magic eye doctor

Chapter 3183 As long as you run fast, trouble can’t catch up

The charm of the spiritual fish also brought Yan Shaoxuan back to his senses.

"Hiss-" Yan Xing came to his senses and couldn't help but take a breath of the morning breeze: "Little Lolita, you are just silent, and you are a blockbuster!"

"Little beauty, you are trying to anger others to death!" Mr. Xuan regained his breath and covered his heart with his hands. He couldn't stand it any longer. He was critically injured!
"Born with strong affinity, there is nothing I can do about it." Le Yun also wanted to sigh. Her attribute was born with unparalleled affinity, and she was destined to have spiritual creatures in the world and the world take the initiative to approach her wherever she went.

"You said this, and you're not afraid of others trying to trick you." If the little Loli is so Versailles, aren't she afraid that the monks from all races will be so angry that they will collectively try to trick her?

"You are mediocre if you are not jealous." Le Yun withdrew the thread, used her spiritual consciousness to pull down the nine-tailed fish, and sent it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Nine colorful spiritual fish plopped into the water, making the sea water sway with water.

The sound of water also disturbed the three treasures lying flat in the golden lotus of merit.

"Ouch, the little guy actually caught this kind of fish?" Void Bottle was extremely shocked.

"You caught nine in one catch, or are they all attributes?" Taikoo Shijiu was also extremely surprised.

The history book of time flipped through the pages, and he said relatively calmly: "The little guy himself has all attributes and is unique in all worlds."

The three treasures were silent. They waited for such a powerful contractor and got a big deal!

The Void of the Void and the History of Time were somewhat complacent. Fortunately, they snatched the contractor. If they miss this opportunity, regret will accompany them until their destruction.

Le Yun put the spiritual fish she caught for the first time into the sea of ​​consciousness, without even bothering to observe the reactions of the three treasures, and quickly threw the spiritual power line into the lake.

Schools of fish once again competed enthusiastically, and the number of fish in the lake had obviously doubled, with many fish being squeezed into the waters near the shore.

Schools of fish crowded together from the waters along the lake into the lake, and a large area of ​​water nearby was full of wandering fish.

The noise was louder than before, and teams from further away also heard the news.

In just a few breaths, dozens of teams gathered nearby. One team climbed onto the rocks, and several teams launched their aircraft and watched from the air.

Seeing the riot of spirit fish in the waters in front of the female cultivator, the eyes of each team turned red.

The team leader who was closest to the female cultivators was selected. The leader flew out of the queue and stopped three feet away from the female cultivators. He politely performed the monk's salute and said, "Fellow Taoists, I would like to express my gratitude to Songqing. I dare to ask you. Fairy Xiyue and her colleagues?"

Young Master Xuan and a group of beasts turned to look at the team approaching to chat with them. Their defenses were raised to the critical point. There were so many teams coming together. If they all came to grab the spiritual fish, it would be difficult for them to fight!

Le Yun tilted her head and saw a handsome monk with a handsome face and a gentle temperament. She nodded in return and said, "You are welcome, fellow Taoist Zhu. I wonder what important matter you have for me and my friend, fellow Taoist Zhu?"

After confirming that it was Fairy Xiyue on the Qingbei list, Zhu Songqing felt relieved and responded with a smile: "Zhu came to disturb Fairy Xiyue because he hoped to catch Fairy Xiyue's light and fished near Fairy Xiyue. I don't know whether Fairy Xiyue is here." Can you be accommodating to fellow Taoists?"

"There is nothing wrong with fellow Taoists fishing close by. In order not to scare the little creatures around me, I also wish that fellow Taoists and friends should keep a distance of about one foot from me. Whether you can harvest anything depends on each person's chance." Le Yun also guessed the purpose of the visitor and agreed generously.

Wudao Lake is not her private fish pond. There is no need to occupy too wide a territory, that is, there is no grudge, and there is no need to be evil to others everywhere.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Xiyue." Zhu Songqing thanked him and immediately moved to a place ten feet away from Fairy Xiyue to occupy the best position.

His team had already been ready to go, and they rushed over, lining up all the way, condensing spiritual power lines and throwing them into the lake.

Other teams also took action, seizing the position closest to the female cultivator, occupying the land, and without wasting a moment, they gathered their spiritual power to fish.

In just a short moment, the teams coming from afar took up their own positions on the lake shore and formed two long queues.

They successfully approached the balcony. However, when their spiritual power lines were cast down, the spirit fish didn't even look at them, and they all went in the direction of the female cultivator's spiritual power lines.

The monks did not give up and used their spiritual power or spiritual consciousness to weave a net to catch the fish, or directly used their spiritual power or spiritual consciousness to reel in the fish. Whenever the spiritual power net or spiritual consciousness got close to the spiritual fish, the fish would disappear into the lake water and disappear.

The water of Enlightenment Lake is very magical. Whenever the monks' spiritual consciousness or spiritual power line is immersed in the lake water, it turns into an ordinary object and is no longer controlled by the owner, thus drifting with the tide.

Therefore, all the monks can control are the spiritual power lines or spiritual consciousness that are not immersed in water.

The spiritual fish was clearly right in front of them, but they couldn't catch it, which made the monks feel anxious.

Because there were other creatures not far away on both sides, Lingzhi Doll, Yan Doll and Calabash Doll returned to the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon. They sat on the edge of the magic weapon and watched people fishing.

Xuan Shaoyan watched for a while and saw that the other teams couldn't catch fish. He was worried that those people would become angry and secretly attack them and drag down the little Lolita, so he quietly returned to the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure to watch the show.

There were people standing nearby, but Le Yun was not affected at all. After her spiritual power line entered the water, it stabilized after the battle for the fish ended.

