magic eye doctor

Chapter 3190 Iron-Eating Beast Egg

The Void Vase Ancient Stone Mortar also analyzed that the little contractor was in a very good mood, and became somewhat interested in the light ball in her arms, wondering what kind of treasure would be found.

In fact, the orange light ball was not a rare treasure, but an animal egg.

The egg stands about two feet high. It has a pure white shell without any patterns. The shell is smooth and crystal-high. No matter how you look at it, there is nothing special about the white egg. It is just an ordinary animal egg.

Taikoo Shijiu said in surprise: "This breath is like the egg of a cave beast."

"It was originally a Dongga beast egg." Time history books provide evidence.

"I thought the little guy could catch unicorn eggs." Void Bottle said with a slightly regretful tone. Dongga is also an ancient beast and a mythical beast. In terms of combat power, it is still a little weak, mainly in speed and reaction ability.

Whether it is the Ancient Era of Chaos, the Primordial and Ancient Era when Chaos was born, or the Age of All Realms, the Dongga beast is a relatively clumsy beast, and its speed and agility are not as good as other beasts of the same period.

"According to the information analysis revealed by the magic weapon spirit from outside, the Qilin Beast has become extinct in the Qingxu God Realm and this universe." Time History Book continued.

"That's such a pity. I thought only an auspicious beast like Qilin is worthy of the little guy."

"The fact that the Qilin beast is extinct does not mean that there are no Qilin beast eggs in the world."

"If you're lucky, little guy, you'll definitely be able to pick up one or two unicorn eggs."

The history books of time are conclusive, and the ancient stone mortar in the void bottle all asked: "Have you seen the future?"

"You are overthinking. My experience tells me that it is happier not to worry about the future. Therefore, unless necessary, I will not look back on the past or foresee the future during this trip with my new contractor. I will just do it and record it."

An Zhiruosu, the historian of time, said: "I advise you not to pay too much attention to the future, and not to peek into the little contractor's secrets. The little one is extremely keen, and she will know immediately who peeks at her."

"It seems that you are the only one in the world who is extremely smart, and we are all idiots." The void bottle spirit openly despised the history book of time.

The history books of time ignored the broken bottle, and the ancient stone mortar did not comment.

The three treasured weapon spirits, who were both old friends and enemies, were secretly waiting for the little guy's reaction.

Ask the little loli how she reacted?

She held a huge egg that was almost as high as her shoulders and studied it carefully. The more she looked at it, the happier she became. Her beautiful almond eyes curved into crescents.

The big white egg is an iron-eating animal egg, it’s a real hammer!

After repeated analysis by herself, most of the data matched the biological information of the modern national treasure bamboo bear, and Le Yun was elated.

Finally found the battle beast that I have been longing for!

It's not easy!
Who would have thought that she would search for iron-eating beasts all over the world, and there would be no one like Dongchen or Yunlan, but when she came to the secret realm, she would catch an iron-eating beast's egg from the Wanbao Pond.

What's this called? This is "the flowers planted with intention will not live, but the willows planted with no intention will provide shade."

After finding the egg of her favorite iron-eating beast, Le Yun was so excited that her heart nearly burst out of her throat. She hugged the egg and gave it a few sweet kisses.

Three treasures: "..." Apparently, the little guy should know that the eggs are those of the Dongga beast. Does she like Dongga?

Qi Ling couldn't guess why the little contractor liked Dongga beasts. Could it be that Dongga beasts love to sleep, are not picky about food, and look naive and honest?

Full of excitement, Le Yun hugged the egg and kissed it a few times, then kissed each other's cheeks and foreheads intimately. After having enough fun, she cut her right thumb and dripped blood on the top of the egg.

The white egg absorbed a total of nineteen drops of blood before reaching saturation.

"Be good, baby, try to be born as soon as possible. Sister will play with you, make spiritual food for you, and sew beautiful clothes for you." Le Yun hugged the egg and kissed the baby two more times, took out the animal skin and placed it on the ground, then carefully Put the eggs on the animal skin.

He was ready to work, so he asked Zhibao: "Three seniors, do you want to walk around a few times outside?"

"No need." The three treasures said in unison, there is nothing to wander around outside, how comfortable it is to lie in the little guy's golden lotus of merit.

The treasure didn't like hanging around outside, so Le Yun hurriedly sent the treasure back to her sea of ​​consciousness. She moved a little farther away from Dan Baobao and found the spiritual wood with the mildest aura and aroma to do carpentry work.

In order for the iron-eating beast baby to be born happily, she had to make a nest for the current egg baby and the future little war beast companion.

As a science and engineering student with first-class hands-on skills and rich experience, Mr. Le Xiao took a bunch of tools and chiseled, chopped, split, and dug. After a busy day, a tree house was built.

The tree house is divided into two parts: the roof and the body.

The roof is made of a single tree trunk. The style combines the advantages of Western roofs and Eastern round roofs. The interior of the house is dome-style. There is a ventilation chimney on the top of the roof, and there are support windows on three sides that can be closed and pushed.

The body of the house is a tree trunk, and the bark on the outside is kept intact. It is hollowed out in the middle to create a natural tree hole, with two door leaves, both opening outwards.

The tree hole is about two feet away from the ground. A section of tree was used to make a rectangular platform and steps outside the door, and a railing was enclosed around it.

After building the tree house, Leyun laid soft spiritual grass hay in the center of the tree hole, then spread a layer of quilts, and then spread soft sheep skins. A warm and comfortable nest was arranged in the center of the tree hole, and the egg was carried into the tree hole and allowed to hatch naturally in the nest.

