magic eye doctor

Chapter 3189 The Essence of Taiyan

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally looked forward to a spiritual plant doll. However, before the little cutie even said hello to me, she turned to someone else's arms and asked you how you felt!
Mr. Xuan didn't know how other people were feeling. Anyway, he was feeling very heartbroken, especially when he saw the little Loli being approached by a little doll, which made his heart overturn the century-old sauerkraut jar.

A little creature pounced on her, but of course Le Yun couldn't throw it out and happily played with the Lingzhi doll.

Seeing Mr. Xuan's resentful and resentful face, he smiled so much that the muscles on his face ached: "I can't help it, I have a high natural affinity, and all living creatures in the world like me.

Don't worry, the cotton doll is yours and no one can take it away. "

The Lingzhi doll, whose head and face were rubbed, looked curious: "Sir, I am obviously a mallow, why is it called a cotton doll?"

"In our hometown, mallow is the general name for many plants. Your body is called cotton in our hometown, and it belongs to a branch of the order Mallow.

Cotton flowers can be stuffed into quilts or clothes for warmth. Humans like cotton, so they often call their precious daughters little cotton-padded jackets.

The name Mallow Doll sounds nice too. It’s more affectionate to call you Mallow Doll after the name from our hometown. "

Le Yun put a little cutie on the ground and pointed at Mr. Xuan: "This is the adult of your family. He likes Lingzhi dolls very much. He finally picked you up. He is overjoyed. You are his little baby. Hurry up." Go back, otherwise he will cry with sadness."

Mian Doll accepted his new title, looked across the way, saw the human race that made him feel friendly, and ran over with short legs.

He ran closer, jumped into the adult's arms, and smiled sweetly at him: "My lord!"

Mr. Xuan caught a little baby that fell into his arms. His sad heart and countless grievances were healed by the little cute smile.

"Ah, my cotton doll is so cute!" My Lingzhi doll is cute everywhere.

Le Yun couldn't bear to look directly at Mr. Xuan and stood up: "I have something to do and need to go to the Huangqian District of the Spirit Plant Space. You guys are right here. If there is any movement over there, don't go there to avoid being accidentally hurt."

"Yeah." A group of little creatures nodded, and no one asked why.

The beasts didn't bother to ask a hundred thousand whys.

Young Master Yan wanted to ask, but didn't dare to ask.

The beasts nodded frequently, indicating that they understood.

A group of friends watched the little loli/fairy disappear from the spot, their eager eyes all fell on the cotton doll again, their eyes full of curiosity.

They were curious about why the cotton doll entered the Wanbao Pool.

There are a hundred thousand reasons in mind that I want to know, but I am also afraid that Mian Doll has a sad past. When I ask questions, I will accidentally reveal his sad things. Everyone can only hold back their questions, not to mention how depressed they are.

Mr. Xuan, whose dream came true, got a Lingzhi doll, and he was overjoyed. He hugged the small human-shaped doll and masturbated for a while. After he had masturbated enough, he introduced the cotton doll to the little friend next to him.

He first introduced his three contracted beast partners, then introduced Master Yan and the three contracted beasts, and then introduced Calabash Baby and a group of spiritual plant dolls and rock dolls.

"Wow, there are so many fairy dolls and rock dolls." Mian Doll looked at a group of similar dolls with sparkling eyes: "If you let the spiritual plant dolls choose by themselves, the fairy would definitely be the first choice. The fairy makes the spiritual plant dolls feel the most secure. The kindest.”

Mr. Xuan covered his heart: "Mian Dou, you... you won't abandon me and go to the little fairy, right?"

"No." Mian Doll said firmly: "Although I love the little fairy very much, I was rescued by adults, and your family is my home."

"That's good." Mr. Xuan's heart that was about to break healed automatically.

Brother Xuan was too verbose. After he finished introducing the Calabash Baby and Chihuahua, he immediately pulled the Cotton Baby away and ran to the grass to play.

Mr. Xuan: "..."

If these were not all little Lolita’s spiritual plant dolls, Yan Doll, he would definitely fight with anyone who dared to kidnap his precious spiritual plant doll in front of him.

A group of little creatures ran outside to play. Mr. Xuan sighed: "Hey, without the Lingzhi doll, I would worry about it every day. With the Lingzhi doll, I might worry about it every day. It's too difficult!"

The way Versailles looked made Mr. Yan want to drag him to the curb and reason: "You just have to do it. Don't forget that the spiritual planting doll needs spiritual planting space. I don't know where your spiritual planting space is."

"..." The bright and bright smile on Master Xuan's face gradually disappeared.

Mr. Yan's knife stabbed too hard!
Mr. Xuan, who had been stabbed, sat down with a dull face, sifted through his collection, picked out a piece of green jade with the best quality, and took out his tools to dig.

