magic eye doctor

Chapter 3185 Fishing for Treasures

Yan Shaoxuan didn't understand the secret realm, so he listened to the little Lolita all the time. Wherever the little Lolita went, they went where the little Lolita went. They followed the little Lolita.

Following the little Lolita to the teleportation array, the two young men looked at the sign erected next to Ruyi House. The more they looked at it, the more depressed they became. They didn't even know the words!

After comparing the characters on the tower, the two young men guessed that the first character was the character "Wan". The following characters might recognize them, but they did not recognize it.

Le Yun slipped to the teleportation array, presented her identity tag with a bright smile, and pointed to the five magic weapons and the two beside her: "Junior, go to the Ten Thousand Treasure Pool with these companions, senior."

After hearing what little Loli said, Xuan Shaoyan suddenly realized, oh, it turned out to be the "Ten Thousand Treasures Pond"!

Looking at the three words behind Wanbaochi, they can probably guess that it should be "Teleportation Array". The six characters on the sign together are "Wanbaochi Teleportation Array".

The steward looked at the few little creatures in the lotus-shaped magic weapon and reminded him kindly: "Little Taoist friends, take good care of the rock dolls and Lingzhi dolls, and don't let them fall into the pool."

"Thank you for your guidance, senior!" Le Yun thanked her sincerely.

When taking the teleportation array to and from various safe cities, and the owner uses a magic weapon to carry the spiritual plant doll Lingyan doll, the little doll does not need to pay the teleportation fee, and there is no exception when going to Wanbao Pond.

The teleportation arrays in each safe city collect immortal points according to the distance along the way, usually [-] or [-] immortal points, and the highest is [-] immortal points.

The teleportation to Wanbao Pond is horrifyingly expensive. Whether it is a human or an animal, each one costs 300 million immortal points!

As the steward's light ball flashed, 700 million fairy points were missing from the little Loli's identity card.

A large number of immortal points are also exchanged for nine jade tokens. Each jade token is a teleportation array. If you want to leave the Wanbao Pool, you only need to crush the jade tokens to open the teleportation array and you will be sent back to the Wanzhen Tower.

If you don't crush the jade token, the jade token will shatter on its own after one year, and the teleportation array will pull you back to the Wanzhen Tower, which means that the time limit for staying in the Wanbao Pond is one year.

The jade token is both a teleportation array and a timer.

Although she was still dizzy even if she stayed in the teleportation array, Le Yun still didn't want to test the power of the teleportation array. She took the jade token and decisively ran back to the Ruyi Room in the magic weapon to stay there.

Calabash Baby volunteered to carry the golden lotus magic weapon, drove the two brothers back to the teleportation array, and walked into the teleportation array with a fearless spirit.

The steward activated the teleportation array.

A blazing white light lit up within the teleportation array, and then returned to its original state.

Calabash Baby thought he would not be fainted by the teleportation array, but he was slapped in the face and he fainted too. The situation was similar to that of Brother Yan and Brother Xuan, two weak chickens.

When the teleportation arrived at the destination, Calabash's mind was so dizzy that he couldn't tell whether it was still being teleported or had stopped. He remained motionless in the center of the teleportation array.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan did not stay directly in the teleportation array. Although he felt dizzy during the teleportation, he stabilized after reaching the destination.

The two saw that the gourd boy stood still in a daze, took out the magic weapon, moved the naughty child far away from the teleportation array, and then looked around curiously.

I don't know where the Wanbao Pond is. It's surrounded by surging clouds. A pond about a thousand feet in diameter is revealed in the flowing clouds.

There was also mist of mist floating in the pool, and there were light groups in the mist. Those light groups had either a single color or a mixture of multiple colors.

The colorful light groups are like floating balloons, gently fluttering with the mist, which is really beautiful.

There are monks sitting or standing around the pool, using their spiritual power or spiritual consciousness to form a line or net to catch the light in the pool.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao were shocked. What was in the Wudao Lake was a spiritual fish. Could the light group in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond be an immortal treasure?

The two of them were still thinking, and Calabash Baby also calmed down, glanced at the pool, said nothing, got back the golden lotus magic weapon, and ran into the wishful house.

Seeing that the little fairy was still rubbing her temples, he hurriedly ran over to massage the little fairy's head, and he didn't forget to vomit: "Little fairy, I think something is wrong. I didn't get dizzy before the teleportation array, but now I get dizzy!"

Le Yun's hand rubbing her head froze: "Are you fainting too?"

"Yes, I was so dizzy that I couldn't tell the difference between north, south, east, and west. I was obviously confused and couldn't think at all."

"..." Le Yunmo, maybe she has found the reason!
The reason why she fainted so much from the teleportation array was related to the fish raised in the sea of ​​consciousness!

If Calabash Baby doesn't faint from the teleportation array, she may need time. She will analyze it slowly when she is free to find the source. Because Calabash Baby also faints from the teleportation array, the reason is not related to the fish in Wudao Lake, and there is no other reason.

The transmission path of the teleportation array is actually to tear apart the space with a certain force and open up a space channel.

The exquisite gourd vines can produce natural space magic weapons and are most easily accepted by the laws of space. They will not have any adverse reactions when they are in the torn space channel.

Calabash Baby now has the spiritual fish caught in Wudao Lake in his consciousness sea. During the transmission, the small fish in his consciousness resonated with the power of the law of space, so he also fainted.

Due to her special attributes, Le Yun is very sensitive to the power of laws. Others ride in the teleportation array and have no feeling. She can sense the power of certain special beads, so she will naturally feel dizzy.

