magic eye doctor

Chapter 3170 The true face of the secret realm

When Baiyin, the Water Escape Eagle, and the Diamond Ape Long-eared Bear heard that the lowest level of the monsters in the secret realm were beasts from the mortal world, they opened their mouths in horror. Oh my god, the monsters in the secret realm are so fierce. They scared me to death. Personal!
Fortunately, the little fairy said it early, otherwise, whoever told them that the monsters in the secret realm are of the first level, they must have thought that this first level is equal to the first level they know.

The beasts immediately remembered the little fairy's words firmly in their hearts.

"If you are provoked by someone in the Sword Valley, you don't need to pay attention to it. If you get into a fight of temper in the Sword Valley and anger any hot-tempered magic weapon, you will have no chance of redressing your grievances."

"..." It feels so scary, can I not go?

It's impossible not to go, the Sword Valley is full of magic weapons.

The magic weapon is waving in front!

The two young men and Calabash Boy nodded frequently and remembered one important thing - fighting is absolutely not allowed in Sword Valley, fighting = death in vain.

After saying what needed to be said, Leyun sent Calabash and the two handsome boys off.

The two brothers' contracted beasts and five little creatures stayed in the magic weapon, waiting for the little fairy to come back.

Le Yun led the three friends to the stewards of Sword Valley, performed the junior salute, and handed the identity tags of the three friends to the stewards for registration.

The Sword Valley is a secret realm within the secret realm. When the Qingxu Secret Realm was opened, only the entrance and exit of the Sword Valley were visible. It was some powerful people who worked together to open the entrance to the Sword Valley and placed the teleportation array.

In order to allow the entrance teleportation array to consume less energy, all creatures entering the secret realm only have one chance to enter the Sword Valley.

The stewards took the ID badge, shined it on a light ball, and then returned it to themselves.

Xuan Shaoyan and Calabash Baby put away their identity tags and flew to the whirlpool. They walked towards the teleportation array with their heads high and started a new journey.

This time I only felt a slight dizziness, and the teleportation was over.

The two of them settled down, their eyes full of shock. Is this the Sword Valley? !

They feel that Sword Valley is more appropriately called Magic Treasure Mountain!
On the open plain, there are hills about [-] to [-] feet high. Among the low hills, there are several peaks rising from the ground.

There are several towering peaks located among the small hills, which give the impression of standing out from the crowd.

The area between the hills and the plains is "grown" with all kinds of magic weapons. Almost all of the magic weapons are inserted upside down on the ground, with most of the bodies buried in the soil, leaving a small body and handle or the open end facing the sky.

Some of the magic weapons are intact and some are broken. They may be exquisite and beautiful in shape with smooth lines; some may be rough and bulky, as if they have cut corners; some may be ingenious and come in various styles.

Some strange-shaped magic weapons make it difficult to tell what their purpose is from their appearance. Some magic weapons look so ordinary that if you leave them outside, people passing by may not bother to take a second look at them.

The magic treasures all over the mountain are either simple or plain, some are brilliant, some are half-dark, or some are rusty. Just like their styles, each has its own style.

The number of magic weapons in Sword Valley is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions.

The scene was so shocking that Yan Shaoxuan and Huluwa were dumbfounded and didn't know which direction to go.

The two of them stood there in a daze, and belatedly remembered the entrance. Looking back, they saw that the entrance to Magic Treasure Mountain was similar to what was seen outside, with a golden light between the two mountains.

Entering from the entrance is a flat valley. The ground... well, there are few plants on the ground, and some flowers and plants can be seen occasionally.

The place where the three of them stood was about five thousand feet away from the area with the magic weapon, and also a thousand feet away from the entrance to the Sword Valley.

The golden aura of the long magicians is so strong that there is not a single plant in the valleys and hills where the magic weapons grow. They are all bare soil or rocks.

The plants in the valley are more than a hundred feet away from the magic weapon. There are many vines among the plants. However, they seem to have eyes and avoid growing in the direction of the magic weapon mountain.

The magic weapons also have territorial awareness. The minimum distance between two magic weapons is more than five feet, and the distance between some magic weapons is as wide as more than ten feet.

Some of the racial teams that came in before them had entered the Magic Weapon Mountain. Occasionally, figures could be seen wandering among the Magic Weapons. Some creatures had not yet entered the Magic Weapon Mountain, sitting quietly on the periphery to sense the summons of the Magic Weapon.

The three friends looked around and walked towards Magic Treasure Mountain.

When Yan Shaoxuan and Calabash Boy were about dozens of feet away from the outermost magic weapon in the valley, they walked around from behind the meditating creatures, went to a place far away from other creatures, and sat down facing the magic weapon mountains. Calm down and listen to Cong's telepathy.

The little lolita/fairy said, don’t be anxious in the Sword Valley, and calmly sense the calls of the magic weapons. If you don’t feel anything in a day, wait for two days. If you don’t feel something special in two days, wait for three days. If you don’t feel anything in a month, wait for two days. months......

