magic eye doctor

Chapter 3165 Mining Tasks

Classmate Le Xiao and two handsome boys quietly bypassed the queues of other races, crossed half a square, entered an avenue, and walked along one side of the street.

The street is a hundred feet wide, with blue bricks on the ground. The walls of the buildings on both sides of the avenue are painted with paint. You can’t tell what material they are made of. The colors are mainly gray, tea, and brown.

The buildings are grand, simple and natural.

Most of the buildings along the street are shops, but each building is protected by a magic weapon. There is a layer of faint golden light between the doors, and the internal situation cannot be seen from the outside.

There is a plaque hanging on the lintel of the store. You can roughly guess the business scope of the store by looking at the name of the plaque.

The pedestrians walking on the street were all tall, men and women with handsome faces, and their whole bodies seemed to be shining with radiance, truly radiant.

Although the doors of each building are magic circles, various smells and noises can be smelled on the street.

"Little beauty, what's the word "wen" here?" Mr. Xuan followed his friend, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became. OMG, he didn't recognize most of the shop names on both sides of the street!

Hearing Mr. Xuan's voice transmission, Le Yun calmly replied: "This is a fairy script, infinitely close to a divine script. Have you seen the notice posted next to the store?"

"What notice?" Mr. Xuan was confused, looking left and right, with a depressed look on his face: "I didn't see any notice. The shops and buildings all over the street didn't even have a couplet except for their plaques.

Oh, I take back what I said before. I saw a notice posted outside a store. They were recruiting workers and asked for Mizuki Spirit Root. "

"Well, that's it. Many shops on the street have notices posted, but there are requirements. Only people who meet their requirements can see them, and people who don't meet the requirements can't see them."

"What?" Mr. Xuan was so shocked that he almost exclaimed, "Ancestor, what on earth is this place? It's so magical?"
Fortunately, Le Yun is not a mind reader. She doesn't know what Mr. Xuan is thinking. If she knew, she might give him a big look. You are stepping on the land of the God Realm. What does this little magical power mean?

You must know that the "people" walking on the street are mortals at the lowest level.

In order not to scare the two handsome men, Le Yun resolutely refused to reveal the secret and continued walking calmly, looking for any tasks she liked.

Young Master Yan observed as he walked, even if he saw words he didn't recognize, he didn't ask. Silence is golden.

The three of them walked for about one stick of incense. In addition to the original residents, teams of creatures of various races dropped from the air also appeared on the street.

Each team is in a hurry, looking for a favorite mission.

Le Yun and the two handsome guys walked for about twenty miles, and there was another square square in front of them. On the other side of the square was a majestic and tall building, with a plaque engraved with powerful characters - City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord's mansion has gray-brown walls and golden tiles, and the mansion is spacious.

Le Yun took a look, crossed the avenue in front of the square, entered the square, then walked in one direction along the square, passed the City Lord's Mansion, and walked to another white-gray building.

There is no plaque on the building. There is a sign on the side outside the gate that reads "Tucheng Mining Office", which clearly means that it is the office that manages the mining resources in Tucheng.

There is a notice on the other side of the gate of the Mining Department, recruiting diggers. The minimum requirement is four kinds of spiritual roots, and they must also have the metal, earth and water spiritual roots.

It can be said that the notice's requirements for the miners' spiritual roots are enough to eliminate most of the teams that were airdropped to Tucheng.

Le Yun walked to the door of the Mining Department, first took out the golden lotus magic weapon stuffed in her sleeve, put it on her shoulder, then stepped forward and took off the notice.

As soon as the notice was removed, the golden light between the doors flashed, revealing a circular doorway.

Xuan Shaoyan didn't see the notice posted on the building. It wasn't until the little Loli took it off that they saw a recruitment notice made of silk-like material.

The two young masters: "..." Prejudice, such a naked prejudice!
The Calabash Baby and the five Rock Dolls, Lingzhi Dolls, stayed in the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon and did not suffer from the teleportation. When they were teleported to their destination, they peeked at the environment through the fairy's sleeves.

The six beasts followed the little fairy and observed all the way. They didn't make a fuss when the magic weapon was transferred to the fairy's shoulder.

"Go in." Le Yun held the notice and motioned for the two handsome guys to go first.

Young Master Yan took the lead in entering the circular doorway without saying a word, followed closely by Young Master Xuan.

After the two young men entered the door, Leyun stepped through the doorway.

She entered the gate of the Mining Department, and the circular moon cave door disappeared again, leaving a layer of golden light between the gates.

Entering the gate of the Mining Department, you will see a wide courtyard. There is no side room on one side of the gate, only the main room and the side rooms. The upper room has fifteen rooms in a row, and each of the side rooms is a hundred feet wide.

There are also two wing rooms, each with nine rooms.

There are thirteen side rooms in the main room and five wing rooms on both sides.

There is a cross corridor in the yard, which connects the gate to the upper room and the wing room. Flowers and plants are planted in the square blocks between the corridor and the building.

The doors of the main hall and the side hall are wide open, without the light of the magic circle blocking them, and the doors of other rooms are all covered with a layer of golden light.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao glanced at each other and stood still. Le Yun passed the two of them and went straight to the upper room.After passing through the courtyard full of spiritual grass, we arrived in front of the main house, then climbed five steps to reach the colonnade of the main house, which was nine feet wide.

