magic eye doctor

Chapter 3177

After practicing for a long time, Yan Xing came back to his senses from the practice. When he opened his eyes, it was already dark night. There were stars on the high sky, and the brightness of the stars and the moon was soft and gentle.

The night was as gentle as water, and even though the pressure in the Sword Valley was still strong, it was refreshing.

Yan Xing also sat quietly for a while before checking himself. He only had half a field of true energy accumulated in his dantian. Fortunately, he no longer felt tired, and a lot of the consumed consciousness was restored.

He stood up and moved his hands and feet, then picked up the sword and studied it again.

I've studied it over and over again, but I still can't recognize the characters on the sword.

If you don't know the characters, you naturally don't know the name of the sword.

The sword is as quiet as a quiet child, without any appeal. He can pick up the magic weapon and its weight is moderate, which shows that the magic weapon is willing to follow him away.

Yan Xing did not contract the sword immediately, put the sword into the spirit boat, stuffed the spirit boat into his sleeves, straightened his clothes, and walked down the mountain slowly.

His clothes were not in tatters yet, but rather old. It was not convenient to enter the Ruyi House to change clothes in the Magic Treasure Mountain. He had to wait until he left the Sword Valley to bathe and change clothes.

The night in Sword Valley is silent.

In Sword Valley, except for the sound of wind, the sound of people walking around and the sound of breathing, there is no other sound.

The starlight is soft, and the moonlight is like practice.

This kind of night is suitable for spending time with your lover in front of flowers and under the moonlight, making love to each other.
As for the monks searching for treasures in the magic treasure mountains and valleys, no one appreciates the night, but they still tirelessly sense the call of the magic treasure, or accept the test of the magic treasure with all their strength.

Yan Xing walked slowly down the mountain in the night. On the way, he met monks of various ethnic groups who were climbing the mountain. He took the initiative to detour, and stayed away from the monks who tried their best to take away a certain magic weapon.

When I climbed Fabao Mountain, I stayed overnight at dawn. I don’t know how many months I spent climbing, but it took less than an hour to descend.

Along the hiking trail to the valley, Yan Xing did not look for Mr. Xuan and Calabash Baby. He passed through the valley full of magic weapons, then crossed the green space and walked into the teleportation array.

The teleportation array sent people to the entrance of Sword Valley.

After changing the venue, Yan Xing quickly looked at the entrance area of ​​Sword Valley. The stewards saw no change from the Ruyi House. There were more than a dozen Ruyi Houses on the opposite side.

The first of those wishful houses is not far from the golden lotus magic weapon left by little Loli, and they are arranged all the way towards the entrance of Sword Valley. The door of each wishful house is covered with a layer of magic light.

There is also a Ruyi House on the edge of the teleportation array.

Under the night, the grass and trees in the safe city at the entrance to Sword Valley are green, and it looks like it is summer, or it may be the alternation between spring and summer.

Yan Xing observed the environment, ran quickly, passed by more than a dozen Ruyi houses, ran to the golden lotus magic weapon, and plunged into the barrier.

It was quiet inside the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon. Not only was there no trace of Little Lolita, there was also no shadow of Calabash Baby and Mr. Xuan.

"?" Yan Xing was so shocked that he stood like a stone statue. Have Young Master Xuan and Calabash Boy not left the Sword Valley yet?

He felt incredible.

After standing quietly for a while, Yan Xing let out of his wishful room, walked in, fetched water to wash himself, and then combed his hair after he felt completely new.

His nails have grown longer, but his hair has not grown longer, and the quality of his hair is far from what it was when he entered Magic Treasure Mountain. He looks like he is severely malnourished.

After tying up his hair, Yan Xing washed his hands, took out his medicinal meal, and had a delicious meal, finally feeling like he had returned to the human world.

Sure enough, the fireworks in the world are the most soothing.

The heart is soothed.

But being alone in the huge golden lotus magic weapon, Yan Xing felt like he was alone and alone, and he meditated silently.

After practicing until dawn, I ate breakfast alone, and then took out the communication talisman to contact the little Loli.

The summons was sent out, but there was no response.

He sent another message to Huluwa and Mr. Xuan, but after the message was sent out, it still seemed like nothing.

Little Loli didn't reply. Maybe she ran far away and the distance was beyond the range of the communication talisman. Calabash Baby and Mr. Xuan were probably too busy fighting wits with the magic weapon to be distracted.

There is another possibility: the barrier in Sword Valley blocks the transmission of message information.

The little friend is not in the signal area. Yan Xing keeps the little Loli's words in mind and is determined not to use the golden lotus magic weapon. The cat is practicing in Ruyi House, practicing bone shrinking skills and tempering his spiritual consciousness.

In fact, Calabash Boy received a message from Brother Yan and knew that Brother Yan had come out of Sword Valley, but he did not reply to the message.

Once he replies to the message, it means that Brother Yan knows that he is digging for spiritual herbs. With Brother Yan's temperament, he will come to him unwillingly.

