magic eye doctor

Chapter 3167

The colors inside the ore are colorful and very beautiful. While Leyun is mining, her brain is constantly running and analyzing.

After pondering over and over again for a while, I also had some eyebrows, and I visually determined that the ore wrapped in Tianshui Blue Divine Gold paste is a divine crystal!
The color in the ore corresponds to the attributes of the divine crystal. Minerals with pearly white light are non-attributed divine crystals, ice-colored ones are wind-attributed divine crystals, dark gray are dark-type divine crystals, silver-colored ones are light-type divine crystals, and green It's a rare divine crystal - the divine crystal of life.

The intensity and depth of the internal luster of an ore represents the purity of the ore. The higher the purity, the brighter and thicker the color. The lower the purity, the weaker and lighter the color.

Divine crystal is the hard currency of the fairy world and the divine world, which is equivalent to the benchmark for measuring value - currency.

After guessing the type of ore, Le Yun almost understood why the forces that controlled the ore source wanted to recruit outsiders to mine.

The reason why the divine crystal mine is difficult to mine is because it has spirituality!
To be more specific, not only the mines have spirituality, but the earth that contains the ores also has spirituality.

The place where the divine crystal mineral deposits are cultivated must be a geomantic treasure. Natural divine crystal mineral deposits are buried very deep and are difficult to find. Even if they are exposed, they are rarely fully mined because the minerals in the veins often disappear automatically whenever mining is done. !
No one knows where those mines have gone. Anyway, it seems to be a mine of divine crystals with abundant reserves, but the actual number of finished products mined is not proportional to the reserves of the veins.

The forces that control the mineral resources recruit external teams to mine for the sake of their luck.

Creatures that can obtain the key to the secret realm have a certain degree of luck. Creatures with good fortune will naturally be able to dig high-quality ore when they enter the mine.

The tasks released in various safe zones within the secret area are rewarded with fairy points, which are equivalent to the virtual currency of modern technological society. In addition to paying for riding the teleportation array, the biggest use is to exchange for items in the "Wanzhen Tower".

The forces that control the mineral veins pay a small amount of immortal points as rewards in exchange for beings with good luck from all walks of life to help collect the divine crystal mines. This is a business that is sure to make a profit without losing any money.

After guessing what kind of ore it was, Le Yun also made some calculations. When digging out the ore, she no longer threw all the ore baskets, but selectively threw the ore into the star core space.

Mining is a physical job.

Xuan Shaoyan, Shao Huluwa, Yingsheng, Baiyin, Shui Dun, and Mahayana Beast have all mined metal mines and spiritual stone mines. Not to mention rich experience, they are at least qualified miners.

However, their past mining experience can’t be used this time!
The technology and experience of mining in the past were like decorations. The two young men and the beasts could only dig the rock wall in the most primitive way, one hoe after another.

If you ask, are you feeling aggrieved?

There is definitely some frustration, but not much.

After all, even if the mine is difficult to dig, there are professional mining tools. If the mine does not provide mining tools, then people will be helpless.

Yan Doll and Lingzhi Doll had little experience and were interacting with humans for the first time. They thought that digging with hoe after hoe was the correct method, and they were very happy digging.

The handsome guys and the beasts took the five little creatures and dug and dug. They almost squandered all their real energy and only found ore when they thought there was no ore at all.

The first one to dig out the ore was Mr. Yan. He dug a pit several feet wide and two groups of blue light appeared. After working hard with the hoe, he dug out a piece of blue ore that was half a foot long and as big as a fist.

Because he had gained something, Mr. Xuan, the beasts, and the little creatures also became motivated and used all their strength to dig into the rocks and look for ores.

The hard work paid off, and after all the sweat and hard work, the friends each got one or two pieces of ore.

In theory, the results are not directly proportional to the efforts, but at least it proves that the mineral resources are not exhausted and there are mines.

In order to dig more mines, a group of friends worked hard. Anyway, the mines cannot tell the difference between day and night. When they are exhausted, they rest and eat spiritual meals. When they have rested enough, they dig again.

The two young masters and the beasts and beasts were resting and working. Unknowingly, they had finished all the spiritual food, but no little loli/fairy came to see them.

The spiritual meal was all eaten up, but not much was found in the mine.

The friends stare at the ore basket every day, but when the ore is thrown in, the bottom of the basket is not even covered, which makes people/animals very frustrated.

Frustrated friends, while looking forward to the little loli/fairy every day, they continue to work hard to mine.

The little loli who was obsessed with mine had a great time digging.

