magic eye doctor

Chapter 3179 The fight for the treasures

After watching Handsome Yan contracting the immortal treasure, there was no doubt that Le Yun had retired and slowly walked back to her Ruyi House to rest.

The contract beasts of the two handsome guys, the gourd doll, and the five little creatures were all crowded in the fairy's wishful house, and they were all well-behaved and cute.

Mr. Xuan and Mr. Yan's Ruyi House has also been released, and they are too embarrassed to go to the little Lolita's territory again.

Young Master Yan sent Little Loli away and sat alone. He thought about Little Loli's words over and over again, and almost found out the reason why he was in hallucination.

Jia Ling, Guo Furong and Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze, who killed his mother and grandma, could not die anymore. The reason why they are still upset is that the old woman of the Zhao family and Zhao Danxuan are still not alive.

The old woman of the Zhao family is insignificant. Zhao Danxuan is Jia Ling's granddaughter. She has a share of Jia Ling's blood in her body, so she is naturally a descendant of Jia Ling.

When Zhao Danxuan died and Jia Ling died, he naturally felt completely relieved.

How many years can the old lady from the Zhao family live?

Even if he doesn't take action, how long can Zhao Danxuan live?
After finding the crux, Yan Xing can practice with peace of mind. Those bastards from the Zhao family and Jia Ling are not worthy of becoming his inner demons.

Following the little fairy, Calabash and his friends slept until they woke up naturally. They also had breakfast prepared by Brother Xuan, not to mention how happy they were.

After breakfast, Le Yun rested for more than an hour, then went back to Ruyi House to bathe and change clothes, tidy up, left the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon, and prepared to enter the Sword Valley.

She first asked the steward to swipe her identity card and make a record, then walked to the entrance of the Sword Valley, quickly took off several magic weapons that concealed her aura, and then flew into the teleportation array.

After a short period of dazzling white light, Le Yun's vision also became clear, and what came into view was countless flashing colored lights, which were the divine lights of magic weapons.

In the eyes of other creatures, all magic weapons are gray and plain, but in the eyes of little Loli, every magic weapon is full of color and sparkle.

Hundreds of millions of magic weapons gathered in one place, and their divine light merged into a galaxy.

The brilliance was so dazzling that Le Yun's pair of beautiful almond eyes, which were more powerful than titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, were almost blinded by the flash. She was forced to close her eyes to avoid the light and appreciate the Sword Valley with her spiritual consciousness.

Sword Valley is a plain valley with thousands of small hills regularly distributed on the plain. Nine giant peaks rise from the small hills.

If the nine giant mountains are the nine suns, then the small hills are the stars.

The magic weapons are scattered all over the giant peaks, hills and plain valleys.

There are approximately 13 treasure hunters in the Sword Valley. The monks of all races are scattered everywhere, like a herd of more than a thousand sheep scattered across thousands of miles of grassland, looking insignificant.

Le Yun's consciousness was thrown into the air, and she had just roughly scanned the environment. Before she had time to take a closer look, the countless magic weapons in the Sword Valley suddenly trembled.


The immortal treasure screams loudly, and the sound shakes the whole valley.

"What's wrong?" The monks of all races who sensed the breath of the immortal treasure outside the legal formation were frightened and stood up to look around.

When the creatures who had entered the magic weapon area heard the vibration of the magic weapon, the walking monks immediately stopped. The monks guarding the magic weapon held their breath and did not dare to move.

Within the Sword Valley, all the weapons kept ringing.

Amidst the sound of the weapon, countless immortal treasures burst out of the ground and stood suspended in the air.

The suspended magic weapons bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the lead was washed away in an instant, returning to their original appearance. Each magic weapon was full of brilliance.

The scorching magic weapon roared again.

A clearer and more pleasant long chirping sound suppressed the roar of the treasures.

The magic weapon that first broke out of the ground was suppressed and its brilliance was dimmed a lot.

The monks of all races inside and outside the magic weapon array raised their necks in astonishment and looked at the fairy treasure shining brightly in the sky. They were surprised and confused. The magic weapon appeared automatically, which meant that the person they wanted to follow was coming!

Who is it that can make magic weapons rush to follow him?

While they were still suspicious, the nine giant magic treasure mountains also lit up brightly from the mountainside to the top of the mountain, and thousands of magic treasures also appeared in their true form and flew into the sky one after another.

Each of those magic weapons is dazzling.

The magic weapon now made waves of vibrations.

The long and thick sound suppressed the sound of the second batch of magic weapons.

The second batch of magic weapons that appeared automatically were suppressed by the magic weapons on Jufeng Magic Mountain, and the brilliance of the magic weapons also dimmed slightly.

" this level of suppression?!"

The monks of all races are frightened. What an honor it is to take the initiative to compete with high-level immortal treasures!
Who can win the favor of the immortal treasures of Sword Valley at the same time?

The monks of all races wanted to throw their spiritual consciousness into the air to find the master who made the immortal treasure express their willingness to follow. Then, as soon as their spiritual consciousness was released, it was suppressed by invisible forces.

