magic eye doctor

Chapter 3192

Le Yun studied the numbers of the golden light clusters on the ninth floor of Wanzhen Tower and noticed an anomaly. The numbers were different, and the beginnings of the codes were different.

All the golden light clusters that have been opened are numbered starting with [-] and [-], while those that have not been unpacked are numbered with [-] and [-].

When she was on the ninth floor, she also guessed that the items contained in the space magic weapons were some of the items sent from the outside world to the secret realm of Wanzhen Tower by various forces in the God Realm.

Now, reaching the top, Le Yun overturned her previous guesses.

The number of the light group on the ninth floor is actually a secret code created by various forces in the God Realm.

Probably all the forces in the God Realm also want to save face and want to take care of their own forces but not be too blatant, so they took a different approach and worked hard on the numbering of the magic weapon group and set up secret codes with serial numbers.

Whenever a team from the God Realm enters the secret realm and selects treasures on the ninth floor of the Wanzhen Tower, they only need to pick the light clusters with numbers starting with one, two, and one three, and they can pick the most original treasure cluster from the Wanbao Pool.

The various forces in the God Realm bully all races from all walks of life without knowing the inside story, and engage in secret operations openly.

After guessing the reason, Le Yun sneered, Ha! It's a secret operation, right? This time we have to make them vomit blood!

Even if other tribes from the outside world knew the secret, they would probably have to pretend to be deaf and dumb. Of course, the monks from other tribes would not be able to do anything even if they wanted to.

She is different.

She has a pair of plug-like eyes that can identify treasures, and there is also the plug-in in the star core space. She possesses two major plug-ins. She knows that there is a shady plot and does not fight back. She is not the kind of Le Yun who must retaliate.

Not only would she make certain forces so angry that they vomit three liters of blood, but she would also make them knock out their teeth and swallow the blood, leaving them dumb.

Determined to make some behind-the-scenes operations guys in the God Realm so angry that they vomit blood, Le Yun stopped being polite and turned on the scanning function of her eyes to analyze which items in the light group were the most precious.

After scanning the light clusters in an area, he immediately took action and pulled out the light clusters containing immortal and divine grade spiritual objects, high-grade fairy grass and fairy fruits, and divine grade magic weapons, and threw them into the star core space one by one.

Regardless of whether you know them or not, as long as the light of the treasure is similar to the fairy-level spiritual objects you know, they will be taken away.

Even the fire crystal wood soul, spiritual jade paste and other types of spiritual objects were not spared, and they were all put into his pocket.

What a good thing, who can have too much?

Some things you don’t need yourself can give them away later.

While sweeping, the little Loli secretly planned to wait until the end of the secret realm to go to the Wanbao Pond to fish again and get all the good things back.

I believe that after her efforts, the level and number of the remaining treasures in the Wanbao Pool and Wanzhen Tower will drop like a cliff.

It is also foreseeable that when the secret realm is opened next time, the expressions of some forces when they open the blind box again will be very exciting.

After imagining the mood of certain forces in the God Realm the next time the secret realm was reopened, Le Yun was sincerely happy and harvested the light balls as fast as sweeping away goods.

He walked back and forth several times, searching every corner of the hall on the 12th floor, and even picked up hundreds of light balls like fairy magic weapons.

After pulling all the most valuable spiritual objects and magical light groups in the tower hall on the 12th floor into her pocket, Le Yun stopped with satisfaction and went downstairs to the tenth floor.

A group of friends who stayed on the tenth floor looking for the baby were all busy with their own business. Young Master Xuan and Yan were still looking for their fate in the vast light, while Calabash Baby had already taken back his baby.

Yao Doll has also found his destiny, and the other four are still on the way to search.

Returning to the tenth floor of the tower, Le Yun walked to the place where the golden lotus magic weapon was placed. Looking at the two children, one big and one small, holding the light ball in the golden lotus, she couldn't help laughing.

Well done Calabash Boy, he found a good opportunity this time. There was actually a piece of wood marrow in his ball of light!

This also proves that Calabash Baby is somewhat lucky.

Yao Doll is not bad either. The light ball he found is a wooden heart.

When the two children, one big and one small, saw the little fairy, they happily offered their treasures: "Little fairy, my opportunity has come to me!"

"Well done! This harvest will be placed here with the golden lotus magic weapon." Le Yun walked forward with a smile and let the magic weapon fly slowly in the air.

Calabash doll and medicine doll were sitting in the magic weapon, holding a ball of light and having fun.

The little Loli carrying the golden lotus magic weapon walked to Lan Wawa.

Lan Wawa also found his own opportunity, but it was on the ceiling and he couldn't fly or reach it.

