magic eye doctor

Chapter 3140 The New Cultivation Technique

Chapter 3140 The New Cultivation Technique

Junjun didn't seem to hear the call behind him, rushed out of the magistrate's mansion, ran to the statue of the guardian of the sacred tree in the square, and bowed to the ground with his five limbs prostrated.

The monks of the Gen family and the colleagues from Anjun chased Jun Jun to the entrance of the main hall, but they stopped chasing him and released their spiritual consciousness to follow him.

When the monks saw with their spiritual consciousness that Lord Geng was going to pay homage to the guardian of the sacred tree, their hearts dropped.

Lord Geng devoutly thanked the Fairy for the reward with a prostration, stood up, and paid homage to the Fairy's icon again before flying back to the Sheriff's Mansion.

He returned to the main hall of the fifth level of the Ning County Sheriff's Mansion, but his mood still hadn't calmed down.

The spirit boat gifted by the fairy to Anjun was delivered to Lord Geng. Lord Shang said a few words to Lord Geng, and then went back to entertain the envoy from Pingjun.

When Lord Shang went to the fifth level hall, the two envoys from Pingjun and the Gu clan monks were excited and studied the spirit boat with the monks from Shang clan. Even when Lord Shang returned, their eyes were still glued to the spirit boat. It can't even be torn off the boat.

Lord Shang didn't think he was a bad person. He asked the envoys to rest for a few days. After they adjusted, the governor's mansion would hold a banquet for them on a day to cleanse themselves from the dust.

The two Pingjun governors and the Gu family monks received extremely precious gifts. They had no intention of caring about whether to have a banquet or not. Naturally, it all depended on Lord Shangjun's arrangement.

After communicating with the envoys, Shang Junjun asked the family monks to send the envoys to the fifth hall for resettlement, while he went to the main hall to defend the formation.

He walked to the main entrance of the main hall and belatedly discovered that there was a box on the chair where the fairy had sat. He hurriedly flew into the main hall to check the box.

The rectangular box contained a jade slip, a book of cultivation techniques, a handwritten note from the fairy, and a storage bag.

Lord Shang held the fairy's handwriting in his hands and read it. The words on the handwriting were majestic, powerful, and full of awe-inspiring righteousness.

The fairy said that the jade slip contained a copy of the spiritual root cultivation method and a fairy's Taoist enlightenment, which was given to him. The cultivation method is suitable for any spiritual root and can be widely circulated so that ordinary people can have spiritual roots. children practice.

The storage bag contains soul measuring plates for measuring spiritual roots. Twenty pieces each are given to Ning County and An, Ping and Jing counties.

Knowing what gift the fairy had left behind, Shang Junjun couldn't help shaking his hands holding the handwritten letter. He took a deep breath and slowly put down the fairy's written letter.

Looking at the storage bag again, there is not only a Ouija board but also a storage container.

There is another note attached to the storage device. The fairy gave him and his youngest daughter Shang Shuyin a ten thousand-foot-wide storage bracelet each, and also gave the Shang family ten thousand-foot-wide and twenty thousand-foot-wide storage bracelets. , hundreds of small storage containers ranging from twenty feet to one hundred feet wide.

There are also two thousand-foot-wide storage containers and two heavenly magic swords, respectively labeled with the names of the two Nascent Soul Lords Yu and Luo.

Lord Shang's eyes welled up when he saw the gift that the fairy left for him and the Shang family. The fairy knew Qiu Hao very well and even guessed what the Shang family was most in need of, and quietly left a gift for the Shang family. A generous gift.

With such a benevolent guardian who loves all living beings, the sacred tree will surely thrive, the spiritual energy will recover quickly, and the day when Yunlan will return to the spiritual world is not far away.

With tears in Lord Shang's eyes, he took out a jade box to store the fairy's handwriting, then put away the storage bag and jade slips, put a set of writing desks and the Four Treasures of the Study, and opened the practice skills to practice.

The Pingjun envoy and the Gu clan monks were excited and studied the spirit boat for a long time. When they couldn't bear the exhaustion, they did not waste the good intentions of the Gu Shang clan monks and went to the fifth level hall to place it.

Junjun Jun and the monks from Anwo lived in the west side hall. The two governors of Pingjun and the monks from the Gu family naturally couldn't do anything to distract the guests. They didn't live in the main hall, so they lived in the east side hall.

When the envoy from Pingjun arrived, Junjun moved the Anjun longevity tablet that had been placed in the main hall to the main hall of the west side hall and placed it there.

The monk family in Anjun did not know that the fairy had left until the afternoon, and every family was disappointed. They thought that the fairy would spend the Lantern Festival at the governor's mansion, but they did not expect that she would quietly leave Ningcheng on November [-].

Le Yun left Ningcheng quietly without disturbing the people in Ningcheng. After leaving Ningcheng, she let the spirit boat rise to fly below the sea of ​​clouds, and then she used a ray of consciousness to go to the spirit plant space to see what the handsome guys and beasts were doing.

The beasts and the two handsome guys lived happily in the spiritual plant space. They practiced every night, wandered around during the day, and picked spiritual fruits to eat when they were thirsty. Not to mention how comfortable they were.

Le Yun saw the handsome guys and beasts harming the fruits of the spirit tree. She unceremoniously took out the human-shaped beast, the beast-shaped beast and the two handsome guys, and then sent the little fox and little Huihui to the star core space, so that Those two continued to shine in their familiar places.

The big demons and the two brothers suddenly disappeared, and a group of little creatures jumped three feet high with joy: "Wow, they are finally gone!"

