magic eye doctor

Chapter 3137 Arrangement

Chapter 3137 Arrangement
A group of night watchmen received the sacred face of the guardian of the sacred tree in the mail on the first day of the new year. They were already satisfied. They never thought that they would also receive blessings from the fairy. They were all elated.

A group of people said "good luck and good luck" several times, stood up and looked up at the fairy, their faces full of uncontrollable joy and smiles.

"My Fairy is here to secure the formation today. If you have nothing important to do, please don't leave the Sheriff's Mansion. It won't be too late to set off tomorrow to get food." Le Yun was not going to have tea with the Cong, so she asked her to walk towards the main hall. .

Lord Shang and everyone were overjoyed and bowed excitedly: "Follow the fairy's instructions!"

He bowed to see the fairy off and saw the fairy enter the hall. Everyone stood up with excitement, and the monks quickly took to the sky and dispersed in all directions of the county watch.

The monks stood in the predetermined position and set off fireworks at the same time.

Thousands of fireworks shot up into the sky, and with loud bangs and bangs, gorgeous flowers bloomed in the sky.

The flowers of the fireworks formed four huge colorful characters - good luck and good luck!
Just as the sparks of the first batch of fireworks extinguished, the second batch of fireworks took off again.

When the second batch of fireworks bloomed into the characters, beautiful fireworks also bloomed over each monk family in Ning County, also with the four characters "good luck and good fortune".

Immediately afterwards, fireworks also flashed over the districts in the inner, middle and outer cities of Ningcheng.

Then the people of Ningcheng also lit fireworks.

Fireworks soar from the ground to the night sky. The night sky in Ningcheng is colorful and brilliant.
Amidst the sounds of fireworks, there are also exciting sounds of "good luck in the new year", and congratulations are like a mountain and a tsunami, one after another.

The monks from the Sheriff's Mansion set off fireworks three times in a row, and then set off another wave every half cup of tea. When there were no more fireworks in Ningcheng's homes, five rounds of fireworks were burned in succession.

A total of nineteen rounds of fireworks were set off in front and back of the Sheriff's Mansion.

The sky, which had been lively for a while, returned to calm, and the people who welcomed the New Year hurriedly went to catch up on their sleep.

Lord Shang and the monks who set off the fireworks first sent the family members back to catch up on their sleep, and then they returned to the barrier and continued their vigil.

After watching the stars and entering the main hall, I did not go to see the fireworks. I slept comfortably. I slept until the end of Yinshi and then got up. I cleaned myself up and then cleaned the main hall.

She temporarily put away all the seats in the main hall of the hall except for the throne on the Sumeru Platform, and then used the dust removal technique to clean the entire hall several times.

After tidying up the place, cleaning hands, I took out the incense burner and placed it not far from the door, and lit a stick of incense.

After half of the stick of incense was burned, Le Yun took out an array disk and enlarged it, added dozens of talismans to the array disk, and then moved the miniature holding formation on the big book table to the array disk.

The talismans used for setting up the formation slowly entered the formation plate.

Le Yun put away the bookcase and moved the formation disk to the center of the hall.

After the array landed on the ground, it slowly drilled into the ground, until it settled down deep into the ground [-] feet away from the surface.

Positioning the array disk, a faint golden light seeped into the earth, radiating in all directions layer by layer.

After setting up the Suppression Array, Leyun once again took dozens of talismans and placed them in eight directions of the hall. All the talismans were hidden deep in the ground, more than a hundred feet above the surface.

An evil-avoiding array was set up, a flying machine was released into the air, a porcelain basin filled with spiritual field soil was placed inside the flying machine, and a ginkgo tree seed was taken.

The white and full ginkgo tree species has absorbed spiritual power and experienced a growth process from the surface of the shell to glowing until the germ breaks out of the shell, and the five-color glow also changes from light to strong.

The coverage area of ​​the five-color glow is also getting wider and wider.

When the area covered by the glow increased to dozens of feet wide, Leyun stopped renewing the spiritual power of the tree seeds and planted the seeds into the soil of the porcelain pot.

Only a little bud of the sacred tree seed planted in the pot was exposed outside the soil, but the spreading divine light enveloped the luck-suppressing and evil-repelling array.

The divine light circle of the sacred tree has not radiated throughout the entire main hall, but the five-color rays of light illuminate the entire hall. Even the formations protecting the temple cannot block the divine light.

The monks in the barrier accidentally discovered that the gold between the doors of the main hall had turned into colors. They also guessed that the fairy was setting up an array, so they all stood up and rushed out of the barrier.

The monk stood facing the entrance of the hall, staring straight at the layer of colored light between the hall doors, his heart beating wildly uncontrollably.

Le Yun quietly guarded the porcelain basin, letting the divine light of the Immortal Tree illuminate the hall for the duration of a stick of incense, and took the porcelain basin with the sacred tree into the star core space.

The luck-suppressing and evil-repelling array was put on the ground, the longevity tree also sprouted, and it was done.

After completing his work, Classmate Le ignored the people outside the hall and sat on the jade couch to practice.

The monk who was staring closely at the door of the main hall stood still when the colorful light disappeared and only a thin layer of golden light was visible. He stood still for about half a cup of tea before turning back to the barrier.

The group of people sat there for more than an hour, and finally a glimmer of light appeared in the sky.

It was about to break at dawn. Some of the monks took the family members to the huts in the side courtyard, and then took out the prepared water for everyone to wash their hands and faces, and then brought them back to the main hall.

Lord Shang went to the Dong'er Hall to wash himself, then entered the altar area, where he first offered incense and recited the Sutra of Immortality and the Sutra of Merits.

