magic eye doctor

Chapter 3145 Teleportation Endpoint

In order not to be left behind, Yan Shaoxuan Shao unswervingly maintained the principle of not being more than three feet away from the little Lolita, even if he was digging for spiritual and medicinal plants.

If anyone has an idea about the route, the opinion of the little loli will be the main one. If the little loli has no opinion, we will discuss it and go this way first and then that way.

The three of them seemed to be wearing crotchless pants. They went together wherever they went. They dug up spiritual plants here and then went there. They got along extremely harmoniously.

When Di Lingzhi passed a mountain spring, the little Loli collected a large amount of mountain spring water for domestic use. She also went to the river to replenish water for the swallowing snails that had used part of the water.

Thanks to the abundant water in Yunlan, the vast land of the Star Core World has been well nourished. In some areas, because the plants sown are too young, artificial rainfall is occasionally required to replenish water.

The humidity in the spiritual planting space for coniferous trees is moderate, and artificial rainfall is rarely needed. The newly added land in the spiritual planting space for round-leaf trees is too wide, and many artificially filled lands have sparse vegetation and still need water for nourishment.

The water source in the secret realm of the ancient dragon clan ruins is sufficient. The sky-swallowing snail used by Le Xiaololi to hold water is completely filled with water. After that, whenever some water is used up, it is immediately replenished. The sky-swallowing snail basically remains fully loaded.

It has been more than a billion years since Grandmaster Huo Yun left Yunlan, and the key to the secret realm he left behind has not responded. Based on Yunlan's time, at least a billion times have not yet been opened.

After such a long time, no one knows what the Qingxu Secret Realm has become.

Therefore, it is necessary to store more water.

Little Loli is always prepared for a rainy day. When going to the Qingxu Secret Realm, she naturally follows the principle of being prepared and prepares enough water. She even uses wooden buckets to store hundreds of buckets of water.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao, who were inspired by the little Lolita, also replenished the water containers for themselves and the beasts with mountain spring water. They did not rest at night and worked hard at night to carve out some wooden barrels to store water.

After half a day and one night spent smoothly, the next day, the three of them still maintained a close relationship with each other like conjoined brothers.

Another peaceful day passed by.

At night, the three of them sat in the open air, still maintaining the posture of sitting side by side. Young Master Xuan Shaoyan fell into a state of cultivation early.

Le Xiaololi was sorting out the books and information stored in her mind. When midnight was approaching and she was preparing to practice, the silver leaves on her sleeves burst into dazzling light.

The light that the silver leaves bloom is not golden, but as soft as moonlight, and the light is so intense that it makes people blind.

When the bright light suddenly appeared, Le Yun also guessed that the key to the secret realm might be used to open the teleportation. She quickly grabbed her left and right hands and grabbed the arms of Young Master Xuan and Handsome Yan.

Xuan Shaoyan, who was in trance, was interrupted from practicing. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was illuminated by a bright white light, which almost blinded him. At that time, he closed his eyes again.

The two young masters closed their eyes, but Leyun didn't. She originally wanted to observe what the scene would be like during the teleportation, but then, all she could see in her field of vision was blazing white.

Then, the feeling of being thrown into the dehydration barrel of an ultra-high-speed washing machine came again, and the strong dizziness made her brain confused.

Little Loli was fine, but her brain was confused. After Xuan Shaoyan closed her eyes, her heart beat with a spinning sensation, and she became confused.

The two of them fainted just like that.

People who fainted were actually quite happy, at least they didn't feel any strong discomfort.

The little Loli who was not dizzy was tortured by the long-distance teleportation. She didn't know how long it took, but when she felt that her brain was being shaken into tofu, the nauseating and strong dizziness weakened a little.

Her field of vision was no longer filled with dazzling bright light. She could vaguely see light spots like meteors, and at the same time she felt like she was sitting in a flying car and falling rapidly.

Le Yun blinked, and her vision became a little clearer. From the soft thin layer of light in front of her, she could tell that she was in a light mask. At the same time, she saw several soft light groups falling downwards like meteors in the distance.

Then, in the midst of the electric light and flint, she felt like she was sitting on a ball being bounced off the ground, and then the soft thin light surrounding her in front of her eyes quietly dissipated.

At the same time, Le Yun felt herself sitting on the ground, her brain was shaking, and her eyes turned black for a moment.

Could it be that he got a concussion again?

A guess just crossed his mind, and then his sensitive senses sensed the feeling of being stared at, and his hair stood on end.

The feeling of being stared at made people feel uncomfortable. Le Yun didn't care whether she had a concussion or not. She shook her confused head and released her consciousness to observe from the air.

With his spiritual consciousness raised into the air, the surrounding situation can be seen at a glance.