In order to make the living environment of the baby beast more comfortable, Leyun piled up several piles of spiritual stones, spiritual crystals, spiritual marrow, several kinds of jade, more than a dozen kinds of ores, and several piles of fine iron around the den.

I put some items and stayed in the tree hole room for a while to sense the temperature and smell, and I felt quite comfortable.

The incubation room is set up, and it depends on when the baby iron-eating beast will be born.

Le Yun was not in a hurry about this. She had not been anxious before when she had not found the iron-eating beast. Now that she had found the iron-eating beast's egg, there was no need to be anxious. The baby beast would break out of its shell when it was time.

After setting up a small nest for his future beast companion, he naturally felt at ease.

Student Le Xiao walked out of the tree house with her little hands on her back. She closed half of the door at the door and left the other half open to keep the tree hole ventilated, light, bright and comfortable.

After that, he sat on the edge of the deserted land and observed the eating progress of Fen Yue, that naughty kid.

In order to advance to the next level, Fenyue was busy absorbing the essence of Taiyan, so that she could not hear what was going on outside her body.

After sitting all night, based on the data she collected, Le Yun guessed that it would take at least half a year for the naughty kid to absorb [-]% of the energy of Taiyan Essence.

Half a year is the time to absorb energy, and it is unknown how long it will take Fenyue to perfectly integrate the essence of Taiyan into his own power.

Le Xiaololi roughly estimated the time it would take Fenyue to absorb energy, and returned to the aircraft to inspect her spiritual plant space.

The little creatures take great care of their home and take good care of it. They take turns planting crops in the planting areas and collecting flowers, fruits, and seeds in each area.

After wandering around in the spirit plant space, the little loli wandered back to the tabletop beside the mountain spirit lake.

The little creatures planted themselves in the soil at night, and went to collect some dewdrops in the morning. They saw the little fairy's little spirit boat flying by, and they quickly returned to the wishful house.

Xuan Shaoyan worked hard day and night to build a jade Arhat couch, and he was still striving for perfection and decorating some tiny corners.

The little loli came back. The two young masters put away their tools, cleaned the Ruyi floor, washed their hands, and set the table for dinner.

Mian Dou, who was having dinner on the table for the first time, was filled with happiness knowing that he was a chef who could cook spiritual meals.

It was so lively that after having a meal, I felt relaxed.

"My lord is a spiritual chef, he's so awesome!"

"My lord can make spiritual meals, and your contracted friends will be able to eat delicious food every day from now on..."

The proud Mianwawa chatted non-stop with his friends, showing off that he was a master of spiritual food, and that he would be blessed with delicious food in the future.

Zhihua, Lanwa, and others smiled but said nothing, and did not tear down the troubles. Similarly, Lingzhi doll had a difficult life. Mianwa finally had support and was happy, so they did not try to make trouble.

Mr. Xuan wanted to facepalm, little cutie, the adults of the cuties around you are the top spiritual chefs!
Young Master Yan has no right to laugh at Young Master Xuan. Young Master Xuan has a spiritual plant doll, but he does not have the right to laugh at Young Master Xuan.

The little loli allowed the little creatures to speak freely and talk about their own schedules.

Her arrangement was very simple. First, she went to the Wanzhen Tower to exchange for the items she liked, and then the two handsome guys took their contracted beasts to the Enlightenment Tower for retreat and practice.

She will go to several places by herself, then come back to meet up with the two handsome guys, and then go to the Heritage Valley to try her luck together. If the secret realm has not expired after going to the Heritage Valley, she will go outside the Safe City to broaden her horizons.

Yan Shaoxuan has no objection. Although he really wants to go to the safety city with the little loli to learn more, his strength is too weak. When he goes to the safety city, he shrinks in the magic weapon and can't do anything at all.

Following the little loli will not only not help, but may also delay you. Instead of doing that, it is better to go to the training tower to practice in seclusion to improve your strength.

Mr. Xuan's cultivation level was still low, and he was worried that other monks would find out that he was bringing the spiritual plant doll with him, so he would be tempted to rob it, so the cotton doll was temporarily placed in the little Loli's spiritual plant space.

There is a group of similar people in Lingzhi Space, and Mian Doll is naturally happy to obey the arrangement.

After discussing the plan, Diamond Ape Long-eared Bear, Water Escape Eagle Sheng and Baiyin got into the brother's spirit animal bag again. Master Xuan was afraid of wronging his cotton doll, so he left a spiritual meal and fresh fruit for the little cutie.

Le Yun took the two handsome boys back to the spirit boat first, and then moved the calabash dolls, the orchid dolls, the kui dolls, the medicine dolls, the rock dolls, and the white jade dolls out of the spiritual plant space.

Yan Shaoxuan and Calabash Boy got out the magic weapon first and waited outside. The five little creatures got off the spirit boat and stayed in the golden lotus magic weapon.

Le Yun moved the tree house where the iron-eating beast's eggs lived to the bow of the spirit boat, then stuffed the spirit boat into her sleeves, flew out the magic weapon, then closed the defense of the golden lotus magic weapon, shrunk it and placed it on her shoulder.

The three men and one beast walked towards the steward at the entrance of the stairs.

The team that chased the female cultivators from Wanbao Pond to Wanzhen Pagoda the day before, some went into Wanzhen Pagoda early in the morning, and some were still on the first floor.

Several teams guarding the first floor, seeing the female cultivator finally showing up, put away their wish-fulfilling rooms or magic weapons, and calmly walked towards the stewards.

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