magic eye doctor

Chapter 3191

Little Loli and her companions walked to the long table of the stewards, politely saluted the stewards, and then explained that she and her group were going to climb the tower and inquired about the rules of Wanzhen Tower.

The stewards answered all questions, talked about a few unwritten rules, took small baskets from the big baskets and distributed them to a team, with each creature holding one.

The small basket is a special storage device. Its shape and function are similar to the mining baskets in the mine management offices of various cities, except that it lacks mining tools.

No matter which tribe the creature is from, all space instruments will be locked after entering the second floor of the Wanzhen Tower. If you pick any items in the tower, put them into the special storage bag provided by the Wanzhen Tower and go to the first floor to settle the matter.

Xuan Shaoyan and Shao Gourd Baby don’t have to worry about anything, just follow the steps of the little loli/little fairy.

Taking the small basket, the three people and one animal climbed up the stairs calmly and calmly.

The Wanzhen Tower is a magic weapon, and the stairs are actually made of metal. Due to the high level of the magic weapon, it gives the impression that the entire tower is a mixed structure of brick and wood, and the stairs are made of wooden floors.

Illusions are illusions, but the stairs are really one step at a time. There are [-] steps in total from the first floor to the second floor.

Not to mention anything else, climbing the stairs is also a small test.

At the end of the stairs is a golden door, and entering the door is the second floor.

The second floor has the same form as the first floor. There is no other infrastructure, only a huge pillar reaching the sky in the middle.

There are no shelves on the second floor. All items are placed in small space-shaped magic weapons. The bottom of the small magic weapon is an orange cloud and the top is a round ball. It looks like a transparent ball placed on a cloud.

The light ball of the orange cloud magic weapon is about one foot wide, and there is a label attached, which indicates the name of the item, the focus/weight, and the immortal point.

The small magic weapons containing items can be suspended in the air, and they are stacked like stacks of Arhats.

The huge pillar in the center of the second floor is surrounded by a circle of magic weapon light groups. There are also magic weapon light groups stacked against the wall. Other light groups are stacked in rows like shelves, with the rows spaced about eight feet wide.

The second floor is the home of ore materials. The lowest mine is also a spiritual ore, and there are also some god-level ores.

Rare ores are divided into small portions, such as one piece, several pieces, or several kilograms, which is probably enough to refine a magic weapon.

Breaking it into parts, the price remains the same, but the portion is smaller, so the total price is naturally less. Most monks can afford one or two portions.

When Zhiwei saw the situation on the second floor, he knew that the same was true for the floors above.

When Young Master Xuan Shaoyan arrived on the second floor, he felt extremely friendly. Isn't the sales style in Wanzhen Tower the same as the self-selected shopping mall in their hometown?
Shopping in a place like this makes you truly feel at home.

The two young masters just took a look at the many types of minerals they dug in the dark world. After a cursory glance, they found that they already had more than a dozen types of minerals.

The little loli's target was not on the lower floor, so she naturally didn't visit the second floor. She walked directly between the stacked magic balls and went to the stairs to the third floor.

There is also a golden door at the entrance to the third floor. Through the light door is the hall. The form of the hall on the third floor is the same as that on the second floor.

The second floor is for ores, and the third floor is for talisman-making materials and some formation materials, including the most primitive raw materials and some semi-finished products.

Young Master Xuan Shaoyan made an agreement with his friends to look at each floor first and then go back to choose items, so he didn't stop and went over again.

Since the secret realm has been open for less than ten years, most of the monks from all races are still busy doing tasks to earn immortal points or points. Those monks who are targeted go straight to their goals. Currently, there are very few monks coming to Wanzhen Pagoda.

If so, then first check to see what magic weapons or rare treasures there are in the Wanzhen Tower, and then do tasks to earn fairy points. If you earn enough, you can redeem them as soon as possible.

There are monks on the second and third floors, and there are only three or two kittens.

Little Loli and her group climbed the steps and entered the fourth floor in one breath.

The fourth floor of Wan Zhen Tower is full of magic weapons, and they are attack and weapon type magic weapons.

The fifth floor is also a magic weapon, all of which are defensive magic weapons, including robes, formation disks, etc.

The three people and the beast still didn't stop, they passed the fourth and fifth floors and went straight to the sixth floor.

They didn't stop all the way, and the several teams that followed them to the tower, fearing that the blatant tracking would be annoying, climbed to the second floor, stayed for a while, and then went up to the third floor.

When we got to the third floor, we found no one there. When we went to the fourth floor, we still couldn't find the female cultivator, so we had to go to the fifth floor.

When they reached the fifth floor, Le Xiaoluoli and her friends had already passed through the sixth floor and climbed to the seventh floor.

The sixth floor of Wan Zhen Pagoda is full of spiritual plants and immortal grass.

Little Lolita loves spiritual plants the most. Young Master Xuan Shaoyan thought that Little Lolita would browse around on the sixth floor first, but she didn't know that she didn't stop for a moment and continued to climb to the higher floors.

The seventh level is spiritual food, spiritual rice, and a large number of spiritual fruits.

