magic eye doctor

Chapter 3164

Le Xiao's classmates and their friends stood facing the center of the square. Huazhang's team was originally on their right and back, while the humanoid Tianlumon's team was on their left.

When Tianlu Beast came over, Nanga moved a step and moved behind Fellow Taoist Xiyue, then stood side by side with Fellow Taoist Xiyue who turned to the left, facing Tianlu Beast's team.

When Le Yun heard the same familiar voice that announced the rules of the test, she also withdrew the hand that was combing the little Tianlu Beast's fur, turned around, and looked at the ink jade stone tablet in the central area of ​​the square.

When the little fellow Taoist turned around, Nanga moved his feet again and took one step to the right side of fellow Taoist Xiyue.

Because the Buddhist cultivator moved the right hand side of the human race fairy, Mi Guang took advantage of the situation and stood on the left hand side of the little fairy. His junior brother humbly stood beside him, while Jing Ning and Chang Shui stood behind them as the rearguard.

The monks moved extremely fast. They stood in formation instantly and looked at the stone tablet.

As the sound in the air fell, the ink jade stone tablet in the central area of ​​the square also glowed with dazzling light, but it was not golden light, but silver brilliance.

After the dazzling silver light, the silver light on the monument flowed like water, and rows of words emerged.

The words are arranged from right to left, with names at the top and names of creatures of each race at the bottom. Behind the names are the reward points obtained by passing the three levels.

The first three lines of the first row are in gold font, which is the list of No. 3 to No. [-].

Ranking first is still Xiyue, with [-] reward points;
The second place's name is Milo, with bonus points of [-] points;

Ranked third is Nanga, with [-] bonus points.

The difference in bonus points between No.2 and No.3 is one thousand points.

Ming Yuqing, ranked fourth, has [-] points.

The fifth place is named Jin Lieyang, with [-] points.

Further on, from No. 6 to No. 10, the gap in points is smaller, basically ranging from one to three hundred points.

The small gap between rankings and points also indirectly proves that the strength of each team is not much different.

Le Yun, who held her head high, was immediately happy when she saw the first three names on the ranking list. Oops, the second and third names were all acquaintances!

What's even more coincidental is that the second No. 3 is also here with her now. The only difference is that she is now in the center, with No. 2 on her left side and No. 3 on her right side.

No one specially called for it, but the top three actually gathered together. This may be "birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together."

Le Yun was not surprised at all that she was ranked first. She also felt that Little Tianlumon's team was ranked second and that Buddha Nanga was ranked third.

In the three-level test of the secret realm, the length of time to clear the level is not the only factor that determines success or failure. Your behavior in the level is equally important.

Theoretically speaking, there is no explicit rule against killing before the test, nor does it stipulate that the strong can eat the weak. The first and third levels were fine, as everyone could pass the test without interfering with each other.

When crossing the Destiny Bridge in the second level, it is not uncommon to push others out as shields for your own survival.

Of the three levels of the test, the second level is the most dangerous and the one with the highest elimination rate. It is also the level with the highest loss rate for teams of all races.

Some of the creatures of all races that were lost in the second level were devoured by ghosts and evil spirits, while some were actually lost in the hands of other teams that passed the level, and many even became victims of alliance teams.

Among the teams of all races that entered the secret realm, only a small number of teams knew that they had used other creatures as shields when crossing the Fate Bridge, or had framed or secretly eliminated dissidents in the first and third levels. They would never be able to advance to the previous level when testing the rankings. Thousands of names.

The ranking of the test level also plays an extremely important role in the ranking at the end of the secret realm to a large extent.

Xuan Shaoyan took a look at the ranking list and found that the little Loli was at the top again. She suddenly felt proud and beamed with joy.

Le Yun looked at the top ten, quickly browsed the list, and then found an acquaintance. The team ranked third was a small team from Huazhang, led by Nie Yu.

Nieyu and his junior brothers also found their rankings, and they were all very happy. They also knew their own merits, and thought it would be great to have a place among the top [-]. Unexpectedly, they were ranked very high, which was really unexpected. of joy.

The teams in the square are all looking at the ranking list, looking for their own rankings. Some are surprised, some are frustrated, and they all have different moods.

There is no front or back side to the stele of the ranking list. It only has names engraved on one side. However, the magical thing is that no matter which direction you stand in the square, when you look at the ranking list, you will always see the front side.

Le Yun glanced at ten lines and quickly browsed through the ranking list. She found the team of Qiao from the Nebula Realm in the middle of the last row.

That team was ranked low and had very few points, only 320 points.

Because the test deadline has not yet come, teams are still being teleported to the square from the third level one after another, and the number of words on the ranking list is still increasing.

After reading the ranking list, Le Yun looked around the square and used Qi-gazing techniques to estimate how many creatures had been eliminated after a test.

Time passed little by little, and after a while, as several waves of teams arrived at the advertisement through the portal, a cold voice came from the air again.