The monks were so shocked that they broke into cold sweat and hurriedly took back their consciousness.

The fairy treasures on the giant magic treasure mountain kept shouting for a long time. Three of the giant peaks suddenly shook, and light rushed out of the mountains and appeared in the air at the top of the peaks.

In an instant, the three giant peaks were filled with rays of light in the sky.

In the dazzling glow, the appearance of the magic weapon also emerged. On top of a giant peak was a set of stone mortars and tools with a pestle. The stone mortar and pestle were all blue, the shape of the mortar was like a basin, and the pestle was like a clothes-beating stick or a modern baseball. The stick is thick at one end and thin at the other.

The workmanship of the pestle is more delicate, while the workmanship of the stone mortar is rough, as if it was made by knocking stones together, and the surface is uneven in several places.

There is only a thin paper-like white sheet in the center of the glow on the top of another giant peak. It is only as big as a palm and its shape is quite like a palm.

In the glow on the top of the third giant peak is a bottle-shaped magic weapon called a jade pot spring vase. The bottle is about the same size as an ordinary jade pot spring vase and has blue glaze.

The color of the blue bottle is soft and delicate, as warm as jade.

Just like the beauty of the country, the fragrant peonies eclipse all the flowers when they bloom, three immortal treasures appeared, and all the immortal treasures hanging in the sword valley became mute and dropped three feet.

The most precious thing is born, and it shines brightly.

Under the majesty of the supreme treasure, the valley was filled with silence.

The monks of all ethnic groups collectively eclipsed the glow, and the fairy treasure above the Magic Treasure Mountain must be the treasure that controls the valley!
The glow on the top of the giant peak was dazzling, and it took Leyun some time to adapt to the light. When she opened her eyes again, she saw the three magic weapons in the sky, and her beautiful almond-shaped eyes widened in surprise.

Oh my God, three ancestral treasures!
The three magic weapons in the sky on the top of the giant magic weapon are all treasures, and the white sheet like paper is the book of time!That bottle has a nice name, "Void Bottle".

The Book of Time records the universe from the beginning of chaos to the expansion of all realms and the process of life from scratch. It is equivalent to a history of the universe and an encyclopedia of all realms.

The book of time, or the pages of time, or the history book of time.The Void Bottle is the most precious treasure of the space system. It can contain everything, even the entire world.

That set of stone mortars has no name, and its material is the rarest stone in all worlds - ancient stone.

Archaeolite is the most basic material of the first planets born in the universe, which is equivalent to the part of the material on the earth that scientists call the "earth core".

Of course, the ancient stone mentioned in the world of immortality is countless times more magical than the earth's core mentioned by earthlings.

Most of the first planets born in the universe have disappeared in the river of time. The core part of each planet, the ancient stone, has not been completely destroyed. Even if it is only a piece as big as the tip of a needle, it absorbs various materials while wandering in the universe and then reappears. Can develop into a new planet.

There are nine giant peaks in the Sword Valley. In theory, each giant peak has a treasure. The three peak-suppressing treasures that appeared are also the only three ancestral treasures that still exist among the nine peaks in the Sword Valley.

The mountain treasures in the other six peaks are either wandering in time and space and have not returned, or are with their current owners, or have been destroyed.

The only three treasures that were sleeping in the Sword Valley were all born at the same time, which shows that they also have the sincerity to enter the world again.

The treasure sent out an invitation, and Le Yun silently looked up at the ancestral treasure in the sky. The three treasures are all powerful, can they all be taken away?

She also knew that she was greedy.

Whether it is the stone mortar, the void bottle, or the book of time, they are all ancestral treasures handed down from ancient times. Such treasures are also auspicious in the divine world.

She wants to monopolize three treasures by herself, which is quite unsatisfactory.

Besides, even if she is greedy, the magic weapon may not always spoil her. The magic weapon with the magic weapon spirit usually likes to be the only one who has a contract.

To be honest, it is difficult to choose between the three treasures, such as cinnabar mole and white moonlight.

No matter how hard it is to choose, you still have to make a choice.

After standing quietly for a while, Le Yun walked into the magic array calmly, walked through the valley and hills, and reached the foot of the giant mountain with a stone mortar on the top, and climbed up the mountain.

Faced with a treasure that is difficult to choose from, she can only choose the one that best suits her based on her job. She practices medicine as a Taoist, and the stone mortar can grind rice and medicine, which is the most suitable magic weapon for her.

Others climb the Magic Treasure Mountain and only need to move one step at a time to cover the [-] to [-] feet in a few months. Little Loli climbed the mountain like walking on flat ground and climbed to the top of the Magic Treasure Mountain in about a cup of tea.

The peak of Magic Treasure Mountain is shaped like the top of a pagoda. There are also more than a dozen magic weapons on the peak, all of which are heavenly artifacts.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Leyun bowed in the air: "Junior Xiyue, takes medicine as his path, and is a fellow practitioner of medical alchemy. Although he has little talent and little knowledge, he still has the ambition of following the dream of alchemy.

