magic eye doctor

Chapter 3169 The Magical Uses of Orchids

Young Master Yan Shaoxuan was pulled by the little loli and ran a few feet away before he realized what he was doing. He was always wondering, why was the little loli running so fast?
The two of them remembered that the little Loli said that a certain secret place was very mysterious before they came. In order not to violate taboos and not to ask questions if they had any questions, they ran away with the Little Loli.

He is well aware of the mysterious music of the secret realm, and knows the inside story too well. Even if he uses his spiritual consciousness to transmit sounds in the Qingxu secret realm, it may not be safe, so he tries not to speak unless there is something that needs to be explained.

She pulled the two handsome pots and ran out of the Land and Mineral Administration. She ran non-stop across the wide square and entered the street where she came from. She released her little paws holding the two handsome guys without stopping.

The street is very lively, similar to the bustling cities on earth. Some people are browsing shops, some are wandering casually on the streets, and there are also foreign monks looking for tasks.

If you ask about the characteristics of the people on the street, it is that the Tucheng residents are taller than the Yunlan monks. Their average height is about more than two and a half meters.

The temperament of the residents of Tucheng is also more elegant and elegant, regardless of whether it is a humanoid creature or an animal-shaped creature. Each creature is equivalent to a small source of spiritual energy.

There were more pedestrians, so Leyun stopped running and slowed down her marching speed. She kept her style of not entering the shop or looking around, and walked forward with a sideways gaze.

Although the "curious" cat in Young Master Xuan's heart did not appear and jump around, it was secretly ready to move. He looked around as he walked, trying to get some clues and get a glimpse of the true nature of the secret realm.

It's a pity that their cultivation level is too low, so they are destined to be unable to see through the secrets and can only entertain themselves.

After walking along the street for a while, classmate Le Xiao and Master Xuan Shaoyan returned to the Teleportation Array Square after two and a half years.

When they were delivered to Tucheng, the teleportation array was still closed and naturally unattended. Now, the teleportation array is working normally and there is a dedicated person watching over it.

The caretakers placed a Ruyi House with curtains on all sides, shaped like a modern four-corner tent, outside the teleportation array, and rolled up the curtains on the side facing the teleportation array.

He basically stayed in Ruyi House. When someone rode the teleportation array, he collected the immortal points and adjusted the direction of the teleportation array according to the purpose of the teleporter.

There are fewer monks riding the teleportation array, and the caretakers are generally idle.

The guardian saw someone entering the square and walking towards the teleportation array. He also walked out of the Ruyi House and stood at the edge of the teleportation array holding a ball of light.

Walking about three feet away from the caregiver, Le Yun bowed first: "Junior has met my senior, Your Majesty Jin An! I want to go to Sword Valley, please excuse me."

"Little Taoist Friend Jin An!" the nurse nodded, with a gentle look in his eyes: "The Yanwa Lingzhi dolls need to pay fairy points to ride the teleportation array. You don't need to pay additional fairy points to carry them around with magic weapons. Wood-type transformation The beast still has to pay immortal points.”

"Thank you for your kindness." Le Yun handed over her identity card and asked to guard the immortal point.

The nurse held the identity card against the light ball and took a photo, scratched away four immortal points, returned the identity card, and let the three people enter the teleportation array. He then changed the angle of the teleportation array and adjusted the pointer to the position of Sword Valley. .

The teleportation array was activated and turned into a ray of light. Then the man and the light disappeared, only the teleportation array was still rotating.

The nurse waited until the teleportation array stopped operating, then returned to Ruyi House to sit down and relax with her eyes closed.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan, who had experience in teleportation formations, thought it was just like that when being teleported, and it was no big deal. However, they were quickly slapped in the face!
When he was teleported again, it felt like he had fallen from a high altitude without any protection. He felt like his body was being torn apart, and at the same time, he felt dizzy.

The two of them were shaken so hard that their brains buzzed loudly, and soon their consciousness became blurred and their brains stopped thinking.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt dizzy in my blank brain. In addition to the buzzing in my ears, I also heard a sound that seemed to be the chirping of a bird.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao shook his head almost subconsciously and looked around blankly.

They should have arrived at their destination. They were stepping on the teleportation array. The huge teleportation array was surrounded by a circle of bluestone about ten feet wide. Outside the bluestone, there was green grass.


Xuan Shaoyan was stunned for a moment. He finally recovered from his confusion and looked at the new environment intently again.

The place where they landed was a wide savanna meadow, with two huge peaks in one direction. The giant peaks towered into the clouds, and only the foothills covered with trees were visible. The mountains above were obscured by mist.

The two peaks faced each other and were very close to each other. There was a shield-like golden light between the two peaks, and there was a huge white vortex in the golden light.

The direction facing the two peaks is a green meadow of sparse trees. There are only woods dozens of miles away, and there are only a few sporadic trees or clusters of trees or bushes nearby.

