magic eye doctor

Chapter 3180 1 fainted

Shijiu entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the new contractee, and lay down comfortably in the golden lotus he chose. Hearing the sigh of the void bottle, he snorted: "You forgot that you are not a human being!"

Void Bottle: "..." It feels like the stinky stone is cursing, but there is no evidence.

The History of Time lay flat, ignoring the Ancient Stone and the Void Bottle. Every time the Stone and Bottle woke up from a deep sleep, they would have less to talk about. In the past, he tried to persuade them to fight, but later he became tired and stopped trying to persuade them.

Void Bottle found no reason to fight back and died down.

Le Yun's consciousness followed the History of Time and the Void Bottle into the sea of ​​consciousness. When she heard the words chosen by the Shijiu and the Void Bottle, she almost laughed out loud. The treasure is also a living treasure!Really hammered!

It is surprising that the Three Jewels have settled down in the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue.

The most precious treasure shouldn’t need the light of merit, right?
Knowing that the treasure lived comfortably in the golden lotus, Le Yun's consciousness did not stay in the sea of ​​consciousness for long, so she quickly withdrew and looked at the sky again.

The treasure has disappeared, and those immortal treasures that have volunteered themselves are still hanging in the air.

After thinking about it, Le Yun took out the jade box, took out a golden lotus of merit and sent it into the air. After putting the box away, she recited the Merit Sutra.

The golden lotus of merit floats in the air, and along with the scriptures of merit, it emits thousands of golden lights, and the light shines on the entire Sword Valley.

Under the golden light, the Sword Valley is golden and bright.

Many fairy treasures that were illuminated by the golden light showed traces of bad luck, and those bad luck were incinerated when exposed to the light.

Those bad luck are not the bad luck from oneself, but the bad luck from the dark side.

The fairy treasure that has been driven away from bad luck becomes brighter and clearer, and its breath is gentler.

After reciting the Merit Sutra once, Le Yun looked at the Golden Lotus of Merit. In just a short time, the Golden Lotus of Merit shrank in size because it consumed a lot of mana.

She also felt distressed and had no regrets.

Recalling the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue, he still put it in the jade box and put the natural gourd magic treasure in a safe place. Then he bowed in all directions and said: "Junior, I would like to thank the seniors for their love. I have limited manpower and have failed to live up to the favor of my seniors. Please, seniors. We are seated, and I wish the seniors will find their destiny as soon as possible, return to the world, and add another glorious chapter to history!"

The treasures all chirped together.

The opportunity must not be missed, the time will never come again, and the opportunity that finally came has been missed like this. Even if the immortal treasures and spirits were regretful, they had no choice but to fall down one after another amidst the long cry.

The fairy treasure that automatically broke out of the earth buried itself in the soil again, and then let itself be covered in dust, waiting for the God-given opportunity that would appear again in an unknown number of years.

It took about one stick of incense for the Sword Valley to go from the sound of thousands of treasures to the return of peace.

The change happened so quickly that most of the monks were caught off guard.

Those who are content are always happy. Le Yun has won the favor of the three treasures, and she is also satisfied. In order not to attract the attention of everyone, she waits for the hanging fairy treasure to return to its place and quickly goes down the mountain.

Climbing a mountain is like walking on flat ground, and descending a mountain is like walking on a mountain.

When Le Yun came down the mountain, she also put on the magic weapons that she had put away before entering the Sword Valley, one by one to cover up her breath.

She ran so fast that it only took about half a cup of tea to get from the top of the mountain to the valley. Then she quickly crossed the valley, walked out of the magic weapon array, and swept into the teleportation array at the entrance and exit of the Sword Valley like the wind.

The creatures of all races in the Sword Valley were imprisoned by invisible forces, not to mention moving, and even their spiritual consciousness was suppressed. Most of them did not know who caused the fairy treasure to shake.

Many monks knew that someone had climbed to the top of Magic Treasure Mountain, but no one could see his face clearly, not even the people halfway up Magic Treasure Mountain.

When the glow in the sky disappeared, they were still unable to move.

When the golden light shone, the monks of all ethnic groups heard the sweet and crisp sounds. The sound of chanting sutras was like ringing in their ears, which unknowingly calmed the anxiety in their hearts and calmed their souls.

The monk's emotions were soothed, his body and mind were calm, and he was indulged in it. When he came back to his senses again, he saw bright fairy treasures falling like raindrops.

The magic weapon returned to the Sword Valley and gathered all its brilliance.

Many monks have memorized the location of certain fairy treasures. When the magic treasure falls to the ground, they also firmly remember the location and direction. When the power that restrains them disappears, they immediately look for the landing place of the magic treasure.

The monks who were busy looking for the whereabouts of the magic weapon also ignored the figure who caused thousands of magic weapons to come out and did not focus on the magic weapon mountain.

When there is no way to find the landing location of a certain magic weapon, and I have to give up the search, I think of searching for the lucky person who climbed to the top of the magic weapon mountain. By the time I release my spiritual consciousness to search, it is too late, and that person has already disappeared.

The monks of all races who were at a loss had no choice but to put away their thoughts, adjust their emotions, and sense the call of the magic weapon again. They either worked hard to climb the mountain, or regrouped and tried their best to pull out the magic weapon.

Le Yun took advantage of the monks in the valley to run away before they could turn around. The strategy was naturally successful, but she felt extra painful when being sent away by the teleportation array.

Maybe it was because Li Gu was carrying three treasures. When the teleportation array was activated, she felt like countless hammers and needles were hitting her head. The intense pain made her head feel like it was going to explode.

The pain was so severe that she was unable to think independently.