In a word, you must be patient in the Sword Valley. If you don’t feel the call of the magic weapon for more than three months, and then walk around, if you can’t find the magic weapon that corresponds to your heart in the Sword Valley, it means that you have no chance to meet the magic weapon.

The two of them and one beast practiced quietly, letting their auras escape and letting the magic weapons know of their existence.

Treasure hunting in Sword Valley is a two-way choice.

Classmate Le Xiao sent the two handsome boys and Calabash Baby into the Sword Valley. After standing there for a while, she turned around and ran to the stewards to ask questions. She wanted to leave the safe shelter and asked the stewards how to get out and how to come back.

Several stewards were surprised when they heard that the little nun wanted to go for a walk outside the sanctuary. How could the little nun have the courage to go for a walk in the wilderness for such a small girl?

There are all kinds of immortal creatures outside the sanctuary. The little female cultivator's strength is too low, so the chance of survival after leaving the sanctuary is slim.

However, due to rules, they could not tell the truth and warned tactfully: "The sanctuary is 50 square meters wide. If you want to find the fairy grass spiritual plant, you can walk around."

"Senior, this junior wants to go out and have a look." Le Yun insisted on her idea.

The stewards did not stop them anymore and took the little nun's identity card to register. When they swiped the silver leaves and saw the little nun's name, they suddenly realized that she was the number one person in the Qing History List, so it would be fine!

If other cultivators like the little female cultivator were to leave the shelter, their chances of surviving would be between [-]% and [-]%.

The famous figures on the Qing History List in the past dynasties all have super good luck, and they can turn bad luck into good fortune even in the wilderness. It is said that the people on the Qing History List never suffer damage in the secret realm.

Fairy Xiyue, who ranks first on the Qingshi list and the future deity, has stronger luck than the previous figures on the Qingshi monument. Even if she enters the dragon's pond and the tiger's den, she will definitely be in danger and turn danger into good luck.

The steward quickly handed the young cultivator a jade token and asked her to make a blood contract. In the future, if she sticks to the jade token, she can pass through the barrier of the sanctuary. If the jade token is crushed outside to activate the teleportation array, it will take people back to Sword Valley. A place of refuge before.

However, the jade token's transmission distance is limited to one billion miles. If it goes beyond the limited distance, it cannot bring people back to a safe place.

The jade token is universal in the secret realm. As long as the teleportation array is not activated, with it, even if you go to other safe cities, you can pass through the safety barrier with it.

Jade Brand is not free, it is a paid product.

After getting a pass, Le Yun's identity card had 1000 million fewer immortal points.

Jade cards are super expensive!

For creatures from other tribes, most creatures may need to mine for five to 20 years to exchange for 1000 million immortal points. That is to say, the little lolita is very rich, so she is willing to spend a huge price to exchange for a jade token.

With the pass, Le Yun was in a light mood, ran back to the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure, and moved five small creatures, three humanoid beasts, and three Mahayana beasts into a wishful house.The golden lotus magic weapon still remained in place. She led a group of beasts towards the east of the entrance of Sword Valley. In a hurry, she ran to about [-] miles away from the entrance of Sword Valley, and drove away in an aircraft.

After running for more than 10,000 miles, we reached the border of Sanctuary.

Le Yun put away the aircraft and walked out of the barrier three hundred feet above the ground.

With the pass in hand, passing through the barrier is as simple as passing through a layer of light, without being hindered or squeezed or pulled by any force.

Le Yun originally ran to the high altitude of the barrier before crossing out. However, as soon as she left the barrier, she almost fell into a giant tree.

She reacted quickly. When she saw green flashing in front of her eyes, she stopped. After closing her feet in time, she was only half an inch away from hitting a branch of the giant tree.

The diameter of the branch was more than ten meters. The gray-white bark was as smooth as the bark of a eucalyptus tree. The leaves were about [-] centimeters wide and longer than her body.

Looking at the giant tree, a bold question mark appeared in Le Yun's mind, what kind of tree is this? ?
To be honest, she doesn’t know him!

In order to study the giant tree, I quickly jumped onto the tree pole, took out my belt knife and made a cut on the bark. The thin bark broke open, revealing a green layer of tree wood with very little sap.

The tree is non-toxic and has no medicinal value.

The tree was an ordinary tree. Leyun closed the uncovered bark, climbed out from among the dense branches and leaves, and stepped on the leaves all the way to the top of the tree.

The giant tree is not the tallest tree in the area. There are even taller trees around it.

Le Yun had no choice but to fly high into the sky and look at it.

Outside the barrier, the sky is vast and the earth is vast.

In the vast land, the peaks above one million feet are all dwarfs. There are giant peaks between 400 and 500 million feet high, but the top of the mountains starts at [-] million feet.

