magic eye doctor

Chapter 3195 How many floors does Wanzhen Tower have?

The little Loli got nothing from the Baoguang Tuan from, so she naturally looked down on the magic weapons left over from the sixth and fifth floors that were selected by various forces in the God Realm. She picked up some rags and didn't buy anything, just wandering around.

The two young masters and the beasts picked the magic weapons that they thought were suitable, and excitedly entered the fourth floor to continue picking here and there, and then went to the third and second floors.

The handsome guy and the beasts advance all the way down, and they must buy some magical light groups at each level.

The little Loli also bought some talisman-making materials and ores, adding up to nearly 100 million immortal points.

Immortal Points are only valid within the secret realm and are invalid upon expiration. In order not to waste his hard-earned Immortal Points, Yan Shaoxuan Shao spent a lot of money on talisman-making materials and ore materials.

While selecting the magic weapon group, they calculated the total value. They stayed on the first floor and bought the ore materials they liked, leaving about three million immortal points left.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan left the balance as a reserve fund. If the little Loli came to pick them up after finishing her busy work and had some remaining Immortal Yuan Points after going to the Heritage Valley, it would not be too late to come back and go shopping to spend it.

Calabash Baby and his five little ones also calculated how many cents they spent while picking things. They were not very good at math, but they had a lot of money in mind, and they also reserved more than one million cents as backup funds.

The two young men and the beasts, who picked out a lot of magical light balls, finished their shopping, ran to the little loli/fairy, and teamed up to go downstairs to check out.

The monks who were secretly paying attention to the companions and beasts around the little female cultivator saw with their own eyes how many magic treasure groups they picked, and their eyes were almost red with jealousy.

Seeing the group of people and beasts coming downstairs, they also silently went to the first floor. They didn't pick many magic treasure groups, so they went downstairs without settling the accounts yet, sitting and watching in the hall.

Leyun led a group of little followers to the entrance of the stairs, and asked the handsome boy and the five little creatures of Calabash to line up in front of the long table.

Calabash Baby and his two brothers lined up outside from the stairs, letting the five little creatures stand next to the little fairy.

The Yan Dolls and Lingzhi Dolls were too small, but the stewards were very caring and allowed them to climb onto the table and stand there. The five little ones did not show any pretense and jumped on the table.

Le Yun picked the magic weapon with the most light clusters, and handed the small basket to a steward to help with the counting. Then she placed the golden lotus magic weapon in front of another steward and asked him to price it.

She took a few storage bags, put them on the tub, and sorted the priced items into categories.

The five little ones and the gourd boy Yan Shao and Xuan Shao also "painted the gourd and painted the scoop - the same thing", put on several storage bags, lined them up in front of them, and received the items with marked prices.

Due to its importance, the Wanzhen Tower has the largest number of stewards among all the security cities. There are as many as nineteen stewards in charge of settlement in the tower.

The little Lolita and her companions totaled only nine people/beasts, and the stewards still had nine people free.

There was no one else to settle the accounts, so the two stewards who were free were assigned to assist the stewards who were settling the accounts for the two young Nascent Soul cultivators.

The label attached to the magic weapon group on each floor from the second to the eighth floor is also a sealing talisman. During the settlement, the stewards remove the sealing talisman, and the magic weapon light group's barrier is closed.

Most of the items come in boxes or chests so things don't fall apart after the magic weapon is closed.

The exception is the light group on the ninth floor. Only the number is counted during settlement, and the stewards do not reveal the numbered seal strip, allowing the monks of all races to experience the joy of opening the blind box on their own.

At first, whenever the steward was about to remove the seal of a magic weapon light group, the little Lolita and her companions immediately pushed the storage bag over and prepared to receive it.

Soon the stewards also knew which storage bag of a group of monks contained which type of items. Each time the seal of a magic weapon group was unlocked, the items were put into the corresponding storage bags.

Le Xiaololi, the two handsome guys and the beasts also took some time off, just waiting for the results.

The steward who was responsible for counting the items in the small basket for the little nun initially thought that the upper level was a light ball picked from the ninth floor. Then he realized something was wrong. He used his spiritual sense to go in and check and found that the entire basket of light balls came from the ninth floor. He was surprised. Almost failed.

Knowing that all the light balls in the entire basket come from the ninth floor, there is no need to take them out one by one. You only need to count them with your spiritual consciousness, and then pour them all into the little nun's storage bag.

The steward counted once with his spiritual consciousness, thinking that he was wrong, so he counted again, and couldn't help but look at the young female cultivator in shock: "One billion one billion immortal yuan points?"

Le Yun sensed the steward's slight mood swings and calmly nodded: "Yes. It's 1.1 billion."

The steward poured the light ball in the small basket into the little female cultivator's storage bag without a care in the world, and took a silver leaf from her to cross out 1.1 billion fairy points.

When I marked out the Immortal Yuan Points and saw the amount of the Immortal Yuan Points, I was stunned. When I handed back the ID card, I asked one more question: "My little Taoist's Immortal Yuan Points are enough to exchange for the Wood Divine Essence or Jade Divine Essence on the eighth floor. Why didn’t you change it?”

In the treasure area on the eighth floor, there are only two kinds of divine marrow, namely the wood marrow and the jade marrow.

"The level of spiritual objects such as the Divine Essence is too high, and I don't need it at the moment. It may not be a good thing to spend a huge price to exchange it. If you are guilty of having a treasure, it would be too unjust. After thinking about it, I still feel that I can exchange it for some real and practical items. more suitable."

