magic eye doctor

Chapter 3187 There is a problem with the transmission of the jade token

There is never any storm in Wanbao Pond, and the monks who fish for treasures also keep to themselves, and the atmosphere is very good.

Forgotten by the God of Luck, Mr. Yan continued fishing for nine months with no results. It was on the third day of the tenth month that he finally caught a gray-white light ball.

Finally, he caught a ball of light, and his face was saved. Young Master Yan gave up fishing and simply messed it up.

Young Master Xuan, Calabash Baby, and the little creatures stopped working and lay down one by one.

Le Yun, who was silently helping to calculate the date, saw a group of beasts and two handsome guys lying flat on their backs. She was filled with astonishment. She entered the magic treasure to find her friends and asked the reason: "Why don't you fish for treasure?"

"You can have as many opportunities as you want, you can't force them." The little creatures pretend to be sophisticated.

The calabash boy was laughing so hard that he wanted to burst into laughter.

"I feel like I don't have a role anymore, so I don't want to waste my energy anymore." Yan Xing is also a Buddhist.

Mr. Xuan lay down more flatly: "I've got the opportunity, it's time to rest."

"Okay, let me fish for treasure tomorrow." Le Yun calmly accepted what the handsome guy and the beasts did. The friend was in a good mood and deserved praise.

Yan Shaoxuan, Shao Gourd Baby and the five little creatures spent most of the day and night practicing. They got up early the next day and waited to watch the little lolita/fairy fishing for treasures.

My friends are hoping that the little loli/fairy will come out of the blue like they are fishing in Wudao Lake, blinding the eyes of the teams by the pool, and slapping the faces of those teams who are always on guard against them stealing treasures.

A group of friends were in a great mood and got up early to grab seats, waiting for the little loli/fairy to make a blockbuster appearance.

As the person involved, Le Yun felt calm. She cleaned herself up, packed herself up, closed the barrier of the golden lotus magic weapon, and went out.

She stood on the bank of the Wanxiang Pond, shrunk the golden lotus magic weapon, and let it float in the air so that the little creatures could see every move she made while catching the treasure.

After being prepared, Le Yun calmly used her spiritual power and consciousness to form a small net like a fish, and then threw it into the Wanbao Pond.

The small net flew out, with a line behind it, just like a person flying a kite.

The small net with a long tail flew lightly across most of the pond and landed in the central area of ​​​​Wanbao Pond, falling as light as a snowflake.

It seemed to be aimless, but when the small net fell, it accurately covered an orange light group.

The net is very small, only covering the upper half of the light group.

"Is the net alive?" The little creatures stretched their necks nervously and looked around.

"The net is closed, the little fairy caught an orange ball of light." Calabash Baby happily shared the good news with the little dolls.

Xuan Shaoyan's eyes were strange. They cast the net, and the light balls disappeared early as if they had eyes. The little Loli's spiritual net flew over, but the light balls did not move.

What is the origin of this little loli?

The two young masters didn't want to think too much, but all kinds of experiences made it difficult for them not to think too much.

The spiritual power net reached the light group, and Le Yun used her spiritual consciousness to pull the thread back.

As the line was reeled in, an orange ball of light flew out of the Wanbao Pond and was pulled ashore by the line.

Le Yun put away the orange light group and threw out the spiritual power line again
The spiritual power net took off like a kite again, flying over a large area of ​​the pool, and landed on the magic weapon group in the central area, covering a red light group.

The little creatures stood on tiptoes excitedly and stretched their necks.

When they saw the little fairy retracting the thread and pulling back a ball of light, the gourd baby and the little baby's faces were filled with smiles and their eyes were bright.

When the female cultivator was fishing for treasures, the teams around the Wanbao Pond also took notice and paid close attention. As a result, their eyes nearly popped out when they saw the female cultivator succeeding twice in two attempts.

When did the treasure in Wanbao Pond become so easy to catch?

Is their way of fishing for treasures wrong, or does the female cultivator have a special secret to fishing for treasures?
The monks secretly stared at the female cultivator to see how she threw the line of spiritual power. When they saw the line of spiritual power thrown by the female cultivator fall down and cover a ball of light, they were completely confused.

The little loli pulled back the ball of light and cast the net again.

The fourth net was thrown out and another light ball was pulled back.

The gourd baby and the little creatures happily helped count: "There are four!"

Xuan Shaoyan and everyone were numb.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the little Loli was extremely calm and cast the net again and again, without any success.



The little creatures holding their little hands to count were filled with joy.

In view of the lessons and warnings given by the little girl Xiu in killing the smoke demon, the team by the pool did not dare to act rashly even if their eyes were red with jealousy.

When the gap between the two is not big, the worse one will naturally feel jealous.

When the gap between the two is as great as heaven and earth, then the weaker one has not jealousy, but admiration and respect.

