magic eye doctor

Chapter 3188 Mr. Xuan’s little cotton-padded jacket

The dozen or so monks who entered the Wanzhen Tower to avoid suspicion were horrified when the steward of the Wanbao Pond Teleportation Office confirmed that the teleportation jade tablet formation was defective.

Are there any counterfeit items among the teleportation jade tokens?

This is by no means a trivial matter.

The little female cultivator used a defective teleportation jade tablet and still remained unharmed. It was because she had a high level of cultivation or had a magic weapon to protect herself, so she was naturally safe.

If he were a monk with a lower cultivation level, he would most likely be strangled by space forces during teleportation!

Theoretically speaking, all teleportation jade tokens that can enter the secret realm have been inspected, and there is no possibility of inferior products, but in fact, inferior products have appeared.

The monk who accidentally discovered a secret felt cold in his heart. He immediately withdrew his consciousness and silently found a place to sit down in the hall of Wanzhen Pagoda to calm down.

Classmate Le Xiao, who revealed a secret, didn't care what he had done. He ran to the gate of Wanzhen Pagoda calmly and walked into the pagoda with his head held high.

The interior of Wanzhen Tower also has cyan walls. The stairs are on the left hand side of the entrance, far away from the door. The stairs spiral up against the wall. Only part of the stairs can be seen on the first floor.

The stairs are brown steps and the railings are also light brown.

On the left hand side of the stairs, there is a row of long tables next to the wall. There are light balls and large baskets with small baskets on the table. Nine stewards are lined up behind the long table.

The first floor of Wanzhen Tower is unusually wide, with a huge sky-shaping pillar in the center. The pillar is also cyan and engraved with dense golden runes.

The spacing between floors is extremely high, about nineteen feet. There are open windows at regular intervals around the walls of the tower. The window leaves are also made of magic weapons that can transmit light.

On the first floor, apart from the stairs to go upstairs and the giant pillar in the center, there are other basic buildings.

Wanzhen Pagoda is also a place for monks who come and go to rest. The monks can rest on the first floor, wait for their companions on the first floor, or practice on the first floor.

It has been less than ten years since the secret realm was opened, and it has not yet been a period when monks enter the Wanzhen Tower in large numbers to exchange items. Naturally, there is no lively scene of a large number of monks waiting in the Wanzhen Tower to meet their teammates and allies.

In addition to the monks who had just come down from the Wanbao Pond, there were only about a dozen monk teams on the first floor. Each of them had placed a wishful room or formation disk on the first floor, and each stayed in their own territory.

Stepping into the gate of Wanzhen Pagoda, Le Yun glanced around, bowed in the direction of the stewards from afar, turned and walked towards the giant pillar in the center.

That huge pillar was amazing, covered with divine runes and divine patterns, and contained countless secrets and inheritances.

If anyone can understand one of the mysteries, there is no need to worry about not being able to achieve immortality.

Le Yun slowly approached, paused a hundred feet away from the giant pillar, took out the golden lotus magic weapon stuffed in her sleeve, put it on the ground, and opened the barrier.

She herself also entered the barrier, released the spirit boat from the golden lotus magic weapon, opened the spirit boat defense formation, and jumped into the spirit boat herself.

Xuan Shaoyan, Shao Gourd Baby and five little creatures were all confused when Xiao Luo/Little Fairy stuffed them into their sleeves with their magic weapons and they couldn't figure out the reason.

When a group of friends recovered from their confusion, they heard the shocking news that there was something wrong with the jade token, and they felt as if they had been to a ghost gate.

The two young men were still in fear, and their brains had not yet reacted after the magic weapon suddenly fell to the ground.

When Calabash Baby and Rock Baby Lingzhiwa saw the little fairy coming back, they didn't bother to look outside and followed the little fairy into the spirit boat.

Young Empress Xuan Shaoyan came to her senses and followed the spirit boat.

Seeing that all the friends had entered the spirit boat, Le Yun used her spiritual consciousness to pick up the humans and beasts, and together they went to the conifer spiritual plant space.

Everyone landed in front of the Ruyi House by the lake. A group of little dolls who had just been carried to the Ruyi House by the little fairy saw the little fairy who had not returned to the Spiritual Plant Space for many years and rushed over to hug her thighs.

Le Yun entered the Ruyi House with a bunch of pendants stuck to her legs, then grabbed Xiaoyu Jing, a spiritual plant doll she hadn't seen for several years, ravaged it, and gave it a big kiss.

The little creatures who had not seen the fairy for a long time were soothed and then ran to get close to the orchid doll, medicine doll, white jade doll, golden doll, and Kwai doll.

A group of little creatures climbed onto the Arhat couch and gathered together.

Mr. Xuan's eyes turned red with envy: "Oh, I really want a doll! Why do you have so many cuties, little lolita, and I don't have one!"