Speaking of the spiritual power line, there are nine-tailed and nine-color spiritual fish stuck to the line. If you look carefully, you can see that the color of the fish caught on the second rod is slightly different from the fish caught on the first rod.

Le Yun picked up the nine nine fish and put them into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and then threw the line into the lake.

The third time I took off, there were still nine nine-color spiritual fish.

Student Le Xiao collected the fish calmly and continued fishing. Two times in a row, there were still nine spiritual fish, with eight and seven colors respectively.

The spirit fish was caught on the fourth and fifth poles and kept in a small jasper bucket.

The sixth time I took in the line, there were still nine-tailed fish on the line, but it was not a colorful spiritual fish, but a single solid color. The colors corresponded to gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, thunder, and light.

The nine pure-colored spiritual fish are also the largest fish, and Le Yun sends the nine spiritual fish into the sea of ​​consciousness.

When the line was reeled in for the seventh time, the number was still nine. Two of the fish were solid colors, lighter than black and lighter than gray. The other seven fish were five five-color and two were six-color.

The eighth time I caught nine spirit fish, they were all two-color, three-color, and four-color spirit fish.

Le Yun collected the fish and caught the last rod.

After throwing the line into the lake for the last time, the fish in the lake almost broke its head. It took half a stick of incense to fight for it before the spiritual line was completely stabilized.

When reeling in the line, Le Yun was shocked. There were fifteen fish in the last shot!

Nine of the fifteen spirit fish bite directly on the spiritual power line, and the other six spirit fish bite the tails or fins of six of them, one by one.

Yan Shaoxuan Shao Gourd Baby, Lingzhi Baby, and Rock Baby were also shocked. How could it be like this? !
The monks fishing on both sides were numb as they watched the female cultivator reap the rewards every time she reeled in the line.

The numb monks also wanted to know how many fish the female monk caught on her ninth fishing trip. When they saw the long string of fish on the line, they felt bad.

Le Yun was in shock, fearing that the duck in her mouth would fly away, so she moved the spiritual power line above the small jade bucket with quick eyesight and quick hands, and used her spiritual consciousness to pull down the spiritual fish.

Don't be too greedy. When fishing in Wudao Lake, nine times a day is the maximum number.

After fishing nine times in a row, Le Yun stopped when she saw good results. She collected her spiritual power and consciousness, covered the small jade bucket with a lid, and then hid it in a natural gourd magic weapon.

Then, she shrunk the golden lotus magic weapon, grabbed it in her hand, spread her legs, and flew away like a gust of wind, flew away...

There were long queues of people on both sides. They didn't react at the time and just stared blankly at the little female cultivator flying towards the distance like lightning.

When the female cultivator's back disappeared from sight, the monks looked away blankly and looked at the lake again. The lake had calmed down, and there was no picture of thousands of fish vying for it!

Looking at the lake that was once again as flat as a mirror and without a single fish, the monks suddenly came back to their senses. Fairy Xiyue was gone and the fish were gone. They couldn't catch Ruyu. Can they ask Fairy Xiyue to help them fish?
The leaders of several teams hurriedly told the team a few words, and immediately ran in the direction of Fairy Wei Xiyue to find where Fairy Xiyue went fishing.

Le Yun ran away, crossing the shore of Wudao Lake at the fastest speed, running back to the teleportation array area, and rushed to the side of the teleportation array before stopping.

The little Loli suddenly ran away. Xuan Shaoyan was confused at first and couldn't figure out why. It took her a moment to realize that she was worried about catching too many spiritual fish and being entangled by other teams, so she decided to do it in plan 36. Running is the best strategy.

The two young monsters are sad, their affinity is not high, and not being able to catch fish makes people sad, but if their affinity is too high, it still makes them sad, people, it’s so difficult!

The little Loli stopped, and Yan Shaoxuan jumped down from the golden lotus magic weapon, put the little Loli into the magic weapon, and they took the little Loli to ride the teleportation array.

Le Yun didn't waste any time, jumped into the golden lotus magic weapon, and let the magic weapon fly to Handsome Yan's shoulder. Then she reported the name of the place to the manager in charge of the teleportation array: "Junior, go to the Three Pagodas Garden. Thank you, senior."

Major Yan Shaoxuan handed over his identity card and brushed their immortal points.

The steward slowly left the Ruyi House and walked towards the teleportation array. He was quite concerned about the young monks: "Have you caught the spiritual fish yet?"

"Thank you for your kindness. Thanks to God's love, I caught it." Le Yun showed no expression on her face, neither happy nor sad. She was anxious in her heart and wanted to urge the manager to get down to business.

The spiritual fish in Wudao Lake are precious, and the forces in the God Realm are also secretly putting them up for purchase. If the stewards knew that she had fished dozens of spiritual fish, they would probably surround her and look for her to unify the spiritual fish.

In order not to be troubled, Le Yun had only one idea: let's go, let's go!
"My little Taoist friends have caught spiritual fish just a few months after coming here. You are very lucky. Why don't you catch a few more?" The steward walked outside the teleportation array, took out the light ball, and took over the identities of the two little Yuanyings one by one. The card transfers fairy points, and four transfer fees are charged as required.

"Fishing in Wudao Lake is all about chance. Once you catch a fish, you will be very satisfied."

"My little Taoist friend is a contented person." The steward looked at a few people with appreciative eyes, took back the light ball, asked people to enter the teleportation array, and then started the array.

When the teleportation array was activated, I was really relieved. Le Xiaoxiao, who slipped into Ruyi House, was in a happy mood. As long as he ran fast, he would not be able to catch up if he was troublesome!

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