowers given by the fairy were her favorite color, which meant that the fairy was very satisfied with Lord Shang and Ningjun.

Lord Shang quickly put away the flowers, then took the waiter and replaced them with a tray containing only a glass of sake.

Le Yun drank the wine and presented four fruits, one red, one gold, one purple and one white.

At this moment, everyone here wanted to rob Lord Shang, and the fairy actually gave Lord Shang four blessings!
Lord Shang put away the four fresh fruits under the scorching gaze, then took a cup of fragrant tea from the waiter and presented it to the fairy.

Le Yun took a sip of tea and presented a high-grade spiritual stone and a handful of grain seeds.

Lord Shang held the tray and raised it above the ceiling: "Thank you, Fairy, for the blessing! May this blessing be shared by Ningjun and all the people!"

Everyone in the barrier stood up in unison and congratulated: "May Ning County be in peace and peace!"

Lord Shang held the tray, circled the main table, and then along the passage, sent the tray into the altar area, placed it on the altar table for worship, and then sowed the grain seeds into the fields during the next spring plowing ceremony.

When the county guard offered grain seeds and said "please sit down", everyone sat down again.

Young Master Xuan Shaoyan watched the ceremony, and everyone was almost numb. Oh my god, they didn't know that there were so many rituals involved in having a meal. Why didn't the little Loli look surprised at all?
The two brothers thought that after the ceremony, the food would be served soon. However, they were wrong!
The ceremony is not over yet!
When Lord Shang returned to the chairman's seat, the two waiters withdrew and were replaced by the chief servant and the guard.

The master took out a tray containing rice made from grain, wheat, millet, millet, and beans, as well as an empty jade bowl and a pair of jade chopsticks.

Lord Shang brought the tray and invited the fairy to taste the staple food.

Le Yun took the jade bowl and used chopsticks to take a handful of each staple food and put it in the bowl. She finished the meal in nine bites and put the bowl and chopsticks back in place.

Everyone in the audience congratulated in unison: "A bumper harvest!"

Lord Shang turned the tray back and took the naan made from potatoes, melons, peanuts, sesame seeds, chestnuts, sorghum rice and other ingredients from the guard.

The naan is made relatively small, only as big as a eating bowl.

Le Yun took out each kind of naan, took a small bite and put it back.

Everyone happily congratulated loudly: "Every year there will be more than enough!"

Lord Shang handed the tray to the guard, and then took another tray from the master.

The trays are lined with reduced versions of farm tools and loading tools, including plows, hoes, sickles, columbians, as well as baskets, baskets, buckets, and bags.

Next to it is a small bowl of cinnabar juice and a pen.

Le Yun took the pen, dipped it in cinnabar juice, and colored the tool red.Making red is very simple, just click on each tool once, and then put down the pen after finishing the red.

Everyone in the audience shouted: "Good weather!"

Lord Shang turned the tray back and took another tray from the guard.

A wooden tray contained several kitchen utensils, including needles, scissors, five-color silk thread, and five-color cloth.

Le Yun stretched out her hand, moved each tool, straightened out the thread, took a needle and threaded it through, and sewed a stitch on the five-color cloth.

The crowd shouted again: “Plenty of food and clothing!
Others shouted happily, Xuan Shaoyan was so numb, having a New Year's Eve dinner and so many rituals would really kill him!
The most important thing is why don't they know that Ningcheng still has this custom of having New Year's Eve dinner?

They obviously entered Ningcheng at the same time as Little Lolita, went shopping together and bought food together. They had never heard of such complicated New Year rituals in Ningcheng.

Moreover, when they confirmed that they would celebrate the New Year in Ningcheng, they did not hear any such ceremony from the monks of the Luo family and the Yu family.

Fortunately, they were not the guests of honor. If they had been put in the position of the little Lolita, they would definitely be "a monk two feet tall - confused" when faced with such a strange ceremony.

If you don’t understand the ritual steps and are at a loss, you will definitely be embarrassed.

Is this because the little lolita are too knowledgeable, or are they too ignorant?

Xuan Shaoyan fell into deep self-doubt and introspection.

Luo Shuyin, Yu Zhen and Shang Miaoyin didn't notice the stiff smiles of the alchemist and the weapon refiner. They stared at the fairy with interest.

Lord Shang handed the tools that the fairy had touched to the guard, and then took a tray, which contained miniature war horses, drums and several weapons.

Le Yun silently took out a piece of blue cloth and covered the horse and weapons.

The people in the seat all said in unison: "The soldiers and horses are not moving, the golden drums are not heard, and the world is at peace!"

The soldiers and horses are not moving and the golden drum is not sounding, which means there is no war.

The fairy gave various good omens, and Lord Shang was so happy that he handed the tray covered with green cloth to the master, and then took another tray, which contained the Four Treasures of the Study and gold and red silk cut into paper sizes. cloth.

Gen Zhenjun stood up, took water to cleanse his hands, and took ink cubes to grind them.

He was handsome, and his grinding posture was particularly elegant. His whole person exuded an air of elegance and ease, making him look like a gentleman.

