magic eye doctor

Chapter 3136

Chapter 3136

The people of Ning County watched the monks and people of An County leave and left their seats one after another.

The monks in charge of the pick-up and drop-off also took action immediately, calling out aircraft or Ruyi Houses to transport the people. After leaving the boundary, they hurried on their way, striving to send the people back to their homes before midnight.

The district chiefs of each district in Ningcheng, the city lords of each city, and several prefectural and county officials were unable to help. After seeing off the foreign guests, they also took their entourage and family members to the guest house.

The mortals of the Ningcheng monk family were also sent back to their families by one of their own monks, and the Yamen and petty officials of the county governor's office also left in an orderly manner.

The last ones left behind were a group of monks.

The owner of the array put away the array, and the monks put away all the seats in each seating area, and then used dust removal techniques to clean the floor.

Within half an hour, the courtyard of the several halls of the Sheriff's Mansion was cleaned up.

The high-ranking monks from the Ningjun monk family cleaned up the place and said goodbye to Lord Shang one after another. They each took the monks from their own families back to their respective families.

The monks of the Shang family, the guards of the Sheriff's Mansion, the chief secretary, and several principals saw off the monks from Ningcheng, closed the gate of the Sheriff's Mansion, and returned to the main hall.

The monks of the Shang family used a small array to circle a small boundary on the west side of the main hall, placed dozens of tables and chairs, and sat down to watch the night.

Those who are good at making tea bring out the stove and light a fire to boil water and make tea.

They sat there for about a stick of incense, and the city lords, government officials, county officials, and district officials who had returned to their residences, as well as the officials and government officials, also returned to the main hall compound one after another.

Everyone also entered the barrier and boiled water to make tea.

Brother Shang placed fresh fruit plates and dried fruit plates on the first table.

The people watching the night chatted softly and ate dried fruits.

When the crowd at the Sheriff's Mansion receded, the entire mansion became quiet. The red and golden lanterns under the eaves mingled with light, bathing the Sheriff's Mansion in a warm light.

People's homes in Ningcheng still have lights on.

Le Yun was stargazing in the sky, and occasionally looked down at Ningcheng. In the night, the buildings could not be seen clearly, but the warm light connected them together, like a galaxy.

There are stars deep in the sky, and lights on the ground.

On a dark winter night, the fireworks on earth are brighter and warmer than the starry sky.

At that moment, Leyun missed home, her relatives, the smell of fireworks in Mei Village, the crowing of cocks and dogs in Mei Village, her brother Meiren and her relatives in the Chao family, her teacher's wife and professor, and the people in the paradise.

Time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, it has been more than 200 years since she left home.

Fortunately, there are only a few decades left before the 300-year deadline, and she is not prepared to wander outside for too long. She can start her return journey after returning to the Western Continent.

Le Xiaololi, who was homesick, felt sorry for herself and comforted herself, and continued to happily sort out the gifts she received in the afternoon.

The gifts received in the afternoon were mainly rice and grain, as well as other specialties from various places, such as pottery, porcelain products, cloth, silk threads or the Four Treasures of the Study, as well as exquisite handmade embroidery and seasonal vegetables and fruits.

When Le Yun received the gifts, she didn't have time to organize them carefully. When stargazing, she didn't need to stare at the sky all the time, so she took the opportunity to organize the storage containers to pass the time.

She worked slowly, looking up at the stars from time to time.

Even though he was working slowly and slowly, it only took him less than a stick of incense to sort the items into categories. I was bored and diverted my consciousness to the conifer spiritual plant space to see how the handsome guy and the beast were doing.

I originally thought that the handsome guy and the beasts would be in high spirits because of the New Year, and they would have endless things to say when they got together, and they might hold a vigil together.

However, when his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the spiritual plant space and took a look, hey, those beasts and handsome little creatures are all sleeping!

Looking at the group of creatures in the Ruyi House, sleeping soundly, or the old monk in trance, Le Yun was shocked. Who will tell her why humans and animals didn't chat all night long like they did during the New Year's Eve vigil in the ancient secret land?
Xuan Shaoyan, don't you want to watch the night with your friends and chat together?

Of course they want to, but the little creatures and beasts don't cooperate.

After Yan Shaoxuan finished the New Year's Eve dinner at the county magistrate's house, he followed the little Loli out of the dinner and was thrown into her spiritual plant space before he could talk to the little Loli.

The two young men experienced a brief feeling of dizziness. When they took a closer look, the Lingzhi space was also dark, with only the door of Ruyi House showing a faint light.

Mr. Xuan, who was thrown on the lawn outside Ruyi House by the little Loli, was so excited that he jumped three feet high and turned into a whirlwind and whirled into Ruyi House.

Young Master Yan is not willing to lag behind.

A group of dolls and beasts started eating before dark, and had a delicious meal. After the meal, spiritual fruits and nuts were served, as well as several large pots of fragrant fried spiritual shells.

