magic eye doctor

Chapter 3168 Mining Rewards

Chapter 3168 Mining Rewards
The ore dug out from the mine is raw ore, and some raw ore may be useless waste. Therefore, it is difficult to calculate the value of raw ore. It must be refined and then exchanged for cent points based on the quality of the ore.

The cauldron placed in the hall on the right side of the entrance to the Mining Department is the ore refining furnace.

A team that took over the mining task was also delivering the task at the Mining Office. They had a large number of people, and two managers were refining the ore for them in the refining area.

When a team came back from the mining area, the team that handed in the task didn't pay much attention. They stared at the smelting furnace wholeheartedly, waiting for the results.

There was no team to take over the task yet, so the two stewards sitting behind the long table also moved to the refining area. They also wanted to know how much ore had been dug by Fairy Xiyue, who would definitely become a god in the future.

The steward led the young female cultivator and her two companions, who had returned home with a full load, to a row of empty smelting furnaces and stood there, happily pretending to be smelters with the other two waiting stewards.

Le Yun observed as she walked and looked at the team that had handed over the task. She was not an acquaintance and did not pay much attention. She stood in front of the weapon refining and first handed the ore baskets of the five little creatures to the steward.

The three stewards took the ore basket, looked at the amount of ore, and activated three relatively small refining furnaces.

Refine three portions of the ore first, and put the other two baskets aside.

The ore entered the smelting furnace, flames came out of the furnace, and soon a faint light and a trace of green smoke came out of the furnace mouth.

The ore of the little creature was still being refined in the furnace. The light at the mouth of the ore on the other side where the ore was being refined disappeared. The furnace shook, and streaks of light flew out of it.

Those lights fell on the open space in front of the furnace and turned into a pile of ore and a small pile of sky-fire blue divine gold powder.

The ores vary in size, the big ones are as long as a foot, the small ones are as big as fingers, and the colors are colorful. Most of the ores have a single color, and only a small amount of the ores have three or four colors.

The mine that that team dug was also a divine crystal mine.

Secretly studying the music of the smelting furnace, the goal changed, and I first analyzed the quality of the divine crystal, so that I could compare it with the immortal points given by the stewards later.

The two stewards took a few more baskets of ore and poured them into the smelting furnace, put away the Skyfire Blue Divine Gold powder, and then calculated the quality of the ore.

They sorted the ores, grouped them together with the same color, and then gave corresponding immortal points according to the quality of the ores.

Ore is divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. The size is based on a five-inch square. A piece of low-grade ore with a single color is worth [-] cents points, medium-grade [-] cents, and high-grade [-] cents.

The purple, transparent ice color, silver, blue and dark gray in the single-color ore are two hundred points more expensive than the ore corresponding to the color of the five elements attributes.

Among them, the green ore in a single color is more valuable, and it is [-] points higher than the ore in purple and other colors.

Fragmented ore and large pieces of ore exceeding the standard ore size are calculated based on the amount converted into standard ore.

Under the same conditions, ores with various colors are more valuable than ores with a single color. A two-color low-grade ore costs [-] points, a medium-grade ore costs [-] points, and a high-grade ore costs [-] points.

Each level of three-color ore has [-] points more than two-color ore, four-color ore has [-] more points than three-color ore, and so on.

Among the multi-colored ores, the five-color ore that combines the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth has the highest value. A piece of low-grade five-color ore is worth [-] points, and a piece of high-grade five-color ore is worth [-] points.

The two stewards counted the number of ores in one furnace and then settled the calculation. Only one of the five furnaces had a piece of five-color ore, but it was only one and a half fingers wide and half a finger long, and the color was dim. It was a low-grade ore.

Because the five-color ore was rare, the two stewards were very generous and made an exception and gave [-] points.

The five furnace ores extracted were each exchanged for immortal points. The one with the most had 270 million immortal points, and the one with the least exceeded 200 million points.

The harvest was in line with expectations, and the team was all happy.

Young Master Xuan, the Calabash Boy who stayed in the magic weapon, and the five little creatures also listened to how the steward calculated the value of the ore. They were not jealous or envious of other people's gains.

The friends have incredible self-confidence and believe that they will dig more mines than others.

After about half a cup of tea, the ore of the Rock Dolls and Lingzhi Dolls was finished, and the refining furnace threw out the refined ore and waste residue.

In front of each of the three mine furnaces, there is a small hill and a small pile of slag. Each pile of ore is almost as large as the previous five piles of ore from the opposite team. The colorful ore has a bright luster.

What's even more rare is that every pile of ores contains multi-colored ores, and you can find a few pieces of five-color ores just by searching.

One team, immersed in joy, saw the harvest on the other side, their expressions stiffened and their eyes widened.

