magic eye doctor

Chapter 3194 Incomplete Item

Lingzhi Dowa and Yan Dou dared to say anything. The expressions of several monks were stagnant. Who dared to blatantly seize people and treasures in Wanzhen Pagoda? Is it because they think their lives are too long?

Worried about being misunderstood by narrow-minded people as having evil intentions, and secretly resenting themselves for laying the seeds of trouble and leaving behind future troubles, the monks who were farther away quietly walked away and continued to browse the items.

Some monks took the initiative to avoid suspicion, while a few monks were hesitant and looked hesitant. Two monks had a hint of evil in their eyes.

A monk who occupied the best position calmed down and took the initiative to say hello: "My Taoist name is Xuerong, and I have long admired the name of Taoist friend Xiyue.

He didn't react when he was fishing in Wanbao Pond. Later, he guessed that the Taoist friend might be Fairy Xiyue, and then teleported back to Wanzhen Tower.

Xue asked the senior steward of the teleportation array and heard that Fellow Taoist Xiyue had entered the Wanzhen Tower. He also searched all the way and found that Fellow Taoist Xiyue was missing on the eighth floor. He guessed that Fellow Taoist might have gone to a higher level, so he came here. Wait, I didn’t want Taoist Xiyue’s Spiritual Plant Dolls and Rock Dolls to be frightened. It was Xue who was reckless. "

"Fellow Xuerong, I have long admired you." Le Yun responded politely, and then looked at the monk formally.

The appearance of the Xuerong monk is the best among the monks present. He has white robes and black hair, ice muscles and jade bones, like a lotus in the snow mountain, and his temperament is cold and fluttering out of the dust.

But when he smiles, he is like the bright moonlight, gentle and courageous.

And that elegant and dust-free handsome monk is actually a beast tribe, or a snow bear tribe in the bear beast family, which is the kind of animal called "polar bear" on the earth.

Xuerong is a snow bear with black eyes. His eyes are exactly the same as those of humans. His hair was originally the color of snow. He dyed his hair and his snow-white hair turned into smooth black hair.

The humanoid monk with black hair and black eyes was about the same height as a human. He used a magic weapon to cover his aura, so no one would have guessed that he was an orc.

The appearance of the Xuerong cultivator was completely incompatible with the description of the beast cultivator, who was as tall as a bull, tall and strong. He stood there casually, creating a beautiful scenery of his own.

Appreciating the monk's music openly and openly, I couldn't help but secretly give a thumbs up: What a good look!

Buddha Nanga's appearance is also outstanding, his temperament is gentle and spotless, and he is as bright as a jade tree standing in the wind. Because he is a Buddhist cultivator, he has Buddha nature and the aura of compassion and compassion, and his whole person is as bright and bright as the stars and the moon.

The temperament of the beast cultivator Xuerong is also spotless, but he is slightly biased toward coldness. If he were to be described by the stars and the moon, it would definitely be the cold moon and stars.

Beast Xiu Xuerong is the monk with the most discerning temperament that Le Yun has seen after Fo Xiu Nanga. Fo Xiu Nanga and Beast Xiu Xuerong have different looks and temperaments, and they are indistinguishable.

In the Immortal World and the God Realm, all races live together and prosper together. The Immortal Palace sect emphasizes teaching without distinction and recruits disciples regardless of race. As for Le Yun, as long as the other party does not provoke her, she will not discriminate against other races.

She didn't feel the malice of the beast cultivator Xuerong, and judging from his face, he wasn't one of the monks who followed her back to the Zhen Tower.

Regarding the monks who had no ill intentions towards her, Le Yun was naturally willing to be kind to others, and smiled again: "Lingzhi Dolls and Rock Dolls have pure minds and unabashed words. My words may not be pleasant to the ears. Please don't worry, fellow Taoist Xuerong." superior."

"Fellow Taoist Xiyue, you are so polite. Lingzhi Doll Yan Doll has a heartless heart, is innocent and cute, and is loved by all races. The same goes for Xuerong."

After the monk finished speaking, the white jade doll continued: "All races love us because they love to eat our flesh and blood."

Xuerong: "..."

Seeing the embarrassed expression on the face of the humanoid monk, Le Yun smiled and handed the steps: "Please don't blame me, fellow Taoist Snow, the white jade doll and its companions were being hunted before they entered the secret realm. It was extremely dangerous. Fortunately, they only managed to save their lives after entering the secret realm.

They were swept up into the secret realm and hunted down by the monks of various clans in the square. They were frightened. Now it was inevitable that the monks from each clan would suspect the other's evil intentions.

Fellow Snow Daoist, please help yourself. I will continue to select items with my little creature and my companions, so I’ll excuse you for now. "

"Little creatures are spiritual beings and are easily spied on by other clans. It is normal for them to be afraid of others. Fellow Taoist Xiyue and fellow Taoists, please come." Xuerong didn't mention a word about the purpose of chasing her from Wanbao Pond, and smiled at him. The three companions of Fairy Xiyue nodded.

The monk who successfully struck up a conversation with Fairy Xiyue didn't mention anything else. No matter how unwilling the other monks were, they couldn't speak suddenly. They had to pretend that they were just curious about her and nodded in greeting.

Others didn't say they had anything to do with her, so Le Yun was happy to pretend to be dumbfounded, nodded in return and said hello, pretending not to notice the eyes of some monks staring at the golden lotus magic weapon on her shoulder, and calmly walked towards the magic light group on the eighth floor. .

The gourd baby clung to the little fairy like a dog-skin plaster, and even tugged on some of the little fairy's sleeves. A pair of emerald eyes rolled around, as if he was ready to let go and fight.

His appearance showed that he had no shortage of immortal points, and once again a trace of greed flashed uncontrollably in the eyes of several monks.

