magic eye doctor

Chapter 3163

The message hanging on the barrier of the little girl cultivating the magic weapon not only stopped the little Tianlu Beast, but also dissuaded the teams that were trying to discuss cooperation with Fairy Xiyue.

Because of his cleverness, Mingxu made the right decision to leave when he saw the little girl crossing the Karma Pond to make her merits turn into golden lotuses. He went to the square to join the team, so he found the person as quickly as possible and got the upper hand.

The men left by the other teams did not take action immediately. Some of them only reacted after the little female cultivator left the Karma Pond through the teleportation array, and chased her out, looking for their own team again.

Some people waited and watched for a while, until the team that entered the Karma Pond following the little nun passed the Karma Pond before looking for their own team.

When the monks who came out of the end of the Cause and Effect Pond arrived at the square, they saw the huge blue stone monument. They first went to look at the blue stone monument to satisfy their curiosity, and then went to the team to tell them what happened at the Cause and Effect Pond.

Then, each team learned that Xiyue, who had risen to the top of the Qing Monument, was a young female cultivator with five rock dolls, two Nascent Soul cultivators, and a Buddhist cultivator.

Each team wasted some time to find out the direction and specific location of the little female cultivator. When they arrived at their destination, they saw a golden barrier and a message from the owner hanging on the small magic weapon.

The rushing team: "..."

It's like being showered with water when you are happy.

Each team that arrived in a hurry watched the two camps next to a certain barrier in silence. They also placed magic weapons about a foot away and stationed themselves in the enclosure.

If the host does not see the guest, then he will wait.

Isn't it said that those near the water tower get the moon first? Their team is close to a certain barrier. Maybe when the secret realm is officially opened, they will be sent to the same place because they are close to Fairy Xiyue.

Hua Zhang discussed the itinerary plan with his senior brothers and prepared to split up to visit the teams that had met slightly before the test. When he found the words hanging on the neighbor's barrier, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Since Fairy Xiyue immediately went into seclusion to thank guests? !

In other words, their brothers and sisters were the first team to successfully visit Fairy Xiyue.

The brothers were both shocked and somewhat expectant. Fairy Xiyue has not met with other teams for the time being. The other teams still don't know what the fairy is looking for. They have a certain chance of getting the Heart of Ice in exchange.

With their plans in mind, the brothers immediately took action and went to find teams that they had a preliminary understanding of and had the intention to cooperate with.

After entering the Ruyi House, Nanga separated a ray of consciousness to pay attention to the area around the barrier, and just "watched" the teams coming in and settling outside the magic weapon barrier of the little Taoist friend.

Some teams were still unaware of the situation and saw other teams rushing to move to camp. They waited and watched for a while, then silently followed the crowd and changed their stopping points.

Soon, the teams that had passed the three levels first moved to the surroundings of the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon Barrier. The teams stationed themselves in an orderly manner, making the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon Barrier virtually become the central tent.

And when the team that followed Jun Foxiu and the little female cultivator across the Life-Calling Bridge passed the third level and were transported to the square, they followed the crowd and stationed outside the magic weapon house or magic weapon barrier.
Many teams settled down and then went to inquire about Jun Foxiu and the little female cultivator who led a group of little creatures. As a result, they exchanged information. Most of the teams that cleared the customs first also knew what happened when Jun Foxiu and the little female cultivator crossed the Mingming Bridge. .

Team after team are waiting for Jun Foxiu and Fairy Xiyue to come out of seclusion.

The team that followed the young female cultivator Junfo through the Life-Calling Bridge all cleared the Karma Pond. It was almost noon of the day. From then on, no team came out throughout the afternoon.

It wasn't until nearly midnight that another team finally arrived at the square from the teleportation array in the Karma Pond.

In the following days, teams continued to clear the level.

Whenever the team that passed the customs was teleported to the square and found the golden name on the green monument, Bi was surprised and looked around for information.

The information they could find out was that the names on the front of the green stele represented the creatures and the number of merit lotuses that formed golden lotuses in the cause and effect pool. The names on the back of the stele showed the names of the creatures who had celestial phenomena like lotuses growing step by step when crossing the cause and effect pool.

The glowing characters on the green tablet represent the newly added names this time, and the non-glowing names represent the seniors who have entered the Qingxu Secret Realm and passed through the Cause and Effect Pond to cause strange phenomena to occur in the pond.

It is still unknown who Xiyue and Nanga are who got the Nine-Flower Golden Lotus, and who is Nanga who got the Lotus Step by Step.

Nanga's spiritual consciousness was floating in the sky, "watching" others inquiring about the whereabouts of his little Taoist friend and himself. He felt that it was quite interesting, so he "listened" with interest.

Jun Foxiu was practicing while releasing his spiritual consciousness to fly all over the sky, while Mr. Le Xiao stayed in the Ruyi Room to draw talismans and resolutely practiced "not hearing what is happening outside the window".

