magic eye doctor

Chapter 3162 Refusing to Disturb

Chapter 3162 Refusing to Disturb
Because Hua Zhang and his senior fellow apprentices knew that Taoist friend Xiyue had profound merits and she was easier than other creatures to obtain the treasures of heaven and earth that others could not ask for, they were eager to ask for her, so they came to seek cooperation as soon as possible.

They themselves are not sure whether Fellow Taoist Xiyue knows the function of Dragon Elephant Wood. Now listening to Fellow Daoist Xiyue's tone, she knows about Dragon Elephant Wood and understands Dragon Elephant Wood very well.

Nie Yu is the eldest brother and has the power to make decisions. He tells the truth frankly: "We have Dragon Elephant Wood in our world. Because Dragon Elephant Wood has always grown only in the territory of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Court that currently governs the Dragon Clan is at odds with our predecessors in the Immortal Sect. Our Immortal Sect cannot exchange for Dragon Elephant Wood, so we can only find other ways."

"That's a question." Knowing why the five-person team came to the secret realm to look for dragon elephant wood, Le Yun asked again: "I don't know what the weight of one portion mentioned by your friend is? Do you need live wood, or just dragon elephant wood?" Just wood?"

The hearts of the five brothers suddenly beat faster, and Nie Yu hurriedly replied: "The Immortal Sect needs dragon elephant wood above the spirit wood level, not limited to ancient living wood, it needs about three feet square. If you can choose more, Of course the more the merrier.”

"Okay, I will pay attention. If I have the chance to find the Dragon Elephant Wood, I will exchange it with fellow Taoists. Fellow Taoist Huazhang will leave a copy of the message for me to facilitate contact." Le Yun calmly accepted the agreement. She also had no ability to talk about the Nirvana Wood. , but Longxiangmu, she has it.

The ancient dragon clan ruins within the Songzhu Ridge Raging Bear Mountains in Yunlan Bamboo Continent are so ancient that there are many plants and trees with dragon characters on them, including the Dragon Elephant Tree.

However, it is not the time for exchange yet. Once this team exchanges for Dragon Elephant Wood, if they get their wish and accidentally reveal clues, it will be disadvantageous for them.

Fellow Daoist Xiyue took the initiative to ask for the messenger talisman, which showed that she was very concerned about what they were looking for. Niyu stood up and solemnly thanked her: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Xiyue, for your trouble."

Hua Zhang hurriedly took a copy of his message and gave it to fellow Taoist Xiyue, and proactively asked: "Does fellow Taoist Xiyue have any heavenly materials and earthly treasures that you are specifically looking for?"

"I have no specific goal in coming to the Qingxu Secret Realm. I just follow the circumstances. The purpose of my travels is to find two kinds of spiritual objects. One is to find the Heart of Ice, and the other is to find the cubs or eggs of iron-eating beasts to cultivate. Contract war beast.

It would be great if a few fellow Taoists know who among the team entering the secret realm has these two things in their hands and can provide clues. "

"Heart of Ice?"

"Iron-eating beast?"

The five fellow apprentices had strange expressions on their faces. They were really not surprised. The Heart of Ice could be found even in the spirit world. The iron-eating beast may have disappeared in the small world, but it was not difficult to find it in many spirit and fairy worlds.

"Yes." Le Yun was confident and naturally did not panic: "The thing I am looking for is not a particularly rare thing, but the time has not come and I have not been able to get my wish so far.

During my travels, I found several ice veins that gave birth to the Ice Heart. Unfortunately, I couldn't move it. Once the ice core was removed, the ice area would gradually melt, leading to disasters in some areas due to environmental changes.

It's not like I haven't found iron-eating beasts before, but there are things that gentlemen do and things they don't do. They themselves are unwilling to follow me, and I am unwilling to use force to snatch their cubs or eggs. "

Nie Yu was in awe: "The saint has a benevolent heart, and fellow Taoist Xiyue has such a big heart, I am ashamed of myself."

