magic eye doctor

Chapter 3171

Don't ask how the Water Escaper Baiyin Eagle Monkey Great Ape Erxiong Shan feels at this moment. If you ask, you will be confused.

The level of the secret world is too high, and their level is too low, so they are all weak chickens!

The three Mahayana beasts and the three humanoid beasts were extremely frustrated. They followed their brothers to the secret realm excitedly, thinking that they could share their worries, but in the end they all seemed to be in trouble!
The frustrated beasts were so depressed that they wanted to squat on the ground and draw circles.

When I was bored, I couldn't help but look at the world outside the spirit boat. I suddenly saw five little creatures lying on the edge of the spirit boat as if nothing happened. The eagle sounded in surprise: "Little fairy, the rock dolls and Lingzhi dolls are just like us. ?"

"It's different. The Rock Dolls and Lingzhi Dolls are minimally affected. They are spiritual creatures of heaven and earth. They may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but they will soon get used to it.

Of course, their speed will be greatly reduced here, and their true energy will be consumed quickly. If they are in their hometown, they can run thousands of miles in one hour, and the stored true energy can last for one hour. Here, they can run at most nine times in one hour. About a hundred miles away, the full amount of real energy can last at most half the time of incense consumption. "

After listening to the little fairy's analysis, the six big demons were silent again. They were all beasts. Why were the Rock Dolls, Lingzhi Dolls and others so little affected? Could it be because the little creatures were too weak?
"Why is Lingzhi Doll Yan Doll less affected?" Baiyin couldn't help but mutter.

"Because Yanwa and Lingzhi are too weak, God did not give the little creatures powerful self-protection force, but gave them stronger adaptability than other races." God is fair. He closed all the doors and gave them People leave a window, and the super adaptability of Yanwalingzhi dolls is a window left by God for them.

The rock dolls and Lingzhi babies on the side were nonchalant and still happily studying the scenery outside the barrier.

Ahem, the six beasts looked embarrassed, are they really weak when little creatures are treated favorably? !

"Little fairy, except for the Yanwa Lingzhi Doll, are all the foreign creatures the same as us?" Baiyin also asked.

"Of course not. Creatures from worlds of the same level as the secret realm are nourished by the rules and power of the high-level world since they were born. When they come here, they can also absorb the vitality of heaven and earth here. The life in the secret realm is the same as when they were born. There is no difference.

You should also work hard and try your best to refine the vitality of heaven and earth in the secret realm. It would be even better if you could capture the wisps of soft moonlight-colored spiritual energy for refining.

When the energy of heaven and earth accumulated in the Dantian meridians reaches a certain concentration, you will be able to move freely like the creatures here. "

"These days, isn't the spiritual energy we absorb during cultivation the vitality of heaven and earth here?"

"Of course not. The vitality of heaven and earth here is the kind of energy that looks like smoke or mist. The spiritual energy you absorb during cultivation is the most ordinary air here."

"?" The expressions of the six beasts were cracked, and they had been making trouble for a long time. The spiritual energy they relied on for survival couldn't even be counted as vitality here?
Beast Beast felt like he had been hit by a million points of critical damage again, and his heart was filled with chills.

Let the beasts experience reality immersively and open their eyes. Le Yun continued flying in the spirit boat, observing the types of trees and looking for suitable targets.

She wanted to find hardwood suitable for firewood or charcoal. There were many types of trees in the canyon.

The trees in the God Realm are all spiritual trees. Even the most common shrubs contain spiritual energy that is comparable to that of the spiritual trees in the spiritual world. The spiritual energy contained in the spiritual trees of most trees is up to ten times that of the spiritual trees in the spiritual world. Between 25 times.

Le Yun wanted to find hardwoods suitable for making charcoal, collect them and burn a batch of spiritual charcoal, which would be used as fuel for alchemy and medicine in the future.

The spirit boat is still flying at low altitude, not only to observe the trees, but also to avoid high-level monsters.

The Qingxu Secret Realm is a mysterious place. Its essence is the world of plants, and monsters can be seen everywhere.

The monsters in the secret realm have one thing in common. Except for the races with special living habits, the higher the level, the more they like to run to high places. High-level monsters occupy high mountains as their territory, and the monster caves are basically above the mountainside, in the snow. In the area below the cover, ice-type monsters live in the ice and snow area.

Therefore, the territory of high-level monsters is basically in the mid-mountain monster area, and the area from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside is the activity area of ​​lower-level monsters.

The low-lying plains and valleys are all places where low-level monsters live.

Le Yun didn't want to waste time, so she flew at low altitude in her spirit boat, bypassing the territory of high-level monsters. She also took the initiative to detour when she encountered some special areas, so as to avoid the monsters coming and getting entangled.

After climbing over several mountain peaks and two huge canyons, we entered an open basin again, and finally found a forest with a very high proportion of hardwoods.

After patrolling the basin, Le Yun found an ideal hardwood forest, stopped at the edge of the forest, and then shrunk the spirit boat and put it on her shoulder.

She landed at the junction of the forest and the meadow, and then entered the forest through the gap.

The trees in the God Realm are all giant trees. Because the trees are tall, the territory occupied by each tree is also extremely wide, and the area below the tree crown coverage is relatively empty.

