magic eye doctor

Chapter 3199 Planting Task

To be honest, when she first entered the secret realm, Le Yun was not sure how to deal with the insect swarm in Qianji Valley, and she was not sure that she could prepare a pill against the insect demons.

She went out for a walk in Sword Valley, saw the characteristics of insects and monsters in the divine world, and collected a large number of low-level native plants. She was confident.

The insects in the Thousand Ji Valley may not be native to the Qingxu Secret Realm. They may be very different from the insect monsters in the God Realm in some aspects.

However, no matter which world the insect comes from, as long as it is a living body with flesh and blood, then no matter what kind of insect it is, there must be medicine to restrain it.

Before coming to Qianji Valley, Leyun lacked information on insect tides, and the use of pesticides to exterminate pests was only at the guessing stage. Now that she has arrived in Qianji Valley, she has seen the information on insects collected by various forces in the God Realm, and is 80% sure that it can be done. Pesticides.

I can’t say I’m very sure, because if the bugs in the insect army come from another world, their physique may be different from that of the local insect demons. The insect demons may have a certain immunity to the potions made from local medicinal materials, and the potions will not be lethal to them. There are limitations.

With a pest control plan in mind, Le Yun turned around and ran to the east side to check on the planting tasks.

Calabash Boy knows his own weight. He does not participate in the pest control mission. Firstly, it is because he is not strong enough. Going out of the safe city is almost like delivering food.

Secondly, he is from the Wood Clan, and most insect demons like to eat plants. If he goes to exterminate the insects, the insect demons will definitely smell him and grab him to chew on.

If you don’t accept the task of exterminating insects, you don’t need to care about what kind of insects the insect army usually consists of. Calabash Boy didn’t go to the west side with the little fairy. He went to the east side to check the planting information.

Xuerong had already learned about the insect demon information when she came to Qianji Valley for the first time. When she returned to her old place for the second time, she did not go to the west to read the information, but also studied the planting tasks on the east side.

He also made up his mind that if Fairy Xiyue accepted the planting task, he would also accept the same task. If she did not accept the planting task and entered Qian Ji Secret Valley after the insect wave passed, he would not plant it either.

The five little creatures in the magic weapon followed the little fairy and ran to the west and then to the east. They had only one idea about the various bugs in the insect army - how scary!

Lingzhi Doll has a hostile relationship with most insects. They have personally seen little fairies killing insect monsters, and have seen bugs that are bigger than fairies. Who would have thought that the bugs in those documents are bigger than what they have seen? Still big!

Bugs are so scary!

The five little creatures were frightened when they read the insect information. When the little fairy finally moved their position, they saw the planting information and were resurrected with full health.

Planting is their forte!

The five little creatures stared at the pages of planting information, their big eyes moving, and their attention was almost focused on the purple task.

The friends not only watched it by themselves, but also chatted with each other. One said that the reward for this task was high, and he took another one. The other said that it looked like he could make money, so he could take another one.

Le Yun just listened without speaking. She browsed through all the planting mission information, and then asked the little creatures and Calabash Baby for their opinions: "What kind of fairy rice do you like to grow? You can choose one or two types each."

"Okay!" Yanwa Lingzhiwa was happy. She pointed her little finger at the information screen she liked and said Xianmi's name.

They only remember the name of a certain kind of rice, but not the number.

Le Yun remembered the numbers and names of all the tasks, and wrote down the names of the little creatures one by one as they said the numbers and the names of the little creatures.

Calabash Boy chose five kinds of immortal rice, two of which are divine-level immortal rice, and three of which are high-level immortal rice.

After deciding which tasks to take on, Le Yun took the gourd baby and the little creatures into the Ruyi House, the tent of the stewards, took the identity tags of the little creatures and handed them to the stewards.

The steward took the ID badge, recorded which task he had taken, and then asked how many fields to plant.

Each task is equipped with corresponding fairy rice seeds. One seed is enough to plant one field, and one field is one piece.

The mission period is not measured by natural years, months and days, but by the growth period of the fairy rice. If the fairy rice takes nine months from sowing to harvesting, then it will be counted in ten months.

The extra month is to give growers preparation time for plowing and preparing the land, as well as the error date caused by the possible delay in ripening of the rice.

If a certain kind of fairy rice has a growth period of eighteen months, then the timing is based on twenty months. The extra two months are the error time for the preparation of the cultivated land and the possible delay in the maturity of the fairy rice.

After a monk who has accepted a task has harvested a round of grain, if he turns in the task, a portion of the seeds will be deducted first, and then 20% of the harvest will be handed over as the required rent. The remaining immortal rice can be kept for himself, or redeemed for points or exchanged for Immortal point.

Theoretically, one field is allocated one seed, but growers can only have one seed and rent several other fields to plant their own fairy rice seeds.

When handing in the task, the grain payment will be based on the variety of fairy rice grown in the task. If the grain seeds brought by the growers themselves are lower than the value of the fairy rice in the mission, it is easy to lose more than the gain.

The little creatures were unaware of their mobility, but Le Yun knew it. She asked for five seeds for each task they took on, and rented ten spiritual fields.

Calabash Boy knew his hands-on ability. He asked for ten seeds for each task and rented an additional fifty fields.

The fields that Xiao Shengling and Calabash Boy are responsible for cultivating add up to 200 pieces of land.

