magic eye doctor

Chapter 3182: It’s too difficult to bring up friends in this world

The handsome guys were fishing, while the little Loli sat in the Ruyi House and was carving out jade in an orderly manner. She spent a day and night carving out a jasper bucket, and then sneaked to the lakeside and waited until dawn to collect water again.

This time, she directly threw the newly hewn jade bucket into the lake to fill a bucket of water, and then used a small jasper bucket to fill two buckets of water. She still maintained the habit of taking three buckets of water and then withdrawing.

Withdrawing to Ruyi House for the third time, Le Yun chiseled out two large jade bucket lids and sealed the two large jade buckets containing lake water.

The small jasper bucket filled most of the bucket of water, which was also covered with a lid first.

When the sun rose, Xiao Le's classmate swayed around the lake with his little hands behind his back, and then found a place to sit behind a group of fishermen and animals.

After sitting for a long time, the little creature ran out of patience and decisively gave up fishing and slipped away to play with the fairy.

The little Lolita and her five little creatures were cracking nuts and shells, enjoying themselves in the sun.

The five little ones are impatient, but they are persistent, and they still go fishing after getting enough rest.

The little loli watched the friends catch fish for a day, went back to the Ruyi House to sleep at night, and continued to watch the next day. She became a "true gentleman who watches chess without speaking" and just kept silent.

The Yanwa Lingzhiba also insisted on fishing during the day and sleeping on time at night.

Then an interesting scene appeared in Huyan - five little creatures and little Lolita stayed at night and came out in the day, and Calabash Baby and Yan Shaoxuan Shao fished day and night.

The sun and the moon are everywhere, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Calabash Boy and Xuan Shaoyan found nothing.

Similarly, other teams fishing by Wudao Lake still found nothing.

Everyone is the same, so no one should envy anyone, and no one should laugh at anyone.

The sun and the moon flew by, and another month passed in a flash.

The five little creatures gave up fishing and followed the little fairy as a melon-eater without any pressure.

People who eat melons come to the lakeside to walk and bask in the sun every day with the sunrise, and go back to rest with the sunset, living a leisurely and contented life.

After sitting and waiting for 63 consecutive days, on the morning of the fourth day of No. 60, Calabash finally waited for the fish that he volunteered to bite.

When there was movement in the spiritual power line, Calabash Boy took up the line, and the last part of the spiritual power line came out of the water, with a spiritual fish about two and a half inches long hanging at the end.

"Wow, Brother Guozi is awesome!" Yanwa Lingzhiwawa was so excited that she gathered around him with admiration in her eyes.

Young master Xuan Shaoyan stood up hand in hand and gathered together to admire the spiritual fish caught by Calabash Boy.

The spirit fish is mainly cyan, with red and blue spots scattered around. There is also a group of spots that are white crystal-like. The four-color spirit fish bites the spiritual power thread in its mouth and flicks its tail, which is vivid and powerful.

At first glance, the spiritual fish is indeed plain and simple, but if you take a closer look, you can feel its majestic spiritual energy and some special Taoist charm.

Calabash Baby left a spiritual power line less than a foot long. He held the spiritual fish and turned around with a resentful expression: "Little fairy, take a look, I only caught such a big fish after sitting here for two months!"

"It's pretty good. Look at how energetic the spirit fish is." Le Yun smiled brightly and used secret techniques to transmit the voice: "Send the spirit fish into the sea of ​​consciousness to be cultivated. No matter who comes to trade, you must never agree to it, and don't reveal it to anyone. Other creatures know that you caught the spirit fish."

Calabash Baby was stunned when he heard the little fairy's voice transmission. Without asking why, he quickly sent the spirit fish into the sea of ​​consciousness and retracted the spiritual power line.

As a smart and witty child, Calabash Wai smiled and waved to his friends: "I will continue to work hard at fishing, so do you."

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao guessed that the spiritual fish might lose its spiritual energy after being exposed to the air for a long time. Naturally, they did not have the shamelessness to ask to continue admiring it and turned around to go fishing again.

Yanwaling and Lingzhiwa were so envious that they did not go fishing again. They also had a hunch that no matter how hard they tried, they would not be able to catch the spiritual fish, so they simply did not suffer the pain of sitting around day and night.

With Calabash Baby's success as an example, Yan Shaoxuan Shao also gained motivation and was no longer bored sitting on the lakeshore like a stone man day after day.

It is said that it is sincerity that causes the metal and stone to open. The Great Sutra Spirit Fish also felt the sincerity. After sitting there for another month and three days, Mr. Xuan also successfully caught a fish.

The spirit fish he caught was black in color with scattered red, blue, green and white spots. The spirit fish was colorful and extremely beautiful.

That's right, the fish is a bit too small. Its size is thinner than the little Loli's slender little finger. It is only a little over three-thirds long. It is a small fry that has not grown up.

Calabash Baby, Young Master Yan and the five little ones also gathered around and admired the little fish.