"Thank you." Le Yun smiled modestly.

Hua Zhang was quite curious: "Why do fellow Taoist Xiyue like iron-eating beasts? Although the iron-eating beasts are of the bloodline of divine beasts, their combat power is not top-notch, and is far inferior to the powerful divine beasts such as the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and Suzaku. The monks love it.”

"Everyone has his or her own preference for radish and green vegetables. The appearance and color of the iron-eating beast are both in my heart. It is very popular with me, so I want an iron-eating beast as a war pet."

My own obsession with the iron-eating beast is, as people in my hometown say, to the point where I am "crazy and crazy for him and bang against the wall". Before I find the iron-eating beast, I will never contract with other spiritual beasts. "

"Being crazy about him and banging against the wall for him?" Hua Zhang was amused: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue's love for iron beasts is really extraordinary. I don't know which iron beast will be lucky enough to become one." Fellow Taoist’s contracted beast.”

Xuanyi, Mingxu, and Qingyuan spoke little, but kept in mind the two things Taoist Xiyue wanted to find. They didn't have much hope in finding the iron-eating beast cubs, so they exchanged the Ice Beast cubs from other teams. The possibility of heart is greater.

Mingxu took what his junior sister said: "Almost all the teams that passed the three levels first in the Immortal Realm left people at the end of the Karma Pond. I came out first before Fellow Daoist Xiyue landed, taking the advantage. I thought other teams would come soon. Find fellow Taoist Xiyue to cooperate."

"Thanks for the reminder, fellow Taoist Mingxu." Le Yun understood. Yu Yiyin and her fellow apprentices knew that she had merit and came here to exchange information. Other teams with clear goals must also have this intention.

Mingxu didn't dare to take credit and smiled modestly. Fellow Taoist Xiyue had a delicate heart. Even if he didn't say it, she would definitely be able to figure it out.

After the business was done, as a guest, it was not appropriate to disturb the host for a long time. Nieyu said goodbye to his junior brothers and sisters.

Leyun didn't leave the visitor in vain and got up to see them off.

A door opened in the barrier again.

Nie Yu took his junior brothers and sisters and asked the master to stay, flew to the barrier gate, and then filed out. Once outside the barrier, he placed the array magic weapon on one side about a foot away as his station.

The brothers entered the magic weapon barrier to discuss plans.

Le Yun sent the visitor away, quickly took out the four treasures of the study, wrote a message, threaded it through, tied it in a small golden bell magic weapon, threw it out of the barrier, and hung it on the top of the barrier.

There are pieces of paper hanging on the thread hanging inside the small golden bell, swaying gently.

Nanga put a ray of spiritual consciousness outside the barrier and "saw" a few words written on the paper tied to the golden bell - "Enlightenment in progress, please do not disturb."

The little Taoist friend was prepared for a rainy day. In order to prevent teams from all walks of life from coming to her, she simply retreated in seclusion to thank guests.

I have to say, the little fellow Taoist played this trick beautifully!
Nanjia released a wish-fulfilling house, smiled at the little fellow Taoist, sang a Buddhist chant, and said: "Fellow Taoist, the young monk also had some insights when he passed the three passes. He is also going to gain some enlightenment next. Fellow Taoists, please call me if you have any questions. "Little monk." "Fellow Taoist, please do." Le Yun responded with a smile. The Buddhist monk is also a cute little monk!
Nanga walked into the Ruyi Room calmly and sat cross-legged to meditate.

"Little beauty, I've also gone to understand."

"I'm going to practice. Call me if you need anything."

Because he had learned from the past, Master Xuan Shaoyan was afraid that the little loli would throw them away again, so he immediately ran to Ruyi House.

The two young men melted into each other, got into the Ruyi House and looked outside quietly. They found that the little Loli showed a satisfied smile. They knew they had done the right thing this time and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't waste any time, sitting on their own side practicing.

The two handsome guys were clever for a while. Le Yun packed up her belongings, put all the tables and chairs into storage, and then enlarged the coniferous and round-leaf trees so that they could stand in the golden lotus magic weapon and receive light.