The rock in the mine is very hard, and mining is indeed difficult, but for Le Xiao students who have dug dragon-patterned black rock mines in the fire cave, this is already pretty good.

Just imagine, compared to the difficulty of digging the Dragon Pattern Black Rock God Gold Mine with your hands, today's mining places not only have a good environment, but also have professional mining tools available.

If this is not enough, then it seems a bit unsatisfactory.

The contented little loli devoted herself to mining and resumed her previous routine - she only took a break every twenty hours on average, and worked again after recuperating her depleted real energy each time.

The advantage of not seeing the sun and moon in the mine is also obvious. Because you can't tell the difference between day and night, you won't have too many distracting thoughts, which makes people calm down.

Hard work will pay off.

The little Lolita wields the hoe, and the ore in the ore basket increases day by day.

Moreover, during the mining process, in addition to the divine crystal ore covered with Tianshui Blue God Gold, she also dug other minerals, including pure Tianshui Blue God Gold Mine, and golden ores that resembled Mohegan Gold but were not. Unexplained jade-colored ore, or ore of various colors.

I also dug up a few pieces of sky gray ore that is close to dark gray, a little lighter than gray, a little darker than off-white, similar to the color of a cloudy sky.

There were still surprises from time to time while digging the divine crystal mine, but Le Yun was so happy that she forgot about her fatigue, maintained her excitement, and started mining happily.

Unconsciously, almost half of the sand in the hourglass leaked into the container below.

Le Xiaoluoli, who was so busy that she couldn't count the days and months, finally stopped her mining work, packed up her tools, and went to check the post.

On the way back along the main cave, I saw a layer of light covering the entrances of more than a dozen branch caves, and the branch caves in some branch caves were covered with light, indicating that there were teams mining in the mine.

Le Yun didn't go out of her way to inquire about the news. She glanced at the entrance of one of the caves and found a team of more than a dozen people working hard to dig.

In order not to disturb others, she flew away quietly.

The shapes of the various branch holes in the mine are similar, but Fan Fan's memory can't tell them apart at all, but it was hard for Le Xiao, who accurately found the branch hole where her friends were mining.

Xuan Shaoyan, four humanoid beasts, three beast-shaped beasts and five little creatures, were digging in the dark. When he first saw the little loli/fairy, his brain was a little confused, and he had to be stunned before he could react.

A group of friends swarmed up and surrounded the little loli/fairy who was still fragrant, white and tender.

Looking at a group of beasts and handsome guys who had lost a lot of weight, Le Yun was shocked: "How come you have lost all your flesh?"

If they weren't just digging a mine, why did the two handsome guys lose weight, the seven beasts also lost weight, and even the five little creatures lost weight?

"I've eaten all the spiritual food and I'm so hungry."

"Mining is too tiring, Rourou is scared away."

People and beasts gathered around the little fairy and walked into the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure to sit down and talk. They complained all over the place and even handed the mining basket to her.

Le Yun checked the harvests of each person one by one and fell into a confused silence. The spiritual meal she reserved for Handsome Guy and Beast was almost their annual ration, but they finished it so quickly.

Guan Jian had finished eating the spiritual meal, but the bottom of the mining basket had not been covered by the mine. This was outrageous.After pondering for a moment, he asked curiously: "How do you mine?"

"Just dig like that." A group of creatures danced with hands and feet to demonstrate how to dig.

"..." Le Yun didn't know what to say, so she moved three boxes containing spiritual food out, then took out the fresh-keeping box in which she had killed two sheep, and ate them among the remaining dozen sheep.

After eating Jiuwei's delicacies, the two handsome guys and the beasts came to life again.

Lively people and animals, wielding hoes to mine, show the little loli/fairy how difficult it is to mine.

However, when they hit it dozens of times with their hoe, they peeled away a layer of rock, revealing dozens of glowing blue lights.

Humans and beasts were stunned, this...the situation was wrong!

When they dug, they only found three or two pieces of ore scattered here and there. They had never dug out a large pile like this.

"Little loli/little beauty."

"little fairy."

The humans and beasts looked at the dense mineral mass and were a little confused.

"Dig it." Le Yun felt lost.

The two young men and the beasts and beasts woke up from a dream and hurried to work. After a period of hurriedly swinging their hoe, they pulled down the entire mine.

After watching the handsome guy and Beast Beast digging for a while, Le Yun refilled the bucket with spiritual spring water, told Spirit Food to eat sparingly, and left in style.

After watching the little Lolita come out of the mine, Xuan Shaoyan and his beast beast friends looked at the three large boxes of spiritual food, looked at each other, cheered, and ran to work.

