magic eye doctor

Chapter 3200 Assassination

A certain female cultivator must go to collect water every other day, so when she went to the part of the spirit gathering array in the direction of Lingquan River again, the monks in the spiritual gathering formation saw the female cultivator going in the direction of Lingquan River and thought she was going to fetch water. Who could Didn't even notice.

The little Loli just passed under the eyes of the monks in the planting area, crossed the Lingquan River, took out the spirit boat, flew to the edge of the safe zone, and then left the barrier on foot.

Outside Safe City is endless grassland.

Most of the grass in the canyon is pasture. The grass blades and stems are relatively soft and slender. The tallest thatch looks like sugar cane on the earth and is three feet high. Other types of grass are generally one foot high.

The climate of Qianji Valley is also quite special, with it being as warm as spring all year round.

It was in the morning, the bright sunshine was shining on the green grassy Grand Canyon, the sweet fragrance of grass was filling the air, and the air was fresh and pleasant.

There are no birds or animals in the canyon!

There are not even insects like bees and butterflies to be found. Apart from the natural sound of wind, flowing rivers, and the sound of wind blowing vegetation, there is no other sound in the entire Grand Canyon.

There are flowers in Qianji Valley but no birds singing. If you are not an expert, you would think that Qianji in Qianji Valley is "Qianji".

After passing through the barrier of Safe City, Le Yunren looked into the distance for a few times in mid-air, then flew down from the air to the top of the plants, and flew at low altitude in the spirit boat again.

Flying westward along the Grand Canyon, you can see that the river originates not far from Qianji Secret Valley. It absorbs hundreds of rivers along the way and converges into a giant dragon, rushing westward.

Leyun traveled slowly and flew for a whole day, finally arriving at the hill that ran from south to north in the Grand Canyon.

The hills run across the entire valley from south to north.

A line of hills lies across the canyon. Each mound is about 10,000 feet high. Viewed from the air, it looks like a row of steamed buns arranged on the ground.

Standing on the east side of the hill and looking west, your line of sight is blocked by the mound, and you can only see a line like undulating waves. Looking east on the west side of the hill, you can see the same thing.

The continuous hills across the canyon are like the speed bumps on the road, cutting off the vast canyon.

The giant river was the most heroic. It just broke through a hole and passed through the hill, cutting the hill into two sections, the south and the north.

Arriving at the Hengduan hill in the canyon, Le Yun was no longer in a hurry. She climbed over the hill, put away the spirit boat, took out another golden lotus and placed it by the river. At night, she sat in the magic weapon and used the sky-swallowing snail to absorb water to irrigate the spiritual plant space. .

There are no monsters around, and the canyon is extremely quiet and strange at night.

Le Yun was busy all night fetching water to irrigate the spiritual plant space, collecting water every two hours, working all night long, and watering the ground in the star core space and several spiritual plant spaces.

The canyon in the early morning is quiet and gentle.

After a busy night, Le Yun meditated for half an hour, ate some spiritual fruits to recharge her energy, packed up, ran into the grass, and harvested the grass crazily.

The green grass in Qianji Valley is the favorite green fodder for camels, cattle, sheep and other herbivorous animals. It is also suitable as mulberry leaves to feed spiritual silkworms.

The little lolita who wanted to pluck out her hair turned into a lawn mower and swept the grass.

Human beings are so crazy that they have swept away pieces of green grass, leaving behind patches of depressions. Because the places where the grass was cut are light in color, it is like marking one quilt after another on the green carpet.

In order to collect as much green grass as possible, the little Loli did not stop working at night and continued to mow the grass day and night, and then worked day and night again after dawn.

She moved all the way west, working continuously for three days and three nights. On the fourth night, she still worked tirelessly overtime to mow the grass.

At midnight, the little loli's sweeping of the grass finally slowed down.

After she cut grass for another half an hour, took a breath, and started working again, a man emerged from the darkness of the night and appeared silently behind her.

The man was wearing a black robe, with a black gauze covering his head. He appeared behind the female cultivator like a ghost. He threw out a magic weapon to cover the female cultivator with one hand. The dagger he held in the other hand also stabbed the female cultivator's back vest. .

The man in black robe and the female cultivator were close at hand. His magic weapon had just burst into light, and his dagger had already stabbed the female cultivator.

The sword looked at the female cultivator's blue cloak as if it were nothing, penetrated it, and then felt like it was stabbed on fine steel and hard iron, making it difficult to penetrate even half a point.

His magic weapon bloomed with gorgeous rays of light, just hanging above the female cultivator's head, motionless.

The dagger was blocked, and the man in black robe knew something was wrong, and quickly retreated for more than ten feet, disappearing into the darkness again, and even the magic weapon he had sacrificed was not recovered.

He disappeared, as silently as when he came.

Le Yun turned around, glanced at a corner of the void, raised her hand to summon the machete, moved over in one step with the teleportation technique, and slashed towards the void.