The main hall is 190 and a half feet wide, and the main door is [-] feet wide. Looking from the open door, the wall facing the door looks like an electronic advertising screen in modern technological society, announcing various mining tasks.

On the left hand side of the entrance to the lobby, there is a huge teleportation array in the central area of ​​​​the house, and on the right hand side, there are two rows of round tripods like furnaces in the center of the house.

The round tripods come in different sizes, with the small one only three feet high and the largest one nine feet high.

Not far from the right hand side of the entrance gate, there is a row of long tables with a row of small ore baskets placed on the table.

The mine basket is like a bamboo fish basket, with a bit of a gourd, a round belly at the bottom, and a neck. The mouth of the top basket is splayed. A rope handle woven from the same material is tied around the neck of the basket. There are two small circles at the end of the long braided rope. ring, and a sharp-horned hoe and a drill.

Pointed picks and drills are tools used for mining.

There are five stewards sitting in a row behind the table. The stewards sit cross-legged on the square bed. They are all wearing brown robes, their hair is half-tied, and they all have handsome faces.

The main house is built in the Ming style. You can see the sandalwood strips and tiles on the roof when you look up. It has a raised beam roof with beads inlaid between the beams. The light from the jewelry makes the interior of the house bright.

The stewards behind the long table in the room knew that someone was coming when the notice was posted, and they all sat leisurely. It was not until the young female cultivator who had been recruited stepped into the main hall that the five stewards stood up and stood behind the long table.

"Juniors have met five seniors. Your Excellencies, Jin An." Le Yun stepped into the threshold, faced the long table respectfully, and bowed.

"Little Taoist friend Jin An." The stewards replied calmly, and glanced at the little guy who was thinking clearly, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

The little Loli saluted as a junior, and Young Master Xuan Shaoyan also followed suit, bowing and saluting. When the Little Loli stood up, she also stood up straight, lowering her eyebrows and lowering her eyes, remaining humble.

The steward at the nearest door asked warmly: "Which level of mission do you want to take on, my little fellow Taoist?"

"Senior, when this junior takes on the purple-level mission, he will take on the first person in the first row of the purple-level mission. These two young monks and the little guys on the junior's shoulders are the junior's teammates, and they will also accept this mission."

While answering, Le Yun took off the bracelet from her wrist and handed it to the stewards.

The steward took out a round light ball and placed it on the table, took the bracelet, and pasted a string of hanging identity tags on the light ball.

He returned the bracelet with the identity tag and took out an hourglass: "The purple-level mission has a time limit. After entering the mine, turn this hourglass upside down and wait until all the sand leaks out before you can come out."

Pointing to the table again: "This is a mining tool, one for each person."

Le Yun took the magic hourglass and gave the ore basket to the two handsome guys and the little creatures. She also took a share and sincerely asked for advice: "Senior, this junior likes this kind of ore basket very much. Which store in the city can I buy?" Available?"

"This is a special tool for the mine. It is not for sale." The young monk was very polite and the manager was patient: "This is not for sale, but can be given away. The Xianyuan points exchanged for mining exceed [-] million points. I will give you a mining set as a gift. small tools.

The ore mined can be exchanged for more than one billion cents points, and a small smelting furnace and a set of mining gadgets will be given as a gift. For more than 15 billion points, you can choose any smelting furnace. "

After getting the information she wanted, Le Yun's eyes lit up and she thanked happily: "Thank you, senior, for clearing up the confusion!"

The steward smiled, walked around the long table, and led the young monk towards the teleportation array.

Le Yun held the hourglass in one hand and hooked the handle of the ore basket with her fingers in one hand. At the same time, she held the golden lotus magic weapon and moved several boxes into the golden lotus magic weapon as she walked.

She moved the things out, and the steward also walked outside the teleportation array in the lobby.
The steward asked a few young monks to enter the teleportation array, then he changed the angle of the teleportation array, and then opened the teleportation array.

The teleportation array lit up a golden beam of light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After sending a small mining team to the mine, the steward did not move, but returned to his seat the next moment, sitting cross-legged elegantly.

The other four people also sat down cross-legged again. The steward who was second in line from the gate asked, "Are you in a good mood? Is the little girl at the top of the ranking list?"

"Yes." Steward No. [-]'s eyes were filled with joy: "Guess who she is?"

"You are still tempting. Could it be that you have a big background? Are you the Queen of the Immortal Lord from which realm in the God Realm?"

"Unlikely, there are no descendants of the Immortal Lord among the geniuses coming to the God Realm this time."

The companions all had their own guesses. Steward No. [-] hesitated for a moment and expressed his guess: "... Could it be that he is the one who has become the new number one on the history monument?"

"Yes, it's Fairy Xiyue who ranks number one on the Qingshi Monument." Steward No. [-] showed a pleasant smile: "I just saw the ID card, and I was very surprised. I didn't expect that we were so lucky this time. The little guy just arrived. Tucheng came to us."

"With this person here, if we don't come out on top this time, it won't be too bad."

"This is inevitable. The winner of the Nine Golden Lotuses has good luck and merit. Such a person will not be able to dig good mines unless the mine sources are exhausted."

Knowing that the little girl was the Fairy Xiyue who was expected by Zhucheng, the other four stewards also became happy.

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