A group of friends happily ate snacks. When it got dark, they felt bored and took a nap on the chairs, waiting for the two brothers.

When the two brothers rushed into the Ruyi Room, the beasts nestled in the seats jumped up and stared at the two brothers who finally showed up.

"The little fairy hasn't come back?"

The Lingzhi dolls didn't see the little fairy, and they felt a little disappointed.

"The fairy wants to watch the stars." Mr. Xuan rushed into the Ruyi House to settle down. He ran wildly again and rushed between the Calabash Baby and the little creature, squeezing in and blocking the way.

After successfully adding this plug, my hands crawled onto the heads of the next to each other and Xiaoyu Jing.

The two little ones who were killed by having their heads touched held their heads and protested: "You can't touch your heads! If you touch your heads, you won't grow taller!"

"Who told you that you can't grow taller by touching your head?" Mr. Xuan laughed heartily. The height of a group of spiritual plant dolls was determined when they transformed. The reason for this protest was simply too unreliable.

"Little Fairy, Little Fairy said that the reason why she never grew taller was because you two always touched her head because of your height."

Xiao Yujing and Fuwawa jumped off their chairs and hid behind Zhi Ren and Zhi Ma.

"What?" Mr. Xuan looked shocked. Is it good for the little Loli to throw the blame away like this?
They had been separated from the little Loli for more than sixty years, and without him knowing it, the Little Loli had dumped such a huge pot on them?

When it comes to other issues, the little loli can just let them carry the blame. He doesn't have any objections. It's too outrageous to pass the blame for not growing taller to them.

Mr. Xuan just wanted to ask the little Loli, if she deceives the little creatures like this, isn't she afraid of being betrayed one day? !
The little Loli was very good at throwing the blame, and Yan Xing, who was innocently shot, was also shocked and dumbfounded. They all said that Dou E was wronged, and they were even more wronged than Dou E.

Calabash and his friends were laughing.

"Hey, little cuties, I have to defend myself on this matter. The fairy's lack of height has absolutely nothing to do with being touched on her head. The reason why she doesn't grow taller is because she was poisoned when she was still in her mother's womb, and again when she was born. Suffered.

Whether humans or animals, whether they grow tall or not depends on the blood relationship between their parents, and has nothing to do with whether they touch their heads or not. "

Mr. Xuan felt that he had to explain, otherwise they would never be able to get rid of the black burden on their backs.

It's still a small matter that I can't get rid of the blame. I'm afraid that I won't have the chance to play with Lingzhi doll again in the future.

A group of little creatures glanced at Brother Xuan vaguely, and each grabbed a handful of snacks to eat.

Mr. Xuan looked sad, did he believe it or not?He moved closer to the Chihuahua's chair, stretched out his claws again, and touched the bottom of a basin. The smile on his face froze, and the Lingzhi dolls stopped masturbating!

Xiaozhiren quickly grabbed the pot on the table to block the claws of humans, stared at her big eyes, and declared cutely: "If you touch our heads again, we will not grow taller. In the future, you will find the Lingzhi doll." We will cry to him about your cruelty and see if he will follow you.”

It has to be said that Lingzhi dolls know how to manipulate people.

Suddenly being pinched seven inches, Mr. Xuan held his heart in his hands and howled in pain: "You little cuties... don't bully others like this. My heart... broke into countless petals. Can you bear to see my heart break?" ?”

"Have patience." A group of little creatures looked at the brother's performance with smiles.

"..." A bunch of little creatures are so heartless that this play can't be sung!
Mr. Xuan looked at a group of cute and cute little creatures, thinking that he could only watch and play with the Lingzhi dolls, and his heart ached again.

The four humanoid beasts did not sympathize with Brother Xuan at all, and looked at Brother Xuan happily.

The long-eared bear couldn't bear it anymore and changed the subject: "Brother Xuan, brother Yan, the spiritual meal at the Sheriff's Mansion is also quite good. Did you and the little fairy enjoy it?"

"The food in the Sheriff's Mansion is good, and I'm really happy with it." Yan Xing told the truth.

As soon as Brother Yan said this, he almost chatted to death. Da Yuan then asked: "The New Year's banquet must be very lively, right?"

"It's really lively, but the ceremony before the banquet is too scary." Mr. Xuan was forced to accept the fact that he couldn't play with Lingzhi's doll.

"How to scare people?" All the beasts in the county turned into curious babies.

"Let me tell you..." Mr. Xuan became more energetic and immediately described a series of rituals after taking the seat.

He talked so loudly that a group of beasts were so excited that circles of mosquito-repellent incense almost appeared in front of their eyes.

Mr. Xuan finished talking about the ceremony after entering the table, and then continued: "I thought the ceremony was finally over, and the dishes were served over there, but..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Calabash Boy, who was dizzy from hearing it, yelled, "Stop talking, stop talking, I'm even dizzy!"
"Oh my God, I feel dizzy just listening to this. Human table manners are so terrible."

