magic eye doctor

Chapter 3193 Picking Treasures

A group of friends who stayed in the Golden Lotus Magic Weapon returned to the ninth floor when they saw the scenery change, stopped their discussion, and looked at the ninth floor for any changes.

The sun outside the tower has set, and the light inside the tower has also dimmed, and the golden light group is particularly bright.

There are five monks on the ninth floor. One team is in groups of three, one is in groups of two, and one is in the east and the other is in the north. Visually, they are from different teams.

The team of two was relatively close to the hidden door on the tenth floor, and they were all surprised when they saw the female cultivator appearing out of thin air.

The two monks reacted quickly. After being surprised, they apologized to the female cultivator from a distance, then calmly turned away and picked out the light clusters around their eyes.

Le Yun never thought about covering up her whereabouts to a higher level, so she naturally didn't care about being discovered coming down from the tenth floor, so she lowered the golden lotus magic weapon.

Xuan Shaoyan and Calabash Boy threw down their light balls, ran to pick up a small basket each, jumped from the magic weapon to the floor, and walked into the light ball with joy on their faces.

The five little creatures each grabbed a small basket, sat in a row, put the small basket in front of themselves, and rolled their eyes to scan the light group, looking excited.

The expressions of the two handsome guys and the little creatures were natural, and Le Yun also calmly walked into a bunch of light balls, pulling on this one and touching that one, pretending to be carefully selecting and tangled.

After many observations and spiritual consciousness contact tests, it was found that the number on the Golden Light Group label was engraved with spiritual consciousness, and no distinguishing marks or aura were left in the numbered numbers.

In other words, if you cover the label and prevent the number from being seen, even if the immortals who originally carved the number are present, no one can tell which light group's deceptive number was carved by them.

That discovery made the little Loli smile silently.

After finding the loophole, she felt great. While pressing some light groups to observe, she quietly did some tricks - secretly changing some numbers silently.

The light group that originally started with [-] or [-] became [-] or [-], and the number that originally started with [-] or [-] became [-] or [-].

He quietly changed the numbers of several light groups, picked one and threw it into the small basket of a little creature, then picked up another one and threw it into the little basket of another little creature.

The rock dolls Lingzhiwa sat in a row, holding their own little baskets, smiling so hard that their eyes narrowed into lines.

After digging around in a bunch of light balls for a while, the little Loli changed places again with an expression that seemed to be seriously sensing, and went to pick and choose among the new light balls.

When she went to the tenth floor through the ninth floor, she had already scanned all the light groups in the entire hall. Not only did she know which light groups contained light groups sealed by the power of time, but also which light groups contained items carried by small magic weapons.

Even through the color of the light group of the power of time, one can know which items in the light group are of high value and which ones are of low value.

Because I know the distribution of light clusters in the hall very well, I naturally feel confident when choosing.

Le Xiaololi is not afraid of others picking out certain light clusters. Anyone who chooses blindly can pick out high-value light clusters. That is their chance and luck.

The small team of three people only noticed that someone else had arrived on the ninth floor when they found Nascent Soul carrying a basket. They also became more cautious and secretly wondered how the newcomers would choose the light group.

However, the result was very disappointing. The two little Nascent Souls looked here and there, picking and picking for a long time but failed to pick out a single light group.

Just when they were discouraged, the two Nascent Souls ran to another little female cultivator. They didn't make any choices themselves and let the little female cultivator make the decision for them.

The three-person team sensed that the young female cultivator only had the cultivation of golden elixir. Just when they were disapproving of it, they suddenly saw five little dolls and several colorful light groups in a magic weapon following the young female cultivator. They were caught off guard and their pupils were shocked.

The trio suddenly lost their composure and watched as the little female cultivator casually picked up two light balls from the pile of golden lights, weighed them, and threw one of them into the basket in front of the little creature in the magic weapon.

The little female cultivator's movement in selecting the light group was casual and... extremely straightforward, without much entanglement or thinking at all.

The trio's eyes followed the little female cultivator, watching as she picked up a ball of light here and threw it to the little creatures, then touched and picked up a ball of light there, just as casually as a mortal picking cabbage on the street. Pick the light group.

When they went from being shocked to not knowing how to express their feelings to being calm, new doubts popped up in their minds - how many immortal points did the little female cultivator and her companions have?
The items on the ninth floor of the tower cost 100 million points each.

They saw with their own eyes that the little female cultivator selected about six or seven light groups for each little creature, but the little female cultivator still didn't take it. Doesn't it mean that each little creature's immortal points are likely to exceed tens of millions?
The trio continued to screen the light group silently, and secretly paid attention to the little female cultivator.

Under their gazes, the little Loli picked several more light balls for the five little creatures, making the number of light balls in the small basket total fifteen.

Ten light groups are equivalent to paying 500 million immortal points.

Each of the five little creatures has more than 2000 million fairy points. In addition to 500 million, there are still several million fairy points. Those are reserved for the little creatures to choose treasures on other floors.

The rock dolls, Lingzhi and the other children had no objection and did not pick up the golden light balls in the small basket. They put the basket aside and watched the little fairy select the light balls for the two brothers and Guozi brother.