The branches of the plants are dense, but sunlight can still shine through the gaps under the trees. There are plants and shrubs that like shade or semi-shade everywhere in the forest.

The root system of giant trees is well developed, with fine roots densely covering the ground. Even if their own seeds fall and take root, they will not be able to compete for much nutrients. Many small plants have a relatively short lifespan, and the surviving small trees will only survive. Several feet high.

On the contrary, it is easier for epiphytic plants to survive, and they are able to settle down among the trees and thrive.

As soon as Leyun bypassed two giant trees and entered the canopy of the third giant tree, she was attacked.

A grasshopper foraging for food in the forest heard a noise and hid between the longitudinal ribs of a giant tree. He saw a creature approaching, jumped out from between the two ribs of the giant tree, and pounced on its prey.

Grasshoppers are also called grasshoppers and grasshoppers. They belong to the family Acrididae, so they are also called locusts. There are more than 1000 species of grasshoppers on the earth.There are many insects in the secret realm, and grasshoppers are also the most common insects.

The grasshoppers foraging in the forest are grasshoppers called "cotton locusts" on Earth. They are about two meters long and their body is thicker than Le Yun's waist. It is really a bucket waist, and its hind limbs are as thick as her arms. , has one more pair of forelimbs than locusts on Earth.

A locust that big would definitely scare a person to death on earth, but in the God Realm, its size is considered normal.

The cotton locust is a first-order insect and the most common insect in the God Realm. It is at the bottom of the biological chain. Winged birds are natural enemies. Other carnivorous insects or monsters also feed on them.

Grasshoppers on the earth basically feed on plant stems, leaves, flowers and fruits, while monster grasshoppers eat no meat or meat.

Le Yun, who was regarded as prey by the grasshopper, moved sideways to avoid the swoop of the cotton locust.

She dodged an attack, and the cotton locust also turned sharply in the air and pounced again. At the same time, it spread its wings and waved its forelimbs to attack its prey.

Its front legs have saw spikes, which can be used for both grasping and attack.

The cotton locust waved its front feet as if waving a few sawtooths.

Leyun moved quickly and distanced herself. The cotton locust's saw-toothed feet struck a small tree as thick as an arm, and the tree was cut off with a single knife.

After putting some distance between herself and the locust, Le Yun dodged behind the giant tree in a flash, used the tree pole to cover herself, and then took out a big gray net.

The prey ran too fast. Cotton Locust waved his big knife and cut off the two small trees blocking the road. He chased after it, turned behind the tree, and crashed into a fishing net.

She scooped up the cotton locust in her bag, Le Yun put the spirit boat into the air, and carried an insect into the spirit boat.

The six beasts and five little creatures only knew what kind of monster attacked the little fairy. Because the monster and the little fairy were too fast, they did not see clearly what the monster looked like.

When the little fairy successfully captured the monster, the six beasts and five little dolls also saw clearly what the thing was, and Eleven looked shocked.

"My dear, what a big bug!"

"My mother, what a big grasshopper!"

Yanwa Lingzhiwa and Zhiwawa stayed with them for a while, and they were also influenced by it, and they learned the mantra that Zhiwawa and the others learned from Xuan Shao.

The grasshopper caught in the big net cannot bear to be caught. It bumps around in the net, looking for an opening.

"Little fairy, I heard that grasshoppers can also be eaten." The three humanoid beasts recovered from the shock and drooled as they looked at the insects in the fishing net.

Brother Xuan said that grasshoppers are rich in protein and very nutritious.

"It's edible. It's a delicacy in our hometown." Le Yun crushed a locust to death and poured it out for the beasts to study.

The beasts suddenly became excited and gathered around a locust that was bigger than the fairy. They happily discussed which part of the grasshopper's meat was delicious and how to cook it best.

One hundred ways to eat grasshoppers were gradually compiled from this.

The beasts had been led astray by the foodie Yan Shaoxuan. Le Yun gave up on correcting their thoughts, put away the fishing net, got out of the spirit boat, and went to chop down trees.

She cut off the branches and part of the crown of the giant tree, threw them into the drying tray, and then threw them into the spirit boat, where the beasts helped with more detailed processing.

The beasts collected the main stems and branches of the branches, cut the large branches into several pieces, and collected the leaves, which will be used for fertilizing or raising silkworms in the future.

The little loli cut off the branches, then chopped down the main pole of the tree, cut one tree and harvested another, and collected some spiritual herbs along the way.

She still maintains a good style, cutting down trees in small areas, cutting down trees at regular intervals, and creating skylights in the bushes.

After working for less than two hours, I met a pheasant foraging for locusts.

The cotton pads in the God Realm are as long as the little lolita, so it is conceivable that the pheasant will not be any smaller.

The body of the pheasant is as big as an ox on the earth, its legs are like the legs of a small elephant, and they are hard, and its claws and beak are as sharp as steel hooks.

It is a rooster with gorgeous feathers. The rooster's comb standing high on its head is like a cattail leaf fan. When it walks, the rooster's comb bounces and sways, which matches its majestic body and makes it look particularly impressive.

The big rooster in the primary school textbook with "a bright red crown flower coat, a shiny neck and golden feet, and I am more beautiful than beauty" is at best a newly hatched chick in front of it.

The six beasts and five little creatures were stunned when they saw the chicken demon strutting from the forest: "This is a chicken?!"

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