magic eye doctor

Chapter 3178 Young Master Yan’s Sword

The entrance area of ​​Sword Valley is very quiet. There are usually one or two teams from other places only every three to five months. There are even fewer monks who leave, and the stewards are also very leisurely.

A lot of people means a lot of things, and the same principle applies. A few people means a lot of things. There are not many monks coming and going, so there will naturally be less disputes at the entrance to Sword Valley.

Yan Shaoxuan Shao counted the days with his hands, looking forward to the early return of Calabash Baby and Little Lolita.

The gourd boy who was given the hope of digging for spiritual herbs unfailingly and selectively forgot the biographical talisman.

In a blink of an eye, spring passes and summer comes, and in a blink of an eye, summer passes quietly.

Le Xiaololi, who was collecting resources in the wilderness, had swept through the savannah plains for dozens of rounds, visited the surrounding canyons, and looted the fish and shrimp resources in several giant rivers.

She was aware of the situation, and because the scroll was a bit cruel, she was worried that the high-level immortal beasts who were living in seclusion at the peak would not be able to help but come out to reason with her, so when the leaves of the tree were first stained with the autumn flavor, she patted her butt in good faith and walked away.

With the pass, Le Yun easily passed through the barrier and returned to Safe City safely.

After entering the barrier, I looked in the direction of Sword Valley. Oh wow, two handsome guys have left Sword Valley, and the Calabash kid is wandering around in the wild!

The little Loli drove the aircraft and happily went to find Calabash Baby.

Calabash Boy was digging spiritual plants in the sparse bushes or meadows in Safe City. He felt an aircraft coming from a distance, and immediately alerted him. He took another look, ah, it was the little fairy's aircraft!
He jumped into the air excitedly and got into the spirit boat.

"Little Fairy!" Calabash Baby cheered, rushed to the Little Fairy, and stood close to the Little Fairy.

"Xiao Guozi has been worried about this family, and he is becoming more and more like a master of the family." Le Yun rubbed the gourd baby's head, and the good boy actually slipped out to dig for spiritual grass. Such a considerate and good boy belongs to her family. , just ask you if you are envious!
There is a gourd baby who is loved by the little fairy. He is so happy that he can't see his eyes: "Little fairy, where are the little dolls and my buddy's little contracted beast friend?"

As soon as Calabash Baby arrived, she looked for little creatures. Le Yun took out the wishful house in her sleeve and moved a group of little creatures and beasts out.

The rock doll, Lingzhi doll and three humanoid beasts and the three Mahayana beasts were very happy when they saw Calabash Child. They all gathered around and asked Jiangu whether there was anything harvested and how Brother Yan was doing.

Calabash Boy said hello to his friends before talking about the two brothers: "Brother Yan left Sword Valley last summer, and Brother Xuan also left Sword Valley at the end of spring this year."

"My two brothers' cultivation level is too low. It is normal for it to take several years to win the trust of the magic weapon."

"Yes, the magic weapon in Sword Valley is very powerful. Climbing Magic Treasure Mountain is very hard. It took me a year to climb the mountain. My two brothers will only spend longer than me. They were not halfway up the mountain when I came down. …”

Calabash Boy happily described what he observed as Brother Yan and Brother Xuan climbed the mountain.

There was a gourd baby who was as happy as a sparrow and shared his experiences in Sword Valley with his friends. The group's journey back to the entrance of Sword Valley was not lonely at all.

About ten thousand miles away from the entrance of the Sword Valley, Le Yun put away the spirit boat and flew back to the entrance of the Sword Valley with the lotus-shaped magic weapon, and flew directly back to the golden lotus magic weapon barrier.

It was dusk when she returned to Sword Valley, and the sun's afterglow shone slantingly in the sky, brightening the clouds and making half of the sky appear warm and golden.

Young Master Xuan and Young Master Yan, who didn't know how to read clouds and weather, were sitting looking at the sky full of clouds. Suddenly, they saw a ball of golden light crashing into the barrier, and they jumped three feet high in shock.

Fighting is prohibited in the safe city, and naturally no one dares to openly provoke under the steward's nose. They thought it was a monk from a certain tribe who accidentally lost control of his aircraft and crashed into the little Lolita's magic barrier.

Unexpectedly, when the aircraft came into contact with the barrier, there was no earth-shattering collision, but it quietly slipped into the barrier.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan reacted and were so surprised that they ran towards the ball of light that landed on the ground: "Little Lolita/Little Beauty!"

The golden lotus magic weapon belongs to her, and Leyun can come and go naturally. After entering the barrier, she puts away the golden lotus that is about to be used as a walking tool, and then releases the spiritual boat stuffed in her sleeves.

Five little dolls, four humanoid beasts and three Mahayana beasts jumped out of the spirit boat and happily greeted the two brothers.

Yan Shaoxuan was very happy to see little Loli come back, but when he saw Calabash Baby with his contracted beasts and little dolls, he was shocked.

"Xiao Guozi, didn't you enter the Sword Valley? Why are you with the little fairy?"

"I came out a long time ago. I went to look for you after coming down from Magic Treasure Mountain. You hadn't climbed halfway up the mountain yet." The Calabash Baby and the little creatures ran towards the tables and chairs, avoiding the important ones and taking the easy ones. Dig spiritual grass by yourself in the Sword Valley safe zone.

A group of little guys cleverly occupied seats first and even saved a place for the little fairy.

Le Yun floated over and sat among the Calabash Baby and a group of little creatures. Water Dungeon and other beasts also quickly took their seats, leaving the two brothers behind.

"So, Xiao Guozi only stayed in Sword Valley for a few months." Yan Shaoxuan was very jealous. No wonder the little Loli said that Calabash Baby has a mind that is not confused.