Just when I was anxious, the little fairy came.

Seeing the little fairy, Lanwa ran over and hugged the little fairy's thigh, pointing to a ball of light on the roof: "Little fairy, this is my fate, but I can't fly."

Le Yun picked up the little guy and put it on her shoulders. She took him flying into the air and let him get the light ball by himself.

Lanwa stretched out her arms and hugged the ball of light, then jumped into the golden lotus magic weapon that followed. Brother Paoguo and Yaowa sat opposite each other.

It was their own opportunity that no one else could take. The three children put the light balls together and touched this one and that one, smiling happily.

Helping the Lan doll to retrieve the ball of light, Le Xiaoxiao took a slow walk and wandered to the other three little dolls.

The golden doll's fateful light ball was in mid-air. He was carried back to the golden lotus magic weapon by the little fairy. He stood in the magic weapon and took back one of his own light balls.

Kui Wawa searched most of the hall and finally found a light group that was connected to her.

The white jade doll was still looking for it in the vast ball of light. Mr. Xuan also sensed it and searched for it in the hall.

One person and one baby, they searched and found the same area. After searching here and there for a while, the white baby picked up one of the balls of light on the ground, slipped back to the little fairy, and met its little friend.

Mr. Xuan looked left and west. After a long while, he found that his opportunity was mixed in a bunch of light balls on the ceiling. He flew up and took the light ball down.

Young Master Yan has not made any move, so Young Master Xuan decisively looks for an organization to stay with the little creatures.

The little Loli walked around and studied the distribution of light groups in the entire hall. She knew which light groups contained high-level items and which ones were ordinary spiritual objects and magic weapons.

Before handsome guy Yan didn't take action, she didn't rush to take action and found a place to sit down.

The luck of Young Master Yan's handsome guy is really average. No matter what he does, he rarely gets the upper hand, even when looking for opportunities in the light group.

He sat there for a whole day. When the sun set outside the tower and the light inside the tower dimmed, he felt something. He stood up and looked for his chance.

The handsome young monk searched most of the hall before picking out a gold, red and purple light group from the light groups floating in the air.

Finally gaining something, Young Master Yan held the ball of light, ran to Little Loli, and slipped into the golden lotus magic weapon.

"Handsome Xuan Shaoyan, let your contract partner come out and give it a try." Le Yun still sat still and put forward her own suggestion.

"Is it okay?" Mr. Xuan hesitated. "Theory is okay."

"That's fine."

Master Xuan happily summoned the three contract beast companions who were in the spirit beast bag.

Young Master Yan also called out his three contract beast partners and asked them to find their own opportunities.

The three beasts got out of the spirit beast bags and ran out of the golden lotus magic weapon in a hurry. They dispersed into the hall and sat down to feel it.

After the sun sets, the light inside the Wanzhen Tower becomes darker and darker. When night falls, it is dark outside the tower. The hall on the tenth floor is colorful due to the light cluster, like a world under the aurora.

The gourd baby and the little creatures went to bed on time at Haishi. Young Master Yan Xuan was sweating for his contracted beast. He was not willing to practice on his own, so he just sat back and waited for the results.

This wait lasted all night.

The six beasts sat quietly all night, until in the morning, Shui Dun was the first to feel something. Using his induction, he found a light group among the piles of light groups.

He carried the light ball back to the golden lotus magic weapon, and successfully took the light ball into the spirit beast bag.

My beast finally got off to a good start, but Young Master Yan was very excited.

After the water escape, the long-eared bear also found an opportunity.

The King Kong Ape brothers and the White-sounding Eagle didn't sense the sound one after another until half of the day. By the time the last beast carried the light ball back, it was already dusk of another day.

The opportunity to get the contracted beast was free. No matter what the light group released in the future, it would be an unexpected surprise. Young Master Xuan was particularly excited.

The contracted beasts of the two handsome guys also got a light ball each. Le Yun opened the defensive array with the golden lotus magic weapon, and set up a layer of spiritual consciousness and spiritual power shield to prevent the creatures in the magic weapon from peeking into the outside world.

Young Master Xuan and Young Master suddenly lost sight of the situation in the hall, and were shocked. Why did the little Lolita block them?

Mr. Xuan asked Calabash Boy: "Xiao Guozi, can you see outside?"

"No." Calabash Baby answered honestly.

"Why is the little beauty blocking us?"

"If you want to know why, you can ask the little fairy afterwards."

"I'm afraid of being dealt with by your little fairy."

"Then don't be curious."

"..." Mr. Xuan had a resentful look on his face. How could he be so stupid!

Young Master Yan lowered his eyes and said nothing. Little Loli blocked them all, or someone was coming and she might want to talk to someone, and she didn't want them to know.