Asked her why she didn't change the wood marrow and jade marrow on the eighth floor. Of course it was because she had them on hand. She caught them in Wanbao Pond and picked them up on the twelfth floor of Wanzhen Tower.

Of course, it was impossible for Le Yun to tell the steward the real reason, and she could only cover up the truth by worrying that she would be killed if she changed the marrow. The steward understood clearly and asked again: "My fellow Taoist friends have profound blessings that cannot be matched by others. The ninth level should not be the end. What level have you reached?"

"We have reached the end point." Le Yun felt calm in her heart: "There are twelve floors in Wanzhen Tower, and the junior has reached the top of the twelfth floor."

"Only twelve floors?" When the stewards heard that the young female cultivator said that the Wanzhen Pagoda only had twelve floors, they couldn't help but be moved. It was rumored that the Wanzhen Pagoda had ten thousand floors. Why did the young female cultivator say it was only twelve floors?

The teams of monks on the first floor had been listening attentively. They heard the young female monk said that Wanzhen Pagoda only had 12 floors, and they suspected that she was not telling the truth.

Looking at the Wanzhen Tower from the outside, the tower towers into the clouds, the top of the tower is submerged in the clouds, and the only part that can be seen is more than 10,000 feet high.

Looking from the inside, the height of each floor is less than 20 feet. If there are only 12 floors, it is equivalent to just over 100 feet.

There is a world of difference between more than a hundred feet and ten thousand feet.

This is because the Wanzhen Tower cannot only have twelve floors.

The monks suspected that the young female cultivator was lying, or that she had only reached the twelfth floor and could not find the way to a higher level, so they thought that was the end.

"Yes, it is true that there are only twelve floors when I climb the tower. However, the Wanzhen Tower is mysterious. Perhaps each monk has different opportunities and may reach different floors when climbing the tower."

"What the little fellow Taoist said makes sense." The stewards also believed her words. Maybe the Wanzhen Pagoda, like the Calendar Tower, has a thousand different spaces, and the little girl only went to one of them.

"Can I ask my little fellow Taoist what's on the ninth level? If you can't tell me, little fellow daoist, don't force yourself."

"There is nothing that cannot be said to anyone, but there is nothing that cannot be said. There is also a group of light on the tenth floor that is the same as the group of precious light in the Ten Thousand Treasure Pool.

The eleventh floor is empty with nothing, and the twelfth floor also contains some precious light groups.

The brightness of the treasure light group on the tenth floor is not as rich and gorgeous as the treasure light group on the twelfth floor. Moreover, the treasure light group on the twelfth floor must have a great chance to be taken away. "

The young female cultivator's tone was calm. The stewards didn't know whether she had gained anything from the twelfth level. They looked at her golden lotus magic weapon and asked, "Did the precious light group in the little fellow Taoist's magic weapon be obtained from the twelfth level?"

"No." Le Yun said frankly: "It is possible that the opportunity for the juniors is not on the twelfth floor, or there is not enough time. The juniors only found an opportunity on the tenth floor. The other Baoguang Group is the juniors' companions. Yes, they each have their own opportunities."

If the time comes, there will be no harvest on the twelfth floor, and the stewards also understand.

The steward who was the first to ask the question made another suggestion: "Fellow Taoist, are you willing to trade the treasure light group obtained from the tenth level with others? If so, why not exchange it with me."

"Senior, please forgive me, I have never made a deal based on chance." Le Yun refused simply: "The magic weapon from the Sword Tomb, the fish from the Wudao Lake, and the treasure from the Wanzhen Pagoda are all personal opportunities.

Even if it is an opportunity, it should not be traded. If you use the opportunity to trade, it will violate the virtue of heaven's gift of opportunities and the principles of the younger generation's cultivation and establishment of the world. "

"My little Taoist friend cherishes blessings."

"Monks don't care about blessings, they will be abandoned by heaven sooner or later. Juniors have great expectations and should cultivate their minds and virtues."

"..." The stewards looked at the young female cultivator with admiration. They did not expect that the young female cultivator would have such awareness at such a young age, which is really rare.

The little female cultivator was unwilling to make a deal with the opportunity, and she had no intention of breaking the seal. Although the stewards were extremely interested in what she had gained on the ninth floor, they did not force her to do anything.

Le Yun put away the storage bag containing the magic treasure group selected from the ninth floor, and quietly waited for the steward to settle another batch of magic treasure groups.

The Yan Dolls and Lingzhi Dolls picked the least items and settled them first.

The little creatures are not very good at mathematics, and the total amount they calculated was different from the amount calculated by the steward by more than one million cents.

Lingzhi Dolls and Rock Dolls are few!

Therefore, the amount of immortal points they had reserved was fully paid in. Lanwawa and Yaowawa were still short of more than 200,000 points after making up the reserved money.

He wants to pamper his own little soul, and the little loli goes over to help them fill the gap.

Wu Xiao only collected a few storage bags, grabbed the bag containing the treasure group selected on the ninth floor, slipped into the golden lotus magic weapon, picked up the opportunity he got from the tenth floor and threw it in.

Then, the five little ones handed their storage bag to the little fairy: "Little fairy, we are afraid that others will miss our treasure, please help us keep it."

"Okay. Leave the things here with me and I'll give them to you when the secret realm is over." The little creatures have a sense of crisis and happily act as custodians.

The five little creatures handed the storage bag containing the good things to the little fairy, and happily sat in the magic weapon and counted how many light groups were left.

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