magic eye doctor

Chapter 3184 3 Tower Garden

Zhu Songqing and the leaders of several teams thought that Fairy Xiyue had gone to other areas to find places to fish. They focused on searching along the lakeshore and did not pay attention to the teleportation array.

The leaders of more than a dozen teams searched around the lake shore but could not find anyone. They then looked back, found the place where the team stayed, and continued to search forward.

After running around the lakeshore area where the creatures were fishing, no sign of Fairy Xiyue was found. Only then did the team leaders realize that Fairy Xiyue might have left Wudao Lake.

The team leaders ran to the teleportation array area and asked the stewards. As they had guessed, Fairy Xiyue had already left in the teleportation array.

The steward was a little surprised when he saw the monks coming to see Fairy Xiyue's team, thinking that they wanted to steal the spirit fish from Fairy Xiyue's friends.

The team leaders each had their own little secrets in mind, so naturally they would not reveal to the stewards the secret of Xiyue Fairy catching nearly a hundred spiritual fish. They felt frustrated, but did not show much emotion, and hurried back to the team.

Fairy Xiyue left, and each team thought that the place where she fished was auspicious, and they all wanted to take it for themselves. They fought over it and almost started fighting.

Finally, after negotiation, everyone took turns, and each team fished in the auspicious position for half a month.

A small dispute was thus eliminated.

Xuan Shaoyan was actually quite nervous, fearing that the team that had gathered around to watch the little Lolita fishing would catch up and intercept Hu. Only when the white light of the teleportation array lit up did he really feel relieved.

Probably because the distance between Wudao Lake and Three Pagodas Garden is farther than the distance between Sword Valley and Wudao Lake, the transmission takes longer.

When the Xuanbai in front of him was still, Yan Shaoxuan's mind was still blank and he didn't react for a long time.

Le Yun, who had escaped into Ruyi House, did not get dizzy because she avoided taking the teleportation array directly. She became dizzy again, and her dizziness was even more intense than when she left Sword Valley.

Wave after wave of spinning dizziness, each wave became more intense than the last. Le Yun was shaken so much that the acid water in her stomach kept rising like boiling water, and her brain seemed to have been shaken into soy milk. A flurry of ups and downs.

The feeling of vomiting was as turbulent as the sea water, but nothing could be vomited out.

The person seemed to have been thrown into a high-speed rotating machine. Something was tugging at the nerves in his head, pulling him outwards, and there were bursts of severe pain in his head.

With a splitting headache, Le Yun held her head in her hands and lost the ability to think independently. Naturally, she didn't know whether the transmission was over.

In her mind, the Time History Book and the Void Bottle were also in a daze.

Feeling that the dizziness was not that serious anymore, Shi Shishu asked: "Shi Gu, what happened again? Why did the Void Bottle and I faint again?"

"The little guy was riding the teleportation array before." Taikoo Shijiu's explanation was simple and simple.

"It's impossible for the movement in the teleportation array to be so loud. Is the place the little guy went to this time also a space like the Sword Tomb?" The Void Bottle was more dizzy than the history books of time.

"At this moment and that moment, you don't even look at what's in this sea of ​​consciousness."

After being reminded by Shijiu, Void Bottle was shocked: "Because of these fish, the little guy was also affected by the power of the law during the teleportation array?"

Shi Shishu suddenly realized: "Yes, fish is the manifestation of laws. These laws and powers are subtly connected to the laws of the outside world. It's strange that the little guy doesn't faint.


Shi Shushu suddenly stopped talking, and then he said in shock: "When did the little guy touch the origin of the laws of each system?"

"You said that the little guy has understood the secrets of various laws?" The Void Bottle ignored the dizziness and stood upright.

"I haven't realized it yet, but I have touched the essence of the origin of the law." The History of Time gestured to the void bottle: "Look at the depths of the little guy's sea of ​​consciousness. There are sporadic light spots in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness."

Void Bottle was so dizzy that he could only see a few faint points of light. He was surprised and delighted: "When did this happen?"

According to the little guy's super understanding, the sea of ​​consciousness condensed by the power of divine consciousness evolves into the sea of ​​law power, and it is not too far away that the law starry sky evolves above the sea of ​​consciousness.

Just thinking about it, Void Bottle can't help but eagerly look forward to that day coming soon.

The ancient stone mortar is still calm and calm; "While we were taking a nap, that is, before the little guy caught the law fish, she watched the law fish worship the rising sun of heaven and earth every day and gained some enlightenment."

"Watching a fish jump and realizing the origin of the law? This little guy is indeed an eternal genius! I remember that one of the contractors of the bottle also watched the fish and realized the law, right?" The history book of time was surprised.

"Yes, that one is also a genius of the ages." Xun Kong was a little confused.

As an ancient relic, no one has had dozens of contractors. The Void Vase has also had dozens of contractors, each of whom was also an amazing and talented person. The contractor who gained enlightenment by watching fish was only one of them.

What is the name of that contractor?

Forget it, the time is too far away and I can’t remember it at the moment.

Void thought for a long time, maybe because he was so dizzy, he couldn't remember the name of the person at the moment, so he simply didn't mention it. The Void of the Void did not mean to talk about the great achievements of the contractor who watched the fish and became enlightened. He did not ask about the time history books, and he would not waste the power of time to check those long-lasting records.

The ancient stone mortar and the Void Vase Time History Book used a special communication method between the spirit spirits when they "chatted". Not to mention that their contractors would be so dizzy that they could not think. Even if they were not dizzy, they would not be able to listen even with their spiritual consciousness. to speak to them.

Not being able to hear the treasures chatting in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Le Xiao's classmate naturally felt less burdened.