Ying Sheng Baiyin and Yuan Er also asked Brother Xuan for the spirit wood, and carefully made it rough and fine, and then carefully crafted tables and chairs.

Young Master Yan, who had little ability in cutting knives, gave Young Master Xuan a blow. He also found a place to sit down and picked out a piece of jade to dig. He was going to make an Arhat bed.

He doesn't have a spiritual plant doll now. Maybe one day when he gets lucky, he will pick up a rock doll or a spiritual plant doll. Therefore, it is always a good idea to prepare a jade bed for the dolls to stay in before anything happens.

Yuan Da Long-eared Bear and Shui Dunyu ran to Yuan Er and asked Brother Yan for spiritual wood to make furniture.

A group of little creatures who ran outside to play took the time to return to Ruyi House. They saw the two brothers and the big demons were busy doing carpentry, and happily let themselves go to play in the spirit fruit forest.

Le Yun, who had something to do, first left the spiritual plant space and then entered again, landing directly on a piece of land where no plants had been planted.

The vacant land was deliberately left without planting plants or sowing seeds. Otherwise, with the diligence of the little creatures, they would have been busy with plant afforestation.

Le Yun stopped in the air, first activated the robe defense, then took out the second light group caught from the Wanbao Pond, and once again asked the ancient stone mortar to help digest the power of time.

The stone mortar effortlessly absorbs the power of time.

Just as the shield of the power of time disappeared, a red crystal stone about five feet square appeared, which contained rich blazing power.

That crystal stone is the essence of Taiyan.

Taiyan is the sun, and Taiyan Essence is a crystal that contains pure fire power. At the same body size, a piece of Taiyan Essence has fifty to sixty times the energy of a fire crystal.

Fire crystals do not have the ability to float in the air, but Taiyan Essence can naturally float in the air.

As soon as the essence of Taiyan was exposed, the blazing heat evaporated all the water molecules in the air within ten thousand feet in an instant, and even the air smelled of burning due to the blazing energy.

The robe on Le Yun's body was also difficult to withstand, and the barrier was as hot as fire, making her feel like she was in a fire cave, and the heat was unbearable.

Her reaction was also extremely fast, and she retreated quickly without any hesitation, running into the air nearly 2 feet away from the gray flame's essence.

"Hey, it's the essence of Taiyan?" Shi Jiu, who was carried away, also showed a hint of surprise. Such a large body and such pure essence of Taiyan are indeed rare.

"Yes." Le Yun responded, summoning Taixu to be really hot.

Fen Yue was lifted out of the spiritual field by the owner of the contract, and he immediately sensed the fiery power. He glanced at the red crystal stone in the distance, and exclaimed in surprise: "Wow, the essence of Tai Yan!" "Fen Yue, myself Let's see, can you be promoted to the divine level by integrating this piece of Taiyan essence?" Le Yun had an idea, if such a large piece of Taiyan essence can't allow Taixu Huozhenhuo to advance to the divine level, then it would be better to lie down straight, Taiyan When will Xu Huan Zhenhuo be promoted to the divine level?

"Yes!" Fen Yue was extremely surprised: "Little fairy, do you really want me to swallow the essence of Tai Yan?"

"You swallow [-]% of the power of the Taiyan Essence Fire, leaving [-]% ​​of the power. I will then use the Taiyan Essence Crystal to refine the magic weapon. Can you do it?"


"Take it easy, if you dare to destroy my magical materials for refining, your little ass will suffer a big disaster."

"Understood." Fen Yue felt her butt getting cold, even though he didn't have a human form.

"Go." Le Yun threw the flame from her palm.

Taixu Huazhen's fire sprang up and rushed towards the spar like an evil Xu pounces on its prey. In the blink of an eye, it pounced on the Taiyan Essence Stone, and then transformed into a giant fireball that enveloped the entire Taiyan Essence.

With Taixu and True Fire wrapped around the essence of Taiyan, the anxious aura in the air was also weakened by most.

Throwing the essence of Taiyan to Fenyue, Leyun ran far away holding the ancient stone mortar, landed on the edge of the wasteland, and released a golden lotus.

After entering the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure, he sat down on the spot and took out the Time History Book and the Void Bottle.

The three treasures were floating in the air by themselves, looking at the fireball in the sky in the distance.

The little guy actually found Taixu Huanzhenhuo by himself. This treasure hunting ability is truly amazing.

Fishing for treasures casually, and even catching a piece of Taiyan Essence, no one else is so lucky.

The ancient stone mortar and the void bottle were deeply silent. By the way, the little guy had retrieved a lot of light balls, but he didn't know what treasures they were.

They were just about to ask about the history books, but they saw the little guy taking out all the dumplings. No need to ask, just wait and see.

Le Yun first placed a few pieces of jade in the magic weapon, then quickly took out a large pile of glutinous rice dumplings, and then divided them into three parts, each with the same quantity.