The peaks above 450 million feet have permanent snow cover. From a distance, the giant peaks covered with a layer of snow look like giants wearing white hats.

The energy between heaven and earth is full, and plants have grown extraordinarily tall. Ordinary weeds that can grow up to three feet in the spiritual world have also grown to four or five feet tall. Trees that are fifty or sixty feet tall are small trees, and trees over a hundred feet tall are the mainstream. .

The mountains are covered with lush vegetation, and the giant rivers that meander between the mountains and rivers flow endlessly.

The water flowing in the river is richer in aura than the spiritual spring water.

The vitality of heaven and earth and the water vapor are densely packed into clouds and mist.

Clouds and mist curl up in the high mountains and deep streams. Between the sky and the earth, the vitality as thick as white smoke turns into wisps of clouds that disperse and gather. Everywhere is a fairyland on earth, as beautiful as a dream.

Standing in the air, Le Yun looked at the distant mountain peaks that appeared and disappeared in the mist and energy of heaven and earth. The corner of her mouth twitched. The divine world is the divine realm, and even the mountain peaks are so majestic!
The barrier in front of the entrance to the Sword Valley only enclosed a small area, and the front facing the Sword Valley was indeed a sparse plain with clumps of trees.

The boundary of the sanctuary is right at the edge of a clump of trees.

The location chosen by the little Lolita was so clever that she almost bumped into the giant tree at the edge of the jungle just after leaving the barrier. The tree was about eighty feet high, and there were many trees taller than it in the cluster.

The area of ​​the grove is about a thousand miles, and the areas without trees are occupied by ragged herbaceous plants and shrubs. It is probably the spring and summer season, and the flowers of the plants are vying to bloom.

The sea is green and the fragrance of flowers is fragrant.

In the green ocean, busy figures of insects appear from time to time.

Those insects are all extraordinary creatures, insects of the mortal immortal level.

Because insects are also classified, even insects at the mortal level are not all powerful. Some species are at the bottom of the food chain and have low combat power.

However, even the weakest insect can still easily bite off the arm of a cultivator at the level of God Transformation or Void Refining. It is not a problem for a slightly more powerful large insect to kill a monk at the level of Hedao or Tribulation Transformation with one click.

The little Loli watched in the air for a while, then took out the spirit boat and continued to advance eastward.

After the navigation test, the spirit boat, which was traveling at a speed of [-] million miles in Yunlan, dropped to a speed of [-] million miles in the secret territory of Qingxu.

From hundreds of millions of miles to tens of millions of miles, there is 9000 million miles in between.

The speed of the spirit boat has dropped to one-tenth of its original speed, which shows how dense and solid the spatial structure of the Qingxu Secret Realm is.

Le Yun flew at low altitude in the spirit boat, deliberately bypassing certain areas with special auras and walking close to the edges of areas where certain creatures were active.

The spirit boat traveled for a day and a night and entered another narrow valley plain between the peaks.

Far away from the Sword Valley, Le Yun stopped the spirit boat, closed the defensive barrier, then took out the Ruyi House hidden in her sleeves, and moved a group of beasts and little creatures to the spirit boat.

A group of little creatures and beasts just landed on the deck of the spirit boat. They didn't care where they were. They quickly looked around and then saw a spectacular scene.

A group of friends were speechless and stunned.

This... this, are the mountains here really mountains?
After a while, Jinwa asked her first question: "Little fairy, are those mountains real?"

"What you see now is the true face of the secret realm." Le Yun looked towards the canyon plain. The canyon was wider than the plain before the entrance to Sword Valley, and there was a sea of ​​forest as far as the eye could see.

The Qingxu Secret Realm should essentially belong to a certain part of the God Realm. It is sealed for some reason and is only opened every once in a while.

The appearance of the mountains and vegetation seen within the safe haven of the secret realm is an illusion.

"What a high mountain, what a big tree." The Rock Dolls and Lingzhi Dolls once again looked at the mountains, plains, and forests in the distance. They were shocked and shocked.

Three humanoid beasts and three Mahayana beasts circled around several times, breathing faster.

"Little fairy, I feel like the blood in my body is frozen, and my spiritual power is not flowing smoothly. If I meet other monks, I won't be able to fight like this." The long-eared bear used his spiritual power and found that The meridians were blocked and I was shocked.

"I felt like I was being pressed down by a thousand pounds of weight, and it became harder to breathe."

"I feel like the void around me is like a hard stone, offering great resistance."

Ape Oozoji also expressed his feelings.

The three humanoid beasts also nodded frequently. They also felt as if they had fought with someone, exhausted their energy and consciousness, and felt like they had taken a breath.

The beasts felt the unfriendliness from the secret world. Le Yun opened the barrier of the spirit boat and explained the reason: "The level of the secret world is too high. The creatures below the mortal immortal level are all weak chickens when they come here. Your reaction is normal."

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