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Chapter 3135 New Year's Banquet

Chapter 3135 New Year's Banquet
The annual banquet at the Sheriff's Mansion is a large banquet, and the serving work is done by monks, all of whom are Nascent Soul Lord.

In the past, it would be tantamount to wishful thinking to ask someone's Yuanying monk to take on the job of a waiter, even within a monk's family. If the monk who really needed to run errands would be a low-level monk below the Golden Core, let the Yuanying monk do the waiting work. Human life is tantamount to humiliating people.

In the past, even if the emperor or the prince or grandson of the emperor came to Ning County, the monks above the Jindan level of the Shang family had never done the job of waiting on them, and at most they were accompanying them.

This time, the guardian of the Immortal Tree came to Ningcheng and celebrated the New Year at the Sheriff's Mansion. The monks from each family took the initiative to take on the work in order to have the New Year's Eve dinner at the Sheriff's Mansion.

The guardian of the sacred tree has a distinguished status. Even if it is impossible to sit at the same table with the fairy, if he can be under the roof of the county governor's mansion with the fairy, it is equivalent to spending a new year with the fairy.

For this honor, the monks of the monk family willingly took on all kinds of jobs.

Lord Shang Jun did not favor one or the other, and evenly distributed the work among the various monk families in Ning County. Each family shared the responsibility for meals and ingredients, and each family also arranged for a team of Nascent Soul Lords to serve as kitchen workers.

There are many seats for the annual banquet, and each monk is responsible for a hundred tables.

The monks served the dishes in an orderly manner.

Xuan Shaoyan, who was frightened to death by the complicated New Year's banquet ceremony in Ning County, didn't feel numb until he saw the fireworks in the sky.

Ningcheng’s fireworks show is so grand!

The fireworks in the sky are more beautiful and brighter than the fireworks in the modern technological era on earth, and the colors are more colorful.

Of course, fireworks are not cheap. It is said that a bundle of fireworks costs a spiritual stone.

There are only nineteen fireworks in a bundle.

Fireworks are what they are called on earth, and Yunlan is called "fireworks".

When Young Master Yan Shaoxuan went to Ningcheng to purchase, he didn't pay attention to those gadgets at first, because the little Loli bought a lot of fireworks, and the excited beasts also bought a lot, so they got to know Yunlan's fireworks.

The colorful fireworks soothed Xuan Shaoyan's heart that was frightened by the New Year ceremony. When the dishes came, their attention shifted again and they were happily waiting for the feast.

The chef has prepared the dishes for each table and put them together in advance, so the food is served very quickly.

The storage container can keep the food warm when you put it away right after it comes out of the oven, and it will still be steaming when you take it out.

A dedicated person is responsible for the meals at the main table, and the person responsible for serving the dishes is a Mahayana from the Luo family.

Originally, the person serving the main table was the Shang family of the Junjun family, but it was snatched away by Luo Shuyin's great-grandfather.

Those who serve at the main table naturally sit at the main table.

Luo Shi Mahayana returned from delivering a speech to Lord Shang. He stood up and walked around to Lord Shang's left side. He first took out a set of jade products including bowls, chopsticks, soup spoons, wine glasses and bone plates and handed them to Lord Shang.

Lord Shang placed the tableware one by one in front of the fairy.

After Junzheng had laid out the tableware for the fairy, Luo Shi Mahayana took out dozens more sets of tableware and delivered them to the guests at the main table, each with a set of tableware.

The tableware is also different. The fairy uses jade products, while the others use porcelain products.

After putting the tableware on, Luo Shi Mahayana took out a portion of braised lamb in a clay pot.

The stewed sheep was placed on a golden wooden tray. A red silk flower was tied to the sheep's head, and there was a small dagger wrapped in red cloth next to it.

Lord Shang took the tray, placed the first dish in front of the fairy, and asked the fairy to order.