The group skipped it again and climbed to the eighth floor.

The eighth floor is divided into two parts, one is for elixirs, and the other is a collection of treasures from the first six floors, including high-level magic weapons, talismans, fairy fruits, spiritual objects, etc.

Gourd Baby's sharp eyes saw a familiar name - Chunhua Qiushi Peach.

Let’s look at the price. Oh my god, a longevity peach costs 9000 million cents.

The joy of being alone is not as good as the joy of everyone. Calabash Boy decisively told the little fairy and the two brothers what he saw: "Look, there are spring flowers and autumn peach fruits there."

Xuan Shaoyan raised his eyes and saw a magic weapon containing a big peach among a group of magic balls. When he saw the price, he exclaimed: "Mother, it's so expensive!"

The five little creatures also saw the price of the longevity peach, and their faces were shocked: "Oh, the five of us have enough immortal points to buy one peach!"

"Eating a longevity peach will extend your life for thousands of years. The longevity peach is priceless in the spiritual world, and the immortals in the fairy world can't just eat it if they want. Things are rare and valuable.

And if you go mining and mine for about 40 to 9000 years, you should be able to get [-] to [-] million cents. This price is quite reasonable. "

Le Yun gave the most fair evaluation. The importance of the longevity peach is self-evident to some monks who are stuck at a certain level and cannot be promoted, and their longevity is approaching.

"It still feels so expensive." The little creature felt heartbroken when he thought about spending all his immortal points in exchange for a peach.

Calabash Boy grinned happily, no matter it was expensive or cheap, they didn't have to buy it anyway. The little fairy planted longevity peaches, and they could eat them if they wanted in the future.

Xuan Shaoyan admired other items, no matter which item in the magic weapon he looked at, they all boiled down to one word - expensive!

No matter what kind of item it is on the eighth floor, the minimum starting price is 5000 million cents points. There are several magic weapons containing spiritual objects with labels indicating the quantity of only one drop, and the price is 2000 million cents points.

What's even more outrageous is something called "jade marrow". Only one drop is priced at [-] million cents.

This is not the most outrageous thing. What is even more outrageous is a thing called "Wood God Essence" with a price tag of 19 billion cents!

The more Yan Shaoxuan saw, the more frightened he became. The Immortal Points they had worked so hard to mine for two and a half years were not enough to buy a drop of Jade Spiritual Essence on the eighth floor of Wanzhen Tower. Speaking of which, looking at the monks of all races who entered the secret realm this time, there must be only a handful of people who can afford the spiritual object called "Wood Divine Essence".

The little Loli has enough Immortal Points to buy a drop of Wood Divine Essence, but I don’t know if she will spend a lot of money on that kind of spiritual object that has no known function.

There were no other monks on the eighth floor. Master Xuan touched Little Loli's elbow: "Little beauty, what is that wood marrow? Do you want to take it?"

"Wood Spirit Marrow Wood Spirit Marrow is a wood-attribute spiritual object that combines the law power and vitality of the wood element. Only the Immortal Lord and higher-level immortals can afford the Wood Spirit Marrow. A little shrimp like me Any amount as big as a grain of wheat will explode and kill you. There is no need for it at this stage. I hold it like a child holding gold to get through the busy city."

Le Yun was unmoved. The light ball she caught in Wanbao Pond contained the wood god marrow, and there were three pieces in total, compressed into liquid, and the smallest piece was more than twenty drops.

"?!" Mr. Xuan selectively made himself speechless. The wood marrow turned out to be such a high-level spiritual creature! It should be extremely rare, so why is it still being sold in Wan Zhen Pagoda?
Leyun asked the two handsome guys and Calabash Baby to continue to the ninth floor.

"There are obviously no stairs, how can we get to the ninth floor?" Yan Xing was puzzled. He had already seen that there was no staircase going up to the eighth floor.

"You two entered the magic weapon." Le Yun didn't want to explain. These two handsome guys had limited luck. They couldn't see the door to the ninth floor.

Yan Shaoxuan didn't hesitate and stepped into the golden lotus magic weapon that little Loli put on his shoulder.

Calabash Baby happily followed the little fairy, passed through several rows of magic balls, and passed through the screened door. Behind the door was the stairs to the ninth floor.

Er Shaomo, as a person who has no destiny, silence is the best way to express your feelings!

The ninth floor of the Wan Zhen Pagoda also only has light groups. The light groups are all pale golden balls. Each ball has a talisman attached to it. The talisman only has a number and no other information.

When they reached the ninth floor, Yan Shaoxuan also remembered that the stewards on the first floor said that if you were destined to enter the ninth floor, each item would cost only one million immortal points.

If he is still destined to enter a higher level, he is the destined person of Wanzhen Pagoda. Whatever he can take away with him is his, and there is no need to spend any more immortal points.

The two released their spiritual consciousness to look for the stairs to the higher level, but unfortunately, there was none!

Calabash Baby was also looking for the stairs, but unfortunately he couldn't find them.

There are not many golden light groups on the ninth floor, they are all scattered on the ground, and there are still a lot of free spaces.