After getting ready, he smiled innocently at the treasure: "Please help me from the three seniors. I want to see what treasures I have retrieved."

The ancient stone mortar, void bottle and time history book each floated above a pile of light groups, accepting the power of time.

The light of the three piles of light disappeared in a flash, and items appeared instead, including several magic weapons, rare divine ores, and several boxes containing unknown contents.

The most numerous are the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, including the spirits of the ten series: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, lightning, light, and darkness, as well as three hearts of wood and rare jade souls.

There are fairy-grade or divine-grade fairy grass spiritual plants with several fruits, as well as earth spiritual marrow, golden spiritual marrow, jade spiritual marrow, water spiritual marrow, as well as earth marrow, wood marrow, jade marrow, and a piece of The rare Light God Essence and Thunder God Essence.

Usually, the spiritual marrow refers to the spiritual marrow in the spiritual stone. If words such as gold, wood, etc. are added in front of the spiritual marrow, it is another kind of spiritual object.

For example, the earth spirit marrow is a spiritual object that perfectly combines the advantages of earth crystals and earth soul.

Earth crystals are crystals formed by condensing pure earth power from soil. No matter how pure the energy is, they are still earth crystals with trace amounts of other impurities.

Earth soul is a crystal condensed from pure earth spiritual energy, with some weak earth laws and life force.

Earth spiritual marrow has the advantages of earth crystals and earth soul - it has the purest earth spiritual power, and it also integrates vitality and earth laws.

Spiritual marrow such as earth and gold are fairy-grade spiritual objects, while divine marrow is an upgraded version of spiritual marrow and is a divine-grade spiritual object.

The spiritual marrow and divine marrow such as Tujin are all in paste form and have a natural aroma. The difference is that the spiritual marrow is a single type of spiritual energy essence and law power, and it has only one color.

The divine marrow has at least two colors. It is the product of a certain spiritual marrow mixed with other laws. The more colors the divine marrow has, the more laws it has been mixed with and the more precious it is.

If it is the marrow of the earth god, the laws of the earth system are the main ones, followed by others.

If it is the marrow of earth and metal, the power of the two systems of laws is equal, and there may also be a little power of other laws.

If it is said to be the essence of three colors, it means that the power of a certain three-system law is evenly equal.

The great powers of the gods or the immortal kings of the fairy world do not eat fireworks. In addition to eating high-quality fairy fruits and special spiritual food, they only eat spiritual marrow or marrow.

The spiritual essence or divine marrow wrapped in the power of time has just revealed its true identity, and its rich aura is drifting away like the wind.

Seeing the treasures that his contractor had caught, the three treasures were also silent. The little guy's luck is the kind that even the Immortal Lord and God would envy!

The ancient stone mortar used secret techniques to ask the history book: "The treasures the little guy has brought back are not just these. What else is there besides this?"

"I'm not peeping, the unknown is interesting." The Time History Book Qi Ling rolled his eyes, who always likes to peek into privacy like smelly stones and broken bottles.

"Forget it, no matter what rare treasures the little one has, with the three of us here, it is more than enough to protect her." The ancient stone mortar did not take it seriously with the history books of time.

Void Bottle came up with an idea: "There are no immortal kings or gods in the secret realm. There may be some outside. In order to prevent those guys from discovering the good things of the little contractor, why don't you let the little guy keep the things here with me?"

"This will only scare the little guy. Besides, the Immortal Lord and God also want to show his face. He won't be jealous of this thing. When you leave, you can help cover it up to prevent outside creatures from peeking into the little guy's storage device and memory." Time history books hold objections.

"Alright." Void Bottle had no objection.

The treasures communicated in a special way that only weapon spirits can possess. Leyun couldn't hear it, so she naturally didn't know. She didn't pay attention to how the treasures communicated, and was busy organizing her own treasures.

She has a secret that she hasn't told her friends - other creatures can't see what the light group in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pool is, but she can!

She knows which light group in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond contains the spiritual beings of heaven and earth, and which light group is the magic weapon.

Therefore, when fishing for treasures, she would only choose those that she needed the most or considered to be the most precious, or would be useful in the future. When casting the net, she would also try to pick the area with the densest concentration of rare and rare treasures to catch.

It’s good to have a pair of plug-in eyes, you will win at the starting line!

Full of joy, Le Yun happily collected the items in the jade box, put them into the space of the natural magic weapon gourd, and then held out an orange light group.

Holding the ball of light that he caught for the first time from Wanbao Pond, he felt particularly excited and smiled brightly at the History of Time: "Senior Time, please do me a favor."

Time History Book: "..." Alas, why is the contractor so cute this time!
The Time History Book, which felt like an old man with old arms and legs, flew over lightly and sucked away the power of time attached to the light ball held in the little guy's arms.

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