"You already have one." Le Yun walked to the Arhat's couch and sat down too.

"I have a doll? Why didn't I know?"

"Brother Xuan has a spiritual plant doll?"

Mr. Xuan, Calabash Baby and the ten young boys had twelve faces of shock.

Young Master Yan was also so surprised that his eyes widened with disbelief.

"Yes, Brother Xuan has a spiritual plant doll. He fished it from Wanbao Pond." Le Yun looked at Young Master Xuan leisurely.

Mr. Xuan was shocked at first, then became ecstatic: "I, I... what I caught... is a Lingzhi doll?!"

"The magic weapon you caught for the first time is a spiritual plant doll in the light ball."

The surprise comes too quickly! Mr. Xuan sat down on the ground excitedly, took out the two light balls caught from Wanbao Pond, and stroked them lovingly.

Calabash Baby and a group of little creatures also gathered around.

Mr. Xuan's three contracted beast companions also got out of the spirit beast bag and stared at the light group excitedly.

Young Master Yan's beast also ran out of the spirit beast bag.

Young Master Xuan held the light ball he caught for the first time like a treasure and asked with hope: "Little beauty, is there any way for me and my friends to meet the Lingzhi doll as soon as possible?"

"Yes, give me that ball of light, and I will help you remove the power of time, and then you can see him." Le Yun didn't give in.

Mr. Xuan jumped up with excitement and sent two light balls to the little Loli.

"Little fairy, we also want to see what our baby is."

The orchid doll, the sunflower doll, the medicine doll, the gold doll, the white jade doll, and the calabash doll also took out the light balls and looked at the little fairy eagerly.

"Okay, you guys sit down and put the ball of light in front of you." One sheep was being herded, and two sheep were being herded. Le Yun did not refuse the little ones' request.

The five little creatures who caught the treasure sat in a row with the Calabash Baby. Young Master Xuan sat down next to the Calabash Baby. Young Master Yan thought for a while and joined the ranks of his friends.

People and beasts sat in a row, and groups of light also lined up.

The Chihuahuas blinked their big eyes and looked at the light group curiously.

Le Yun stood up, took out the stone mortar from the sea of ​​consciousness, held the stone mortar and placed it on top of Young Master Yan's gray dumplings.

When she was in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond, she communicated with the three treasures in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. The three treasures were ancient relics that could absorb the power of time, so she asked for a stone mortar to solve the problem.

Shijiu is happy to help absorb the power of time. The power of time that wrapped the baby was limited. When it was sucked by the stone mortar, the light flashed and disappeared.

Without the shielding power of time, the treasure also revealed its true appearance - the magic weapon light group caught by Young Master Yan was a red crystal stone, which contained rich fire energy.

"This is the fire crystal, let your strange fire absorb it." Le Yun glanced at the red stone and gave Yan Handsome a suggestion.

"Understood." Yan Xing's eyes were filled with joy, and he quickly found a box to put the fire crystal in.

Le Yun first passed Young Master Xuan and helped the little creatures and Calabash Baby's light group absorb the power of time.

The five little creatures and the Calabash Baby each caught two light balls. The Yao Baby's treasures were a wooden soul and a ring-shaped fairy defense magic weapon.

Kui Wawa has a fire attribute, so he got a fire spirit and a melon-seed-shaped fairy defense magic weapon.

Lanwa also got a wooden soul tree and a leaf-shaped defensive magic weapon.

The golden doll got a golden earth soul and a golden collar-shaped defensive fairy magic weapon.

What the white jade doll got was a white and green earth spirit and a fairy-level hairpin-shaped magic weapon.

The five little creatures each have a magic weapon to enhance their strength, and a defensive magic weapon. Both of these treasures are the most suitable items for them.

The little creature himself liked it very much.

Calabash Baby's two light groups, one is a heart of wood, and the other is a plant seed.

The wooden heart is shaped like a chicken heart and is entirely green, like a work of art carved from jasper. If you look closely, you can see a faint red color flowing in the center of the heart.

The whole seed was gray, shriveled and wrinkled, and its original shape could not be seen. Anyway, it was ordinary and inconspicuous.

The little creature looked surprised: "Why is there a seed?"

"Strange, what kind of seed is this?" Calabash Boy put away the heart of wood and held a seed, but he didn't know what kind of plant it was.

Le Yun glanced at it silently for a few times, but she also didn't recognize it. She asked Shi Jiu with her spiritual consciousness: "Senior, do you know this kind of plant seed?"

"I don't know. There are countless plants in the world. The seeds of many plants are similar in shape. It is difficult to distinguish the tree species with just one seed. If the seed grows into a tree, it will be recognized by the history books." Shijiu can't sense the seeds either. What plant is it.

Le Yun felt that it made sense: "I can't tell what kind of plant seeds they are. If they can enter the time and space channel and fall into the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond, they must have a certain origin. Once they are planted in the future, you will know what kind of plants they are."