"Fortunately we run fast. If we had a banquet with the little fairy, I think I would have starved to death before the banquet started."

"Brother Xuan, please let me go."

Ying Sheng Bai Yin Shui Dun was also frightened by the complicated ceremony.

"Actually, the following ceremony..." Mr. Xuan wanted to say that the following ceremony was not that complicated, but a whole county of little creatures jumped up and ran into the Ruyi House where they were resting.

Little Fox and Little Huihui also ran into the Ruyi House where the Lingzhi dolls slept, jumped on the bed that smelled like a little girl/young lady, and lay down in a ball.

A group of little creatures sneaked into the Ruyi House and collapsed into big characters.

The four humanoid beasts also jumped up and yawned repeatedly while throwing the Ruyi House out: "I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

After setting up the Ruyi House, the four beasts got into the Ruyi House and fell asleep.

"I'm so tired, it's time to go to bed."

The three Mahayana beasts also threw out a wish-fulfilling house, got in and lay down comfortably on the ground to rest.

The group of beasts ran away and slipped away. In the blink of an eye, they were all gone. Except for Young Master Yan, there was no one in the audience.

"Hey, why did they all run away?" Mr. Xuan felt very regretful. Could it be that his speech was not exciting enough, so the beasts in the county didn't like to listen?

Young Master Yan raised his eyelids; "Every day, I am either running around or refining weapons. It is quite tiring, so go to bed quickly."

He was very calm, left his seat and walked to the side, took out a mat, placed it on the ground, and lay down evenly.

There was no one to chat with him, so Mr. Xuan put away the fresh and dried fruits that the beasts had not finished eating on the table. He also walked to the side to put a mat, put out pillows, and slept happily.

Within a moment, a group of beasts and two handsome guys fell asleep, and the Ruyi House fell silent.

And when the spiritual consciousness of the owner of the Ling Zhi Space enters the Ling Zhi Spirit Room, what he sees are people and animals in a dreamlike state.

The handsome guys slept soundly, and Le Yun did not disturb them. The consciousness wavered around and then quietly left the spiritual plant space.

With nothing to do, I took out the small saddle-shaped desk and stationery supplies and drew the symbols again.

When it comes to the best way to kill time, drawing symbols is the first choice.

Student Le drew the talisman with peace of mind, and each talisman took shape under the tip of the pen. Time also slipped quietly under the tip of the pen, and the time was almost over in the blink of an eye.

When Hai hour passes, it is Zi hour.

Zi hour is the transition time between the previous day and the next day. For the last day of the year, it is the transition between the old year and the new year.

After Le Yun finished drawing a talisman, she put away her tools, flexed her limbs, and quietly watched the starry sky. Deep in the sky, the orbits of many stars were also slowly changing.

After looking at the starry sky for a few times, he looked in the direction of Xinhe Imperial City.

Xinhe Imperial City has a new king, and the fate of the country and the atmosphere of the imperial city have also changed slightly.

However, the fortunes of the Xin family and the Xinhe Empire were in decline, and even a change of kings would be unable to restore Kuangyuan.

Looking in the direction of Xinhe Imperial City from a distance, Le Yun sneered in her heart. Some people would not shed tears without seeing the coffin, and they actually played the trick of betrayal!
She had told Zhu Shou, the culprit, to commit suicide years ago, but a few people actually used magic to cause Li Daitao to freeze, using stand-ins and puppets to fake their own deaths.

Regarding this, Leyun just laughed!

If you dare to use a substitute puppet Li to replace Tao Zong, tomorrow he will be replaced by himself!
After looking at the energy in the direction of Xinhe Imperial City, Le Yun withdrew her gaze and looked at the starry sky, silently watching the stars change.

The stars slowly changed as time went by. When Hai hour and midnight alternated, the dark night sky lit up slightly. In the blink of an eye, the changing stars all stopped.

The stars were in position, Le Yun raised her head and waited silently. After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, the stars in the sky still showed no sign of changing their trajectory.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and the stars were as before.

At midnight, a few stars in the sky moved slightly.

Le Yun quietly observed the stars, saw the stars moving, got up, opened the barrier of the spirit boat, and flew the spirit boat to the top of the flower garden on the west side outside the main hall gate, and then descended.

The monks sitting vigil inside the barrier looked up into the sky when the light flashed, and saw that the fairy's spirit boat was flying downwards and all flew out of the barrier.

The fairies stood outside the barrier, watching a ball of gold landing on the flower bed, and bowed in unison: "Fairy, have good luck in the New Year!"

The officials in the barrier also stood up and looked up when the monks flew out. When they saw the spirit boat docked, they also followed the monks and saluted.

Le Yun walked out of the spirit boat and smiled at everyone: "Have good luck in the new year!"

(End of this chapter)

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