magic eye doctor

Chapter 3181 Enlightenment Lake

In order to avoid the damage caused by the teleportation, Le Yun slipped into the Ruyi Room when the two handsome guys entered the teleportation array. She only used a ray of consciousness to watch the steward adjust the teleportation array, and withdrew her consciousness the moment the teleportation array was opened.

She didn't stare outside. However, when the teleportation array was activated, she still felt a severe dizziness in her brain. The only thing she was thankful for was that the dizziness was not as strong as when she was in the teleportation array.

"I'll go and let people live!" Still suffering from dizziness in Ruyiwu, Leyun held her head and groaned in pain.

Xuan Shaoyan didn't have many special feelings. If you had to ask them what it felt like to ride in the teleportation array, it would probably be like staying in an elevator for a long time, making people feel cramped and suffocating.

After the two young men experienced a brief period of dizziness, their eyes suddenly became clear.

They arrived at their destination-Wudao Lake.

No one knows why Wudao Lake is called Wudao Lake. Standing on one side of Wudao Lake and looking at the other side, the lake is so vast that the middle of the lake and the other side cannot be seen.

The shores of the lake that can accommodate living beings are all made of natural rocks. Some areas are uneven. The shores of the lake stretch for more than a thousand miles. The widest part is about [-] feet wide, and the narrowest part is about a hundred feet wide.

The teleportation array is placed in the most empty corner of the lake shore. There are more than a dozen square tents lined up next to it. There are three tent-shaped Ruyi rooms where the stewards work. Under the other tents, there are magic weapon display mirrors. All information The content is the same, both buy spiritual fish.

There are even more early travelers on the road.

Mr. Yan Shaoxuan and his friends arrived early, and there was an earlier team than them. The early team had already occupied a place on the lake bank and sat down to fish.

The monks who fish in Wudao Lake do not use magic fishing rods or baits as fishing tools, but instead use spiritual power or spiritual consciousness to fish with lines. The main theme is "Jiang Taigong fishing - willing to take the bait".

Of course, anyone can use fishing gear if they want, but it is possible that they could sit there for 1 years without catching a single fish.

After all, spirit fish have tempers, and the spirit fish in Wudao Lake are even more special. They only bite on hooks with spiritual power or spiritual consciousness, and everything else is useless. Even using fairy meat as bait cannot attract them to take the bait.

Calabash dolls, rock dolls, Lingzhi dolls stayed at the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon and were not affected by the teleportation array. They arrived at their destination and quickly scanned the environment of Wudao Lake.

After checking what Wudao Lake looked like, a group of little creatures ran into the Ruyi House to look for the little fairy.

"Little fairy, we are here."

"Little fairy, we have arrived at Wudao Lake."

Seeing that there seemed to be nothing wrong with the little fairy's appearance, the little creature happily reported the good news.

Probably because the teleportation reached the destination, the dizziness in Le Yun's head also weakened, and it did not affect her normal actions, so she left the Ruyi House with the little creatures.

Others could not see the other side of the lake, but she glanced through the vast mist and saw the other side of the lake.

Wudao Lake is about [-] feet wide and has a relatively regular round shape. Only one side of the lake shore is a flat rocky surface. The other areas have towering peaks, rugged rocks, and steep peaks.

After arriving at the destination, Le Yun took off the golden lotus magic weapon from Master Xuan's shoulder, flew several hundred feet away from the teleportation array, landed on the ground again, put the magic weapon on her shoulder, and walked towards Enlightenment Lake.

Xuan Shaoyan also walked out of the teleportation array while looking around. He was about to talk to the little Lolita about the end of the world, but he saw her bubbling. He guessed that she had not suffered from the teleportation array, and was relieved.

The two of them walked quickly to the little Loli and walked side by side with her.

There are approximately [-] to [-] monks of various races fishing at Wudao Lake. Each team or alliance is its own, and each team maintains a certain distance from other teams.

There are only tens of thousands of monks scattered along the shoreline of the lake, which is more than a thousand miles long. It can be said that the land is vast and the people are sparse.

There are many open spaces on the lake shore, so Le Yun is not in a hurry to occupy the land immediately. She walks in one direction along the lake shoreline and is quite knowledgeable. She stays far away from the anglers and will not get close to them.

Even in a narrow area, I would rather climb over a rocky peak than pass near some anglers, even if they want to cause trouble, there is no reason.

Away from the teleporter and the stewards, Le Yun carefully searched for a place to stay, and finally selected an ideal location: there were several strange rocks growing near the lake, and the ground was uneven, leading to seven to eight hundred feet left and right of the strange rocks. Empty.

Wherever there are people, there will be trouble.

There are relatively few things to do in a place with few people. Le Yun decisively treated a place about a hundred feet away from the rock as her base camp.

After choosing a place to stay, I placed the golden lotus magic weapon on the uneven ground by the lake and let the little creatures move freely.

The Lingzhi dolls were so curious that they ran to the shore of the lake in a hurry and ran back and forth on the undulating rocks.