Le Yun took the dagger, untied the cloth, took off the red silk flower knot on the sheep's head, made nine cuts on the stewed sheep's back with the dagger, and handed the knife to Jun Jun.

Gengjun was flattered and took the knife and changed it for the braised sheep. He only made eighty cuts and handed the knife to Lord Shang.

Shang Junjun once again changed the knife for the braised sheep in a clay urn, and made ten more strokes to form the auspicious number of 99.

The fairy ordered the braised lamb in earthenware jars, and Luo's Mahayana served the dish again. He took eight more lambs braised in earthenware jars and placed them on the round table, placing plates at regular intervals to ensure that everyone could taste the delicious food.

Then other dishes were put on the table one by one.

There are twelve dishes in the first round, with nine portions of each dish.

After the dishes were served on the table, more than a dozen jars of wine were placed on the flower plate in the center. Luo Shi Mahayana opened a jar of wine and handed it to Lord Shang.

Lord Shang took the wine jar, poured a glass for the fairy himself, and then poured a glass for Lord Geng.

Luo's Mahayana took the wine jar again, filled a glass for Lord Shang, and then poured a glass of wine for Princess Ning, Bo and the heads of the monk family.

First the guest, then the host, and finally he poured wine for the monk who was accompanying the guests in Ning County, and finally himself.

When Luo Shi Mahayana returned to his seat, Shang Junjun picked up his own wine, dipped his ring finger into the wine, and flicked it onto the fairy's head three times.

Everyone at the same table also sprinkled it with their fingers and flicked it to the center of the table.

When the table full of people finished the ceremony, Le Yun picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and said two words: "Good wine!"

Junjun Shang quickly took a sip of wine and raised his glass: "We have distinguished guests on a happy day and on a festive occasion. The fairy has given us words to start the banquet. Shang Jun drinks first as a token of respect. Everyone is welcome!"

He drank the wine down.

Lord Shang's voice spread and could be heard in all districts of Manfu.

Everyone stood up and raised their glasses to drink together.

After drinking a glass of wine, everyone sat down and started the banquet!
Shang Junjun toasted all the guests and took their seats.

Luo's Mahayana once again poured wine for everyone.

No one touched the chopsticks.

Le Yun picked up the jade chopsticks, first took a piece of mutton tenderloin stewed in a clay pot, then dipped it in the sauce, took a bite, and her eyes lit up: "It is indeed a specialty of Ningcheng. The skin is crispy, and the meat is braised so soft but not rotten." It sticks to the teeth, and the aroma of plum blossoms penetrates into the meat, which is rich and delicious."

The fairy praised the local specialty braised lamb in earthenware jars for its delicious taste. Everyone immediately became proud and started to take action. Some cut the stewed lamb to eat, and some picked their favorite dishes.

"Sheep braised in earthenware urns has a long history. It is not only a specialty of Ning County, but also a specialty of An County, Ping County, Jing County, and some counties farther away. Each place has developed dozens of flavors. Ning County is the most famous. It's braised lamb with plum flavor and mint..."

Everyone in Ningcheng immediately introduced the various flavors of Waweng Menyang.

Lord Shang said that after the banquet was started, each table started its own operation. The people at the table with Xuan Shaoyan were also more particular and asked the alchemist and the weapon refiner to cut the braised sheep first, and then they changed the cuts.

Mr. Xuan tasted Ningcheng's braised lamb in a clay pot, and his eyes gleamed with excitement. It tasted very good!It’s almost comparable to the medicated stone pot braised lamb that little Loli makes on Earth!
Because the braised lamb tastes authentic, Mr. Xuan is not allowed to ask the local aborigines about the various ways to braise lamb in earthenware urns.

Luo Shuyin, Yu Zhen, Shang Miaoyin didn't study cooking, and they didn't understand the general steps. The other monks had their place and introduced the method of braised sheep one after another.

