magic eye doctor

Chapter 3139 Leave

The commander of Ping County did not come, but the two palaces of Ping County were the envoys representing Ping County Lord Zheng Ping County. Naturally, Shang County Lord could not neglect and received them personally.

The Lord of Ruoping County came in person, but Shang County was too busy to receive the guests in person, so people would not misunderstand that Ning County had neglected the guests.

Precisely because the envoy came from Pingjun and not from Pingjun, if Shangjunzheng did not receive him in person, it would be easier for people to misunderstand that Ningjun looked down on Pingjun.

Shangjunjun accompanied the guests from Pingjun to enter the main hall for the third time and take their seats. After the family members served tea to the guests, he placed the throne seat where the fairy sat at the banquet in the middle of the hall in front of the Xumi Platform. Place a high-backed chair next to it.

After setting up the seats, we turned back to the main hall and asked the fairy to move to the third courtyard.

Leyun withdrew the defensive talisman array arranged in the palace when Lord Shang went to arrange work. When Lord Shang came to invite her, she put a box on the chair where she had been sitting, walked out of the hall, and called in front of the hall. The spiritual boat above the flowerbed was stuffed into his sleeves.

Seeing the golden light between the main hall doors disappear, Lord Shang Jun also knew that the fairy would definitely leave Ningcheng after summoning the envoy from Ping Jun. He felt indescribable reluctance and sadness in his heart.

He did not show the slightest bit of depression, and accompanied the fairy through the colonnade to the long corridor next to the Xi'er Hall, and then turned into the third entrance hall.

The snow has not yet melted. Except for the first entrance courtyard and the large courtyard in front of the main hall, the snow in the county governor's mansion has been manually cleared away. The other courtyards in front of the main halls are still white.

The people in the Sheriff's Mansion had a tacit understanding, and no one stepped on the snow. The snow in the yard was clean, white as cotton, and really beautiful.

Leyun didn't step on the snow and walked along the corridor.

Lord Shang accompanied the fairy to the west side of the main hall gate and announced the news first.

Everyone in the hall stood up after hearing the sound. When they saw the figure in a blue dress, they bowed and bowed.

"No courtesy, stay on your own." Le Yun walked across the threshold calmly, walked along the golden carpeted passage to the throne, turned around and sat down.

Everyone in the hall still maintained their saluting postures, and it was not until Lord Shang said that the fairy had given him the gift of exemption that they stood up, took two steps back, and sat down again.

Lord Shang also sat down, placed a small table, and took the tea from the family monk to the fairy.

Le Yun took the tea cup and took a few sips, then asked a group of envoys from Ping County when they knew she was coming to Ning County and if the journey was smooth.

The Fu Zheng immediately stood up and replied respectfully. He would get the news from a county in Ning County and then report it to the county Zheng. The county Zheng sent an order for them to come to Ning County to worship the guardian of the sacred tree and gave a brief summary of their experience.

Because they met the guardian of the sacred tree, they were in a state of excitement and had long forgotten the hardships of the journey. However, they did not erase the achievements of the Gu family. They tried their best to drive the Gu family monks on their way, causing them to damage two of the fastest items in succession. I also talked about the fast aircraft.

Fu Zheng told the story and walked up to the fairy. Dai Junzheng performed a great ceremony to pay homage to the guardian of the sacred tree. He got up after receiving the gift from the fairy. After getting up, he presented a congratulatory gift to the court.

The two of them each presented a gift, one was a congratulatory gift sent by the county monarch's order, and the other was a gift sent by their two mansions.

If you rush to Ningcheng before the New Year, the gift will be a New Year gift. Since it is already the New Year, the gift will be a greeting gift.

The two officials bowed and raised the trays above their heads as a sign of respect.

The Gu family also immediately presented a portion of the tribute gift prepared by the Gu family.

Lord Shang stood up, took another small table and placed it in front of the fairy, then took the tray and placed it on the table, standing aside.

The person who finished the gift stepped aside and sat down.

There are always people giving gifts, what should I do?
Everyone came and gifts were delivered, so Le Yun had no choice but to do as the Romans do and check out the gifts.

People say, "Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles." The news of her liking for rice actually spread to Ping County. The governor of Ping County, the two prefects and the Gu family also knew about it, and they all responded to her wishes and sent a large amount of rice.

The magistrate of Ping County made great efforts and ordered the two governments to collect tens of billions of catties of grain as gifts, as well as melons, beans, potatoes and other local products, as well as [-] pieces of the best silk, silk, silk, silk and cotton cloth.

The two mansions each prepared [-] million kilograms of grain. One mansion was made of black porcelain clay and had a collection of [-] black sand jars, [-] black pottery urns, and [-] sets of top-notch black sand tea sets.

Another mansion did not give in too much. It was most famous for its wine jars made of cinnabar. It had [-] small, medium and large wine jars each, and [-] sets of tea sets and tableware.

The Gu family sent 50 billion kilograms of grain, as well as 300 spiritual plants they cultivated themselves, including fresh fruits and fruits that are slightly less spiritual than spiritual fruits, and not as spiritual as spiritual rice, but more spiritual than ordinary rice. [-] million jins of rice.