"The little fairy is right." Calabash Boy decisively handed the seeds to the little fairy for safekeeping. He was a good immortal planter, but when it came to plant knowledge, the little fairy was better than him.
Le Yun took the seeds and put them into a small jade box to put them away first, and then absorbed the power of time for the light group Xuan Shao caught for the second time.

The treasure is flat on the inside and round on the outside. It is inlaid with several gems. It looks like a forehead smear. It is a defensive magic weapon. Its level is higher than the magic weapons of little creatures, and it is a divine level.

A group of friends were not very interested in defensive magic weapons, and stared at the last light group with burning eyes.

Xuan Shaosheng was afraid that the Lingzhi doll would fall to the ground after the light disappeared, so he placed two pieces of soft fur on the ground, then a piece of silk cloth, and placed the light ball on top.

As expected, Leyun used a stone mortar to absorb the power of time from the light group.

After the sealing power that wrapped the magic weapon disappeared, a little doll over eight inches tall was revealed. The little doll was wearing a gray-green robe and a pair of bare legs.

In his deep sleep, he had small features, fair complexion, gray hair just reaching his shoulders, and a bud about an inch long growing on the top of his head.

"Wow, what a spiritual plant doll!"

A group of friends screamed in surprise.

Mr. Xuan rubbed his hands in excitement: "Hey, it's so cute! My dream has finally come true!"

"Little Lolita, what kind of spiritual plant doll is this?" Yan Xing looked at it again and again, but couldn't tell what kind of animal the spiritual plant doll was.

"The plant called cotton in our hometown is called mallow in the world of immortality."

"It turned out to be a cotton elf, a proper cotton doll?!" Yan Xing felt sourly. Young Master Xuan had always wanted a Lingzhi doll. Now his dream came true. He also wanted a Lingzhi doll. Why didn't his wish come true?
Kuiwawa raised her little hands: "Little fairy, I am a serious Kuiwawa. Dolls that take the form of mallows are generally called mallow dolls."

"Then let's call this doll a mallow doll from now on? Or a brocade doll? Or should we call it a cotton doll according to the name of the little fairy's hometown?" The little creatures were extremely confused.

"It's more friendly to call her Mian Doll." Le Yun smiled warmly: "Mr.

"You have contracted beast companions and a spirit plant doll, what more friends do you need?" Mr. Xuan looked at the little spirit plant doll, and his heart blossomed.

Then he became anxious again: "Little beauty, how can I wake up my cute little cotton doll?"

"Your little cotton-padded jacket has fallen into a deep slumber. You drop a drop of blood on the seedling above his head. After absorbing your blood, he should wake up." Le Yun first sent the ancient stone mortar back to the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and talked with him. The two handsome guys and Beast Beast waited for Lingzhi Baby to wake up.

"Hey!" Mr. Xuan cut his finger and carefully dropped the blood on the small green sprout on the top of the cotton doll's head.

He felt that one drop of blood was too little, so he dropped several drops. It was not until the little Loli said that it was not a good thing to give Lingzhi doll clothes too much blood that he quickly stopped the bleeding on his finger.

The Lingzhi doll is sleeping, and the small green sprouts on its head maintain vitality and vigorous vitality. When blood drops fall, the small green sprouts absorb the blood after a long drought.

After absorbing the power from the outside world, the dormant body muscles of the sleeping Lingzhi doll gradually recovered. Soon the blood started to flow again and the heart began to beat.

A group of spiritual plant dolls and rock dolls were reluctant to blink, eagerly waiting for the cotton dolls to wake up.

After waiting for about a full stick of incense, the cotton doll stretched its legs, then twisted its arms and legs together, and its eyebrows trembled.

He rolled over, then over, a few times, and then finally opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a big demon and several small humanoid creatures. Lingzhi Baby was so frightened that he woke up and sat up.

The Lingzhi doll sat up, facing a giant-looking human race and several Lingzhi dolls, and was so shocked that his expression almost burst: "Ahhh, who are you?!"

"Don't be afraid, we will be your little friends from now on."

"Cotton doll, congratulations on waking up."

"Mian Doll, welcome."

"Mian Dowa, you wandered into a strange place and were picked up by Brother Xuan. You will have someone to protect you from now on."

A group of Lingzhiwa rock dolls screamed in fright when they saw the cotton doll and quickly calmed him down.

A spiritual plant doll that had just woken up did not feel any malice. It boldly stood up, turned its small body and looked around.

When he saw the human female nun, his eyes sparkled, he jumped up and threw himself into the human female nun's arms.

His own little cotton-padded jacket threw himself into the arms of others, and Mr. Xuan's old father's heart almost broke: "Little beauty, this... this is obviously my cotton-padded doll, why did it come to you again?"

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