"Yes, it took me more than a year to climb Magic Treasure Mountain. After I came down from the mountain, in order to wait for you two, I also dug spiritual herbs in the Sword Valley for half a year." "I always feel that something is wrong." Young Master Yan Xuan Thinking hard and not fighting for a seat, they walked to the table and each chose an empty chair to sit down.

"It must be that your perception of time is wrong." Calabash Boy smiled happily: "It is easy for people to ignore time when climbing Magic Treasure Mountain in Sword Valley. If there is any test for Magic Treasure, people's perception of time will be even more... slow.

More than five years have passed since we came here. You can use this to calculate how many years you have stayed in Sword Valley. "

"Five years?!" Mr. Xuan almost jumped three feet high. Judging from the time Calabash Boy said, Mr. Yan has stayed in Sword Valley for four years, and he himself has stayed for five years?
Young Master Yan also felt bad. They speculated that they had stayed in Sword Valley for about two years, but the naughty kid told them that there was something wrong with their perception?
"It's only five years, it's not a big deal." Le Yun said calmly: "Some creatures who have entered the Sword Valley may have to be the guardians of the treasure for 30 or [-] years. You have only stayed for four or five years. You should be grateful to the magic weapon for its tolerance and care for you. trust."

"..." The two young masters fell silent. According to Xiao Loli, they felt that they were quite lucky!

Calabash Baby didn't care about the two brothers' ups and downs, so he generously took out his spiritual meal and invited his friends to eat.

A group of friends who haven't had a meal together in five years finally meet up and it's time to have a reunion dinner.

A reunion dinner brings joy to both humans and animals.

The friends who had eaten and drank were in a great mood. They chatted until it was time for practice and left happily.

Yan Xingqi moved closer to little Loli: "Little Loli, I want... to ask you to take a look at the magic weapon I brought out."

A group of friends looked at each other with gloomy eyes. Brother Yan asked the little fairy to see the magic weapon, which meant that the magic weapon was... weird?
"Okay." Le Yun didn't refuse and followed Handsome Yan to his wishful house.

After entering Ruyi House, Yan Xing took out the sword from the spirit boat and held it in his hand for little Lolita to appreciate. His face was a little unnatural: "Little Lolita, I don't recognize the characters engraved on the sword body. I don't know yet." The name of the sword.”

In view of her own special nature, Le Yun did not touch the handsome boy's magic weapon and explained to others: "This sword is a high-grade immortal treasure with a sword spirit. The two glyph-like runes engraved on the sword are not swords. His real name consists of two characters: one is a talisman, and the other is the private mark of the master swordsmith.

The fairy treasure is not a murder weapon. You will naturally know the name of the sword after making the contract. This fairy treasure is slightly lower level than the magic weapon in your sea of ​​consciousness. After the contract, you will keep it in your Dantian for cultivation. "

"The sword has a sword spirit? Why doesn't he communicate with me?" Yan Xing felt relieved. He was worried that the sword was a murder weapon or a magic weapon of the demon clan, so he never made a contract.

"This should be related to a rune engraved on the sword. If this special rune is triggered, it can awaken people's memories and obsessions.

You should have experienced a rather dangerous illusion test when you came into contact with the magic weapon. The sword spirit has experienced a period of your past. In order to protect your sanity from being completely lost, he consumed too much, and you failed to replenish his strength in time. Sword Spirit temporarily enters sleep period.

You contracted the magic weapon and let it be cultivated in the Dantian, and he will wake up again soon. "

The little Loli knew so much about her own experience that Yan Xing's eyes were shocked: "How did you know that I entered an illusion when I came into contact with the magic weapon?"

"You have been burdened with too many things. The untimely death of your mother and grandma is a knot in your heart. Even though the culprit has been convicted, it is still difficult to let go. The hatred in your heart has not completely dissipated.

Your knot is your obsession and will also be your inner demon.

There are many situations that can easily trigger people's inner demons, such as climbing the ladder to heaven. If Master Nanga hadn't recited scriptures from time to time, you would have encountered inner demons on the way.

The aura of Sword Valley is special, and any emotional fluctuations may be infinitely amplified. Without a great virtuous person by your side to exorcise evil spirits for you, no matter which magic weapon you come into contact with, you will definitely fall into an illusion. The difference is that the degree of danger of the illusion is different. Just a difference.

Thinking about it, after experiencing this illusion, even if the knot in your heart is not completely resolved, your resentment has been eliminated a lot. This is a blessing rather than a curse for you. "

The little Loli hit the nail on the head, and Yan Xing was ashamed: "You are right. When I came into contact with the magic weapon, all I saw was the scene of my mother and grandma being sick. The memory was repeated countless times, and the hatred was hard to get rid of. Later, I didn't care He recklessly chased and killed Zhao’s father and son countless times.”

"The magic weapon has chosen you, and it will naturally be beneficial to both him and you. He will help you get rid of your inner demons. In the future, you will take him to travel and fight, and collect various magical materials to help him advance to the divine level."

"I understand, I will treat him well." Yan Xing looked at the magic weapon in his hand, his eyes were gentle, and he wiped his fingers on the blade of the sword.

From the scratched finger, blood gurgled out and flowed into a red stream.

The blade of the sword absorbed the blood, and the light flashed.

After forming a contract with the magic weapon, Yan Xing also knew the name of the sword - Wangchen.

The name of the sword tends to be secular and very down-to-earth.

Yan Xingxing stopped the bleeding on his fingers, tried swinging the sword a few more times, and then put the Wangchen Sword into his dantian to nourish it.

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