To outsiders looking at the excitement, Young Master Xuan, Yan Shao, and the Calabash Boys could only see groups of golden light, while Le Yun, an expert, frowned deeply at what she saw.

There are two types of light clusters in the hall on the ninth floor of Wanzhen Tower. One is a layer of golden light on the outside, and a small space magic weapon containing items inside, that is, the small orange cloud magic weapon that contains items on the previous floors.

The second type is wrapped with a layer of golden light clusters, and inside are various colored light clusters like the treasure light clusters in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pool.

Le Yun was thoughtful, walking and observing, passing through the golden light without saying a word, dragging the gourd baby into the invisible door with one hand, and walked up the stairs to the tenth floor.

Calabash Baby couldn't find where the door was, and he wasn't at all sad. Even if he had a delicate heart, it didn't mean he could see through everything.

There are only light groups on the tenth level, and the light groups are the same as the light groups in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pool. They are colorful. That layer of light is also the power of time.

The light group on the tenth floor either comes from the Ten Thousand Treasure Pool, or comes from a higher level.

Some of the brightly colored light groups were floating in the air and touching the ceiling, some were floating in the air, and some were resting on the floor.

When Young Master Xuan Shaoyan saw the colorful light group, he exclaimed: "The light group here is the same as the one in Wanbao Pool!"

"The light group is actually the same as the one in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond!"

The little creatures were also so surprised that they opened their eyes wide and stretched their necks to look around.

Le Yun placed the golden lotus magic weapon on the ground: "The light group here maintains the same original appearance as the light group in the Ten Thousand Treasures Pool. You can find the treasure that is destined for you based on your feeling or intuition.

Remember, you only have one chance. You can only pick up the light group that telepathically connects with you, or that you intuitively have a connection with.

If you can hold it, it's your chance. If you can't, it means it's not yours. Whether you return empty-handed or with treasure depends on your luck. "

Knowing that she still had a chance to catch the treasure, Yanwa Lingzhiwa excitedly rushed out of the golden lotus magic weapon. Yan Shaoxuan was also happy, jumped out of the magic weapon, and looked for a place to stay to sense it.

The calabash kid ran away with the little creatures, went to the area with the most light groups, sat down in the gap, released his consciousness, and searched carefully for the light group that resonated with his soul.

Xuan Shaoyan and Shao Yan took separate actions, each finding a place to sit on the ground and calm down to feel the feelings.

The little creatures and the handsome Calabash Boy went looking for treasures. Le Yun left behind the golden lotus magic weapon and the storage basket, walked slowly through most of the hall, and entered the invisible door again.

The door leading from the tenth floor to the eleventh floor is not a formal door, but a vortex.

Passing through the vortex and climbing up the stairs to the 11th floor, the door into the hall is still in the shape of a vortex, and the huge hall on the [-]th floor is empty except for the giant pillar in the center.

Le Yun walked calmly to the whirlpool door that was also invisible, passed through the whirlpool, and stepped onto the stairs that were quietly waiting for people to visit.

Climb the stairs and pass through a vortex gate of heaven and earth energy at the end, which is the No. 12 floor of Wanzhen Tower.

Floor No. 12 is also the top floor of the tower. There is no big pillar holding the sky in the center of the hall. The floor and surrounding walls are covered with divine symbols, and there is a large vortex in the center of the sky-shaped ceiling.

The spiritual color of the big vortex is interposed between white and black, and it looks chaotic.

The ceiling around the vortex is also engraved with divine forbidden runes.

There are no open windows on the 12th floor. Except for the passage downstairs, other places are covered with runes.

The floor on the top floor is scattered with a large number of colorful light groups. Some light groups are floating in the air like clouds, and some light groups are touching the ceiling.

"That's it!" Seeing the vortex on the top of the tower, Le Yun understood.

The Wanbao Pool is closely related to the Wanzhen Pagoda. The Wanbao Pool is above the clouds on the top of the Wanzhen Pagoda. The center of the hanging upside down Wanbao Pool is facing the Wanzhen Pagoda.

Those light clusters from the time and space in the Wanbao Pond will fall into the top floor of Wanzhen Tower at a certain time, and then enter the No. 11 floor through the vortex at certain intervals.

The magic weapon group that falls on the 11th floor will be transferred to the [-]th floor after a certain number of years.

This number of years should be the period between the two openings of the secret realm.

After the secret realm was opened, all forces in the God Realm entered the secret realm first, arranged a safe city in advance, and also took away some of the magic weapons on the tenth floor of Wanzhen Tower.

The magic treasure groups taken away by various forces can basically be divided into two parts. One part is distributed by them according to their work, and the other small parts are placed on the ninth floor and the Wanzhen Tower.

Some of the magic treasure light clusters placed on the ninth floor are unopened magic treasure light clusters, and various forces in the God Realm have wrapped another layer with fairy energy;
The other part is that various forces removed the power of time from the magic weapon light group. After they sorted it out, they packed the remaining items with low value with space magic weapons and wrapped them with a layer of fairy power, and put them together on the ninth floor to make up for the damage. .

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