Others were dizzy, but Calabash Baby and Lingzhi Doll, Yanwawa, who stayed in the magic weapon and were not taken away, were not dizzy. When they reached the destination, they saw the two brothers still standing in a daze, and they also guessed that the two brothers were He also suffered from the sequelae of the teleportation array.

Calabash Baby quickly jumped out of the gold-rimmed magic weapon and moved the two brothers out of the teleportation array to prevent them from becoming a hindrance.

After being moved for a while, Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan recovered slightly. He felt that the center of his eyebrows and temples were still throbbing, and he couldn't help but press the acupuncture points on his eyebrows with his hands.

"Brother Yan and Brother Xuan, why do you also have sequelae?" Calabash Boy was surprised. The two brothers didn't react much when they took the teleportation ride in the past few times. Why does it look a bit serious this time?

"I don't know."

"do not know."

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan spat out a few words in a dull voice, and the naughty kid asked them why they suddenly suffered from teleportation sequelae. Who were they asking?
"I knew asking you would be in vain." Calabash Baby ignored the two brothers, slipped back to the Golden Lotus Magical Treasure, and went into the Ruyi House with the other children to look for the little fairy.

A group of young boys ran into the Ruyi House. When they saw the little fairy holding her head and looking uncomfortable, they all were helpless and quietly left.

Yan Shaoxuan took a breath, and the dizziness in his head eased, and he hurriedly looked at the environment of the Three Pagodas Garden.

A long time ago, the Three Pagodas Garden was not called the Three Pagodas Garden, and it had not just three pagodas, but five pagodas.

Five towers are built on a giant peak with dozens of large and small peaks. The Wanzhen Pagoda sits on the top of the tallest and largest main peak.

There is a branch peak each in the east, south, west and north of the main peak. The four peaks are arranged in an orderly manner. There was originally a tower on each of the four peaks.

Later, the two towers on the North Peak and the West Peak lost their traces inexplicably. Of the five towers, only the Wanzhen Pagoda on the main peak, the Enlightenment Pagoda on the East Peak and the Calendar Pagoda on the South Peak remained.

The main peak is connected to the four branch peaks by a Hongqiao, and the four branch peaks are also connected by Hongqiao. Even though the two towers on the North Peak and the West Peak are gone, the Hongqiao between the peaks is still there.

The giant peaks are as tall as clouds, and mist curls up between the peaks. The peaks, towers, and Hongqiao are all hidden in the flowing mist, and only occasionally the tip of the iceberg appears.

The teleportation array is located in the corner of the small terrace in front of the main peak Wanzhen Pagoda. The terrace is surrounded by cliffs on all sides. The Wanzhen Pagoda built in the center is located on a nine-story sapphire stone platform, and the tower body is also green.

No one knows how many floors the Wanzhen Pagoda has. Every time you count from the outside to a certain number, you cannot see the levels of the tower. When climbing the tower, all living beings of all races can enter the first eight floors. It is said that those who are destined to go up further. Only then can you see the door, but those who are not destined cannot even find the door.

When Yan Shao and Xuan Shao glanced at the huge tower, they were shocked. The tower was so majestic!

There is a rainbow bridge on each side of the terrace leading to the branch peak. The teleportation array is located between the due east and northeast corner lines. Yan Shaoxuan was moved out of the teleportation array and what he saw was the side of the tower.

The green pagoda stands solemnly, and one look at it makes one feel breathless.

Yan Shaoxuan quickly withdrew his gaze, closed his eyes, calmed down his mood, and did not dare to look at the tower again, so he looked around again.

They were not far from the teleportation array. To the north next to the teleportation array was the steward's Ruyi House. Further to the south, a golden overpass was erected across the edge of the terrace. The other end of the overpass was hidden in the clouds.

The mountain peaks are surrounded by fairy clouds, but Young Master Xuan and Yan feel very depressed and are eager to find the backbone. Why hasn’t the little loli bubbled up yet?
The two brothers looked at the golden lotus magic weapon and saw the Calabash Baby and five little creatures standing motionless in the Ruyi House. They were all feeling bad. Could something happen to the little Lolita?

They wanted to ask, but they were worried that they would get into trouble if they revealed any clues, so they could only pretend to be impressed by the sight of Qingta, and lowered their heads as if thinking.

After Le Yun's dizziness and discomfort subsided, her thinking became clearer. She quickly took out a bottle of pills, poured two pills and swallowed them.

After staying for a while, I finally recovered.

After she recovered, Le Yun looked outside and saw Calabash Baby and the little creature guarding outside. She also saw Wuye Yunlan, who was filled with immortal energy and the vitality of heaven and earth.

Finally arrived at the destination!
Le Yun felt relieved, walked out of the Ruyi House, flew to the ground, summoned the golden lotus magic weapon to her shoulder, and called the two handsome guys to the pagoda.

While climbing the steps, she also took the opportunity to look around. The environment of the Three Pagoda Gardens was excellent and suitable for practice. If it weren't for the fact that she had several places to go, she would have wanted to sit in the Three Pagoda Gardens.

Climbing the nine steps, we arrived in front of Wanzhen Pagoda.

Wanzhen Tower is built in the center of a very wide square platform. The distance from the outside of the tower to the edge of the terrace is more than ten thousand feet wide. The platform is surrounded by bluestone railings, and there are steps on each side leading to the terrace below.

The tower opens front and back. On the north side in front of the main entrance facing east, there is a teleportation array about [-] feet away from the main entrance. To the east of the teleportation array are the steward and Ruyi houses, and to the west are dozens of tent-style Ruyi houses lined up. Room.

Le Yun went straight to the teleportation array in the north.

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