magic eye doctor

Chapter 3166 Mining

Chapter 3166 Mining
Le Xiaoxiao had eyes that looked like plug-ins. After being teleported to the destination, he could tell at a glance that there was no acquaintance nearby and ran away immediately.

After Nanga was transported to a new place, he immediately looked for fellow Taoist Xiyue. After searching around, he did not find fellow Taoist Xiyue, nor did he find any of the other two teams who were standing with him and fellow daoist Xiyue at that time. Any one.

He and the little fellow Taoist were separated by the teleportation array, but I wonder if the teams of Tianlu Beast and Nieyu were teleported to the same place as the little fellow daoist.

Not finding his little fellow Taoist, Nanga didn't hesitate anymore and walked towards the main road to the city based on his feeling.

While Fo Xiu was looking for someone, Mi Guang and his junior fellow apprentices, Hua Zhang and his fellow senior fellow apprentices were also looking for someone. They searched everywhere but could not find anyone from Fo Xiu or Fairy Xiyue.

Fairy Xiyue did not teleport to the same place as them, indicating that there was insufficient fate. Mi Guang and his junior brothers took Milo to find a suitable mission, and waited for the teleportation array in the city to open half a year later before setting off for their own goals.

The rewards they received after passing three levels were enough for each of them to sit on the teleportation array more than a dozen times. Originally, they did not have to take on tasks to earn immortal points. However, the teleportation array in the city was temporarily sealed, and the teleportation could not be opened until half a year later.

The rules of each city are the same. He cannot go to the target immediately, and the same is true for other teams. Mi Guang and his junior brothers can all stay calm.

Everyone has their own fate. When Le Yun landed, she didn't find Buddha, Huazhang, or Tianlu Beast, and she didn't worry about their whereabouts. She focused on taking the little creatures and giving them immortal points.

Riding on the teleportation array in the Mine Administration Bureau, I experienced the necessary ups and downs when being teleported, and was sent directly into the mine.

The teleportation end point is a circular hall with a magic circle carved on the dome. In the center of the ground is a large teleportation array, surrounded by a circle of open space. The walls of the large hall are surrounded by nine large mines.

Just taking a look at the mines and the teleportation array, Le Yun probably understood the inside story. The mineral veins not only belonged to Tucheng, but also belonged to the nine cities of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, lightning, and light.

All nine mines are open. The rocks on the cave walls are deep black rocks, and little blue lights are shining between the walls and inside the mines.

Those blue lights are as big as a fingernail and as small as a grain of rice.

Le Yun looked around the mine and took the lead: "Handsome guys, Xianyuandian is waving in front of you, hurry up and start walking!"

Young Master Xuan, who was still looking around, stopped studying the relationship between the teleportation array and the mine, and quickly followed the footsteps of the little Loli.

Young Master Yan finally asked the first question: "Little Lolita, is this mine a bit unusually large?"

The diameter of a mine is estimated to be more than a thousand feet, and the distance between the mines is estimated to be more than three thousand feet. Such a large mine source is too scary.

"It's normal." Le Yun didn't think anything was abnormal. Isn't it just that there are a lot of mines and the mines are wider?In the God Realm, such an occasion is nothing.

Yan Xing shut up, okay, it's just because of his pettiness.

Mr. Xuan didn't ask a hundred thousand whys. It wasn't that he didn't have any questions, but that he had so many questions that he didn't know where to start.

The three people walked out of the teleportation array, walked through the open area, and walked into the huge mine.

When he entered the mine, Yan Xing was shocked. He had previously seen that the diameter of the mine was more than a thousand feet, but in fact it was more than a thousand feet. It was even more than [-] feet by visual inspection!
The mine is wide, and people inside it feel like they are walking in the open air at night. Looking up, they can only see the sky full of stars. Looking to both sides, they can see the intersection of the earth and the sky, which is also dotted with stars.

The side walls of the mines are also dotted with mines of varying sizes, with large and small spacing, and the blue light exposed on the rock wall varies from strong to weak.

Le Yun walked along the middle of the mine, constantly scanning the side walls and sub-mines to analyze what the minerals were.

The mineral produced by the vein is rather strange. Its surface is covered with a layer of blue patina, which is similar to jade on the earth. The shape of the mineral is irregular, including strips, circles, ellipses, or multi-edge shapes. .

The flashing blue light spots between the cave walls are the color residue of the ore's coating, or the fine particles that have fallen off the ore.

The slurry layer of the mine is also a kind of rare sacred gold, called "Tian Shui Blue", which means "the river is as green as blue when spring comes".

Tianshui Blue Divine Gold is a good material. It is a rare divine gold that can isolate spiritual consciousness. It is also a divine ore for casting storage containers that can store living beings. It is also a stable material for casting large artifacts.