The end point of the transfer of the silver leaf-shaped secret key is a huge square. The ground is paved with water-colored cyan tiles. The tiles are bluestone, and each piece has a natural texture.

Each green brick is of the same size, each one hundred feet square.

The square stretches as far as the eye can see. Above and as far as the eye can see, there is endless void. Beautiful white clouds float in the high sky. From the gaps in the clouds, you can see the sky as blue as the deep sea.

There is a golden sun hanging in the sky, and the faint sunshine warms people's hearts.

The blue sky is as clear as washing, the white clouds are in bloom, and the sun is as warm as gold. This is a beautiful picture.

The bluestone square bathed in the warm sun is dotted with creatures from all walks of life, including humans, beasts, skeletons, half-orcs, etc.

There is a huge difference in cultivation level. No matter which race they are, there are young monks like refining Qi and building foundations, and there are also high-level monks at the calamity level and Mahayana level.

The creatures of all races are either in groups or alone. Some teams should be temporary teams with a relatively large number.

Some creatures used magic weapons or set up defenses, and all they could see were gold or silver barriers, as well as various wish-fulfilling houses, large and small.

Where she and the two handsome guys landed, there were several teams scattered around. The nearest one was a small human team of three about seven feet away. There were also two small human teams ten feet away, and in the other direction. A team of humanoid orcs.

The reason why Le Yun felt that she was being targeted was because of the surrounding teams. The nearest team and the teams further away were all staring at her when she landed.

This made her a little confused.

Logically speaking, everyone's landing posture should be similar. There's nothing interesting about it, right?
Could it be that because she looked young, they were assessing the possibility of being a potential robbery target?
In the lightning room, Le Yun not only observed the environment, but also turned her mind around. She turned a blind eye to the sights from all sides, withdrew her consciousness and checked on Young Master Xuan.

The two handsome guys fainted at some point, but luckily she grabbed their arms, and with her as support, they fell to the ground and ate mud.

The handsome boy fainted, but the Calabash child actually fell asleep!
This is very confusing.

Looking at the two handsome guys who were unconscious and staggering as if they were about to fall to the ground, Le Yun sighed resignedly, took out the Ruyi House hidden in her sleeves, placed it on the ground, and carried the two handsome guys into the Ruyi House.

The two handsome guys were fine. They probably couldn't bear the discomfort of long-distance transmission and were temporarily fainted.

I don’t know when the secret realm will officially start. It’s okay for the two handsome guys to be in a daze. Le Yun laid them down on the ground, fed a handsome pot and took a pill.

The two young men took the elixir and woke up after about a cup of tea.

Young Master Yan woke up slowly and Young Master Xuan was still feeling dizzy. It took him a while to recover, and he saw clearly the appearance of Ruyi's roof, and sat up.The two young men sat up and faced the little loli opposite.

Mr. Xuan's expression was dull for a moment, then a big smile appeared on his face: "Little beauty, have we reached our destination?"

"We've reached the end, but we haven't entered the secret realm yet." Le Yun looked at the two handsome guys in good spirits and was so jealous that she wanted to put them in sacks.

These two people were in a coma, but when they were in a coma, they were recharging their energy.

But she was not so lucky, she was slightly concussed by the teleportation.

"Wow, we're here, can we go out?" Mr. Xuan was so excited that he wanted to go and see more.

"Not yet." Le Yun poured a basin of cold water over: "Currently, there are more than 15 creatures from all walks of life at the end, and there are tens of thousands of Mahayana monks who have transcended the tribulation, and there are also some special and weird creatures.

You two are too easy to become a target. If someone secretly targets you and controls you with spiritual invasion, you will deliver food to your door. "

"What?" Yan Shaoxuan was horrified when he heard this.

"This is not alarmist. There is a strange race among the creatures from all the worlds, called the Smoke Clan. Their body is a certain kind of gas, which can condense into various shapes. If they are targeted, they may be controlled at any time.

Here, they naturally don't dare to act blatantly, but they can secretly attach themselves to the selected target and then secretly control the other party. "

Le Yun rummaged through her storage, found out the materials for drawing the amulets, and mixed the ink for the amulets, and asked the two handsome men to clean them up. Then she undressed and exposed her chest and back, and she drew a few amulets for them.

Without any hesitation, Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan performed the dust removal technique on himself several times, untied his robe, and sat upright.

The drawing material is processed and can be prepared at any time as needed.

Le Yun quickly prepared two batches of talisman ink, took the talisman brush and dipped it in ink, and drew the talisman for the two handsome men respectively.

Nine layers of talismans were drawn on each handsome boy's chest and back. Each layer of the talisman disappeared immediately after being painted, leaving no trace on the skin. The handsome boy's skin was still fair and pure.