Now there are so many fish in the sea of ​​consciousness. During the transmission, the fish resonated with the power of the law, so they naturally became more dizzy.

After finding the source of the dizziness caused by riding in the teleportation array, Le Yun was not feeling well. She was extremely dizzy even when riding in an ordinary teleportation array. What should she do when she returns to Yunlan after the secret realm is over?
What will happen when we return to Earth in the future?
Just thinking about it makes Leyun want to cry. It's so difficult for her! No matter how difficult it is, you still have to face it.

Le Yun wiped away her tears, temporarily put the problem behind her, and rubbed Calabash Baby's head: "Let's go and see what the Wanbao Pond looks like. Let's collect 300 million immortal points per person at a time. We must think about it." Find a way to get your money back."

"You have to pay 300 million cents per person to come here?" Calabash Boy was shocked, "Mother, is it so expensive?"

At this price, it is estimated that many monks will do a ten or twenty-year mission, and the immortal points they receive in exchange may not be enough to travel to Wanbao Pond!
"Yes, the Wanbao Pond is full of treasures. Whoever catches it will get it. The cost of coming here is naturally expensive."

"..." What a profiteer, Calabash Boy murmured in silence.

Le Yun took the gourd baby out of the Ruyi House, ravaged the little heads of the waiting little creatures, and then flew out of the magic weapon and landed on the ground.

Xuan Shaoyan sluggishly approached the little Lolita and wanted to ask a hundred thousand reasons, but finally managed to keep his mouth shut.

Leyun and her friends walked calmly towards Wanbao Pond.

Wanbao Pond is a magical place. It is located in the sea of ​​clouds and hangs upside down, that is, its face faces the ground and the bottom of the pool faces the sky.

There is a space-time path at the bottom of Wanbao Pond, and the other end of it is connected to the space-time path.

Some of the ownerless magic weapons in the world flow into the time and space path. Once the magic weapons enter the space and time path, they are wrapped in the light condensed by the power of time, and their true identity can no longer be seen.

Some of the items wandering in the void of time and space flow randomly to all realms.

The light groups in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond are those objects floating in the time and space that inadvertently fell into the space and time path, and then gathered in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond.

The Ten Thousand Treasure Pond is not a physical object. It is a jade basin forged by a god-level power with the power of magic. It is equivalent to the manifestation of the power of space laws.

When the god-level power was creating the Ten Thousand Treasures Pond, he also added the power of other laws. Therefore, the Ten Thousand Treasures Pond was obviously hanging upside down in the air, and the living beings could not feel it.

I am born with the ability to discern the music of everything, and it feels magical to see through the secrets at a glance.

Seeing things through but not telling them, she was determined not to reveal the secret.

Yan Shaoxuan and Shao Huluwa followed the little fairy on the flowing clouds and strolled to the edge of the pool, stretching their necks to admire the light ball in the pool.

"With so many colors, which color is the rarest?"

"There are so many light groups, how to choose?"

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan had difficulty choosing.

Calabash Baby looked at it, but was helpless. His discerning eyes couldn't see through the layer of light, and he couldn't tell which treasure in the light group was more valuable.

"Rather than choosing which color to choose, you should consider how to catch the light ball." Le Yun's head was filled with black threads. Each one of them would stand there like a ball of light and let others fish for it. Do you still want to be picky?
"..." The two young men were shocked to the core by a basin of cold water. Little Loli meant that the light ball in the pool could escape, right?
"Can I use a fishing net?" Yan Xing thought of the little Loli's magical fishing nets that had shown great power when fishing.

"No magic weapon can be used in the Wanbao Pool. All magic weapons will fall when they fly over the pool and become one of the many light groups in the pool."

"What about people?"

"You can try. Maybe if you go down from here, you will appear in another time and space, which is equivalent to a free trip. Of course, it is hard to say whether it is you or your skeleton that appears in another place. "

"Please stop talking!" Mr. Xuan felt horrified. It wasn't the Wanbao Pond, why did it sound like a Corpse Pond?

Mr. Xuan was frightened, but Leyun didn't scare him anymore. She sat down on the spot, enlarged the golden lotus magic weapon a little more, and placed it next to her.

For the safety of the little creatures, I seriously asked: "You stay in the magic weapon and don't fall into the pool. If any of you falls in, it will turn into a ball of light. Even if I want to fish it back, I can't help it."

"Yeah, yeah, we're not going out." Lingzhi Doll Yan Doll was so frightened that her face turned pale. Oh my god, it's so scary!

Calabash Baby also jumped into the golden lotus magic weapon and sat on the other side of the little creatures. Then he condensed his spiritual power into a small net and threw it into the pool of light.

The spiritual power net was thrown into the pool, and the light groups floated away with a slight sway, leaving the spiritual power net empty.

Calabash baby keeps up the good work.

Yan Shaoxuan was not in a hurry to take action. He first watched what others did. When he saw Calabash Boy taking action, he became a spectator with great interest.

They watched for half an hour and saw Calabash Baby's spiritual power net emptying time and time again. With deep thoughts in their hearts, they sat down silently to gather the spiritual power lines and then attached their spiritual consciousness.

The two of them had a good idea. They threw the spiritual power line into the pool. As long as the spiritual power line touches the light group, their spiritual consciousness will immediately attach to the light group and firmly stick to the light group to fish it out.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

The light ball in the pond was slippery, and the two young masters' plan to stick fish failed miserably.

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