If there are monks of various races waiting at the entrance of Sword Valley, and seeing Brother Yan wandering around, they might treat Brother Yan as prey and trick him into leaving the safe area, or someone might run out and find him digging spiritual grass to compete with him for resources.

The reason why Calabash Boy dared to dig up spiritual grass alone was because he had special abilities and could not defeat other monks, so he had no problem escaping.

Brother Yan has no special abilities, and the Mahayana beast is not around. If he runs out and is targeted by someone and tricked out of the safe zone, he has no ability to successfully rescue Brother Yan.

In order to dig out more spiritual herbs, Calabash Boy pretended not to see the movement of the communication talisman and continued to sweep the plants.

Mr. Xuan has been competing with invisible forces. He is too distracted and unable to focus on the communication talisman.

Young Master Yan, who has been waiting for the reply from his friends, is afraid of missing the message, so he puts the communication talisman on the table and reads it several times a day. The first thing he does after each practice is to look at the communication talisman.

The communication talisman just didn't respond.

Young Master Yan had no choice but to stay in the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon. In addition to practicing, he would do carpentry in his free time, or pay attention to the seasonal changes.

The monks from all races who came to Sword Valley were sparse, sometimes only seeing one group a month, and there were even no groups leaving.

Yan Xing remembered very clearly that when he came out of Sword Valley, he never saw any living beings coming out of Sword Valley.

Day and night alternate, the sun and the moon fly by.

In the blink of an eye, the lush green vegetation in front of Sword Valley began to feel desolate unconsciously. The stems and leaves of herbaceous plants gradually became older, and the leaves of deciduous trees also gradually turned yellow and red.

Yan Xing, who was counting the date with his fingers, also sat in the golden lotus magic weapon for five months.

A few days after the beginning of the sixth month, a living being finally walked out of the Sword Valley. The monk of unknown clan was covered in black robes. He left the Sword Valley and took the teleportation array away.

He was leisurely watching the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court, and the swallows were not idle. He observed the changes in the environment during his practice, watching the seasons change from summer to autumn, and from autumn to winter.

Winter passes in a flash, and it’s time for the vegetation to revive again.

When the vegetation in the valley in front of the entrance of Sword Valley began to glow with a new round of vitality, the little Lolita, who had been wandering in the wilderness for four and a half years, finally returned to the canyon plain at the entrance of Sword Valley.

Returning to the canyon plain outside the safe zone, she stopped again!
Little Loli has long been eyeing the herbs in the plains, and rushed back to the savannah in spring in order to collect herbs.

In early spring, the vegetation begins to revive.

It's not yet the season for grass-cutting, so Le Xiao's classmates are wandering around the plains, collecting plant seeds and digging out the spiritual plants and grasses from the trees and algae bushes.

She wandered here and there, visiting the places with the strongest aura in the entire plain, and the herbaceous plants in the savannah were as green as a jade.

The little Loli started sweeping, like a bulldozer, sweeping away the meadows one after another, from one end of the plain to the other.When I turned back, the newly grown grass in the cleared meadow had grown to the height of a person's head again, so I could happily cut leeks again.

Le Xiaololi was sweeping up plants outside the safe area at the entrance of Sword Valley, and Calabash Boy was also happily digging for spiritual herbs in the safe area.

In the Sword Valley, Mr. Xuan is still "fighting" against invisible pressure. From the beginning, he was bullied by the invisible force and often worked day and night, and then he worked hard to temper himself under the invisible pressure.

Touring day and night, and experiencing countless scorching summers, Mr. Xuan has adapted to the torture of invisible forces and practices calmly every day.

One day, when I finished practicing, I felt... something was wrong.

Mr. Xuan sensed it and realized that the power that imprisoned him had disappeared. In shock, he jumped up, and the magic weapon buried in the soil burst out.

The magic weapon was unearthed, and the sword glowed with dazzling light.

In the dazzling light, the rust stains on the sword turned into dirt and peeled off.

The sword that has regained its brilliance is completely cyan. The blade is only three fingers wide and transparent. The blade is smooth and clean. There are no engraved patterns and decorations. There are only two vigorous characters engraved on one side.

The sword hilt is bored into a mountain-shaped pen mountain shape and is engraved with a simple lotus pattern. The sword stem has a natural ring hoop, and the sword head is a relatively rare oval shape.

"?" Mr. Xuan jumped up and was shocked to see the magic weapon in his hand that transformed in one second. So, that invisible force is the test of the magic weapon?

The three-foot green-edged sword shines brightly.

Mr. Xuan, who was in a state of mind, looked and looked again. Yes, he really pulled out the sword, which also meant that the magic weapon recognized him.

Before he could calm down, he heard a joyful voice: "You brat, quickly make a contract, and then send me into your sea of ​​consciousness."

"Who is talking?" Mr. Xuan was so frightened that his hair stood on end. He looked around and saw no other living beings within a radius of two hundred feet.

"Don't look, it's me, I'm in your hands."

The voice came up again, and Young Master Xuan suddenly looked at the magic weapon in his hand: "Are you... a weapon spirit?"