The little loli was still as casual as ever, picking out a few balls of light here and throwing them into the baskets of the two handsome guys and Calabash Baby, and picking up balls of light randomly there again.

She looked like she didn't care about picking up things casually, and the two Nascent Souls and the humanoid beast showed happy expressions that they would not refuse anyone who came, and I would take whatever you threw at them.

Not only did the trio feel heartbroken, but even the duo's eyes twitched. Then, the trio and the duo were stunned. The little female cultivator, Nascent Soul, and the humanoid beast picked out dozens of golden light groups and they were not done yet!

How many immortal points do the two little Yuanying and the humanoid beast have? !

The duo and trio became more and more... jealous. When they saw that the little female cultivator had picked out more than a hundred light balls for the Nascent Soul cultivator and the humanoid beast, the jealousy turned into horror.

One hundred light groups are equivalent to [-] million immortal points!

The small team of two and three people were frightened by the numbers they calculated. They were no longer in the mood to pay attention to the little female cultivator and silently sifted through the light groups.

At most, they have the purchasing power to pick out one or two light groups. How can they not choose from thousands? Even if the little female cultivator and her companions pick up light groups casually, there is always something in hundreds of light groups. Naturally, they can do whatever they want. .

If you have immortal points, you can be willful, but if you don't have immortal points, you can only be serious.

Finally, no one was watching her, so Le Yun picked out the dumplings more casually, picking up one or two here and there, wandering around at will.

Xuan Shaoyan Shao Gourd Baby was holding a small basket, as happy as a flower.

Calabash Baby has more than 4000 million fairy points. Le Xiaoluoli picked thirty light groups for him, and let him go to other floors to pick items with the remaining fairy points.

The gourd baby got a lot of light balls, climbed into the golden lotus magic weapon, and sat with the little creatures as a melon-eating crowd.

Xuan Shaoyan was carrying a small basket and happily followed the little Lolita. As the dumplings flew into her basket one by one, she was so happy that she almost forgot who she was.

The little Loli was busy from dusk to ugly, and picked 240 golden light groups for each of the two handsome guys. After excluding the money to pay for the light groups, each of them still had a balance of more than 1 million cents.

The two young masters also carried a small basket into the golden lotus magic weapon and practiced hard.

The duo and trio suffered a critical attack from the team of young female cultivators, and barely managed to hold on until midnight, unable to withstand the tremendous mental torture, they left the ninth floor.

With no other eyes watching, the little Loli has no scruples. She doesn’t have to pick out the light balls to weigh them in order to conceal others’ eyes. She can just pick whatever she wants.

At the same time, you can also safely and boldly pick up light groups while changing the sorting numbers for some light groups.

The little loli is having fun playing around.

Of course, everything should be done in moderation. She only changed the numbers on some of the light groups. If she changed the numbering numbers in large numbers, it would be easy for the disciples of various forces in the God Realm to find out the clues.

If the forces in the God Realm discover that the light group number has been changed before the secret realm is over, she is in danger of being exposed.

After working all night long until dawn, Le Xiaololi continued to pick up light balls, and picked up a total of 11 light balls, equivalent to spending [-] billion fairy points.

The little Lolita was about to leave the ninth floor. Xuan Shaoyan and Calabash Baby also jumped out of the magic weapon, carrying a small basket, and walked downstairs happily.

The small basket looks small, but the internal space is wide, and it can still be more than enough to hold ten thousand light groups.

Even if there are dozens or hundreds of light groups in the small basket, only the top few light groups can be seen from the surface, and no one knows how many light groups there are in the basket.

Yan Shaoxuan and Shao Huluwa carried the storage basket and walked out as if they were relatives.

The three people and one beast had just walked out of the door leading from the eighth floor to the ninth floor, and looked at each other in confusion with the number [-] who was obviously squatting there.

Le Yun stopped her feet in time, and Calabash Baby also stopped in time. Yan Shaoxuan was caught off guard and almost bumped into the little Lolita and Calabash Child who were walking side by side in front.

The man and the beast in front stood firm. The two young men who almost hit each other were so startled that they took a step back. Just as they screamed, they suddenly saw the faces opposite them, and their screams suddenly stopped.

The little creatures staying in the golden lotus magic weapon looked at the waiting creatures and kept saying, "Oh, little fairy, they don't want to kill people and seize the treasure, right?"

"You are thinking too much. You have forgotten that the things in our hands have not been settled yet, and others are not stupid, so they will not rush to help pay for the immortal points at this time. If you want to grab it, you have to wait until we pay the immortal points and walk out of the tower. Just grab it."

"What if someone thinks that our little fairy is lucky and waits to grab the things that the little fairy picked out?"

"What you said makes sense!"

The little creatures are outspoken and unscrupulous, and even the gourd baby can't help but breathe cold air, what a guy! The little kids really dare to say it!

"?" The monk who had been waiting for a long time on the eighth floor changed his eyes several times when he heard the young students' childish talk. What kind of talk is this?

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