The high-ranking monks of the Shang family, as well as the district chiefs, city lords, prefecture chiefs and others also followed the Lord in reciting the scriptures. After reading the scriptures three times, everyone took out the offerings again and presented them to the altar.

Place the offerings and hold a New Year's sacrifice and blessing ceremony.All the family members also followed suit and saluted.

The New Year's blessing ceremony is similar to the New Year's sacrifice ceremony and lasts for about an hour before ending.

The New Year sacrificial ceremony was held, and the monks set off fireworks again. After that, Lord Shang and the Shang family ascended to the sky to deliver New Year's greetings.

On the first day of the new year, the people also get up early. When they hear the sound of fireworks, they know that the New Year blessing ceremony at the county governor's house is over. When they hear the county monarch's New Year's greetings, they also set off a round of fireworks in response.

Lord Shang Jun gave a New Year's greeting and went to the fifth hall with the monks and their family members to have a meal with An Jun's guests.

After the morning meal, the monks from the county governor's mansion chatted with the monks from Anjun, while the families of the city lords and other people from Ningjun returned to the back area or guest courtyard.

During the Chinese New Year, the government offices in Ning County also have annual holidays. They usually seal the seals on the day of the Little New Year and do not reopen the seals until after the Lantern Festival.

The Sheriff's Mansion is usually sealed on the day of the Lunar New Year. If there is a special period, it may be a few days later. Except during the National War, it will be sealed on the day before the Lunar New Year at the latest.

Of course, after sealing, if there is any emergency, it must also be dealt with promptly, that is, the seal affixed to the document is a temporary seal.

After the busy New Year's banquet, the Yamen and other officials of the County Sheriff's Mansion were finally free for some time. In previous years, they took turns on duty, and those who were not on duty naturally went home to reunite with their families.

This year, all the family members of the government officials who were not in other prefectures also came to the county governor's house. The government officials who were not on duty that day returned to their residences to share family happiness with their families.

The Sheriff's Mansion was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

In the spirit plant space, the beasts and the two brothers were also having fun.

The beasts and their two brothers had a night's rest, got up early on the first day of the new year, had a delicious spiritual meal, and then went to play in the mountains and rivers.

The little creatures drove the new spirit boat invented by the little fairy, carrying the big monsters and the two brothers around.

The spiritual plant space is rich in aura, the plants are thriving, and the fruits are fragrant all year round.

The four humanoid beasts were shouting and screaming all the way, and they were so excited that they ran for a walk when they found a place they liked.

Xuan Shaoyan ran after him, with only one thought in his mind: Such a spiritual planting space is so beautiful, I really want to have it!

The little creatures took a group of big demons and two brothers and wandered around for a day, running all over the spiritual plant space, and returned happily in the evening.

After walking around for a while, the beasts already knew the area of ​​the little fairy's spiritual plant space, and they were only thinking about the spiritual meal.

Xuan Shaoyan was still immersed in the area of ​​​​the little Loli spiritual plant space, unable to recover, and the whole person was in a daze.

The people and beasts in the space, the people of Ning County were in a happy mood on the first day of the new year, but something big happened in the imperial city of Xinhe Empire.

After dawn broke on the first day of the new year, the entire imperial city was covered with clouds, and then almost at the same moment, silver sky thunder enveloped several monk families and courtiers' families.

Among the courtiers' and monks' families who were struck by lightning, all the monks from each family died. At the same time, a dozen or dozens of people from each family died from the thunder.

Among them, the former queen's uncle's family was exterminated.

When several families of monks and courtiers in the Xinhe Imperial City were struck by thunder, the people from each of their families who had quietly sent them out of the imperial city years ago and who had long been far away from the imperial city were not spared. They were all killed by the thunder that fell from the sky.

At the same time, the royal mausoleum of the Xin family and the ancestral halls of several monk families were also struck by lightning.

The thunder struck down more than a dozen buildings in the Xin family's imperial mausoleum and destroyed several underground mausoleums housing the Zi Palace. The ancestral hall of the monk family that was struck by lightning was razed to the ground, and the underground secret palace below the ancestral hall building All were destroyed.

The movement of the thunder was so great that it could be seen throughout the imperial city.

The imperial city shook.

The new king of the Xin family, who had just succeeded to the throne, and some monks of the Xin family watched the sky thunder falling on the city from the sky above the palace. At first, they did not know whose house the thunder fell on, but it took half an hour for someone to be robbed.

The families that were robbed were all the families of important officials in the court who had conspired with the previous monarch to plot against Ning County!

However, what is surprising is that several other courtier families who also participated in the plot against Ning County did not suffer disaster.

The new king and the ministers of the Xin family were puzzled by this.

Before they could figure out the reason, they received urgent news from the imperial mausoleum. They learned that the Xin family's imperial mausoleum had also been struck by lightning, and part of the palace and underground mausoleum were destroyed. They were all frightened to death.

The frightened Xinjun immediately ordered the news to be blocked and sent a family catastrophe monk to take charge of the aftermath.

It was also because of the new monarch's vigorous and resolute actions that he blocked the news in time and prevented the news about the lightning strike from the imperial mausoleum from leaking out. However, the news about several families in the imperial city that were struck by lightning seemed to have wings and traveled through the imperial city at the speed of the wind. spread.

Because several families were struck by lightning in the early morning of the first day of the New Year, the courtiers were all in danger, the people in the imperial city were in panic, and there was no longer a festive atmosphere for the New Year.

Le Yun went up to the sky to watch the stars again at night, watching the luck in the direction of Xinhe Imperial City, and made some calculations. She felt comfortable, hum, want to play Li Dai Tao Zang?It's all frozen now!

(End of this chapter)

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