Jun Jun grinded a pool of thick ink slowly, dried the ink block, put the ink down, and sat down again.

Lord Shang held the Four Treasures of the Study, which he had mastered in ink, and thanked the fairy for the calligraphy.

Guests do as they please. As a guest, Leyun is still very measured. Even if Ningcheng's New Year's Eve banquet ceremony is complicated, she will try her best to cooperate.

Therefore, she calmly took two pieces of golden silk and two pieces of red silk and spread them out, then took out a medium-sized magic pen from the pen holder, filled it with ink, and wrote with a brush.

Each word was completed in one breath, and a talisman-shaped character "吉" appeared on the golden silk cloth. The word actually glowed slightly with a faint golden halo.

After writing the first character, the ink on the pen was not enough. Add ink again and write the second character.

One word requires one ink injection.

As the ink was splashed, three characters fell on the silk one after another, forming the meaning of "good luck and good fortune".

The four characters on the silk cloth glowed with a faint golden light, and the light was nine inches long.

The house was silent.

Everyone's eyes turned into bull's-eyes, staring straight at the tray in Lord Shang's hand. The monks even forgot to breathe.

After finishing writing, Le Yun placed the pen on the jade pen mountain.

"Thank you, Fairy, for your blessing!" Lord Shang bowed back excitedly, took three steps back, turned around, held the tray around the main table, and then stepped into the air.

Everyone's eyes followed Lord Shang.

The business owners and several Shang Mahayana masters who had been prepared for a long time also took to the sky. They flew out of the magic weapon barrier with the young master of the Shang family and climbed to the sky.

As soon as a few people took off, people waiting in all directions of the Sheriff's Mansion immediately lit fireworks.

The fireworks took off and exploded "bang bang bang bang" in the air, turning into a colorful rain of flowers.

Neon lights flashed over the Sheriff's Mansion.

Hearing the sound of fireworks exploding, everyone in the palace knew that the pre-banquet ceremony in the main palace courtyard was over and Lord Shang was about to deliver a New Year's greeting.

When the fireworks over the Sheriff's Mansion were ablaze, fireworks were also set off in various districts in Ningcheng's inner, middle and outer cities.

Fireworks echoed from all directions in Ningcheng.

When the people of Ningcheng heard the sound of fireworks, they knew that the New Year's banquet at the Sheriff's Mansion was about to begin, and they happily waited to hear Lord Shang's New Year's greetings.

The fireworks in the Sheriff's Mansion were set off for half a cup of tea before they temporarily quieted down.

Lord Shang Jun held the tray in his hand, bowed in all directions, and sent his end-of-year greetings: "In a good year and a happy festival, Shang Jun would like to wish Ningjun and his family a happy family!"
This year, Ning County is delighted to have the guardian of the Immortal Tree visit, which is a blessing to all living beings in Ning County. The fairy is considerate of all living beings and does not have to pay tribute. There will be no greeting ceremony at the county governor's house tomorrow. Elders are also invited to enjoy family happiness at home.

The opening ceremony of the annual banquet at the County Sheriff's Mansion is over. Thanks to the sincerity of Ningjun's elders, Shang Jun prays to the fairy for blessing. The fairy wishes Ningjun to have good weather and good harvests in the coming year, and everyone will have enough food and clothing to have more than enough every year.

The fairy gave another calligraphy treasure to all living beings in Ning County, wishing them good luck and good luck.

May our Ning County be prosperous and prosperous, and may everything go well! "

"Good luck to the fairy!"

"Good luck to Ning County!"

The people of Ningcheng couldn't see the fairy or the county monarch. When they heard the county monarch's year-end speech, the men, women, old and young excitedly cheered "good luck and good luck".

Lord Shang's words were transmitted to the distance through the microphone in the hand of Shang's Mahayana. Wherever the sound reached, the people in various cities cheered like waves.

Everyone in the various areas of the Sheriff's Mansion also stood up and shouted "Good luck to the fairy".

Amidst the passionate cheers, fireworks rose again around the Sheriff's Mansion.

Each district office also immediately set off fireworks, and Ningcheng people's homes also lit up their own fireworks.

The annual fireworks festival also kicked off. As countless fireworks soared into the sky, fireworks exploded in the sky. The sky above Ningcheng was filled with fireworks, and the sky was filled with brilliance and beauty.

After giving his year-end speech, Lord Shang slowly flew back to the formation with the tray in his hands, placed the tray on the sacrificial table and enshrined it.

The business owners and the Mahayana people of the Shang family gathered around the prince, offered the trays, and then walked back to the north area along the passage. The Mahayana people went to sit in the side seats, and the business owners sat at the main table.

Lord Shang returned to his seat and was still standing on the left side of the fairy.

The county monarch delivered a New Year's greeting, and the monks in charge of serving dishes in each banquet area remained silent until the round of fireworks in the county governor's mansion was set off, and a long "banquet" sound was heard, and the food servers quickly let's move.

(End of this chapter)

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