After looking at the gift, Le Yun couldn't help but her eyes twitching. Her impression of Pingjun could be summed up in four words - rich and powerful!
Look, it’s so generous to give away 50 billion or [-] billion catties of grain!

This gift was indeed a gift that was delivered to her heart. Le Yun accepted it with great grace, transferred the gift to her storage container, and returned a gift in return.

If someone is generous, she naturally can't let others suffer, and responds with a gift of similar value.

She was short of food, and the officials of Ping County and the monk family must also be short of magic weapons, so they sent food and she gave magic weapons in return.

Putting the return gifts into the storage bag, Leyun put them back on the tray one by one and asked Lord Shang to return them to the storage container.

The two mansions and the head of the Gu family took back the storage device sent back by Lord Shang. They felt a little strange. They checked it quickly and were suddenly shocked when they saw the magic weapon.

"Fairy..." They felt that the guardian of the sacred tree used magic weapons in exchange for the food they sent. They gave gifts instead of coming to the guardian of the sacred tree to make a deal.

"This fairy has accepted the gift from you, and you have received a small gift in return. This is called reciprocity.

The Gu family lost two of their best aircraft in order to travel. Such an act of kindness is truly commendable, so I will give the Gu family another aircraft. "

Le Yun gently raised her hand and sent a small spiritual boat to the head of the Gu family: "This small spiritual boat can travel at a speed of 50 miles. Although the speed is not high, it is strong and can withstand several Mahayana attacks."

The monks of the Gu family jumped up in unison, staring at the one-foot-long spirit boat in the air in shock, almost daring to breathe.

Le Yun raised her hand and presented a small spiritual boat to the two governors: "This spiritual boat has a speed of 30 miles and is given to the Ping County Sheriff's Office for official business.

If the two governors are worried about the unsafe journey, please ask the Gu family monks to escort you to Pingjun City to recover. "

The surprise came too quickly.

A huge pie was smashed down, and the hearts of Pingjun's envoy and the Gu clan monks were beating wildly, and their breathing was quickening.

Worrying not about the scarcity but the inequality, Anjun and Ningjun also gave themselves gifts. Leyun did not favor one over the other, and took out three more spiritual boats and sent them to Lord Shang who returned to his seat.

"Of these three spirit boats, one was given to Anjun and one to Ningjun. The other spirit boat was kept by Lord Shang for the first time. The chief of Ruojing County sent envoys with generous gifts to pay homage to this fairy. Lord Shang Give the spirit boat to Jingjun. Except for the difference in color, these four spirit boats are all the same. They are all made by the same weapon refiner, and their grades and defensive functions are also the same.

The four counties of Ping'an and Tranquility County are connected by the same blood and branches. I hope that the four counties can watch each other in the future and jointly protect this pure land so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. "

The four counties of Ping An and Tranquility today were actually four mansions under the jurisdiction of the same county before and after the Heavenly Fire Tribulation. When the spiritual energy decreased sharply, the scope of control of the former governor's seal also shrank, and the previous mansions were upgraded to county.

When the fairy took action, it was the spirit boat, and the monks of the Shang family also bounced up as if there were springs under their butts, and they were all speechless.

Lord Shang was so shocked that he almost suffocated, and his voice was trembling: "Fairy... Fairy, if no one from Jing County comes to see the fairy, what will happen to the spirit boat?"

"The envoy from Jingjun is already on the way to Ningcheng. If the envoy turns back to Jingjun on the way, the spirit boat will belong to Ningjun and will be handled by Ningjun."

After the business was done, Le Yun stood up and said, "I have been staying in Ning County for a long time. Today I am leaving for the south. The envoys from Ping County have come all the way and have suffered huge losses. Please stay in Ningcheng for a few days to recuperate before returning."

Lord Shang's eyes immediately turned away from the spirit boat, and he could no longer hide his reluctance: "Fairy... you are about to set off..."

"Everything in the world has a chance to fall apart. This is human nature." Le Yun smiled brightly at Lord Shang and walked with a graceful movement.

Shang Junjun followed the fairy and escorted the fairy out of the hall.

The Shang family, the Gu family monks, and the two envoys from Pingjun no longer cared about the spirit boat, and everyone followed Lord Shang's footsteps to see the fairy off.

After everyone saw each other off, Le Yun's mood was as calm as water, and she didn't ask them to stay. She walked out of the hall slowly, walked to the edge of the colonnade, and released the spirit boat.

The spirit boat floated in the air outside the eaves, with a golden barrier, so no one outside could see what was inside.

Le Yun walked up to the spirit boat barrier, looked back, and smiled gently: "We all meet and leave according to fate. If we are destined to meet again, we will meet again one day, so you don't have to feel sad."

She didn't say she was precious, but turned around and got into the spirit boat. She drove the spirit boat up into the sky, rose to a thousand feet in the sky, and flew towards the south.

Standing on the colonnade, Lord Shang and everyone saw the fairy entering the spirit boat and bowed to see her off: "Best farewell to the fairy! Have a good trip, fairy!"