Thanks to the guidance of Senior Qi Ling, the younger generation has come to this covenant of sharing weal and woe. Senior, please follow me down the mountain, revisit the world, and write a new chapter in the history of sharing the same boat through thick and thin, and hanging the pot to help the world! "

The stone mortar in the air swayed slightly, collecting thousands of rays of rays of light, and slowly descended from the air, floating in front of the little human child. The simple body of the instrument exuded the weight of history.

He shook the pestle gently, and an ethereal voice full of vicissitudes of life appeared in the air: "You did a good job!"

The stone mortar is a treasure that has been preserved from the ancient times. It has experienced reincarnation and death in countless worlds. Who has not seen it?Le Yun did not deceive herself or others, and was honest: "Thank you for the compliment, senior! The junior is still young and has insufficient experience, and due to various reasons, he did not have the personal guidance and guidance of his elders, so he walked all the way here alone.

Perhaps there are shortcomings in what the younger generation has done, but the younger generation is willing to work hard, do everything they have learned, and work hard. They do not seek merit to bring success to all realms and all races, but they seek to have a clear conscience. "

The little human baby was naive, and Shijiu liked it very much: "I have been sleeping for a long time, and I woke up feeling your breath. You are very good. I will travel with you to the world. The days are long. You will drop a few drops of blood first. Make a contract with me."

Le Yun nodded in agreement, slit her right thumb, and flicked the blood drop toward the stone mortar.

Just as the blood droplets condensed into beads flew into the air, suddenly a flash of white light came and intercepted the blood beads.

The Book of Time suddenly cut off the blood of his contractor. Shijiu jumped up angrily: "Time, you dare to cut off my new master! Damn it!"

The furious Shijiu crashed into the Book of Time like a meteor.

If it were any other magic weapon, if it were hit by the ancient stone with all its strength, it would be completely shattered. However, the pages of the Time Book are also a treasure, and they are special treasures. They are still intact after being hit.

However, after being hit by the ancient stone, the page of the time book moved half a foot.

The pages of the book of time were turning with a clatter, and the voice was beautiful and melodious: "Shi Gu, you're in trouble! Besides, I woke up from my deep sleep because of the arrival of the little guy, who is also my chosen contractor."

The Book of Time looks as thin as a piece of paper, but in fact it has countless pages, and there is no upper limit. Whenever new species and new worlds are born, new pages will naturally be added.

It has acquired a new owner and gained new information. Another colorful page has been added to the history book, recording an ancient and brand-new world - the Earth.

When the pages of time leave the hilltop where they sleep, they also gather all their brilliance.

Only one of the three peaks has a glow in the sky.

Being robbed of the first contract, Shi Gu was unwilling to accept it: "Everything is about first come, first served. The little guy clearly chose me first, but you stepped in and took the first place in the contract that belonged to me. It's shameless."

He bumped the pages of the time book again, knocked the time history book aside, and took a good position: "Little guy, although the time history book is of little use, it was delivered to your door. Once you sign up, it's a contract."

History of Time: "..." He is the history of all realms, so he knows everything. Isn't this useful enough?

Forget it, since I have snatched the first title of Shitou, I won't care about Shitou.

The book of time no longer cares about the ancient stone mortar.

Le Yun was a little confused when Shishu suddenly appeared and intercepted her own blood beads. Then she became even more confused when she heard the two treasures quarreling.

When she heard that Shi Jiu didn't mind the existence of the Book of Time, she nodded quickly, condensed another drop of blood and sent it to Shi Jiu.

When the drop of blood was about to stick to the stone mortar, a bit of blue light blocked the stone mortar, and the blue bottle that suddenly arrived cut off the blood bead in one gulp.

At the same time, the beautiful glow that illuminated the Sword Valley also quietly disappeared.

Seeing the blue bottle standing in front of the stone mortar, Le Yun couldn't help but stare and open her mouth. What happened to these ancestral treasures? Why do they like to make raids?
Being cut off again, the stone mortar slammed open the Void Break that appeared in the air: "Shameless broken bottle, I have to break your stomach!"

"I have a master now. If you want to break me, ask me if I agree with your new contractor." Having intercepted Shi Moru's opportunity, Void Vase was elated.

In order to seize the opportunity, the Void Bottle shrunk several times in size, turning into a pocket-sized vial only the size of a fist.

Shi Jiu was so angry that he hit the Void Bottle again and pushed the broken bottle a few feet away. Then he ran back to the human baby and leaned over, holding the baby's fingers to absorb the blood.

Shijiu sucked two drops of blood, completed the contract, swooped into the little baby's sea of ​​consciousness, and chose a golden lotus of merit to make his home.

The pages of the book of time and the bottle of void also turned into two rays of light and penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of the little human child, and each chose a golden lotus as a place to stay.

The Void Vase settled down and sighed with satisfaction: "It's so comfortable, this is the kind of place someone would live in!"

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