The big monsters and the two brothers are gone, and you no longer have to worry about being slapped on the head!
The little creatures jumped around a few times and had fun.

The map was suddenly changed, and Xuan Shaoyan was confused. He couldn't react for a moment. When the four human beasts and Mahayana beasts saw the little fairy, they shouted and crowded towards the little fairy.

"Little Fairy, shall we go directly to the wilderness?"

Beast Beast saw the sea of ​​clouds and the outline of the mountains in the distance, and was particularly excited to know that the spirit boat was flying in the sky.

"Yes, we are on the way to the wilderness." Le Yun slowly rubbed the heads one by one. The beasts ate so much during the New Year that they all gained a little weight. Their fur was shiny and smooth. It feels as good as ever. "The wilderness is so wonderful!"

The eyes of the beasts flashed with the light of moxibustion heat. When they arrived in the wilderness, the little fairy had time to make fish paste.

Amidst the cheers and shouts of the beasts, Shao Yan was relieved, ran to the round table, sat down, took out nuts and ate them.

Le Yun ignored the two handsome guys who were just eating melons. She masturbated her beasts and then showed a charming smile to the two handsome guys.

"Little beauty, don't laugh like that! You smile so sweetly, my scalp is numb." Mr. Xuan's scalp went numb when he saw the little Lolita's bright smile.

Experience shows that every time the little Loli smiles brightly and sweetly, it means something is wrong, and it is something that is not very friendly to him and Mr. Xuan.

Mr. Xuan has a keen sixth sense. Le Yun smiled with her eyebrows creasing: "Young Master Xuan, your five senses are so powerful!"

Hey, Master Xuan's back was tense and his nerves were straightened: "Little beauty, please let me go!"

Yan Xingmo, why didn't he sense that little Loli had any evil plans?
"It's impossible to let him go. After all, it's actually a good thing for you." Le Yun smiled brightly.

This time, the bad feeling in Mr. Xuan's heart was stronger. However, the little Loli said that it was impossible to let them go, which meant that it was a blessing, not a curse, and it was a curse that could not be avoided.

Stretching out his head was a knife, and retracting his head was also a knife. He took the risk and said, "It seems that I can hide from the first grade of junior high school, but I can't hide from the tenth grade. I can't hide from it. Tell me, what is going on?"

"That's a good thing." Le Yun smiled sweetly: "According to us, it hasn't been long since we returned to our hometown. You have all grown taller since you came out of your hometown. It is really eye-catching to go back like this, so it's time for you to learn to shrink. Bone Kung Fu.

The Bone Shrinking Kung Fu is a serious Kung Fu. After learning this magical power, you can change your body shape at will in the future. Do you think it is a good thing? "

"Bone Shrinking Technique?" Mr. Xuan was surprised and unsure. There is also Bone Shrinking Technique in the ancient Chinese martial arts. It is said that it is extremely difficult to practice, and few people can achieve great success in it.

The advantage of practicing bone shrinkage is that you can change your body shape at any time. For example, if you are a tall man or a bucket-waisted man, it is originally impossible to squeeze through the gaps between the fences that only children can squeeze through. In the past, when he had mastered the bone-shrinking technique, he could slip in and out easily.

After mastering the bone shrinking skill, a 1.8 meter tall man can shrink his body to the size of an eight or nine year old child. It is the best camouflage technique.

Bone Shrinking Kung Fu is a good technique, but it has a shortcoming - the body can be shrunk, but the size of the head cannot be changed.

Therefore, for a person who has practiced Bone Shrinking Kung Fu, no matter what space it is, as long as his head can pass through it, his body can also pass through it. Where his head cannot pass, he can only feel helpless.

"Yes, it's the Bone Shrinking Technique." Le Yun took out two jade slips and gave one to each of the handsome Xuan Shaoyan very generously.

"I will print out the bone-shrinking technique and store it in a jade slip. You can study and practice it yourself. My requirements are not high, as long as you can shrink your body to the same height before we return home.

If you haven't completed the practice when you return home, then even if you return to your hometown, you two will not be allowed to appear in front of others. I will lock you two in a small dark room and wait until you have mastered the practice before letting you out.

Another way is for me to compress your bones myself.

I believe you don’t want to try this second method. After all, compressing the bones with external force is almost the same as breaking the body into pieces. "

Mr. Xuan's back was numb: "Please stop talking! If you say a few more words, I should ask you for psychological shadow area!"

Young Master Yan's whole body was numb.

For such a tall and powerful man like him, if he were to shrink his body to its original height, just thinking about it made him feel that there was little hope.

The tall and mighty Yan Shao also deeply felt the sinister malice coming from the little Lolita.

To be honest, the two young men resisted the requirement to shrink their bodies back to their original height. They were not too poor to afford clothes, so there was no need to reduce their height to save fabric.

But the little Lolita is right. They have grown a lot in height due to their cultivation. Going back like this is tantamount to openly telling others that they have a secret.

At this moment, the two of them were extremely envious of the little Loli. Look, her height has remained the same, so she has no worries at all.

Envy is envy, they would rather suffer the hardship of practicing bone shrinking skills than become a dwarf.

"Okay, I'm going to learn a new technique." Mr. Xuan acted resolutely and decisively entered the Ruyi House.

Afraid that he would be used as a negative example by the little Lolita if he was too slow, Mr. Yan also quickly stepped out of the way and became a good student who practiced hard.

 Friends, it’s the Double Ninth Festival again. I wish all the elders in your family a happy holiday~
(End of this chapter)

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