Young Master Yan Shaoxuan followed the little Loli smoothly and walked into the rows of magic weapon walls under the watchful eyes.

The eighth floor is full of treasures, and the prices are too high. Neither Xuan Shaoyan nor Calabash Boy have any intention of buying them. They are just wandering around.

Because of this, the two young men and the beast did not wander around. They followed the little loli/little loli and just watched.

The five little souls didn't even think about buying anything, so naturally they just didn't want to buy it.

Anyway, it has been revealed that she has a huge amount of immortal points. The little loli appreciates the items generously, and even goes through all the magic weapons in every column and row. I walked around the eighth floor and bought a dozen magic treasure groups. The items in the magic treasure light groups were either spiritual grains, spiritual plants, spiritual fruits, or seeds.

Xuerong walked around the eighth floor for a few times, then went downstairs first, and sat quietly on the first floor to meditate.

The seventh level is spiritual food, which includes spiritual rice and spiritual food with the shells broken off, and spiritual food with the shells still on.

More than 70% of all the spiritual food is intermediate and high-level immortal rice.

Yan Shaoxuan also wanted to buy spiritual grains, but the price was too high. They each gritted their teeth and bought a few high-grade spiritual grains weighing only three to ten kilograms for seed storage, but did not dare to buy in large quantities.

Calabash Boy swept away more than a dozen kinds of fairy rice seeds or spiritual rice, and each of the five little creatures also picked three or two kinds of spiritual rice and seeds.

Food and spiritual plants are the little Loli's favorites. She scans the goods unscrupulously and purchases fairy-level spiritual food in large quantities.

The spiritual food and food seeds she picked accumulated exceed 500 million immortal points.

In order to facilitate settlement, all the magical light groups selected from the eighth and seventh floors were thrown into the golden lotus magic weapon.

The five little creatures helped the little fairy stack the magical light groups into two small pyramids.

After collecting a large amount of grain seeds in his bag, Le Xiaoxiao, with an extremely calm face, led his friends to the sixth floor and continued to sweep away spiritual plants.

Young Master Xuan thought that if he had a cotton doll, he would definitely have space for spiritual plants in the future, so he was generous and bought a lot of spiritual fruits and spiritual plant seeds.

From the fifth floor to the second floor, there are magic weapons or materials for refining weapons and talismans. Starting from the fifth floor, Calabash Baby, the little souls, and Young Master Xuan Shaoyan also started to stock up on magic weapons or materials that they will need in the future.

The handsome guys and the beasts were carefully selecting items. Le Yun was not short of magic weapons and was not prepared to waste money. She just wandered around the fifth floor to evaluate and analyze the value of the items in the magic group.

After wandering through most of the hall, I came to a corner and looked around at a group of magical light groups lined up against the wall.

When she entered the fifth floor for the first time, she had a vague sense of something special. At that time, in order to go to a higher level, she did not explore the reason. Then she entered the fifth floor, and that subtle sense came again.

Locating the location where she felt vaguely by intuition, Le Yun quietly looked at the magic weapon group located in the most inconspicuous corner of the wall, with a bit of disbelief in her eyes.

Almost every item among the magic treasures piled up in the corner has certain defects. Some magic treasures are missing parts, and some only have half of them left.

The shape of most of the items can still be seen, but there are a few items that only have a fragment, and you can't even tell what their original shape was.

To put it bluntly, those are all defective products.

There are several magic weapons that are obviously defective, but their prices are not much less than the complete magic weapons. There are a small number of defective ones that are worth much less.

Some forces in the God Realm even put all defective products up for sale, and the faces of profiteers can be seen at a glance.

Le Yun's eyes passed over each light group and stopped at a magic weapon group that was pressed at the bottom of the corner. There was also a residual weapon in that magic weapon group.

The remnant is obviously the lid of some kind of magic weapon, which is quite similar to the lid of a modern clay pot. It is bronze in color and has an animal head-shaped button on the top. The lid is painted with complex patterns.

However, nearly a quarter of the cover was missing, and even the color of the gap was close to the bronze color of the magic weapon, which showed that it had been damaged for a long time and had wandered around for many times.

Although Leyun has a good attitude, she can't help but feel confused when she finds a material item that makes her feel a subtle resonance. She searched for him through hundreds of searches, but what she found was a damaged item? !

Is this the wrong way to open it, or is there something wrong with my intuition?

Her intuition and senses have always been very good. Who would have thought that this sensitive sense would actually resonate with a broken magic weapon. This is very surprising.

She herself suspected that she had found the wrong location, so she closed her eyes and sensed it again and again. Yes, the location was correct, and the target was correct. The remains in the magic weapon's light group were objects that were sensitive to her soul.

This shows that the remaining weapon in the magic weapon has an indissoluble bond with him.

Perhaps, a certain remnant found is not related to the existing magic weapon in hand, but may be related to an item that will be owned in the future.

After thinking about it, Le Yun accepted her fate. It turned out to be a special connection with her. No matter what it was, it was naturally taken away. It was impossible to turn a blind eye.

If you turn a blind eye now, if one day you find a special magic weapon that requires this defective accessory to activate it, you will find that you gave up the opportunity that was so easy to come by, and it will be useless to regret it.

With the decision made, I looked at the label of the Fa Baoguang Group, which clearly stated the price of 100,000 cents!

An incomplete weapon of unknown origin actually costs 100,000 immortal points, and some forces are ashamed!

After looking at the magic treasure's light cluster several times, Le Yun squatted down, pulled it out of the magic treasure's light cluster, and threw it into the golden lotus magic treasure's light cluster.

Since he became the king of scrap collectors, he also picked up a broken sword and a few pieces of magic weapon light that could not be seen as fragments and took them away with him.

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