Calabash Baby ran to the lake to study Wudao Lake and the spiritual fish.

Xuan Shaoyan also observed along the coast where fishing was suitable and where there were the most fish.

The two young men wandered from one side to the other, and from there to this side, but couldn't find even a shadow of a fish. The boss was unwilling to give in and walked forward from the other side of the golden lotus magic weapon.

In order to find fish, they kept their titanium alloy eyes wide open, moved step by step, and observed thousands of times, but still could not find the shadow of the so-called spiritual fish.

The two young men walked around again and saw that the Calabash Baby was still squatting in the same position. They also walked over and squatted next to the Calabash Baby, staring at the lake.

I looked and looked and looked dozens of times. Not to mention any spiritual fish swimming in the lake, there was not even the slightest splash in the lake.

Mr. Xuan turned his attention to the lake again and asked a hundred thousand reasons: "Xiao Guozi, are there really spiritual fish in this lake?"

"Yes, the fish are in the middle of the lake or in the deep water." Calabash Boy moved his head and looked at the two brothers: "Brother Yan, brother Xuan, the most important thing to avoid when fishing and appreciating fish is to be restless. You need to adjust your mentality."

What do you mean by naughty children?Yan Shaoxuan understood the hidden meaning of Calabash Baby. He touched his nose nonchalantly, got up, patted his clothes, and walked into the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure to find the little Loli.

The little Loli was sitting quietly on a saddle stool in her Ruyi house doing handicrafts - she was chiseling a jade bucket.

Jade is an excellent jasper. The jade quality is delicate and warm, and the green color is as clear as spring water.

The little loli doing handicrafts has soft eyebrows and gentle movements, as if she is not carving jade pieces, but carving patterns on a fragile ice surface.

People who work hard are the most charming and contagious.

Seeing the little Lolita who was doing her handiwork seriously, Young Master Xuan Shaoyan felt calm for some reason. He moved a chair and sat across from the Little Lolita to watch her carving jade.

The little loli ignored them and concentrated on her work.

The Rock Dolls, Lingzhi Dolls, jumped around the rocky area near the lake for a while, exhausted their excess enthusiasm, and returned to the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure with the Calabash Dolls.

The Calabash Baby and the little creatures also slipped into the Ruyi House and watched the little fairy doing handicrafts for a while. They ran to sit at the round table and cracked nuts and shells themselves.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan also ran into the group of little creatures to eat at their mouths. Of course, he also contributed a portion, not forgetting to stuff a portion into the spirit beast bag.

The two young men and the beasts were not satisfied with the snacks, so they had another delicious meal.

The little Loli didn't go to eat. She devoted herself to chiseling jade. She spent a whole day and successfully chiseled out a small jasper bucket that was half a person's height.

I continued to work overtime in the evening, carving talismans, and blessing the spiritual powers of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, thunder, darkness, and light to make a small jasper bucket indestructible.

After making the tool, Le Yun closed her eyes and rested. After resting for about an hour and a half, she left the Ruyi House and went to sit by the lake to meditate. The newly made jasper bucket was also placed beside her.The night at Wudao Lake is quiet and quiet. There is no ripple on the vast lake surface, and the lake water is as calm as a mirror.

The soft moonlight shines down, and the water surface is filled with dots of stars, as if a layer of diamonds are sprinkled on the glass, which is really beautiful.

The monks fished day and night, closing their eyes most of the time to nourish themselves. During practice, they would leave a ray of consciousness to pay attention to the fishing line. Once there was any movement on the line, they would notice it and react.

Time passed quietly.

The little Loli sat quietly by the lake for about a stick of incense. The darkness before dawn came, and the sky and earth became pitch black in an instant. Even the moonlight and stars were hidden in the clouds.

The Wudao Lake area is also so quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

Even though she was hundreds of feet away from the other teams, Le Yun could still hear the heartbeats and breathing of the other teams without turning on her hearing ability.

The heartbeats and breathing of some creatures are calm and steady, which shows that the deity's mood is calm, while the heartbeat and breathing of some creatures are slightly disordered, indicating that the mind of the deity has changed.

The darkness before dawn is the most testing of people's hearts.

The darkness lasted for a while, and before I knew it, a glimmer of light appeared in the east. It was dawn!

Dawn breaks in the east and the darkness fades.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the center of the calm Wudao Lake, and the smoke on the lake surface surged like flowing clouds.

The ripples on the water surface in the center of the lake became larger and larger, and then, countless spiritual fish broke out of the water and jumped into the air.

Spirit fish are all in the shape of koi and come in different colors, including single pure colors such as gold, green, red, blue, etc., double colors or multiple colors, and some with mixed colors.

The spirit fish are all small in size. The largest fish is about nine and a half inches long, and the smallest fish is only three inches long. They are clearly small fry.

A large number of spiritual fish jumped out of the water, swaying in the air, jumping up again every time they fell, and falling again after jumping up.