The atmosphere at their table was very good, and the main table was also very lively. Both the monks and the common people relaxed their hands and feet, and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

The third, fourth, and fifth people who entered the main hall were not very restrained. After the banquet started, everyone was eating and chatting in a lively manner, which was very lively.

No matter which district, everyone chews slowly and eats elegantly.

Moreover, people in each district also roughly know how long the annual banquet will last, so there is no rush, especially since the guardian of the sacred tree is also in the county magistrate's mansion. It is equivalent to having a banquet with the fairies. The longer it grows, the better it is to taste it slowly.Shang Junjun was accompanying guests. Seeing that the fairy did not drink wine, he took water to cleanse his hands, squeezed several kinds of fresh fruits into juice, and put them on the table for the fairy to choose.

Le Yun chose a glass of lemon juice.

Luo Shi Mahayana only poured wine for everyone at the table three times, and then everyone made their own choice.

If you like wine, you can choose wine according to your preference. There are many kinds of wine, which are brewed from grains such as cereals, wheat, millet, millet and sorghum.

Whoever likes to drink can choose whichever wine he likes.

When the fairy chose to drink juice, Luo's Mahayana also added several jars of juice squeezed from fresh fruits and placed them in the center of the table. Anyone who doesn't want to drink the juice can also drink the juice.

Most of the monks drank two or three bowls of wine and also drank fruit juice.

The focus of this annual banquet is not on eating and drinking, but on getting the honor of sitting with the fairy.

Chinese netizens have said that the meaning of New Year's Eve dinner is not what you eat, but who you go with.

The same is true for the New Year's Eve banquet of Jun'an Mansion. The significance is not that there are any delicacies at the banquet, but that they eat the New Year's Eve dinner with the guardian of the sacred tree.

When everyone is in a happy mood, everything they eat naturally tastes good.

Le Yun actually doesn't like to deal with big shots, but she is self-aware. Due to her special status, it is often inappropriate to show her emotions. On occasions like the New Year's Banquet, she must not favor one over another.

Therefore, no matter who at the same table is talking, she listens carefully. When chatting, she will not just talk to one person alone, but to the public.

It is a technical job to take care of everyone's mood and not make people feel left out and ignored.

Eating a New Year's Eve dinner is more tiring than fighting with monsters.

No matter how tired she was, Le Yun remained calm and composed while talking to everyone while eating, and no matter how many rounds of dishes were served, she insisted on tasting every plate.

Because the fairy is unbiased, she takes a bite of every dish, whether it is an ordinary meal or a spiritual meal, which also allows the people sitting at the table to realize their beautiful wish of eating the same dish as the fairy.

A total of nine rounds of dishes were served for the New Year's banquet. Only three tables were ordinary meals, and the other six rounds were all spiritual meals.

Taking into account the food intake and health of the people, the level of the spiritual food ingredients was low and the people's bodies could digest it. Several spiritual meals on the main table used mid-level and high-level spiritual plants.

The nine-wheel dish symbolizes eternity, good luck and good luck.

The opening dish of the New Year's banquet is braised lamb in a clay pot, and the final dish is fried golden and crispy fish. One whole fish per person, which means more than enough every year.

The annual banquet begins around the end of the Shen hour. Because the annual banquet ceremony is complicated, the banquet begins around the beginning of the You hour and the main banquet is finished around the middle of the Xu hour.

The meal lasted almost three hours.

After eating the finale of the New Year's banquet, the waiter removed the dishes and bowls from the table, cleaned the table with dusting techniques, and replaced it with seasonal fresh fruits, snacks, and fragrant tea.

The small banquet after the main banquet is for people to eat and relax, and it is leisure time.

At this time, both the common people and the monks felt relaxed and spoke freely with great interest.

Le Yun also chatted with people about the mountains. After chatting for almost half an hour, she stood up with a cup of fragrant tea and drank it in one sip: "Today is a festive day. I have the honor to taste the delicacies and wines of Ning County and appreciate the beauty of Ning County." The warm hospitality of the people adds a touch of color to the travel notes.