The five stewards also had a look of astonishment in their eyes. They couldn't help but look at the single-attribute and dual-attribute rock doll Lingzhi Doll. How could a group of little creatures dig up the five-color divine crystal?
The stewards didn't believe it. They glanced at the little cultivator who was carrying a basket full of ore, and realized in their hearts that Fairy Xiyue must have helped the little guys dig the ore. Otherwise, the Yanwaling Lingzhi Dolls wouldn't have been able to dig so much. Multi-colored divine crystals.

After understanding what was going on, the stewards poured the other two baskets of ore into the ore refining furnace, took the basket of ore belonging to the wood-type monster handed over by the little female cultivator, and poured the ore into the furnace for refining.

The three stewards each count a bunch of mines.

Their speed was very fast, and they calculated it in a short time. The three furnace mines were converted into immortal points, one portion was 500 million points, one portion was 400 million points, and the smallest portion was 200 million and three thousand points. point.

The stewards calculated the amount, put away the mine, took out a ball, put the identity tag on it and registered the immortal points, and then returned the identity tag to the little creatures.

Yanwa Lingzhi Dolls have no sense of numbers, but from the expressions of the opposite team it can be seen that they are very good and very happy.

The opposite team was hit. When another batch of ore was refined, they lost their sense of expectation. When the value was calculated, they also lost their joy.

Calabash Baby's ore is put into the furnace for refining at the same time as Yaowawa and Lanwa's ore. The two little creatures have less ore and are refined first.

The cent points exchanged by the two furnace mines are 300 million points each, and they are 250 million points each. There is not much difference.

When the steward calculated two furnaces of ore, another furnace of ore also flew out.

The steward who had been waiting for a long time went to do the accounting.

Le Yun handed over her mining basket and Yan Shaoxuan's mining basket to the steward who had completed the inventory.

The two stewards handed the identity tag of Lingzhi Doll to the young female cultivator, and poured two of the baskets of ore into the two medium-sized smelting furnaces. The young female cultivator's basket of ore was poured into the largest smelting furnace. refining.

Calabash's furnace mine was also quickly counted and exchanged for more than 500 million cents.

The team on the opposite side suffered another blow. When they settled the task rewards, they might not give up and ran to one side to wait for the results of the other three mines.

The time for refining a stick of incense in the refining furnace is not over yet.

During this period, a team of missions entered the Mining Office, received the mission, and left on the teleportation array.

The two medium-sized ore refining furnaces worked for three moments before the light at the furnace mouth went out. As the furnaces shook heavily, a bright light flew out.

The light fell to the ground and turned into two hills of colored light, and even the waste slag piled up into a hill.

A team waiting for the results looked at the sparkling mines, their eyes widening in disbelief. Some people exclaimed: "Why can they dig so many mines!"

The five managers were reassured when they saw the mine. Needless to say, the one who came out on top this time must be their mining office!
Steward No. [-] explained: "These young fellow Taoists have been in the mining area for two and a half years." The exclaimed monks and their companions were silent. It turned out that they had been digging in the mine for two and a half years!

What?Xuan Shaoyan looked shocked. They...did they dig the mine for two and a half years?
The little creatures had no reaction to the Calabash Baby. For them, all they had to do was follow the little fairy. As for how much time it took to mine, who cares.

The five stewards were idle, so they worked in pairs to count the ores. Since there were many ores and many multi-colored ores, it took about a stick of incense to calculate the results.

Yan Shaoyin is a gold and thunder spirit root, and the mine he dug contains more than fifty pieces of thunder-type divine crystals and multi-color divine crystals containing thunder-type attributes.

Mr. Xuan has a water spirit root. He has no conflict with wind and ice attributes. He has also dug up dozens of wind and ice attribute divine crystal mines, as well as a dark gray mine.

Young Master Yan received 540 million immortal points, and Young Master Xuan exchanged them for [-] million immortal points.

As soon as the stewards counted the numbers, a team watching was shocked to the point of being shocked.

They have been mining for a year, and the cent points they have exchanged are less than a fraction of what others get!

If you don't compare, you don't know, and you will compare them to scum.

The group of people who had been hit hard did not want to leave, and were determined to wait for the results of the last mine.

That furnace mine was not very cooperative, and it took another full time for a stick and a half of incense to come out.

After the smelting furnace shook, a beam of light shot up into the air and then landed. In the blink of an eye, a giant ore mountain eight hundred feet high appeared on the ground.

The brilliance of the mine was so dazzling and colorful that the Mines Department was filled with brilliance.

The light from the ore is so dazzling that people dare not look directly at it.

Not to mention that the onlookers were stunned, even the stewards had their eyes widened. This... this kind of achievement can be said to be unprecedented!