When the little girl repaired the net and returned several magical light groups, the team of monks were all numb.

The numb monks watched helplessly as the little female cultivator cast the net easily and effortlessly caught one precious ball of light after another.

The little creature happily helped the little fairy count, and after counting, he counted to seventeen.

When No. 17 withdrew the spiritual power line, Le Yun did not immediately cast the net as before, but calmly sat down and re-weaved the net.

The teams around Wanbao Pond watched the female cultivator weaving the net with horrified eyes.

"She doesn't want to net the treasures in the pond like a fish, right?"

"It's just fantastic."

"It's just a fool's errand to think of the treasures in Wanbaochi as fish to be caught in a net."

"That's right, Wanbao Pond is not an ordinary fish pond, and the treasures in the pond are not fish. Anyone who wants to net them can net them, and the pond will be empty long ago."

"But she has cast a net of spiritual power before, and nothing has failed."

"..." The monk was speechless after being retorted.

Because of the impact, the teams at the pool simply stopped fishing for treasures and just stopped to wait for the results.

The little Loli slowly used her spiritual power to weave the net. After about the time of a stick of incense, she weaved a spiritual fish net with an even grid.

"Little fairy, Net Duoduo's treasure is back!" The little creatures clenched their fists in encouragement, not afraid of drawing hatred for the little fairy.

Calabash Baby also encouraged the little fairy: "Little fairy, come on, Wang Qian'er's eight hundred treasures are back!" Anyway, the little fairy has already attracted a lot of hatred, so there is no need to keep a low profile.

"..." Le Yun glanced around Wanbao Pond and realized that this time the hatred was settled.

Hatred, like trouble, will come even if you don't take the initiative to provoke it.

Le Yun was not a shy person, so she simply let go of her hands and feet, stood up, adjusted her stance, and threw the big spiritual fish into the air with all her strength. The spiritual power net flew out, bounced in the air, and covered the head of the magic weapon in the center of the pool.

The spiritual power net fell, and the mouth of the net was closed, covering dozens of light dumplings.

As the owner closed the net, a thin line pulled the light ball in the net bag and took off. The net bag flew over half of the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond and flew to the human monks on the shore.

As soon as the net that had caught a bunch of light balls left, the light balls in the Wanbao Pond swayed, filling the empty space.


The monks of all ethnic groups watched the female cultivator cast the net with their own eyes and watched her catch dozens of dumplings in one net. Their pupils were shaking and their eyeballs almost bulged out of their sockets.

"Who said it was out of imagination?"

"Who said that using treasures as fish nets in Wanbao Pond is a fantasy?"

"If this is an idiot's dream, I am willing to be an idiot."

Some in the team of monks murmured to themselves, while others laughed.

The monk who had previously said that the female cultivator was imaginative turned pale and pale.

The little fairy netted dozens of light dumplings, and the Yanwa Lingzhi dolls were so happy that they went crazy. The little fairy was so awesome!
The net returned a ball of light, Le Yun put it into a wishful house, adjusted her posture again, and threw the spiritual power net out.

The spiritual power net flew into the air, fell again, and once again covered a large ball of light.

As soon as the net mouth was closed, the light balls gathered together and crowded together to hold up the net.

There are at least sixty light groups in that network.

This net, Guangtuanzi quickly exploded the net, and also filled the hatred value.

The monks beside the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond had red eyes, watching the spiritual power net containing the light ball fly towards the female cultivator, watching the female cultivator take the light ball away, the flames of jealousy burning.

Le Yun took back the treasure No. 19 returned online, took back her spiritual power, grabbed the golden lotus magic weapon and stuffed it into her sleeve, and then crushed a jade plaque.

The jade tablet turned into a ball of light and disappeared from the spot.


Seeing the female cultivator and the light group disappear, the monks were stunned.

After a while, several teams suddenly came to their senses, and one after another they crushed the jade tokens.

The platform of Wanzhen Pagoda is always very quiet. Even if there are monks coming and going from Wanzhen Pagoda, they go straight to their destination. No one has time to watch the clouds and enjoy the scenery.

In the morning of this day, the bright sunshine filtered through the clouds and covered the platform. Outside the peaks, thousands of waves competed with each other, and cranes danced gracefully among the cloud peaks.

At the most beautiful time of the day, a blazing golden vortex suddenly appeared above the east gate of Wanzhen Pagoda.

A golden ball of light flew out of the golden vortex.

The golden vortex flashed and disappeared.

The golden light fell from the sky and hit the platform ground, and a cry of "ouch" came from the light ball.

The steward guarding the teleportation array in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond looked over when the vortex appeared, and was a little surprised. The creatures that came back from the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond usually fell within ten feet of the teleportation array. Why did they deviate so far this time?

