magic eye doctor

Chapter 3138 Hidden Dragon

Chapter 3138 Hidden Dragon
After getting the result she expected, Leyun was in a great mood. In order to ensure that all the trickster among Xinhe's courtiers would die, she gave birth to an immortal sapling.

If she couldn't achieve the desired outcome after spawning a sacred sapling, she would feel dissatisfied and would definitely not plant any more trees.

The little Lolita, whose wish came true, gazed at the starry sky, then returned to the main hall and continued to stay at home.

Xinhe Imperial City was far away from Ningjun. News from the imperial city could not reach Ningjun for a while. The people of Ningqun had no idea what happened in the imperial city, and the whole county was filled with joy.

The people of Ningcheng enjoyed the joy of nature at home on the first day of the new year. They got up early the next day to have breakfast and rushed to the district office square. They first offered incense in front of the statue of the guardian of the sacred tree, and then offered their offerings to the guardian of the sacred tree. The congratulatory gift was sent to the district office.

The government officials in each district did not dare to make the decision, so they asked the district officials for instructions. The district officials asked the common people what the gifts were, and then asked the county prince for instructions before letting someone collect them on their behalf.

The square in front of the Sheriff's Mansion was even more crowded. People came from all directions to bring their gifts to the Sheriff's Mansion. They did not enter the main hall. They placed their things as soon as they entered the courtyard, kowtowed outside and left.

After having breakfast in the morning, the high-ranking monks of the Shang family escorted the city lords, governors, county magistrates and their family members who were far away from the cities back to pick up rice and grain. The monks of the Nascent Soul Refining Void Level also escorted Li De. The nearby city lords returned to the city.

There were too many people sending gifts to the court, and the young monks all went to collect the gifts. As it approached noon, they were too busy, and Lord Shang and the Mahayana elders also left in person.

It was a sunny day in Ning County on the second day of the Lunar New Year. In the evening, the temperature dropped sharply, and at the end of the day, ice particles began to fall from the sky.

The first winter snow in Ning County spreads to the earth in the night.

The snow is pure snow, and the ice particles are like grains of salt, making a rustling sound when they fall.

It snowed all night, and when I woke up the next day, ice particles were still floating. The mountains and rivers of Ning County were covered with white gauze, and everything was covered with silver makeup.

It is a cold snowy day, but the hearts of the people in Ning County are warm. Those who have not yet sent greeting gifts continue to send gifts.

Lord Shang was worried that the people who came to the governor's house would get cold if they waited outside for a long time, so he and the Mahayana elders cleared the snow on the square and placed a magic weapon in the air to block the wind and snow.

When the people and the horses and cattle pulling the carts entered the square, they were protected from the wind and snow, and they did not catch a cold even if they had to wait for a while.

Snow fell all day long, then slowly stopped after dark.

Le Yun originally wanted to leave the Sheriff's Mansion on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year and go wandering in the mountains of Ningcheng for a few days. Because it was snowing and it was inconvenient, she simply stayed in the main hall.

It didn't snow on the fourth and fifth days of the lunar month, nor did it melt. On the sixth day of the lunar month, there were just signs of melting. Then it rained again in the middle of the night, and at dawn it started to snow again.

It snowed all day and all night, accumulating nearly half a foot.

The people of Ning County were laughing so hard that they couldn't close their mouths. With this winter snow before spring, most of the insects were frozen to death, which also heralded a bumper harvest in the new year.

The Shang monks who escorted the city lords and others from each city back, sent people to each city, and then picked up food and returned to Ningcheng. The earliest group returned to Ningcheng on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, while the others returned to the governor's house intermittently.

The last two groups were the Mahayana monks who were escorting the two prefectures back to the prefectural city. They hurriedly and slowly returned to the governor's house in the middle of the night on the tenth day of the lunar month.

The latest Shang monk returned to the county governor's residence at the end of the Chou period, and was followed by a small tail - the two governors of Ping County.

Pingjun and Ningjun were also neighbors of Piling. When the governors of Piling and Ningjun heard that the guardian of the sacred tree was coming to Ningjun, they immediately reported it to the county magistrate.

Because the county town was too far away from the border town and could not go to Ningjun in time, Pingjun ordered Liang Fuzheng, who was closest to Ningjun, to rush to Ningjun to meet the guardian of the sacred tree on his behalf.

Although the two masters were also monks, their cultivation level was too low. Fortunately, they received great help from a cultivating family, and people from the cultivating family took them on their way.

All the Mahayana and Catastrophic monks from the Pingjun monk family were dispatched, taking turns to travel day and night. They tried their best but failed to reach Ningcheng a year ago.

Fu Zheng, who was being escorted back to Fucheng by the Shang family, received a message for help from Pingjun Fuzheng on the way. The fastest aircraft of the Pingjun monk family was damaged because it could not bear the load. They were traveling day and night and consumed too much spiritual power, so they asked Ning. The county government is providing support.

After learning about the situation, Shang Mahayana took Fu Zheng to pick up the envoy from Pingjun. After receiving the messenger, he went to Ningjun's Fucheng to get food, and then hurried to Ningcheng.