Even the great power of the Great Luo Jinxian cannot see through the ore wrapped in the sky-blue divine gold. Unless the coating is removed, no one knows whether the inside of the mine is divine ore or waste rock.

Just like a newly mined raw jadeite, no one knows whether the inside is jadeite or white material without cutting it or grinding off the patina.

However, at this moment, Le Yun was pondering a question in her mind - a certain world controlled the power of the mineral veins, why did it recruit outside creatures to mine?

The Sky Blue Godly Gold is very magical, but in the divine realm, the Immortal Lord-level power is not just a decoration. It is impossible for him not to have the skill of identifying mines. There is no reason to let people in his own realm not use it, but use the opening of the secret realm to recruit all kinds of people from the outside world. The clan creatures come to mine.

It is certain that this mine is not easy to dig. In addition, there must be other reasons.

Unfortunately, people who enter the secret realm will not easily exchange information with others in order not to violate taboos. Le Yun's knowledge is limited and she cannot figure out the mystery for a while.

The brain kept running, and the eyes did not stop, constantly scanning the walls and the mines, analyzing the strength of the spiritual energy in each mine.

Little Loli didn't say anything, and Young Master Xuan Shaoyan didn't say a word. They just followed. However, the five little creatures who stayed in the golden lotus magic weapon had no worries and were extremely curious. They watched and chattered non-stop.

After walking for a long time, Leyun walked diagonally to one side, and then walked a long way until she reached the entrance of the branch cave. She turned into the branch cave with a single step.

The branch tunnel is several thousand feet wide, and there are also large and small mines on both sides.

The little Loli wandered like a leisurely cloud, walked for about two hundred miles, entered another branch cave, and stopped near the end of the mine.

She took down the golden lotus magic weapon on her shoulder, put it on the ground, enlarged it a little more, and told the two handsome guys and the little creatures: "Handsome Xuan Shaoyan, you and Xiao Guozi are mining here with the rock doll Lingzhi doll."

"Little beauty, what about you?" Mr. Xuan knows the key points best.

"I'll go look elsewhere. You don't know the direction, so don't run around. It will be very troublesome if you get separated here."

Le Yun moved the little creatures out of the magic weapon, placed a wooden block inside the magic weapon, and then placed a large bucket with a faucet.

"Little fairy, why do you need to put a bucket?" Little dolls like to ask why.

"When you enter the mining area, the spiritual plant space and storage space are all sealed. I will put a bucket of water for you. If you are tired of mining, take a rest and drink some water."


Hearing that the storage device was sealed, the two young masters and the little creatures immediately checked and found that all the storage space devices could not be opened.

At this moment, a group of creatures were crying without tears. They couldn't take out the things in the storage containers. Wouldn't they be starving to mine?

"Little Loli, why can your storage device work?" Yan Xing was puzzled. Why can't their storage device be opened, but little Loli can?
"My space device can't be opened either." Le Yun took out another golden lotus magic weapon from her sleeve, smiled and moved another box from the golden lotus magic weapon and put it into the golden lotus in the mine.

"Are you predicting the future?" Yan Xing became even more depressed. "It's not that I'm a clairvoyant, it's that I'm good at observation. When I climbed the ladder to ask questions, I found that the space magic weapon couldn't be opened. When I took on the mining task, just in case, I transferred some food from the storage container before entering the teleportation array. of.

It was just a precaution at first, but when I entered the mine and found that the storage container could not be opened, I put this preparation to use.

You two, check to see if your spirit beast bag has been sealed. "

The two young men stared with bull's-eyes and were so depressed that they wanted to hit the wall. Why didn't they think of checking the storage box when they climbed up the ladder of inquiry?I didn't remember that after entering the mine.

Being reminded to check the spirit beast bag, I quickly took out the spirit beast bag stuffed in my clothes.

"Little fairy, we are not sealed."

A few points of light came out of the spirit beast bag, and when they landed on the ground, they turned into human or animal forms, and they all stomped the ground happily.

"It's good that you haven't been sealed. When my brothers and little creatures are tired of mining, you can also help dig a little. When mining, you have to be fast. When you dig out, you should quickly lift the ore basket. Don't throw away the ore in the basket. pour out.

The blue stones are minerals, and the others are miscellaneous stones. "

In order to save a group of friends from taking detours, Le Yun was also worried. While giving instructions, she moved three more boxes, and then placed a basket containing a wooden basin and knives into the golden lotus magic weapon.

The beasts nodded frequently.

Leyun also told the handsome guy and the beasts to pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and to eat sparingly on spiritual food. She also told her not to run around, and then she left the branch cave.

She walked out of the branch cave and stood outside the cave entrance quietly watching how the two handsome guys and the beasts were mining.