The steward looked at the magical barrier. There was a female cultivator wearing a blue cloak and a blue skirt in the light ball. When the light ball landed on the ground, she was also thrown into the mud.

Looking at the female cultivator who was lying on the ground with her back on the ground, the steward was slightly startled. The female cultivator came back early after less than a year after going to Wanbao Pond?
Questions came to his mind, and golden vortexes appeared about five feet away from the teleportation array, and several people were sent back to Wanzhen Peak by the teleportation array.

The monks who crushed the jade tablets and sent them back to the platform in front of the Wanzhen Tower from the Wanbao Pond immediately looked for the female cultivator who had left with many magic treasure light groups after the teleportation array disappeared.

They looked around and found no one near the teleportation array. Then they discovered the golden magic weapon barrier in front of the east gate of Wanzhen Pagoda. The people inside couldn't help but be surprised.

Surprised, they all ran towards the female cultivators.

As soon as they lifted up, a person who fell into the golden light group and faced the loess with his back also got up.

"The teleportation array is too unreliable!" Le Yun got up, holding her dizzy head, touching her little nose that was almost smashed into a bulbous nose, and her entire body lost her temper.

The steward guarding the teleportation array answered: "Fellow Taoist, there is no problem with our teleportation array."

"..." Uh, I got caught vomiting!
Le Yun frowned, turned around, and ignored the monks running towards the east gate of Wanzhen Pagoda. She faced the steward from the north: "Senior, the teleportation array in my hand is not reliable. The space channel it tore out is not very reliable." Stable, this junior was almost twisted into a hemp rope by the force of space."

"Are you sure?" The steward couldn't hide his surprise.

"It's true." Le Yun vowed: "The teleportation array in the jade token used by this junior has one missing talisman."

As Le Yun spoke, she removed the defensive barrier of the immortal robe and flew across the ground. She flew to the steward guarding the formation and took out the remaining eight jade cards.

He picked out one of them and showed it to the steward: "Senior, this one of the remaining eight jade tokens is the same as the one used by this junior."

The steward's expression did not change, but his heart was already filled with waves. He took the jade token that the female cultivator said was problematic, and penetrated it with his spiritual sense to check the lines of the teleportation array.

Le Yun waited quietly for the results.

Several monks who ran towards the Wanzhen Pagoda shivered in shock when they heard the female cultivator's words. They immediately gave up the idea of ​​looking for the female cultivator and flew into the Wanzhen Pagoda instead.

They entered the Wanzhen Tower, released another ray of consciousness, and waited for the result.

The steward of the Wanbao Pool guarding the array silently inspected the jade tablet. After burning a stick of incense, he withdrew his consciousness, and his handsome face gained a hint of sullenness.

He pondered for a moment and took out the ball of light: "Little fellow Taoist, the teleportation array of this jade medal is indeed missing a rune. I don't know why such fake products were mixed into the jade medal. This is our mistake. , Fortunately, the little Taoist friends have deep blessings, and no accident occurred after using the jade tablet.

Well, let me return half of the immortal points I spent to buy the teleportation jade token to my little fellow Taoist to express my apology. "

"That's not necessary. This transmission fee is what should be paid. The transmission of the jade token is not the fault of seniors, seniors, so you don't have to take it to heart." Because the manager had reminded him before going to Wanbao Pond, Le Yun was very interested in him. His senses were extremely good, and he shook his head and refused to recover the immortal points.

"Why do you dare to use the teleportation formation even though it's missing a talisman?" the steward asked.

"This junior has great love from God and has good understanding. I have studied the laws of space and various teleportation arrays, and gained a little bit. I am sure that the main function of the jade teleportation array is fine, so I tried it myself."

"You are so brave at such a young age. It is better not to take risks in the future."

"Thank you, senior! I have inadvertently taken a ride on a teleportation array that was even more outrageous than this one. Only with certain experience can I dare to prove it myself."

The little girl has a deep affinity for cultivating good fortune, so she can turn bad luck into good luck. The steward handed over a jade box without saying anything more: "This is my personal belongings. I am worried about this little Taoist friend."

"Senior, this junior is sorry for your love." Le Yun took the box, pulled out a light green ball of light from the pile of light balls that she had returned from the net, and handed it over: "Senior, this is what this junior got from Wanbao Pond. In this way, I’ll give it back to my seniors and wish them good luck!”

"The treasure caught in Wanbao Pond is your opportunity, but I can't accept it." The steward refused.

"Senior, I'm very lucky. I caught many light balls in Wanbao Pond. This is a gift from junior. The value of the treasure depends on senior's luck." Le Yun threw the light balls to the steward and ran away.

"..." The steward caught the ball of light and watched the cheerful figure of the little female cultivator slip into the Wanzhen Tower. He looked down at the ball of light, thought slightly, and put it away calmly.

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