When the slightly trembling voices of the crowd rang out, the spirit boat was already hundreds of feet in the sky. Just as the last words were rang, the spirit boat was already hundreds of miles away.

The people who were saluting never heard the fairy's voice again. They bowed and stood quietly for more than ten breaths before they slowly straightened up. There was no trace of the spirit boat in front of the hall.

The monks released their spiritual consciousness, and the cold sky was empty.

The fairy must have gone away in the boat. Lord Shangjun took back his consciousness with a sense of loss, and greeted the envoy from Pingjun and the Gu family monks to enter the hall.

Everyone entered the main hall again and looked at the several spiritual boats floating in the air. They thought about people after seeing things, and they were reminded of the benevolent heart of the guardian of the sacred tree, and their hearts surged again.

Lord Shang calmed down and put away the spirit boats belonging to Jingjun and Ningjun. He asked the monks of the family to greet the guests first and then delivered the spirit boats to Lord Genu.

It was snowing and cold, and the people of Anjun did not go out. Sometimes they only wanted to move around in the fifth palace area. The idle people also shoveled the snow on the passage aside.

There were several young people active in the courtyard, and when they saw Shang Junjun from a distance, they also saluted from a distance.

Jun Jun and the monks were in the main hall of the main hall. When they saw Jun Jun Shang coming, they quickly welcomed them into the hall and sat down, and cooked tea to entertain them.

"The fairy is leaving today. A group of us have also been bothering Ning County for a long time. Yu is also planning to visit Mr. Shang tomorrow, and we are also preparing to return to An County the day after tomorrow." Before Mr. Shang could tell the fairy, he set off and left. As a result, Jun Jun himself said goodbye.

Because the fairies did not accept the greetings, they did not go to the main hall during the New Year, so as not to cause trouble to Lord Shang and the people in the governor's mansion.

The fairy was still in the governor's mansion, and everyone in Anjun did not say goodbye either, in order to be under the same roof and receive more blessings from the fairy.

There are so many of them, it is also a big burden for the Sheriff's Mansion of An County. Now that the fairy has set out to go south, Jun Jun is also preparing to return to An County, so as not to cause any more trouble to the Sheriff's Mansion of Ning County.

Junjun Jun and the monks from Anjun didn't know when the fairy left Ningcheng, and they didn't ask. They just heard the voices of Junjun Shang and others not long ago and learned that the fairy was leaving today.

They bowed and sent the fairy off respectfully outside the fifth hall. Not long after they returned to the main hall, Lord Shang arrived.

"Fairy doesn't like luxurious pomp and complicated ceremonies. Today, when I guessed that Fairy will leave Ningcheng, I didn't tell all the fellow Taoists in Hoi'an County to see her off."

Lord Shang explained the reason why he did not notify Lord Genu and others to see the fairy off, and continued to talk about business: "Last night, the governor of Ping County came to Ning County to meet with the guardian of the sacred tree. The envoy from the palace arrived at the governor at midnight. In the mansion, there is also a group of monks from the Gu family, a well-known cultivating family in Pingjun, to accompany them.

I went to report to the fairy today. The fairy summoned the envoy from Pingjun to show my favor. After saying a few words, the fairy set off to leave the governor's mansion. "

Junjun Jun was worried that Junjun Shang would meet, so he hurriedly explained: "We have a lot of people in Anjun. We have been living in the governor's mansion for so long, which has caused a lot of trouble to the governor's mansion. I feel sorry for myself if I continue to live there. Now the fairy has left. , so we are also preparing to return to Anjun."

"I understand, we have been friends for thousands of years." Lord Shang smiled warmly: "The envoy from Pingjun arrived last night, and the fairy said that the envoy from Jingjun was also on his way to Ningcheng.

Although the people from Jing County who came to Ningcheng may be envoys, they also represent the county magistrate. This time, maybe we, the four counties of Ping An and Jing Jing, can get together and plan how to protect themselves if war breaks out.

Fellow Taoist Geng and you may wish to stay a while longer. If the first month has passed and the messenger from Jingjun has not arrived, I will no longer keep you in vain. "

"Okay." Jun Jun did not stop being polite.

Shang County took out a spirit boat: "Before leaving, the fairy rewarded each of the four counties with a spirit boat with a speed of 30 miles, so that the county governor can use it for official business.

The speed and grade of the four spirit boats are all the same. This is the spirit boat from Anjun. The spirit boat from Jingjun will be kept by me for the time being. "

"Lingzhou?!" Lord Yu and the monks from Anjun stood up and looked at the spirit boat in shock.

"Yes, the fairy rewarded each of our counties with a spirit boat." Lord Shang sent the spirit boat to Lord Yu Zhen.

Jun Jun stretched his hands under the spirit boat that had shrunk to a foot length, carefully picked it up, touched the magic weapon, and his eyes were sore with excitement.

The next moment, he rushed out of the hall and rushed outside.

"Jun Jun Jun!" The monks from the Yu family and the monks from Anjun were frightened, thinking that Jun Jun had gone insane.

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