The teleportation array is located about three thousand feet away from the vortex between the two peaks, leaning towards the left hand side facing the mountain. About a hundred feet away from the teleportation array is a row of square tent-shaped Ruyi Houses.

In that row of Ruyi houses, only the curtains on the back square are drooped, and the curtains on the other three sides are all rolled up. There are long tables in the two Ruyi houses closest to the mountain, with dozens of table tops placed in a row on high Sphere of light on cup-shaped base.

Behind the table sat a dozen handsome monks, all wearing the same blue robes, each sitting cross-legged on a small square bed in a meditating posture.

In the Ruyi room facing the teleportation array, a row of magic weapon-shaped square display mirrors were erected, with pieces of information displayed on them, all of which were about the acquisition of magic weapons.

The party that released the news naturally said that the magic weapon it acquired was a magic weapon brought from the Sword Valley. Some of the information clearly indicated the shape and style of the magic weapon, as well as the price.

Some information does not specifically indicate the style and shape of the magic weapon. All magic weapons brought from the Sword Valley are accepted. Others indicate the type/attribute of the magic weapon, such as sword, knife, gun, etc., or require the magic weapon to be gold or ice. or some attribute.

When Xuan Shaoyan looked at the environment, he always felt that something was missing. It wasn't until his eyes fell on the calling creature again that he realized that something was missing - where is the little Lolita?
So where did the big little loli go?

The two young men were astonished and quickly looked behind them, and finally found the person. The little Loli was behind them!

They stepped on the teleportation array, but they were not far from the edge. Little Loli was still in the center of the teleportation array. She rubbed her eyes with one paw and pressed her head with the other.

The little Loli's face is almost wrinkled like pine bark, and the wrinkles between her eyebrows can catch flies.

When Xuan Shaoyan saw the uncomfortable look on the little Lolita's face, he immediately regained his composure. It turned out that they were not the only ones who were almost concussed by the teleportation array!

I was sighing in my heart, but the people rushed over and surrounded the little Loli. They put their hands on her head and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Something's wrong." Le Yun muttered weakly: "It feels like the brain in my head has been shaken into a pot of soup, and it's still swaying like water waves."

"Hey, a person as powerful as you can actually be shaken to the point of concussion by a teleportation array?" Yan Xing was surprised. Little Loli has the ability to reach heaven. Such a capable person can actually be transformed into a child by teleportation. Like this? !
"Shut up." Le Yun wanted to jump over someone's head. Listen, did that guy speak human language?
Yan Xing was so disgusted that he wanted to hit the wall: "Which word did I say wrong?"

"Your mouth is a good thing. For you, it's better to have it than not have it." Le Yun was so angry that she didn't want to pay attention to that guy Yan Ren.

Yan Xing shut up, okay, he'll make the little loli unhappy if he opens his mouth, so he'd better keep silent.

Mr. Xuan laughed so hard that his face almost cramped. Mr. Yan, that idiot, didn't he know how to see through but not tell the truth?He knew clearly that the little beauty was in pain, but instead of comforting her, he only added fuel to the fire. It would be strange not to be reprimanded.He rubbed the little Loli's head and pulled her away from the teleportation array. He stood on the grass and massaged his head: "Don't worry, you should be fine if you take a moment."

Le Yun felt that in her situation, not to mention taking it easy for a while or three times would not be of any use.

This has nothing to do with psychological quality, but only with people’s five senses.

Teleportation is equivalent to tearing apart the space. Being in the teleportation array is equivalent to being pulled by force to tear apart the space and run. Her five senses are too sensitive, and the further away she is from the teleportation array, the more uncomfortable she becomes.

What an evil teleportation!

"Next time I sit in the teleportation array, I'm going to stay in the Ruyi Room." Don't just stay in the teleportation array again, it's too uncomfortable!
"No problem. From now on, you stay in Ruyi's house, and Young Master Yan and I take turns sitting in the teleportation array. Where are the little guys you are bringing with you? They won't throw away the earth city, right?"

Mr. Xuan gently massaged the little Loli's head and found that the red lotus magic weapon on her shoulder was missing.

"Here it is." Le Yun took out the magic weapon from her sleeve and placed it on the ground, allowing the little ones to move freely.

The gourd baby and the five little ones got out of the magic weapon, jumped on the grass, and looked around curiously.

After looking around, the little creatures crowded around the adults' feet and hugged their thighs. Jinwa bared her teeth at Brother Yan: "Brother Yan, you can't do this. You're so clumsy. It's impossible for Yanwa and Lingzhi to like you. of."

Yanwawa's knife pierced Yan Xing's heart, and he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "Don't talk nonsense, it's obvious that you don't understand my gentleness!"

"I don't feel your tenderness." Jinwa pouts.