Le Yun did not take the planting task, but took the pest control task at the management office.

The steward registered and took a group of people to circle the spiritual field.

When Xuerong saw that Fairy Xiyue didn't accept the planting task, he didn't accept the task either, so he went to join in the fun. The steward led the way, heading west along the main road in the field, passing through the spiritual field surrounded by defenses, and arriving at the idle spiritual field area.

The steward was very considerate and asked the little creatures for their opinions before throwing out the formation disk enclosure.

He helped circle a rectangular defensive zone, with five rows vertically and twenty fields in each row.

The steward circle marked out the planting fields, and gave each tasker a jade talisman. As long as he held the jade talisman, he could freely enter and exit the spirit gathering array.

The jade talisman is also divided into primary and secondary talismans. One main talisman has nine secondary talismans. The primary talisman controls the opening and closing of the spirit gathering array, defense array, and covering array of the array. The secondary talisman is equivalent to the access pass.

Calabash Baby is responsible for keeping the main talisman.

Lingzhi Doll Yan Doll took the jade talisman and jumped into the spirit gathering array.

Xuerong didn't go to Fairy Xiyue's spiritual field to make up the numbers. He followed the steward back to the management area.

Calabash Baby pulled the little fairy into the spirit gathering array, and then opened the anti-covering array.

The little creatures went to divide the spiritual fields themselves, each occupying five rows of fields, and divided up a hundred fields, and the remaining one hundred fields were the gourd babies' share.

After dividing the fields, the little creatures took out wooden nails and nailed them down as boundary markers. Then they went straight to the fields to plow without taking a breath.

The little kids are hard-working, and the Calabash Boy also rolled up his sleeves and went to work in the fields.

The soil of Qianji Valley is golden red, with fine texture, rich spiritual energy, and various natural nutrients. It is a natural spiritual soil.

The opened spiritual fields are all dry fields. If you plant water-loving fairy rice varieties that need irrigation, you can use magic to condense spiritual rain for irrigation, or you can use natural spiritual spring water for irrigation.

There are several Lingquan Rivers in the planting area that originate from giant mountains. The planting fields of Calabash Baby and the little creatures are more than 10,000 miles away from the nearest Lingquan River.

The Spiritual Plant Dolls and Rock Dolls worked hard, and Le Xiaololi couldn't be idle. She accepted her fate, took out several kinds of fairy rice seeds, soaked them in the spiritual spring water, and then went to plow the fields.

The seeds are soaked in Lingquan water for an hour, then drained and put in a basket with a layer of grass on the outside to allow them to germinate naturally.

Every time Xiaoluo plows a few fields, she takes time to check the seeds.

The little creatures plowed the fields first, then directly induced the seeds of fairy rice to produce a few germs, and then sown them in the fields.

Natural method of germination, the seeds of Xianmi sprouted after a day and night under natural conditions.

Le Yun then sowed the seeds into the fields, and then wandered to watch the little creatures and gourd babies planting, but she was determined not to help.

The little creatures are not greedy and only plant one field a day.

After wandering around for a while, Mr. Le Xiao chose a location in the central area of ​​the spiritual field, placed the golden lotus magic weapon on the main road between the spiritual fields, and then swung out of the spirit gathering array to collect the water from the spiritual spring river.

She said she was going to collect water, but in fact she was walking around. It took her three days to explore the entire artificial Qiangu Garden.

After walking around the boundaries of Safe City, the little Lolita collected some spiritual spring water, then slipped back to the planting field, and gave the spiritual spring water to the five little creatures and the Calabash Baby, so that they could use it to water the fields.

When she came back from going out for a walk, the little creatures and Calabash Baby sown all the mission fairy rice seeds, and the other rented fields also sowed the fairy rice seeds they exchanged for at Wanzhen Tower.

The big one and the five little ones were bored. With nothing to do, they found something for themselves to do - cut the grass on the ridge of the field!

When they saw the little fairy coming back, they swarmed her and strongly hoped to get hundreds more fields for planting.

The little creatures are so hardworking, what can Leyun do? Of course it meets their requirements.

So, the little Loli ran back to the management area with one big, five small and six dolls, and asked the management again to take over the tasks. Ling Zhi Doll and Rock Doll each received fifty planting tasks, plus rented an additional 100 pieces of empty land. .

Calabash baby, he also received fifty planting tasks and rented another five hundred empty fields.

The steward visited the planting area again, took out the original small array plate that circled the spiritual fields, and replaced it with a larger array plate to circle all the spiritual fields rented by a group of creatures.

There are a large number of spiritual fields that can be cultivated, and the gourd boys and the little creatures work happily. They also go out early and come back late, and strictly abide by the schedule.

The Lingzhi dolls and Yan dolls were very busy, and they were determined not to let the little fairy help.

Calabash and the little creatures are good at planting. Leyun simply exchanged various fairy rice seeds and some precious fairy grass seeds or plants from Wanzhen Pagoda and gave them to them, and pointed out which kind of fairy rice/grass is suitable. Which kind of celestials are neighbors and how to manage them.

After staying in the Spirit Gathering Array for a few days, seeing that nothing happened to him, he handed over the sky-swallowing snails from the spiritual spring water to Calabash Boy for safekeeping, and then took advantage of the opportunity to pretend to collect water and sneaked out of the safe city quietly.

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