That slash of the knife shook the air into nothingness.

The man in black robe dodged the knife and showed his figure again. He swept dozens of feet away in a panic and disappeared into the darkness again.

Le Yun, who was carrying the mountain machete, moved again with the teleportation technique, and then slashed towards the void in a lightly described way.

The sudden wind of the sword once again destroyed the air of the spiritual energy school into nothingness.

The knife missed the man in black robe, but cut off a section of his sleeve.

The man in black robe embarrassedly dodged the second attack and stepped back more than ten feet. Looking at the female cultivator who was cutting off the road ahead, his pupils shrank: "No way, you can't possibly see me!"

In the night, the female cultivator in blue had a calm look. She even showed a bright smile, and her voice sounded like a nightingale singing: "I have been waiting for four days, and you finally took action."

" discovered me from the beginning?!" The black-robed man's pupils shrank sharply again.

"Yes, I just left the safe city, and you followed me out of the barrier. I haven't been rushing these days, just waiting for you to take action.

You have some blood of the Void Rat Clan and a magical weapon of invisibility. It would be difficult for anyone else to avoid your assassination. It's a pity that you met me unfortunately.

Moreover, you are not a pure-blooded Void clan, and you cannot integrate with the Void. Therefore, you are standing there invisible, and in my eyes, it is as if you are not invisible. "

Le Yun smiled lightly: "Your team set its sights on me when we were in Wanbao Pond, followed me to Wanzhen Tower, and chased me all the way to Qianji Valley. You also followed me out of Safe City and were so interested in me. It’s hard for you.”

The eyes of the man in black robes trembled violently and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"You can run as you like. As long as you can run out of these ten thousand miles, I will lose." Le Yun was not in a hurry to catch up, her eyes followed the moving glimmer of light in the void.

The man in black robe, who had been running for dozens of miles, slowed down and disappeared into the darkness again.

Watching the man in black robe disappear into the darkness again, Le Yun turned around and floated to the magic weapon that the man in black robe had left behind to admire the magic weapon.

That magic weapon is a small cyan wine glass, a divine magic weapon. The reason why the magic weapon does not move is because the hands and feet are made of the void bottle.

The void bottle hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness of the contractor uses its own void instinct to separate the contractor into a small independent world, cutting off the connection between the master of the magic weapon and the magic weapon.

After taking a look, Le Yun took out a mirror, sucked the magic weapon into the mirror, and then forcibly erased the mark of the black-robed man's consciousness.

The man in black robe, who was hiding in the darkness, felt that the soul power attached to a certain magic weapon had completely disappeared while escaping. He also guessed that a certain magic weapon had fallen into the hands of a female cultivator.

He didn't care about losing a magic weapon, he just wanted to return to the safe city and feed the news back to his team.

After confiscating the magic weapon of the black-robed monk, Le Yun calmly used the teleportation technique to move to a height of ten thousand feet, and then summoned the magic weapon hidden in the ground.

The Hundred-Star Suojie Mountain emerged from the soil and shone brightly in the sky.

The man in black robes, who was running wildly, suddenly noticed a piece of golden light in front of him. When he looked again, he saw a brown-gold copper wall and iron wall in front of him.

He understood that he was covered by the female cultivator's magic weapon, so he crushed a boundary-breaking talisman without hesitation.

The Boundary Breaking Talisman was activated and turned into a purple light group that enveloped him and flew up, hitting the brown-gold copper wall.

Before the light ball formed by the boundary-breaking talisman touched the brown-gold copper wall, a stone rod that looked green but not green, white but not white appeared out of thin air and smashed down towards the light group of the boundary-breaking talisman.

The stone rod hit the boundary-breaking talisman light group.

The thick purple boundary-breaking talisman light group shattered like glass amidst the muffled sound.

"Ah-", when the boundary-breaking talisman light group shattered, the man in black robe also suffered the aftermath of the power. He was shocked to the point that all his meridians were severed, his consciousness collapsed, and he fell from the air screaming.

He fell dozens of feet, but was still suspended in the air.

Le Yun locked the black-robed man in the magic weapon, then let Baixing Zhenjie drill into the mud layer, and landed on the grassy ground of the canyon.

She ignored the man in black robe, and recalled the stone pestle first, holding it in her hand and rubbing it, her eyes filled with stars as she smiled: "Oh, Senior Shijiu, you are so awesome!"

The man in black robe used a divine boundary-breaking talisman, and the Baixing Zhenjie Mountain was a sub-divine item. Without special methods, the Boundary Locking Mountain really couldn't stop it.

If you want to stop the man in black robe, you must either use your spiritual consciousness to obliterate him, or use a higher-level magic weapon.

In order to kill a little mouse, it was a bit uneconomical to exhaust one's own spiritual consciousness. Le Yun had an idea and used the pestle rod of the stone mortar to give the Boundary Breaking Talisman a blow on the head.