"I second the proposal." The fire-attributed Kuiwawa also nodded. Brother Yan's aura was more aggressive and domineering than Brother Xuan's, and he had the aura of a strong man, but I really didn't feel that he had a gentle aura.

Being stabbed again, Young Master Yan was so aggrieved that he didn't even want to say anything.

Mr. Xuan laughed a little, these two little ones are so good at stabbing!
The orchid doll hugged the adult's legs, climbed up like a sloth, and climbed into the adult's arms. One little hand grabbed the adult's clothes, and the other little hand reached to the top of his head, picked up a small flower and handed it to him. To the adults.

"Little fairy, I'll give this to you. You won't feel uncomfortable after eating it."

"Ouch, why did you pick off the flowers?" Le Yun got even more headache. Without paying attention, Lanwa actually picked off the flowers on the top of his head, which was his essence.

"The flowers will grow again after you pick them." The orchid doll put the flowers into the adult's hands and jumped to the ground.

Kuiwawa, Yaowawa, White Jade Doll, Jinwawa took Lanwawa’s little hand, slipped to the side of the wood-type demon Xiaoguozi, and hugged Xiaoguozi’s thigh.

"Little fairy, Lanwa's flowers have a calming effect and are useful to you." Calabashwa explained to Lanwa
"It took a lot of effort for the orchid doll to bloom, so it's such a waste to just use it like this." Le Yun was touched and distressed at the same time. It was not easy for the orchid doll to grow flowers, but she picked them and gave them to her. This was so thoughtful.

"For adults to use, don't waste it." Lan Wawa laughed so hard that another flower dangled on the top of her head.

Lanwa was sincerely affectionate, and Leyun couldn't bear to let him down, so she stuffed Huahua into her mouth and ate it.

When the orchid grows on the top of Orchid Baby's head, the fragrance is not particularly strong. When it is taken, it turns into a strong fragrance like water flowing down the throat and then disperses into the limbs and bones.

A fragrant aroma rushed straight into the brain, and the dizzy and dull brain was suddenly as clean and clear as if it had been washed with water.

Le Yun suddenly felt refreshed, energetic, and filled with joy. She sucked the five little ones into her arms and kissed them sweetly.

"Oh, you little cuties are indeed the elves born by heaven and earth. After eating a flower, I feel much better! You can't be like Lan Dou in the future. The discomfort after sitting in the teleportation array is not a big deal. Just take it easy. , it’s not worth parting with the essence of your hard-earned savings.”

"Yeah, I understand." The five little ones were so dizzy after being kissed that they nodded their heads.

Mr. Xuan: "..." Ugh, I want to raise a spirit-planting doll even more, what should I do? !

After she recovered, Le Yun led the little creatures and the two handsome guys into the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure, floated to the opposite side of the teleportation array, and then placed the magic weapon on the grass.

The magic weapon fell to the ground and opened the defensive barrier.

Leyun sat down with the little ones, took out food, and replenished their energy first.

The humanoid beasts of the two young masters also got out of the spirit beast bags and had a spiritual meal.

Eat well, drink well, and be in good spirits.

Le Yun told her plan and asked Yan Shaoxuan and Calabash Baby to go into the Sword Valley to look for magic weapons: "The rock dolls and the spiritual plant dolls themselves are spiritual creatures of heaven and earth and have no fighting power. The magic weapons tend to choose the strong ones, and they will not Choose them, they will not enter the Valley of Swords.

Handsome Yan and Young Master Xuan's contracted beasts couldn't go in either, so they all stayed outside.

The three of you entered the Sword Valley, abandoned all distracting thoughts, and followed your feelings. If the magic weapon is destined to you, you can find it by telepathy, and you can take it away after passing the test of the magic weapon.

There are many magic weapons in the Sword Valley, which have condensed a unique momentum and pressure. You can temper your spiritual consciousness appropriately, but you can't force it too hard. Choose to trust your intuition when you feel that you can't go any further.

If you force your way in, the momentum gathered by the magic weapons may directly defeat the person's consciousness and turn him into a fool. "

"Little beauty, don't you want to enter the Sword Valley?" Mr. Xuan looked shocked.

"I will enter the Sword Valley with you, and none of you will bring out a magic weapon." With her here, spiritual magic weapons basically look down on other living beings.

"..." Mr. Xuan wanted to cry. He had forgotten that the little Loli was a monster.

"I'm going to take a stroll outside a safe place. If I don't come back, you will stay in this golden lotus magic weapon and wait for me when you come out.

If someone asks you to form a team to go out hunting or gathering, saying that the level of the monsters outside is very low, only first and second levels, and easy to hunt, you must not believe it.

The first level here is one level higher than the Mahayana level. The cubs of this first level beast can kill you in seconds. "

"What?" Xuan Shaoyan almost jumped up in shock. Is the first-order beast in the secret realm a mortal immortal?

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