The little fish is so cute that it can’t help but win the unanimous love of the pocket-sized rock doll Lingzhi dolls.

Mr. Xuan was holding a small fry, and he couldn't laugh or cry himself: "Little beauty, I think the fish is still a fry. How about I put it back and let it grow longer?"

"No!" Le Yun immediately stopped Xuan Shuai from releasing the fish: "Whether it's a big fish or a small fish, the fish you catch is yours and you can keep it yourself."

Then use the secret technique of sound transmission: "Immediately put the fish in the sea of ​​consciousness and raise it. It cannot be traded, and it cannot be mentioned to others in the future."

"?" Several whys flashed through Mr. Xuan's mind, and he also knew that it was not appropriate to ask too many questions in the secret realm, so he hurriedly sent the fish to the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

He was originally worried that the spiritual fish living in the lake might not be able to adapt to the new place, but when the little fry was put into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, it swam happily in the spiritual sea water, and it was clear that he was not feeling any discomfort, and he was relieved.

"I'm going to keep working hard." After placing the spiritual fish, Mr. Xuan decided to keep working hard.

The onlookers Calabash Boy and Young Master Yan also ran back to their fishing place with a smile and continued to be stone men.

Rock dolls and Lingzhi dolls are not jealous, they play happily every day without any intention.

Calabash Boy and Mr. Xuan, who kept working hard, sat so hard that their buttocks were almost touching the ground, and they did not catch any more spiritual fish.

After Master Xuan caught the fish, another full 36 days passed before a spiritual fish finally bit Mr. Yan's spiritual power line.

Young Master Yan retracted his spiritual power line, lifted the spiritual fish out of the water, and fell silent.

He also caught a small fry!

The small fish is only as big as a finger and is about three to four centimeters long. Its body is mainly golden, with large purple patches and a few red and gray spots.

Lingzhi Doll and Yan Doll laughed so hard that they couldn’t close their mouths.

Mr. Xuan caught a small fry, and he also caught a small fry. Yan Xing admired himself and Mr. Catching a "little milk baby"!
No one else is so lucky!

Moreover, I still have to be convinced.

After sitting for a few months, I caught a fry. Anyway, Mr. Yan was convinced of his luck and luck.

He didn't say anything. He followed the little Loli's advice and put the little fry in the sea of ​​consciousness to cultivate, and then simply followed the example of the spiritual planting dolls and rock babies and lay down flat.

Calabash Boy and Mr. Xuan can continue fishing if they want to. He is quitting. Wouldn’t it be nice to lie down?

Young Master Yan gave up his struggle and mingled with the children. He followed them to sit in the golden lotus magic weapon and happily ate snacks.

Calabash Boy and Mr. Xuan also gave up fishing. They finally understood that the fish in Wu Dao Lake cannot be caught with patience. It depends on chance!
Those who have the opportunity will naturally be able to catch fish; those who do not have the opportunity, the fish and birds will not care about you.

Why don’t Yanwa Lingzhi dolls fish? The reason is that they had a premonition that they would not be able to catch the spiritual fish, so they simply did not do anything in vain.

A group of friends were cracking nuts. From time to time, you would get a plate of Lingbei, and he would get a plate of dried meat, and they would have a great time eating snacks.

After having a good time, Mr. Xuan encouraged his friends: "Little beauty, we have all fished at the lake, it's just you. You should go fishing quickly." "Don't you continue to work hard?" Old God Le Yun is here. .

"I've tried my best."

"I've fished enough. To be honest, if every time I fish is like this, I will never want to fish again in my life."

"Same feeling."

A group of friends agreed that the fish in Wudao Lake were too difficult to catch, and it took several months to catch a small fry, or what was caught in one place, and the effort and reward were completely unequal.

Le Yun smiled and said nothing. If Calabash Boy and the two handsome guys knew the secret of Wudao Lake and the fish, they would be willing to let him sit for ten or eight years, not to mention that the fish would have to sit for a few months.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao, who were deeply aware of the hard work of fishing, were eager to know whether fishing for little Lolita was as difficult as theirs, requiring several months of sitting to catch fish.

The little loli is confident and will not go fishing just because her friends encourage her. She calmly says that it is getting late and she will go fishing tomorrow.

Mr. Xuan took a look at the sky. Well, it's not too late. It feels like it's just after noon, not even half afternoon.

The little loli was not in a hurry, and they didn’t press her any further.

The friends had snacks and sneaked back to Ruyi House to eat the spiritual meal. Calabash Boy and Yan Shaoxuan had been stone men for several months. They had eaten spiritual energy and air and needed to reward themselves.

After a hearty meal, a group of friends worked hard to recharge their batteries.

Because he was thinking about little Loli's fishing, Xuan Shaoyan ended his practice before dawn, and went to the shore of the lake early in the morning with Calabash Baby and Rock Baby Lingzhi Baby to wait for the rabbit.