As the days passed, the number of teams passing through the level increased.

Ten days have passed in a blink of an eye, and there are only three days left before the end of the test.

Seeing that the trial period is coming to an end and a certain person still hasn't shown up, some of the team outside the golden lotus magic weapon barrier can't sit still and go out to wander around every day.

Nanga is not in a hurry.

Le Yun, who stayed in Ruyi House, was not in a hurry. It wasn't until the evening before the test was about to end that she put away the tools and supplies for drawing talismans, and then went to pack the rice dumplings to be stewed.

In more than ten days, the magic pot stove only cooked two batches of rice dumplings, while the ordinary pot stove had a small capacity and cooked a total of seven batches of rice dumplings.

After packing up the items and kitchen utensils and sending the puppet to rest temporarily, Le Yun walked out of the Ruyi House and put away the two Ruyi Houses.

The golden lotus magic weapon was empty, and the Buddha cultivator and the two handsome guys were still locked in the small dark room without bubbling.

Le Yun took some time to observe the situation outside the barrier, calmly sat on the ground, and then moved out the gourd dolls and the five rock dolls spiritual plant dolls that had been sent to the conifer spiritual plant space.

The changed positions of Calabash Baby and a group of little creatures stayed in a daze for a while, then rushed to the little fairy with cheers and acted coquettishly around the little fairy.

The orchid doll, the sunflower doll, the golden doll, the white jade doll and the medicine doll stayed with the big wood demon and another group of spiritual plant dolls, the rock doll, for a while, and they became completely accustomed to calling adults little fairies, "little fairy" on the left and "little fairy" on the right. , shouted very affectionately.

After staying in the Lingzhi space for more than ten days, Lanwa and other little creatures followed Zhiwa and the others and walked through the world, and have completely integrated into their new home.

The little ones had a very strong sense of belonging to their new home, and they were naturally very happy to see the little fairy.

When the little creatures were chattering around the little Lolita, Nanga also finished his "enlightenment", put away the wishful house, walked to the little Taoist friend, and listened to the little creatures talking.

Xuan Shaoyan was practicing and walked out of Ruyi House nearly half an hour later than Nanga.

When everyone is gathered, Mr. Xuan prepares dinner.

It’s too much trouble to set up the table and put it away, so we might as well sit on the floor and eat our meals separately.

Although Mr. Xuan has a lot of spiritual meals for himself, Le Yun will not always let Mr. Xuan suffer. She provides the spiritual meals herself, and Mr. Xuan helps distribute the meals.Lingzhi doll and Yan doll are small in stature, but they eat a lot. They can eat [-] kilograms of food in one meal.

Le Yun took out four camel beasts, ten sheep, and ten cows, and divided one portion between herself and others, and also gave one portion each to Xuan Shaoyan and Shaomao's contracted beast companions in the spirit beast bag.

After a few days, they ate delicious food again, and the five little creatures were so happy that they were floating in the clouds.

Nanga's eyebrows also became exceptionally soft.

After having a meal of spiritual food, I satisfied my appetite and replenished my energy. I rested for a while and each meditated to recharge and prepare for entering the secret realm tomorrow.

There is still the last night of the test period, and no one knows where they will be teleported when they enter the secret realm tomorrow. Therefore, all the teams in the square are also secretly preparing their strength.

That night, the teams that were lagging behind also cleared the customs one after another. Basically, each team took a rest immediately after arriving at the square.

Le Yun was full of energy and had nothing to do. She separated out a ray of consciousness and watched in the air. She found that the team that had fallen behind and finally passed the level had a few injuries.

Those injuries ranged from minor to severe. Minor injuries were mostly skin injuries, while severe injuries meant missing arms or legs, or the soul was seriously injured.

Many of the monks with injured limbs had no flesh and blood on their arms or legs, leaving only bones.

Situations like exhaustion of real energy and mental exhaustion abound, which shows that their process of clearing the level is very unsatisfactory.

After searching around with her spiritual sense, Le Yun couldn't find the team that once detained Kui Wawa. It was a bit strange that that team had a very strong lineup, but they hadn't cleared the level yet?

It wasn't until dawn that she finally arrived at the team.

A certain team originally had more than 80 members, and the lowest level was a monk who had been in the realm of calamity. Unknown to some internal problems, they split up, leaving only 23 people in Qiao's team.

The reason why Le Yun was sure that Qiao's team was broken up was because she remembered the faces of Qiao's team members when they met Yu Kuiwa.

At that time, the team squad led by Joe had a total of 17 members, but now only seven of the other [-] people are on the same team with him.

The other ten people were not lost in the process of clearing the customs. They also belonged to two different teams. One team cleared the customs at dark yesterday, and the other team completed the test around midnight.

Qiao and his team, who had just completed the level, found that less than half of their team members were injured.