He took the envoys from afar, rushed day and night, and finally returned to Ningcheng before the deadline.

Lord Shangjun received the report and waited for the visitors in the West Wing Hall.

Shang's Mahayana brought people into the west side hall. Seeing that the Pingjun monks had not calmed down after several days of adjustment, and all of them had messy auras, Shang Junjun gave each of them a pill and asked them to sit beside the side hall. Rest in the temple.

The envoys from Pingjun were relieved to know that the fairy was still in Ningcheng. They also accepted Lord Shang's kindness, took the elixir, and went into the side hall to fall asleep.

Lord Shang didn't even ask what was going on with Shang's Mahayana and the Fu Zheng who had returned with them, so he arranged for them to rest first. He returned to the Dong'er Hall and sat in meditation until dawn. He went to the courtyard to offer incense and recite blessings as usual. Scripture.

After finishing his daily homework, Shang Junjun went to the Er Hall to meet with the family Mahayana who had calmed down after adjusting his breath for a while.

After meeting with the family Mahayana, he also learned the purpose of the Pingjun envoy.

He waited until the hour was right before going to the main hall gate to ask for a meeting with the fairy.

On the eleventh day of the new year, the deadline for raising food for the county governor's office came. Leyun also put away her jade couch after dawn and put the chairs stored in the storage container back into their original positions.

She moved another chair and sat in the hall. When Shang Junzheng came, she let him enter the hall.

Lord Shang entered the palace, approached the fairy without looking away, and bowed. He did not talk about the food, but first reported to the governor of Ping County that he had sent an envoy to see the fairy.

"The family name of the monks from Pingjun is Gu, right?" Le Yun said calmly.

"Fairy also knows about the Gu family in Ping County?" Lord Shang was shocked. When the elder Shang brought people into the governor's house last night, those people did not show up in Ruyi House. He was afraid of disturbing the fairy when he met them. A barrier was also set up in the West Wing Hall. How did the fairy know that the family's surname was Gu?

"At midnight last night, I suddenly felt something while meditating. I opened my eyes and saw the Shang family entering the Yimen. The Ruyi roof he carried was entwined with gold and purple.

This fairy used the Qi Observation Technique to observe the person in Ruyi's house, and deduced his surname and origin. The Gu family has been blessed with imperial luck, and its luck is increasing. "

"What do you mean by the fairy, the Gu family...will replace the Xin family?" Lord Shang realized clearly that the Gu family of Pingjun is an old family of cultivators. Although it is a rich family, it is not particularly prominent. He never thought that the Gu family would cultivate Great luck came out. "When I stepped into Binzhou, I knew that there was a lurking dragon in the fields in Ping County." Le Yun smiled faintly: "The Shang family also has golden scales. If you have the heart to compete in the world, the golden scales will turn into dragons when encountering wind and clouds. The achievements will only be higher than those of other families.”

"The Shang family has spent all their efforts in running a county, and is really unable to shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the people of a country." Lord Shang felt calm and could eat as much food as he wanted. The Shang family managed a county reluctantly, and took charge of One country is unable to cope with it.

Knowing that your abilities are limited, if you force yourself to compete in the world, you may not end well.

"Self-knowledge can ensure the longevity of our descendants. What's more, there are three thousand avenues. Different paths lead to the same destination. It doesn't necessarily have to be the merit of founding a country and educating all people. If you stick to your own path, you can also walk the path to heaven."

Le Yun dared to tell Shang Junzheng that the Gu family had imperial destiny, so she naturally did not worry about Shang's evil thoughts or other thoughts. If Shang had other intentions, he would have replaced the Xin family long ago.

The fairy's words were reasonable. Shang Junjun agreed deeply and immediately explained what he meant: "The envoy from Pingjun came to see the fairy despite all the difficulties and dangers. Shang Jun did not dare to make the decision, so please give me instructions from the fairy."

"They arrived before I left. This was their luck. When I met someone, I still arranged to enter the palace on the third day.

The Zhenyun Formation has been landed. After this Fairy leaves, Shang Junjun personally guards the formation. After fifteen years, the hall directors can be activated normally.

When Lord Shang is guarding the formation, it is best not to sit on the throne, but to place a chair in the palace like this fairy did, or put a tuft of pudding on it. "

"Thank you Fairy for your hard work for Ningjun. Shang Jun will keep it in mind!" Lord Shang thanked him gratefully and put the collected grain storage containers on a small plate to present to the Fairy.

"This is the rice grain collected by the Sheriff's Mansion. Please check it out, Fairy."

Leyun took several storage containers and checked them with her spiritual consciousness. Shang Mahayana classified the rice and grain areas and loaded them into one storage container each for grain, wheat, etc.

She deserved the food, so she moved the food into her storage without any psychological pressure.

After happily accepting the food, Le Yun returned the gift bag from the Sheriff's Mansion.