They waited until dawn before the "rabbit" arrived belatedly.

Le Yun, who got up on time, tidied herself up, walked out of Ruyi House calmly, floated to the lake and stood there, watching the daily sunrise of fish.

"Throw the spiritual power line quickly." Young Master Xuan Shaoyan urged repeatedly, a typical emperor who was not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.

"Why are you so anxious? The spiritual fish facing the rising sun is a rare natural scene. If you don't take the opportunity to enjoy it, you may not have the chance to enjoy it in the future. Cherish this rare opportunity." Le Yun stood calmly by the lake. Watch the fish in action.

The two handsome guys and several beasts sat there for several months without discovering the secret of Yu Leap, and their understanding was worrying.

Fortunately, none of the monks from various ethnic groups who were fishing by the Enlightenment Lake came to enlightenment after watching the fish leap. Otherwise, there would probably be no room for the faces of her little friends.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan: "..." Isn't it just a scene of fish leaping? You can see it on earth too. What's so strange about it?

The two young masters didn't understand, so they patiently enjoyed the natural wonder.

The Calabash Baby and the five little creatures, because they are with the little fairy, they naturally see everything that is interesting. Even if they see the picture of the leaping fish over and over again, they still find it interesting.

The scene of the spiritual fish facing the sun lasted for a while and then quietly ended, and the sparkling lake slowly calmed down.

The lake in the morning light is as calm as a mirror.

Le Yun turned her head to look at the two handsome guys, and saw that they were constantly looking for traces of the spiritual fish. She sighed silently, hey, it's so difficult to have friends in this world!

She can’t take her two friends with her anymore, what should she do?

Alas, forget it, everyone has his or her own destiny and cannot force it.

After letting out a deep breath, Leyun gave up and stood quietly by the lake.

The little creatures couldn't stay still. They jumped up and down on the rocks, wandered to the side of the rocky mountain, and then ran back to the little fairy.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan also walked along the lakeshore and volunteered to help the little Loli find fishing spots and fish nests in the lake.

As you can imagine, there are no fish nests. Just go fishing, it feels the same everywhere.

After wandering for a while, he returned to the golden lotus magic weapon and saw that the little Loli was still indifferent. Yan Shaoxuan Shao felt like he hated iron for not being able to become steel. It’s not that the spiritual fish in the lake are very precious, so why was the little Loli not active at all?
If little lolita are not active, they can only risk their lives to accompany the gentleman.

Time passed little by little, and the morning mist-like water vapor on the lake became thicker and thicker, and then turned into vast waves of smoke.

Soon, the sun rose and the clouds in the sky turned golden.

The sun shone through the clouds, like gold sprinkled all over the ground. The light shimmered in the mist on the lake, and the lake was full of fairyland.

After Xuan Shaoyan was free, he finally discovered the lake view and was in the mood to appreciate it.

Le Yun admired the lake view for a while, condensed a spiritual power line, attached spiritual consciousness to the other end of the line, and threw the spiritual power line out.

The spiritual power line is thrown up and falls in the shape of a parabola in the air.

Before the spiritual power line fell into the water, the mirror-flat lake water swung open, and countless spiritual fish poked their heads out of the water and bit into the spiritual power line.

"Oh my God!" Mr. Xuan almost jumped up in shock. I didn't see any fish swimming in the lake. Where did they come from?

Young Master Yan's eyes turned into bull's-eyes.

Calabash's smile stretched from the corner of her mouth to the back of her ears.

Little creatures: "..." Is this possible for humans?

There is only one spiritual power line, and the fish are fighting for it, and no one gives in.

During the scramble, many fish jumped out of the water.

The fish stirred the water, and the waves on the lake surface surged.

The noise of the fish fighting for the line was so loud that it alarmed the nearby fishing team.

The team several hundred feet away abandoned their positions and flew towards them at lightning speed. They stopped a dozen feet away from the female cultivators and a team. They all stared at the fish in the lake and almost forgot to breathe.

Others were fishing and couldn't even find a fish, but there were at least tens of thousands of spiritual fish in the lake in front of the little nun, some of which were less than three feet away from the shore!

One team looked straight at it.

Before they could recover, several more teams arrived one after another.

The team that arrived one after another stared blankly at the fish swimming around.

The school of fish fought for a while, and several fish jumped up and bit a piece of line in the air.

Le Yun closed the spiritual power line. When the line left the water, nine spiritual fish were stuck to the line. Each fish's mouth firmly bit the spiritual power line and refused to let go.

The fish are all nine-color fish, mainly gold, green, black, red, brown, silver, blue, purple and crystal, with spots of other colors evenly distributed.

Each fish is the largest in the group of spiritual fish, with a body length of nine and a half inches.

The colorful spirit fish is lively and lively, and the majestic energy contained in it is as thick as a small spiritual power source, and the Taoist charm of the spirit fish is even more profound and mysterious.

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