The little loli/fairy asked them to save some food. They wanted to save some food, but whether they could save it was another matter!
Taking advantage of the spiritual food now, it is only right to work hard to dig more mines.

After exiting the branch hole where the handsome guy and the beasts were mining, Leyun flew toward the end of the mine and entered one of the branch holes with the brightest aura and luster.

She scouted the entire mine and found that the luster in more than twenty branch caves was bright and rich, which also meant that the mineral reserves in those branch caves were abundant.

Eight of the branch tunnels were climbed by other teams first, and the entrance to the mine was covered with light.

Even if a few branch caves were climbed by other teams first, Le Yun didn't care. There were still more than a dozen branch caves with rich mineral reserves, so there were many options to choose from.

What's more, the five branch holes with the strongest luster are still empty.

Le Xiaololi chose the brightest branch cave and went in to start the mining operation. She dug here and there for a while, visiting the main mine cave and all the sub-caves.

After visiting the entire branch cave, the hourglass leaked almost two-fifths of the sand.

The little Loli changed another branch hole to mine, scanned it again, and then changed the map.

When we moved to the third branch hole, we scanned the two branch holes and all the sand in the hourglass was drained out.

When the last handful of sand fell, Le Yun's consciousness entered the star core space and found the little fox with the gift of time to check the barrier.

It was still daytime in the space, and Little Fox and Little Huihui were collecting in the mountains outside the central area.

When a piece of paper hung in front of him, the little fox howled: "Little girl, can you please stop making a surprise attack? I'm scared to death!"

He still wanted to shout a few words, but felt his tail being scratched, and quickly rolled it up under his belly: "I know, I know, the time corresponds to twelve months."

Twelve months is one year.

After getting the answer, Le Yun withdrew her consciousness. When she took the mining basket and hourglass from the steward of the Mining Department, she already had doubts, guessing that it might take half a year or a year to get out of the mine.

Now it is determined that the sand in the hourglass flows from one container to another for exactly one year.

Knowing the time required for the hourglass to travel once, Leyun turned the hourglass upside down and continued mining.

She swept through the areas with the strongest light in the branch cave, went to visit the handsome guy and the beasts, had a meal with her friends, left three boxes of spiritual food, and ran away again.

In the mine, the concepts of time between people and beasts changed. Young Master Xuanyan and the beasts occasionally discussed the mine that they had been digging for several months, but they didn't pay too much attention to it.

The main reason is that the little loli comes to see them every once in a while, making them think that maybe only a month or two has passed.

The handsome guy and the beasts didn't ask how long they had been in the mine, and Leyun didn't mention it either. They dug until the sand in the hourglass fell halfway before visiting their friends and giving them some food.

When the sand in the hourglass completed another cycle, her ore basket was finally almost full.

Leyun sneaked away to visit her friends again, and visited a branch cave again, and then returned to her friends and took them to mine.

With her in charge, the number of mines dug by the two young men and the beasts increased significantly, which also surprised a group of friends.

The little Loli helped the two handsome guys, the Calabash Baby, and the five little creatures to dig some mines. When half of the sand in the hourglass fell into another container, she was about to return to the Mining Department to hand in the task.

"Finally completed the mission!"

"Wow, we can finally go out!"

The beasts cheered for joy, the diamond ape and the long-eared bear, the white sound of the eagle, and the water escape returned to the spirit beast bag, and the gourd baby and five little creatures jumped into the golden lotus magic weapon.

Le Yun first gave them the identity tags of the handsome guy and the beasts so that they could hand in tasks easily.

Xuan Shaoyan carried his own mining basket, followed the little Loli out of the mine, and returned to the hall to ride the teleportation array.

When a group of people took the teleportation array, there was no one around. When they were teleported back to the mine office, they met a team waiting to sit on the teleportation array outside the teleportation array.

The steward was about to send a mining team into the mining area. He was a little surprised when he saw a team returning, especially when he saw that the ore in the female cultivator's mining basket was flush with the mouth of the basket: "Fellow Taoist, are you back? "

I had just experienced the teleportation, and my brain was still a little dizzy. When I heard the voice, I suddenly woke up and responded politely: "The juniors and my group are mining too slowly. The seniors have been waiting for a long time!"

"It's okay. The Mining Administration only limited the minimum period for mining. There is no requirement to return within a certain time." After the steward finished talking to the little fellow Taoist, he asked a mining team to enter the teleportation array, and he opened the magic circle.

The teleportation array lit up, and a team rode away in the light.

The steward turned around and led the three-man team that seemed to be waiting for him towards the refining area.

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