"You have some knowledge, kid. I have been sleeping for too long. I just woke up and need to take a breather. Let me enter your sea of ​​consciousness to recuperate for a while. Kid, send me a few drops of blood. Move quickly and don't dawdle." Jian. The spirit urged again.

Mr. Xuan, who felt that he was being squandered, said: "..." The magic weapon has a weapon spirit, which is very... unexpected.

Regardless of his joy, he cut his finger and dripped blood onto the sword.

Blood dripped on the sword and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The sword absorbed ten drops of blood in a row, the sword's light disappeared, and suddenly it disappeared on the spot.

Young Master Xuan heard the voice again, coming from the sea of ​​consciousness - "Boy, who drew the talisman in your sea of ​​consciousness?"

"A friend of mine." Probably because of the contractual relationship, even if I heard the voice coming from my head, I would only feel a sense of intimacy instead of being frightened.

He looked inside his sea of ​​consciousness and saw a blue sword floating on the surface of the sea of ​​consciousness. That appearance reminded him of two words - lie down.

The sword lying flat floated leisurely: "This friend of yours is amazing, cherish it."

"My friend is super powerful." Mr. Xuan puffed up his chest proudly. The little beauty, that little monster, also walks sideways in the other world. It is a great honor to have such a friend.

This contractor's self-confidence was so high that it would shine brightly if given some sunshine. The weapon spirit lay down and ignored him.

The sword spirit stopped talking. Mr. Xuan watched curiously for a long time, making sure that he was comfortable staying in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then ended his inner look.

Looking around, there were no monks nearby, so presumably no one was paying attention to him.

Young Master Xuan relaxed and finally had time to look at himself. He was surprised to find that his silk and satin clothes had turned into quail clothes with hundreds of knots, and they had a special "smell".

Smelling his own scent, he wanted to cover his nose.

Feeling ashamed in his heart, Mr. Xuan immediately used the dust removal technique on himself, and used the technique several times to clean himself up.

I checked again and took a "bath". The outer robe was torn in several places, but the clothes inside were not torn.

Mr. Xuan, who was wearing a torn robe, was very calm.

He calmly shook his sleeves and walked down the mountain from the hiking trail.

Even if he couldn't calculate the time, judging from the torn clothes, he stayed in Magic Treasure Mountain for a long time, at least a year and a half.

Master Xuan did not hesitate, quietly descended from the Magic Treasure Mountain, passed through the Magic Treasure Array, arrived at the entrance and exit of the Sword Valley, and entered the vortex with his head held high.

After experiencing a brief feeling of dizziness, a beautiful scenery of mountains and clear waters appeared in front of me.

The stewards at the entrance of Sword Valley are still sitting in rows in the Ruyi House, only there are more Ruyi Houses opposite.

Feeling that there was no change at the entrance to the Sword Valley, Master Xuan flew up like a gust of wind, blowing past the Ruyi House and into the golden barrier.

He floated into the golden lotus magic weapon, and Young Master Yan also emerged from the Ruyi House. The two young men, who had not seen each other for a long time, stared at each other with big eyes.

"Master Xuan, congratulations on your triumphant return with your treasure." Yan Xing broke the deadlock first.

"Same joy!" Mr. Xuan laughed heartily: "How long have you been out? Look at me, my clothes are torn because of this. I'm so miserable."

The corner of Yan Xing's mouth twitched: "I probably came out last summer, just a few months earlier than you."

"The gourd baby hasn't come out yet?"


"That's not right. The little beauty said that the Calabash Baby has the ability to avoid confusion and confusion. Why hasn't it come out yet?" Mr. Xuan was shocked. It makes no sense that he and Young Master Yan have come out to retrieve the treasure. The Calabash Child has not yet tamed the magic weapon.

"I send a summons once a month, but Calabash and Little Loli haven't responded, and neither have you."

"When I went down to Magic Treasure Mountain, I checked the messenger talisman, but I didn't receive any message." Mr. Xuan took out the messenger talisman in surprise, and then, the jade talisman shook like a ghost.

"The summons should not be received in Sword Valley."

"Maybe it's because of the sword valley barrier. I'm going to change clothes and talk later." Master Xuan knew that the summons was sent to him by Master Yan, so he left the Ruyi House without reading the message and hurried back to change clothes.

After refreshing myself with water, I changed into a new set of clothes, and then went to find Young Master Yan. Since Young Master Yan had already placed a set of tables and chairs in the golden lotus magic weapon, he walked over and sat down.

I haven't eaten since entering Sword Valley. Young Master Xuan also missed the taste of food, so he took out two plates of fried lingbei and shared them with Young Master Yan.

Yan Xing was not stingy and shared a spiritual meal.

The two friends had a good meal and were happy both physically and mentally. They lazily basked in the sun and discussed how many years had passed since they came to Sword Valley.

After some calculations, it was estimated that they had stayed in Sword Valley for about two years.

Neither of the two young masters took the initiative to ask what magic weapon they had found. After chatting, they took the time to practice.

In order not to become a burden to the little Lolita, the two brothers were willing to draw the ground as a prison and sit and watch the sunrise and sunset, with the clouds rolling in and out.

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