Schools of fish rise and fall, water splashes are everywhere on the lake, and water droplets sparkle like pearls. The fish and water droplets form a picture of a school of fish playing in the water.

The monk fishing on the lake shore held his breath and threw the fishing line in his hand into the fish in the lake as much as possible.

When the fish jumped out of the water, Le Yun, who was sitting quietly, also stood up. With her spiritual consciousness, she rolled up the jade bucket and threw it into the lake, scooping back a bucket of water.

The water that was fetched back was immediately transferred into a jade bucket in the natural gourd magic weapon, and then the bucket was thrown into the lake to continue fetching water.

After fetching back three buckets of water with a jade bucket, Le Yun put away the bucket, turned around without hesitation, entered the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure, entered the Ruyi House, and continued to carve out the jade bucket.

Xuan Shaoyan, together with Calabash Baby and the little creatures, naturally stayed in Little Loli's Ruyi House to practice at night. They were practicing when Little Loli went out and didn't know it.

At dawn, the two young men, the Calabash Baby, and the five little creatures also ran to the lake to investigate. They just ran out of the golden lotus magic weapon and it happened to be the moment when the fish in the lake came out of the water.

Countless spiritual fish jumped into the sky, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

A group of friends were stunned.

The fish in Wudao Lake danced happily in the air, and the fishermen tried their best to throw the fishing lines. Some of the lines were thrown to the place where the fish were, and some of the lines were abandoned halfway.

The monk threw his spiritual power and consciousness into the fish and quietly waited for the fish to bite.

The fish jumping event in the lake lasted for half a stick of incense, and the spirit fish dived into the lake one after another, disappearing.

The monks who were waiting for the spiritual fish to bite them returned empty-handed again.

The monks of all races were not discouraged. They withdrew their spiritual power and consciousness, threw them into their arms, and continued to wait.

When the lake calmed down, Xuan Shaoyan and his friends quickly ran back to Ruyi House and sat in a row opposite the little lolita.

After sitting for a while, Calabash Baby whispered: "Little fairy, can you speak?"

"I'm not mute." Le Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Yeah! Fairy, it's good if you can speak. I have questions to ask."

"Just ask."

"Little fairy, why do the fishes in the lake jump out?"

"The dragon tribe also has the custom of worshiping the rising sun. What's wrong with the spiritual fish worshiping the rising sun?"

"Is the phenomenon of fish leaping in Wudao Lake just worshiping the sun?"

"Yes." Le Yun said with a serious face, and the fish danced. Of course, it was not just about worshiping the sun, but there were some secrets that she couldn't tell.

"Oh." Calabash Boy understood and didn't ask any more questions. He happily took the five little creatures to go fishing.

Xuan Shaoyan thought about it for a moment, then followed Calabash Boy's actions smoothly.

The two young masters guessed that the little Loli collected the lake water to raise spiritual fish. They were originally curious about why they had to collect it at dawn. They thought that the secret realm was a magical place, so they didn't ask a hundred thousand reasons.

Xuan Shaoyan, Shao Huluwa and five little creatures found a relatively flat place by the rocks near the lake, lined up in a row, and sat on the ground.

Calabash Baby first tried to condense the spiritual power into a thin thread, then attached a little spiritual consciousness, tried to throw the thread into the lake, then retracted the spiritual power thread, and taught the five little creatures to condense the spiritual power thread.

Condensing spiritual power lines is not a difficult technical task. Young Master Xuan Shaoyan quickly mastered the essence, condensed a slender spiritual power line, attached spiritual consciousness, and threw the line into the lake.

Calabash Wa taught the five little creatures, once again gathered a spiritual power line and threw it into the lake, and then waited for the spiritual fish to bite.

Fishing is a job that requires patience. Obviously, the Yanwalingzhi dolls are not qualified fishermen. They couldn't sit still after sitting for a long time.

The little creatures who couldn't sit still put away their spiritual power cords and ran back to the Ruyi House. When they saw the little fairy busy chiseling jade, they ran to the lakeside to play.

After playing for a while, the five little ones concentrated their spiritual power threads to fish again. They waited until evening and then retracted their spiritual power threads, then ran back to the Ruyi House to sleep.

The little fairy did not talk about the little creatures, and the Calabash Baby also gave up the idea of ​​persuading the little creatures to fish in peace.

Le Yun spent a day and a night carving a larger jade bucket, then went to the lake and sat quietly until dawn, and collected three buckets of lake water when the fish jumped out of the lake again and faced the sun.

She was not greedy and filled three buckets of water with a jade bucket. She still retreated without hesitation and returned to Ruyi House to continue carving out the jade bucket.

Hu Luwa and Xuan Shaoyan sat quietly all night, and when the fish were rising in the sun, they tried their best to throw their spiritual power lines to the place where the fish were, but like everyone else, they all returned empty-handed.

Yanwaling Lingzhiwa had a good sleep, and went fishing again in the morning. After sitting for a long time with no results, she rested in the middle and continued in the afternoon. She went to bed on time at night and had a regular schedule.

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