When they entered the branch cave, the entrance of the cave was covered with a hazy golden light, which was equivalent to being automatically closed. The creatures outside could not see the situation of the branch cave and could not enter.

Leyun held the identity tags of her friends and could come and go freely, and her eyes could see the beasts and handsome guys in the branch cave through the light.

Young Master Xuan Yan and his friends didn't know this. They watched the little loli/fairy leave the mine and immediately jumped into the golden lotus magic weapon to check the box.

The box contained the prepared spiritual meal, and the basket contained a wooden basin, a meat-cutting knife, and a wooden bowl.

"Ah, so much, I can eat it for a long time!" The five little dolls sipped and drooled.

"Mining, mining!" Calabash Boy quickly carried the five little ones out of the magic weapon, ran to the end of the mine, took out the drill and hoe from the mining basket, and dug towards the rock wall.

The rock dolls, Lingzhi dolls and other dolls lined up in a row, and they also waved their little hoes in a similar manner.

Xuan Shao Yan Shao was not willing to lag behind the little creatures and found a place to dig by himself.

The Mahayana beast tried to grab the rock wall with its claws, but its claws scratched down, leaving only shallow marks on the rock wall.

"?" The three Mahayana beasts were dumbfounded. Is this a stone?

Shui Dun Ying Sheng and Bai Yin did not make a move. Seeing the result of the three big monsters waving their claws, they silently put away their thoughts of digging with their claws and ran to get the drill from the little creatures to help carve out the stone wall.

The rock wall is extremely hard. A professional mining hoe can dig up to a depth of five meters. The excavated black rock will be integrated with the ground in less than thirty breaths after it reaches the ground.

At this moment, the two handsome guys and the beasts understood why the little loli/fairy told them to dig faster. The rock merged with the earth as soon as it hit the ground, and it must have been the same when the ore fell to the ground.

A group of friends knew that mining was difficult, so they worked hard to dig rocks and try to be good miners.

Le Yun watched for a while and saw that the work of the handsome guys and the beasts was on track. She walked out of the branch cave and returned to the main mine, continuing forward.

There was no little tail following behind, so he naturally lost his worries and ran at full speed, observing while flying, until he flew to the end of the mine.

At the end of the main mine, Le Yun threw the golden lotus used as a temporary storage device in the air, then turned the hourglass over to start the timer, and also placed the hourglass inside the golden lotus.

When he put the hourglass down, he also threw a piece of paper into the star core space.

When people enter the mine, the spiritual plant space and storage devices are all sealed, including the natural gourd space magic weapon. The only thing that is not affected is the star core space.

Le Yun did not enter the star core space, nor did she catch the little fox out. She only threw the paper with writing on it to the little fox.

The little fox and the little ink monkey were glowing, and a piece of paper suddenly floated in front of them, and they grabbed it with their little paws.

There is only one short sentence on the paper - starting from this moment.

"I know, I know." The little fox bared his teeth. He didn't know where the little girl had gone, but she was forced to remind him to remember the time in this way.

Little Huihui was curious about what the little fox was looking at, so she ran over to take a look, and then slithered away. The little sister asked the little fox to record the time, and she must have made another surprising discovery!
The little fox put away the paper and worked hard again.

After asking the little fox to mark the time, Le Yun flew to the area near the roof of the mine, tied the mining basket to her belt, picked up the small hoe and drill, and started digging towards the cave wall.

She was well-targeted. Every time she dug with her hoe, she could dig out a small pit dozens of centimeters deep. Sometimes, she could pry off or break a large piece of rock with just one move of the drill.

After digging hard for about two hours, a large piece of rock was scraped off, revealing some blue mineral blocks. Only one head or part of the mineral block was exposed, shining with a faint light.

The distribution of blue ore blocks is relatively dense.

As the rocks continue to be peeled off, the exposed area of ​​​​the ore is getting larger and larger. The large one is half a foot long and five feet square, and the small one is only as big as a fist.

Le Yun pried the rocks quickly, and every time she pried off a piece of ore, she threw it into the ore basket. It took nearly an hour to dig out all the exposed ore.

Ore likes to grow in nest after nest, digging out the surface layer and leaving behind.

The little loli mined quickly, compared the information collected on the ore, and then distinguished the quality of the ore by the luster she saw with her eyes.

If the ore is waste rock, it will have a faint gray-white light in addition to blue light.

The ore is not waste rock. The internal brilliance includes five colors: gold, cyan, black, red, and yellow that correspond to the five elements. There are also pearly white light, purple, blue, silver, and dark gray light, as well as green and crystal-like light. ice color.

In addition to pure colors, there are also variegated colors, some with two colors, some with three or four colors, or five or six colors, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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