Due to a splitting headache, Le Yun couldn't see anything clearly, and naturally she didn't know whether she was in the process of being teleported or had reached her destination.

As a result, she was teleported to the entrance of Sword Valley by the teleportation array, and she still stood there in a daze.

The stewards guarding the entrance to the Sword Valley all looked over when the light from the teleportation array moved slightly, and then saw Fairy Xiyue, who had just entered shortly, being sent out.

All the stewards were shocked. This person... came out so soon? !
Furthermore, the stewards found the female cultivator standing still in a daze, and became even more confused. Did Fairy Xiyue succeed in finding the immortal treasure, or did she fail?

The steward watched the female nun from afar, waiting to see what reaction she would get.The little Lolita was still dizzy, and there were two magic weapons in her sea of ​​consciousness that were also dizzy.

"Time, Time, what's going on, I'm dizzy!" The Void Vase was lying in the Golden Lotus of Merit, and the whole bottle was in bad condition.

"I'm also dizzy." The light of the Time History Book also trembled slightly.

Only the ancient stone remained motionless.

"Smelly stone, what's going on?" The Book of Time asked Shi Jiu.

Shijiu sat firmly in the golden lotus and said calmly: "It's no big deal. The little guy is too keen on the power of space and laws. You two are in the same space system and the other is in the time system. You two stay in the little guy's sea of ​​consciousness. When the little guy passed through the space barrier of the Sword Tomb, the power of the law he endured also doubled.

The little guy is still dizzy now, and you two will naturally get dizzy too. "

"Po Shitou, why didn't you tell me earlier? If I had known this, I would have stayed in the little guy's space and waited until I came out of the Sword Tomb. How is the little guy?"

"Smelly stone, did the little guy hurt his consciousness?"

The History of Time Void Bottle was so dizzy that he couldn't even sense the contractor's emotions.

"Apart from the dizziness, the little guy's consciousness is not damaged. He will recover soon." The little guy is carrying an ancient stone, and his foundation is stable.

What's more, if it weren't for him, if he really attacked Xiaojia's sea of ​​consciousness, he would bite it back immediately.

The stone mortar is very stable.

The little guy was safe, and the space-time history book void bottle was stable, so he simply gave up fighting the dizziness and just lay down.

The two treasures lay flat, and Le Yun didn't know it. The dizziness and pain in her head had weakened a bit. When her eyesight recovered, she was busy observing whether she had achieved her goal.

Looking around, I saw trees, green grass and the stewards’ wishful houses, which meant that I had teleported to my destination.

After leaving the Sword Valley safely, Le Yun's hanging heart fell to the ground. She rubbed her still painful head and ran back to the golden lotus magic weapon.

As left-behind children, Xuan Shaoyan and the beasts and beasts gathered together to listen to the stories of their travels by several friends who had followed the fairy to the safe city after the little Loli/fairy entered the Sword Valley.

Baiyin, the water escape eagle, and the three Mahayana beasts followed the little fairy and wandered outside for five years. Although they were too weak and basically stayed in the spirit boat and became flowers in the greenhouse, they watched the little fairy's wild life the whole time. collection process.

Therefore, even three days and three nights could not finish telling the story outside.

Baiyin, the water escape eagle, acted as the narrator, describing what they saw after leaving the safe city. After talking about the little fairy catching a first-order insect, he also talked about the battle of wits and courage between the little fairy and the first-order chicken. story.

Before the cockfight story was finished, the hero of the story suddenly appeared.

The two young men and a group of beasts who were listening to the story were dumbfounded when they looked at the sudden appearance of the people, and their eyes were as wide as copper bells.

"Is illusion?"

"Little fairy, are you back?"

The two young men and the beasts looked at the little loli/fairy in disbelief, suspecting that she was fake.

"Oh, you guys had a lot of fun." Le Yun clasped her little hands behind her back and looked at the two handsome guys and Beast Beast with a smile that revealed a row of neat white teeth.

"Little fairy!" The rock dolls and Lingzhi dolls jumped up and jumped to the little fairy to use as leg pendants.

"Little fairy, you came out so soon?" Calabash Boy was also shocked. He guessed that the little fairy would come out within a day after entering the Sword Valley, but the little fairy left and returned in less than half an hour.

"Little beauty, did you forget something important, so you just ran in and ran out?" Mr. Xuan was afraid that the little beauty would be thrown out of the sword tomb and would not be able to get off the stage, so he handed her a step.

"Don't worry, I wasn't thrown out. The baby I'm destined to have is waiting for me in the Sword Tomb. I'll go in and take the baby and come out." Le Yun smiled and said, "Hurry up and pack up, let's rush to the next destination. ."


The humans and beasts responded quickly and acted quickly.

Young Master Xuan Shaoyan put away his wishful house, tables and chairs.

Water Escape Eagle Sheng, Bai Yin, Diamond Ape Long-eared Bear all got into the spirit beast bags of their buddies to hide, and Calabash Boy used the dust removal technique to clean up the golden lotus magic weapon.

The five little ones also let go of their little hands and sat in a row on the spot.

Calabash Baby did the cleaning work and accompanied the little creatures.

After tidying up, Young Master Xuan Shaoyan walked out of the magic weapon barrier first.

Le Yun removed the barrier of the golden lotus magic weapon, shrunk the size of the magic weapon, and flew to Master Xuan's shoulder on a gold chain.

Xuan Shaoyan flew outside the teleportation array and paid the immortal points for riding in the teleportation array.

The steward collected four teleportation fees, let the two monks enter the teleportation array, opened the teleportation array, and they left Sword Valley.

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