Yan Shaoxuan's eyes were filled with resentment. Being friends with a monster like Little Loli was simply too much for one's heart to bear. If this continued, sooner or later they would have a myocardial infarction from fear.

The gourd baby and the little creature laughed and turned into a flower. The little fairy is so awesome!

After the stewards were slightly stunned, their hearts were filled with joy, and the five of them went into battle at the same time to count the ore.

They rolled up the ore and threw it away, sorting the ore according to color and quality. The number of piles gathered exceeded [-] and occupied the entire refining area.

The onlookers had to retreat to the long table.

Collect the ores and count them again.

The five stewards put away each pile of ores after counting them. After all the piles of ore were counted, they gathered them together to calculate the total.

It took them half an hour to complete the calculation, and the calculated ore was converted into immortal points, totaling 23 points.

That string of numbers is astronomical.

The onlookers couldn't breathe when they heard the total number.

The stewards registered with their identity tags and handed the identity tags exchanged for Immortal Points to the young female cultivator. Their tone was particularly soft: "My little fellow Taoist has mined more than 20 billion Immortal Points. According to previous regulations, miners except You will receive a small smelting furnace and mining tools as a gift, and you can also choose any two smelting furnaces.”

"Senior, can I choose two more ore refining furnaces?" Le Yun was a little surprised. Oh, in order not to miss the ore refining furnace, she filled up the ore baskets.

I originally thought that if the ore value exceeded 15 billion points, it would be calculated at the 15 billion point level. I regretted that I threw too much ore into the ore basket, which made me feel distressed. After I learned that I could choose another smelting furnace, I finally stopped feeling distressed. .

"Yes, little fellow Taoist, go and choose, pick whichever one you like." The stewards were particularly gentle. The mines dug by Fairy Xiyue were equivalent to the total amount of divine crystals collected in each city in each previous session of the secret realm. She used her own The force set an unprecedented record.

Thanks to the little fairy, they can get a generous reward this time, and the treasures they need to advance to the next level are finally at their fingertips.

Le Yun was about to pick out the ore furnace, but stopped again and rubbed her little hands in embarrassment: "Senior, I want some waste residue from this kind of mine, can I?"

"Okay." The steward nodded, and the five people poured the collected mineral waste into a storage bag.

Le Yun didn't pick and ran to the smelting furnace, moved the largest smelting furnace and a medium-sized smelting furnace, and put them aside. She was so happy that her beautiful almond eyes curved into crescents.

"Senior, junior, choose these two tripods!"

"Yes." The stewards waved and put a large and a medium-sized refining furnace into a storage bag, and then put a small-sized ore refining furnace and three sets of mining tools into it.

After packing up the items, he handed over the storage bag containing the mineral waste: "This is a gift from the little Taoist friend."

Le Yun happily took the two storage bags and was about to transfer the items back to the storage containers when she heard the touching voices of the stewards: "The storage containers are also given to little Taoist friends."

Another steward handed over another reward: "The mine mined by my little fellow Taoist has removed the 20 billion points that he deserves as a reward, and there are still more than 3 million points behind. This is the reward for that mine.

Do you want to continue mining?If you continue to mine, this reward can be accumulated until the next settlement. "

Le Yun accepted the second reward: "Thank you seniors. The juniors have stayed in the mine for more than two years. They need to get some fresh air first. If they don't have enough immortal points, they can come back to mine again."

"Good." The stewards did not persuade people to continue mining.

"I wish the five seniors will be promoted to the rank of Daluo Immortal as soon as possible! See you soon!" Le Yun saluted the five stewards, gave a sweet smile, and pulled Xuan Shaoyan away.

"See you soon." The five stewards responded with a smile.

As soon as they finished speaking, the little female cultivator took her companion and flew into the yard, and in the blink of an eye she rushed out of the gate of the Mining Department.

The onlookers were stunned. After recovering from the shock, they saw that the stewards had already sat down. The team leader bowed and asked, "Senior, is the honorific name of the fellow Taoist just now called Xiyue?"

"It's Fairy Xiyue." The stewards were stunned. Fairy Xiyue was carrying five rock dolls and spiritual plant dolls. Such a conspicuous team, there is no reason why the team waiting for the opening of the secret realm in Qingshi Square had not seen her.

"It's really Fairy Xiyue!"

"It turns out to be Fairy Xiyue!"

Everyone in a team woke up from a dream. Fairy Xiyue got nine merit lotuses, which added merit and luck. It is not surprising that she dug so many mines.

The hearts of the battered team came back to life. They can compete with anyone. Compared with Fairy Xiyue, they are full!
Fairy Xiyue is mining in Tucheng, which shows that Tucheng has good feng shui. Maybe they can also get some light and dig more high-quality mines.

The team, resurrected from a decadent state with full health, once again took on the mining task, mining underground mines with full energy.

(End of this chapter)

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