Now it is almost the time of stargazing every year. I will go up to the sky to observe the stars. I can no longer sip tea with Chu Wei. Chu Wei is free to do so. "

The fairy stood up, and everyone sitting at the table stood up and toasted to each other.

People in the north area of ​​the main courtyard also stood up one after another, and people in the south area also stood up and toasted in return.

The third, fourth and fifth people who entered the palace courtyard heard the fairy's voice and guessed that the fairy was about to leave. They also raised their glasses and stood up to pay respect to the fairy.

"Congratulations to the fairy!"

The fairy wanted to observe the stars, but no one said anything to persuade her to stay, and they all bowed to see her off.

it is finally over!Xuan Shaoyan was overjoyed and immediately left his seat.

Shang Junjun personally moved the seat for the fairy. When the fairy walked out of the seat and turned around, he also escorted the fairy beside her.

Le Yun took a few steps and slowly flew to the sky: "I am watching the stars above the main palace. Lord Shang does not need to send me off. There are so many guests in the Governor's Mansion, and you, the host, are indispensable to greet me."

"Shang Jun obeys the fairy's instructions!" Shang Junjun stayed and watched the fairy rise gracefully.

When the little Loli left, Young Master Xuan Shaoyan quickly followed.

Le Yun flew out of the barrier and flew towards the roof of the main hall. When she reached the eaves, she summoned the spirit boat placed on the west side of the main hall door and took the lead in the spirit boat.

Young Master Xuan and Young Master Yan also plunged into the spirit boat barrier.

Le Yun didn't waste any time and threw the two handsome guys into the conifer planting space, then closed the spirit boat's barrier and let the spirit boat fly to a height of a hundred feet above the roof of the main hall, stopping the boat to observe the stars.

When she said she wanted to stargaze, she really meant stargazing, she wasn't lying.

In winter in Ning County, the average temperature is around 6 or 7 degrees Celsius, but it also snows. The coldest months are from mid-December to the first month of the following year.

There was only frost in December that year, but no snow. On New Year's Day, the daytime temperature was higher, about ten degrees, and the night temperature dropped to eight degrees.

It's still quite cold at night.

The people in Ningcheng were well prepared. They wore thick leather jackets. When they arrived at the governor's house, they entered the magic circle. When they felt hot, they took off their leather jackets and sat on chairs.

Monks do not feel strongly about heat and cold. The standard winter attire is a base coat, middle coat and outer robe. Le Yun does not wear a leather jacket, but the outer robe is a thick winter robe.

The wind in the sky was strong. In order to prevent my robes from flying around, I used my spiritual power to block the wind. I sat on the bow of the spirit boat and watched the night sky.

In the eyes of others, the sky is pitch black.

The monks can still see the stars hidden deep in the sky.

The guardian of the sacred tree leaves the banquet, which also represents the end of the annual banquet.

Lord Shang watched the fairy ascend to the sky, poured a cup of tea for everyone at the main table, and raised their glasses: "Thank you to the distinguished guests and elders for coming to the governor's house to accompany the fairy to celebrate the New Year. Shang Jun offered tea instead of wine, and proposed to the throne." ! I wish everyone’s wishes will come true in the coming year!”

In the main hall area, the third, fourth and fifth people who entered the hall also raised their glasses in return.
Everyone knows the process of the New Year's banquet. Drinking the fragrant tea is equivalent to saying goodbye to the host and leaving the banquet.

The monks from Ning County's monk family, who were responsible for picking up the people, immediately flew to various districts to send the people who had picked up the county governor's house home, or send them back to the guest house.

The people in Ningcheng's main palace area did not move, and sent the guests from Anjun off first.

The monks from Anjun quickly took the people of the county and followed Junjun from the west to the fifth entrance hall to settle down.

(End of this chapter)

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