As the leader of the team, Mr. Qiao was also seriously injured. His face was scratched by an evil spirit. Because the wound was still filled with evil spirits, the wound could not heal itself even after taking pills, and the bones were still visible.

Moreover, the flesh and blood on his two legs from two and a half inches above the knees to the feet disappeared, exposing the pale leg bones.

One person in his team lost an arm, another person lost an eye, and three people also lost flesh and blood on their legs, either from the knee down or from the calf down.

Those few were seriously injured, and seven or eight other members had minor injuries.

The reason why creatures of all ethnic groups have their arms and legs exposed with white bones is because their flesh and blood were incinerated by the water when crossing the Karma Pond.

The Karma Pool cuts off cause and effect. Living beings who have not done any evil deeds entering the Karma Pool are like entering a natural pool. There is no obstruction when crossing the water. Some creatures can even float out of the water as if they were lying flat on the ground.

When a creature that has committed bad karma enters the pond of karma, the results will be different depending on the severity of the bad karma. Those with light karma will only feel stuck by the water, making it more difficult to cross the pond.

Those with serious sins may be burned by the water in the pool, which may burn part of their flesh and blood without damaging their bones. If it is more serious, they may even burn their flesh and bones, and in the worst case, their entire body may be incinerated.

For example, Lingzhi dolls and rock dolls have no sinful karma and their feet did not sink into the water when they crossed the pond of cause and effect. However, Yan Shao was somewhat contaminated by cause and effect. When he crossed the pond of cause and effect, the water flooded up to his calves.

When Yan Shaoxuan was young and passed through the Pond of Cause and Effect, one of the monks who entered the Pond of Cause and Effect after them was burned by fire because of his heavy bad karma.

Mr. Qiao's legs were incinerated and part of his flesh and blood was removed. It can be seen that he also made a lot of blood in his hands and had bad karma, so he was punished when he crossed the karma pond.

Judging from the overall situation of the team, Qiao's team had a difficult time passing the three levels.

Qiao Zhi, who finally passed the three-level test, and his team described themselves as in a state of embarrassment. After being teleported to the square, they had no energy to pay attention to anything else. They immediately released the Ruyi Room and went in to regulate their breathing.

After about the time it took to touch a stick of incense, the white color of the fish belly appeared in the east.

From the dawn of the sky to the clarity of the world, it was only half a cup of tea. When the morning light shone on the square, each team also put away their magic weapons, ready to be transported into the secret realm at any time.

Le Yun also followed the Romans, turned off the golden lotus magic weapon barrier, took back the small gold chain hanging the paper zhi, and shrank the golden lotus magic weapon in a circle again.

Nanjia Xuan Shaoyan Shao, Calabash Baby and Rock Baby Lingzhi Baby walked out of the magic weapon and stepped onto the square.

After the Buddhist cultivator and his friends left the golden lotus magic weapon, Le Yun put the magic weapon away and stood with her friends. Then she looked around, preparing to see how many monks had been eliminated in the test.

Hua Zhang and his senior brothers put away their magic weapons at dawn and waited silently until Fairy Xiyue closed the defensive barrier and immediately moved forward.

The team of five moved closer and gave a monk's salute to their masters.

Nieyu greeted with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for a few days. Fairy Xiyue and all my Taoist friends have become more and more advanced. They must have gained something during their enlightenment. I am gratified."

"Nie Yu and fellow Taoists are very restrained and have improved a lot in their cultivation. We are both happy." Le Yun responded with a compliment.

Niyu and his fellow apprentices responded with a smile, and naturally stood together with Fairy Xiyue.

Fairy Xiyue stood side by side with the Buddhist cultivator. In front of her was the great wood demon and two Nascent Soul cultivators. A sunflower doll was held by a Nascent Soul cultivator, and a gold doll and a medicine doll held another Nascent Soul cultivator. ’s arms, and there are two Lingzhi babies holding the arms of the wood-type demon.

Therefore, Hua Zhang and his fellow apprentices successfully occupied Fairy Xiyue's right-hand position.

As soon as they took the best position, the humanoid Tianlumon holding the little Tianlumon and his brothers also rushed over to greet the female cultivator.

Leyun also greeted the humanoid Tianxiang Beast and his fellow sects politely. Looking at the little Tianlu Beast struggling in his brother's arms and trying to pounce, she reached out and stroked his fur: "Follow you obediently. Brother, if you run around and get caught by bad guys, you might turn into a pot of delicious meat."

"..." The little Tianlu beast was quite happy to be stroked, but then he rolled his eyes in anger. Does the little human cub know how to scare beasts? This is not the way to scare beasts. He is a dignified auspicious beast Tianlu. , who dares to eat him?

Just as he was about to retort, a cold voice sounded in the air again: "In half the time of burning incense, it will be the test deadline. Open the ranking list. The top [-] people who pass the test will each receive rewards."

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