After drawing the amulet, change the ink and draw the amulet on the handsome guy's forehead.

The talisman on the forehead is a soul-protecting talisman, designed to prevent certain creatures from invading the sea of ​​​​consciousness of handsome guys or searching for their souls.

Even so, Le Yun was still worried and gave each of the two handsome pots two talismans and a jade talisman to place in the sea of ​​consciousness, and gave them some soul-killing and evil-making talismans.

Little Lolita is so serious, so Xuan Shaoyan naturally dares to be careless and carries the talisman and talisman close to her body just in case.

For their own safety, they stopped going out to expand their horizons. They only ran to the door of Ruyi House and looked out through a layer of light.

"Ouch -" I wanted to open my eyes, but when I saw an orc with a horn on his head called a rhinoceros, Mr. Xuan screamed like a marmot.

Yan Xing covered his ears silently: "Young Master Xuan, what did you see that made you so scared?"

"Nothing. I'm so excited." Mr. Xuan patted his heart.

Le Yun originally wanted to stay in Ruyi's house to rest, but she was worried that she couldn't stand Mr. Xuan's broken voice, so she couldn't help but want to beat the handsome guy with her little hands, and ignored the two handsome guys and escaped by herself.

The little Loli walked away lightly. Xuan Shaoyan opened the door of Ruyi House and continued to admire the creatures outside. They saw pure humanoid creatures, as well as beasts with pure beast bodies, and creatures with human bodies and animal heads or human heads and animal bodies. There are also some people who are completely covered in black gauze, but you can’t tell what they are.

After entering Ruyi House, Le Yun returned to Qingshi Square, and regardless of the looking and probing eyes from all sides, she sat on the floor and looked up at the sun in the sky.

She wanted to observe the movement of the sun to estimate the time. After observing it for a while, dozens of light clusters of moonlight suddenly appeared in the sky.

Inside the spherical light group are either humanoid creatures or animal-shaped creatures.

The light group that appeared out of thin air was thrown away like a goddess scattering flowers and flew towards the Bluestone Square.

In order to watch how the light balls landed, Le Yun pulled her consciousness to a high altitude and successfully saw the desired result. The spherical light balls would basically bounce when they hit the ground, and the humans and beasts inside would also bounce up.

The light group disappears as soon as it hits the ground, and humans or animals can naturally have close contact with the earth.

Regarding the process of the light group landing, there is nothing worthy of study.

Le Yun had no interest in studying the people or beasts sent by the light ball. Her consciousness was floating in the air while continuing to observe the trajectory of the sun.

As time goes by, the sun moves in one direction, and the light and temperature also change.

About three and a half hours later, the sun moved below the horizon of the square, and only the afterglow was reflected in the sky, and the light became fainter and fainter.

When the afterglow of the sun disappeared, twilight invaded the sky little by little.

In the few hours that little Loli studied the sun's trajectory, only three new groups of creatures were added.

A group of creatures had just been delivered, and a team went up to pick them up.

When it got dark, Le Yun took back her consciousness and went into the Ruyi House to rest.

Xuan Shaoyan squatted at the door of Ruyi House for several hours until the little Loli came back, set up the table and chairs, took out a piece of spiritual food and prepared to eat.

As soon as Mr. Xuan set out a dish, the beasts with the cat in the beast bag sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, roaring with joy and jostling for seats.

Yan Xing was pleasantly surprised when he saw the beasts and beast companions: "You haven't been sealed yet?"

"What seal? We were sleeping peacefully. We wanted to release our spiritual consciousness to see if it was dawn. Then we found out that our brothers were in the Ruyi House, so we came out."

The beasts took out their own rice bowls, and while waiting for the rice, they asked if they had reached their destination. After getting the answer they wanted to know, they didn't ask any more questions, only thinking about the spiritual meal.

When the humans and beasts were halfway through eating, Calabash Boy finally woke up. He found that his friends were eating the spiritual meal but not him, and he was so aggrieved that he almost cried.

Mr. Xuan decisively gave the gourd baby an extra chicken leg, and finally succeeded in coaxing the baby away with a smile.

The beasts were not under any pressure, and they practiced as long as they had enough to eat and drink. They also knew not to be willful, so they got into the spirit beast bags and stayed there. The gourd baby turned into a bracelet and clung to the little fairy.

As for Le Yun, she just closed her eyes to rest her mind at night, and used a ray of consciousness to observe the changes in the square.

Thanks to her carefulness, she was able to discover that there were many divine consciousnesses secretly watching her Ruyi House. The owners of the divine consciousnesses included people or beasts of the Mahayana and calamity transformation levels, as well as intermediate monks of the Nascent Soul transformation level.

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