Or there may be something going on on the tenth floor, and for their safety, the little Loli doesn't want them to know the inside story.

There were speculations in his mind, but there was no way to verify them. Young Master Yan maintained the principle of keeping silent and said nothing.

The little Lolita who was given the guesswork was busy picking up light balls.

Time in the time and space is static. Whether it is a living body or an object that enters the time and space, it is wrapped by the power of time. It is a seal and another kind of protection.

The time power of hexagram seal items also has a certain period of time. Under natural conditions, the minimum period is 9 years, usually 36, 45 years or 72 years. A longer period may be 81 years or 100 million years, or maybe More than ten million years.

If someone interferes artificially, uses a special method to remove the power of time, or takes the items affected by the power of time away from a certain area, the power of time will naturally disappear.

For example, once the light group caught from Wanbao Pond is taken out of the secret realm, the power of time will naturally disappear.

By inferring the intensity of the power of time, Le Yun roughly estimated that the light group on the tenth floor of the Wanzhen Tower was between 10 and 72 years away from the expiration date of its power of time seal.

To sum up, if it is a certain divine spiritual object, the sealing period is usually 72 years. For a living spiritual object like a cotton doll, the sealing period is at least 100 million years.

Those light clusters that are sealed by the power of time gathered in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond can only be picked up or fished by those who are destined to do so.

The same is true for the light group in the hall on the 12th floor of Wanzhen Tower.

Of course, there are exceptions. One situation is that a god-level power can take the light group of items sealed by the power of time at any time;
Also, as long as one has thoroughly understood the law of time and the law of life, he can easily pick up items sealed by the power of time, regardless of his level of cultivation.

The second type is that when the sealing period of an item sealed by the power of light reaches the last hundred years, its power of time is weakened, the light group becomes lighter, and Daluo Immortal can also pick it up.

Because the light group that is about to be sealed has become lighter, all the forces in the God Realm have the opportunity to enter the Wanzhen Tower and take away part of the light group from the tenth floor before the secret realm is opened.

The light group left on the tenth level has not been sealed by the power of time for the last hundred years. It cannot be taken by those who are not destined to be able to take it, so it has not been divided up by various forces in the divine world.

Of course, when the secret realm opens next time, the sealing period of many light groups will also reach the last hundred years, and they will still fall into the hands of various forces in the God Realm.

Thinking that most of the good things would eventually be cheaper for certain forces, Le Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable, so he showed no mercy when picking up the light balls. As long as there were items of better quality in the light balls, he would put them all into his pocket.

After her sweeping operation, which was comparable to that of locusts passing through, three-fifths of the light group in the hall on the tenth floor was gone, and the remaining light group seemed sparse.

After observing her masterpiece, Le Yun finally felt less aggrieved and calmly walked to the hidden vortex door holding a colorful ball of light.

After a while of silence, he drew a talisman with his spiritual consciousness, and then merged into the vortex.

Quietly leaving a hidden hand, passing through the vortex as if nothing happened,

When he reached the stairwell between the tenth and ninth floors, he immediately removed the spiritual shielding and defensive array of the golden lotus magic weapon, then threw the light ball in his hand into the golden lotus magic weapon, and at the same time transmitted the sound to the handsome guy and the beasts. .

"We are going to the ninth floor now. When we get to the ninth floor, don't choose the light group yourself. Ask me to choose for you." The handsome guy and the beasts are their partners, how can they spend their immortal points unjustly.

Finally, when the magic weapon barrier disappeared, Young Master Xuan Yan and the beasts didn't have time to see anything. They heard the voice transmission from the little Lolita/Little Fairy and nodded happily.
The little loli/fairy is willing to help them choose the light group, which is a great thing.

The light ball that the little fairy threw into the magic weapon rolled around and was not far away from her. The white jade doll ran over and pushed it, hoping to push it into the pile of light balls among the friends to join in the fun.

However, he tried again and again, and even if he tried his best, the ball of light would not move at all!
This is very bullying.

The white jade doll was furious, blowing his beard angrily and glaring: "Hmph, I know you are the little fairy's treasure, and I don't want to take it away from you. I just want you to move, so you can't move?
I am also the little fairy's little treasure, and you are so stingy if you don't even give me this little face! "

The orchid dolls looked at the white jade doll happily, and the white jade doll was angry with a ball of light. It was purely "beating a child on a cloudy day - idleness is idleness".

The friends who had nothing to do moved their light balls next to the little fairy's light ball, and then compared with interest whose light ball was the brightest and colorful.

The two young men and the beasts were having a heated discussion, and the little Loli walked downstairs, passed through the shielded vortex door, and entered the ninth floor.

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