Lord Shang also guessed that the fairy would not stay in the governor's mansion for a long time, so he sent the gifts from the people collected by the governor's mansion together with the congratulatory gifts received in the past few days after the New Year: "The fairy has been busy with Ningcheng affairs. In the month of September, Shang Jun and the people no longer dared to leave the fairy to stay in Ningcheng for a while. This was a congratulatory gift from the people, and the other was a tribute from everyone in the county governor's house and their family members. Please don't think the fairy is too shabby. .”

"You are interested." Le Yun was not polite and took the storage container readily.

My spiritual sense went in and checked, hey, the people's tribute gifts included nearly [-] million kilograms of rice, as well as a large number of seasonal vegetables and fruits, and tens of thousands of poultry.

The governor's mansion sent 20 billion kilograms of rice grain, a large number of pottery urns and jars, hundreds of sets of four treasures of the study, thousands of bundles of thread, more than 3 pieces of cloth of various colors, and a thousand sets of jewelry of various colors.

The gifts given by the family members are the most down-to-earth. They are all clothes for all seasons that they have cut by themselves, from bottom coats to outer robes, shoes and matching cloaks, all in complete sets.

There are also several large boxes of hand-embroidered purses, palace tassels, handkerchiefs, handmade fans and gauze velvet headdresses, as well as hundreds of bundles of coarse cloth bags.

"It's hard for the family members of the Sheriff's Mansion to make so many clothes. They must have been working day and night these days, which has made them tired. Lord Youlao told them that I like it very much and thank them for their hard work."

The gifts given by the people of Ningcheng, the governor's office, and the families of the officials were all down-to-earth gifts. Leyun happily collected them. Such a lot of clothes would be enough for her to wear for hundreds of years. She didn't have to travel to various places. Buy ready-made clothes.

She gave the governor's house some storage containers to store the gifts from the people. Those storage containers contained gifts and there were still a few left. The gifts from the county governor's house were also put in her storage containers, which saved them. Transfer the gift again.

"We are so lucky to be liked by fairies!" Fairies like mortal things, and Lord Shang was also happy. After talking about business, he bowed and left.

After exiting the main hall, Shang Junjun went to the main hall of the third entrance, cleaned the main hall several times with dust removal techniques, smoked a furnace of incense, and then returned to the East Er Hall of the main hall to meet with the Shang family for a while. , then go to the West Wing Hall.

Two more Mahayana monks from the Gu family woke up. Although they had not fully recovered, they took the elixir and rested for a few hours, and they were in good spirits.

The two Mahayana men were afraid of causing trouble. After waking up, they cleaned themselves up and went to the West Wing Hall to wait for the news.

They only sat and waited for less than a stick of incense. Lord Shang and a group of monks from the Shang family came in and stood up to salute: "It is polite of the Gu family to come here without permission and disturb Lord Shang and all fellow Taoists."

"My Taoist friends from the Gu family are so polite. The family members of the officials from the county governor's office came to the Yamen to visit relatives. They and their families were reunited with each other. Shang made the decision to let the officials and their families have a small gathering. Unexpectedly, there were guests from far away, so we entertained them. If you are not thoughtful, please give me a large amount." Lord Shang met with the monks from the Gu family and asked the two great men to get down and talk.

Everyone from the Shang family sat down with them and served hot tea to the guests.

The two Gu family members thanked each other, sat down to drink tea, and extended New Year greetings and care to each other.

Lord Shang knew that the Gu family was a Qianlong, so he was untroubled and entertained the guests just as he did Lord Yu Zhen and his entourage.

After the greetings, we got back to the business: "Shang has already asked the fairy for instructions. The fairy took pity on the Gu family and the two official envoys from Pingjun and came all the way to accept the envoy's invitation.

Since the main hall of the Sheriff's Mansion was temporarily closed and no ceremony could be held in the main hall, Shang arranged for the Gu family's Taoist friends and envoys to meet the fairy in the main hall of the third hall.

We can't let the fairy wait for you. We can only disturb the Taoist friends of the Gu family and the two envoys. It's up to you to wake them up. "

Knowing that the fairy was willing to see them and others, the two monks from the Gu family were flattered and hurriedly thanked them and hurried to the side hall to call the Gu family members and the two governors.

After all, everyone in the Gu family was a monk. They took the elixir and fell asleep again. They woke up as soon as they woke up. The two mansions were sleeping deeply and it took some effort to wake them up.

Because Fu Zheng was worried about missing the opportunity to meet the fairy, he didn't dare to sleep all the way. Until he arrived in Ningcheng, his tense heartstrings relaxed and he fell into a deep sleep.

He was sleeping soundly, and when he was forcibly awakened, his mind was still in a daze. It wasn't until he heard that the fairy had summoned him that he shuddered and finally woke up.

The Gu family monk used the dust removal technique on the two palace officials. He also tidied up his appearance, and then went to the side hall to meet with Lord Shang and the Shang family monks.

Lord Shang knew that the time limit given by the Fairy to the Governor's Mansion had expired. If it wasn't for meeting the envoy from Ping Commandery, he would have left long ago. He did not dare to let the Fairy and others greet each other, so he accompanied the distant visitor. The third hall.

The Shang monks also went to wake up the Ningjun governor, and then went to the third entrance hall together.

(End of this chapter)

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