Another Ruyi house was placed. After entering the Ruyi house, another Ruyi house was placed. Several magic stoves and several ordinary stoves were placed, and the rice dumplings were boiled.

Then he sent the four fire brothers to take care of the fire, and he drew the talisman with peace of mind in the Ruyi House outside.

Le Xiaoxiao has arranged herself clearly and has no time to care about the progress of teams of various races.

She was quiet, and the little Tianlumon was about to cry.

The little Tianlu beast Milo, who was brought back by his brother, was unhappy at first, but he was also very well-behaved. After all, the little human cub had guests, and they wanted to talk about cooperation, and it was not convenient for him to listen.

He listened to his brother and stayed calm.

After receiving the message from their senior brother Mi Guang, Jingning, Xuhuai and Changshui immediately withdrew from their previous station and gathered at the new station instead.

The brothers and sisters met, and Ning Changshui also knew that the Xiyue on the green monument was the little nun Xiao Miluo was close to before, and they all fell silent.

After introspection, the senior fellow apprentices put their minds together and decided to go to Fairy Xiyue to discuss whether there was anything they could do in common.

They discussed it and set off with Mi Guang.

When the brothers came out of their own magic weapon barrier, they looked up and saw the small golden bell and note hanging above the neighbor's magic weapon barrier.

"?" The brothers looked at each other in confusion.

The elder brother and senior fellow apprentices stood still. Xiao Tianlu couldn't wait any longer and immediately urged: "Brother, please tell the little cub to open the door!"

"The little fairy is in seclusion to meditate. Please leave a message to thank the guests. Look at the top of the barrier yourself." Mi Guang asked his younger brother to read the message from the human fairy.

Milo raised his small body and looked at the top of the barrier. He also saw the small magic weapon hanging in the air like a kite and the message left by the owner of the barrier.

The little beast was dumbfounded: "The little cub has gone into seclusion to gain enlightenment?"

"Yes, the little fairy is in seclusion for enlightenment. Please don't interrupt. Let's go back." Mi Guang returned home decisively.

"No, no, no, you want to find the cub and I will go to the cub..." Milo struggled fiercely and refused to return to his territory.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Mi Guang carried his younger brother into his team's territory and warned him with serious eyes: "Miluo, you are not a newborn cub. You are already over 300 years old. You are a cub of our Tianlu tribe." Just because the cubs have a long cubage period does not mean that they are still ignorant when they are three hundred years old.

The little fairy left a message clearly, just because she didn't want to be disturbed.

Believe it or not, no matter how much trouble you make, even if you cry your eyes out, the little fairy will not pay attention to you. "

"No, the little cub won't be that bad." Little Tianlumon believed and listened to his brother's words.

"This is not a question of whether it is bad or not, this is a question of credibility. The little fairy said that she was meditating and not to be disturbed. You cry and make a fuss to force the little fairy to show up. If the little fairy ignores you, then she will break her promise and get fat. You will no longer have authority when speaking from now on.”

"Oh, I just want to play with the little cub..." Milo was like an eggplant beaten by frost - wilted.

"Miluo, there is also a problem with the way you call the little fairy from the human race. Either you call her the little fairy, fellow daoist, or you call her a fairy. It is very rude for you to call her a cub like a cub, and it makes us, the Tianlu beast clan, vulgar and rude. "

"..." Milo, who was being taught by his brother, had his head drooped, listless, and couldn't even muster the energy to speak.

Even though Jing Ning, Xun Huai, and Chang Shui felt sorry for Xiao Miluo, they did not interrupt when Senior Brother Mi Guang was teaching Milo a lesson. When Senior Brother Mi Luo finished his lecture, they quickly pulled Xiao Mi Luo to comfort him.

Miguang lectured his younger brother and it was enough. He stopped chattering and stayed in the barrier with his junior brothers to wait and see the reactions of various races.

(End of this chapter)

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