"The test period is up, and those who fail to clear the level in time will be eliminated. The teleportation array will drop those who have cleared the level into various places in the secret realm after a cup of tea. Everyone, be prepared.

The top [-] people who pass the level will receive a reward. I wish those of all races who have cleared the level will achieve their wishes in the secret realm. "Following the cold and emotionless words, dots of golden light appeared in the air, and those golden light dots flew into the queue in the square like raindrops.

Three dots of golden light flew to where Le Xiao's classmates were waiting, and fell into the hands of the first, second and third winners respectively.

Seeing the golden light flying towards her, Le Yun stretched out her hand to catch it. The light spot fell into her hand and turned into an exquisite jade box.

She put the jade box into the natural gourd magic weapon without opening it for inspection, then quickly took out the golden lotus magic weapon and moved the gourd baby with two little creatures wrapped around her arms.

Needless to say, Lingzhi Doll, the rock doll clinging to Young Master Xuan, jumped up happily and jumped into the golden lotus magic weapon in the little fairy's hand.

The clingy little creature abandoned him, and Young Master Xuan felt as if he was lost.

Le Yun held the golden lotus magic weapon containing the gourd baby and five little creatures in her hands, looked around again, and had a good idea.

In one test, more than 180 million monks were eliminated, and about 750 million people passed the test.

The elimination rate is high.

Judging from the luck of each team in the square, most of the eliminated creatures are the members of each team, as well as some teams with lower cultivation levels.

Tests are like waves washing away the weak, leaving only the elite.

Le Yun didn't feel much. Anyway, she had no specific purpose in entering the secret realm. The ones who were under pressure were the teams with clear goals.

She was still sighing when several teams quickly gathered around her and Tianlumon's teams. Because the gaps between the teams were small, they looked like allies.

The teleportation was about to start, and Mi Guang didn't mind the surrounding team.

When the time for a cup of tea was up, there was no sound in the air to remind, but a dazzling golden light erupted from the ground of the square.

In the dazzling golden light, more than 700 million creatures turned into meteors and flew out.

When the golden light suddenly appeared, Young Master Xuan Shaoyan closed his eyes subconsciously. The next moment, he felt like he was being pulled up by a strong force, and then his head became dizzy.

I don’t know how long it took, but I felt as if I was sitting in a rubber ball and then bounced up again. The bouncing sensation made my brain feel dizzy.

Then, they heard bursts of "ouch, ouch, ouch," and "ahhhhhhhh."

Stimulated by the screams, Xuan Shaoyan's mind was agitated, and his consciousness came to his senses. He felt his hand being grabbed by something. He immediately looked over and saw the little loli that was sandwiched between them.

The little Loli didn't know when she grabbed their wrists respectively, so she stood in front of them. However, the little Loli didn't look good, her face was pale, and her eyebrows were almost twisted into twine.

"Little beauty, how are you?"

"Little loli, are you okay?"

Seeing the little Loli's hard-to-love look, Young Master Xuan Shaoyan immediately surrounded her, regardless of where she was.

Hearing the familiar voice, Le Yun blinked her eyes, which were still dim, and shook her head. Her head felt like it was filled with tofu. When she shook it, she felt as if she could hear the sound of water.

His mind was buzzing and he felt uncomfortable. He quickly released his hands holding the wrists of the two handsome guys, raised his hands to rub his head, and said while looking at them: "It's not big, I'm just a little dizzy from the teleportation array."

Hearing that his friend was fine, Xuan Shaoyan breathed a sigh of relief and was free to study the environment.

They were teleported to a square in the city. The square was circular in shape, with a line of white jade bricks facing the ground, and a huge teleportation array in the center.

The square is surrounded by buildings and there are wide avenues leading directly to the square.

Like them, the teams of various races that were airdropped into the square were also distributed outside the teleportation array in the square. Most of the teams were a little confused due to the impact of the teleportation.

Le Yun searched around but couldn't find Nanga, Tianlumon's team or Huazhang's team. She guessed that the teleportation was random and they were all separated.

Not only did the team she met not teleport to a certain place, but the team that later gathered around them also disappeared.

It also means that among the team that was airdropped to this city, not many people should know that they are Xiyue.

This time, Le Yun was very happy. No one knew that she was Xi Yue, who ranked first on the two monuments, and there would be no team that would pester her for bargains. This was undoubtedly good news.

However, because she stayed in the square for a long time before the test before the secret realm opened, and Yanwawa and Lingzhiwawa took the initiative to defect to her, maybe the news about her had been broadcast to the team entering the secret realm before she knew it. , it is also possible that someone will take your seat.

Looking around, Le Yun determined the direction by looking directly, and ran first: "Let's go!"

While the teams of all races have not yet recovered from the teleportation state, it is best to dodge them quickly.

Xuan Shaoyan was stunned for a moment, then ran after the little Loli.

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