The ancestral treasure is the ancestral treasure. With one strike, the divine talisman-breaking talisman vanishes into thin air. .

There is only a stone mortar lying in the golden lotus of merit: "..." He is an ancestral treasure, and using his pestle to break the boundary talisman is nothing more than overkill.

The history books of time and the empty bottles were also silent. Our little contractor did not play his cards according to the rules. This reaction was amazing!

Void of the Void was silent and said in a calm voice: "Tell me, will the little guy one day tear the pages from Time and use them as magic weapons to hit people?"

The history book of time said silently: "If you have a crow's mouth, I will smash you into pieces and let the little guy throw you like a brick."

Shijiu was about to say something when the little contractor threw his pestle back into the sea of ​​consciousness. He smiled happily: "The little guy actually thought of using me to break the boundary talisman. He is smart and clever!"

The History of Time and the Void Vase both wanted to attack him, but Shi Jiu's proud tone made people itchy and wanted to beat him up!

Le Yun returned the pestle of the stone mortar and returned to the interior of the Boundary Mountain of Baixing Town. She moved the man in black robe to the grass and uncovered the black gauze covering him.

The man in black robe had a face with clear outlines. He was a handsome male cultivator. Unfortunately, he was severely injured and his orifices were bleeding. The blood smeared on his face, affecting his beauty.

The power of the ancestral treasure was so powerful that even though the boundary-breaking talisman took almost all the damage, the man in black robe was not directly attacked, and his soul was also severely damaged.

His soul was very weak, and the void space he created was destroyed.

The void space was destroyed, and the items he stored in the space naturally could not escape the disaster.

The man in black robe was injured so badly that he couldn't even get up.

After the black veil was lifted, the man in black robe's eyes shrank, his face twitched, and as his chest heaved heavily, large mouthfuls of blood came out of his mouth.

Le Yun's eyes were cold, she knelt down and poked the black-robed man's chest a few times with her fingers.

After a few fingers, the blood in the black-robed man's mouth slowly disappeared, but he still couldn't move because almost all the bones in his back were shattered and none of his internal organs were intact.

There were no more tears and blood in his mouth, and the black-robed man's pupils were full of fear: " have a divine weapon?"

"You are not stupid." Le Yun smiled and opened her mouth: "Your Jinyan Immortal Palace is quite rich. You, a young disciple, also has super artifacts and divine boundary-breaking talismans. You must have a high status in the Immortal Palace. "

"No... you... who are you?" The man in black robe was frightened, and another mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

"Don't get excited. I am Xiyue, Xiyue who is ranked first on the Qingbei list, haven't you already known it?" Leyun didn't want the man in black robe to die before he finished speaking, so she poked a few more of his acupoints .

"Impossible. It is impossible for an ordinary young monk to know the things of the God Realm. Who are you?...Which realm and which Immortal Palace in the Qingxu God Realm do you come from?" The only thought of the man in black robe was to escape, but he couldn't even hold his fingers. Can't move.

"Don't worry, I'm not from the Qingxu God Realm. By the way, the atmosphere in the Qingxu God Realm is really bad. Immortal Palace disciples from the dignified God Realm are actually doing things like murdering people and seizing treasures. How can you, Jinyan Immortal Palace, do something so shameless? Things are really in decline.”

What is a murderous heart?

The man in black robe was so stimulated that his chest heaved violently, and his eyes almost popped out: " must not be rude to Jin Yan Divine Lord..."

Another breath came out of his mouth, his breath disordered.

"You, instead of scaring me, you should pray well before you die that your Jinyan Immortal Palace team will have smart people who will not do stupid things again, and that the Daluo fairies in your Jinyan Immortal Palace can also maintain their impartiality. Otherwise, your Jinyan Immortal Palace team will It will be bad luck."

Le Yun kindly admonished the black-robed man and asked about business: "Tell me, how many plans have you made to kill me and seize the treasure? If you fail to assassinate me this time, are you planning to attack me in the insect tide?

Do you Daluo Immortals of Immortal Palace know that you are going to attack me?

If you have a better attitude, maybe I can still give you some breathing space. If you dare to perfunctory the matter, it is not unusual for you, a disciple of Jinyan Immortal Palace, to bury his soul in Qianji Valley. "

"You dare... to kill me? I am a disciple of the Jin Yan Immortal Palace, and my master is the 28th generation disciple of the Lord Jin Yan... If you dare to touch a hair of my head, the Immortal Palace will kill you... You can never leave alive... ..." The black-robed monk showed contempt in his eyes.

So what if the female cultivator ranks first on the Qingxu Qing History List?

Whether the person in the secret realm can leave alive or not is decided by the immortal palaces in the divine world. If the female cultivator dares to kill him, when the secret realm is over, Daluo Immortal of Jinyan Immortal Palace will know after checking that there is no way she can leave safely. Qingxu God Realm.

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