magic eye doctor

Chapter 3203

To be wise means to be prepared.

Having seen the insect demons of the God Realm in the wilds of Sword Valley, the little Loli took the precautions to do some rough processing of the newly collected medicinal plants.

Most of the medicinal materials that need to be used have been pre-processed, which also saves a lot of time in pharmaceutical preparation.

The little Lolita, who was devoted to her pharmaceutical work, locked herself in the Ruyi Room day and night to refine medicine and make incense and medicinal powder.

After working around the clock for two months, we are finally done.

The medicine against the insect monsters has been prepared, and people have once again become weak and weak.

After completing the pharmaceutical work, Le Yun only slept for a day and a night. After she recovered, she did not dare to waste a moment and left the star core space to set up the formation in the canyon.

The number of locusts is huge, and the medicine that can be produced is limited, so there is no condition to squander it wantonly. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the medicine, the smell of the medicine must be controlled within a certain range.

The canyon is vast, and after careful calculation, Le Yun chose the hinterland of the canyon to set up an array. The large array covered an area of ​​100,000 miles.

The territory circled by the large formation is just a drop in the bucket compared to the width of the canyon.

In order to protect the items used to set up the formation from being destroyed by locusts, the items used to set up the formation must be hidden in the soil.

Little Loli and her assistants, Brother Yinxing, dug pits one after another, burying the formation disks and talismans in them, placing the formation's feet and magic tools, and then placing the formation's eyes.

A huge pit was dug at each formation eye, and three giant trees were buried.

The diameter of the giant wood is about a hundred meters. When put together, a triangular gap is formed in the middle, which can accommodate several people to move around.

Le Yun's plan is to arrange a puppet in each formation to burn incense. The puppets are made of metal. The locusts are not interested in them and will not destroy the trees and besiege them.

The idea of ​​hiding the puppets among the trees was inspired by the fact that the insect demon team only gnawed the stems and leaves of the plants and did not destroy the trees where they passed.

Large and small pores are cut out at the joints of the giant trees to facilitate the escape of gas, and a drying tray is placed on the top. It can not only block the space above from insect invasion, but also absorb locusts or rainwater that are stunned by the medicine.

There is also a drying tray facing the joints of the giant trees to catch the insect monsters that have been stunned by the medicine, so as to prevent the insect corpses from piling up and blocking the ventilation gaps.

A piece of land one hundred thousand miles wide is neither big nor small. It is not easy to have the same smell permeate within one hundred thousand miles.

In order to keep the smell in the formation strong enough to successfully kill the insect demon, Le Yun sent the Yinyue brothers and Sihuo brothers and sisters to defend the formation, and also sent more than 1,200 blue-armored puppets.

The nine Silver Star brothers have the strength of mortal immortal monks. They are distributed in various areas of the formation and are responsible for collecting the corpses of locusts.

The formation and formation eyes are all arranged, and the puppets are also in place.

Each puppet is assigned ten giant incense sticks.

An incense stick is three meters in diameter and twenty meters high. When making the incense, several small bamboos as thick as wrists are used as bones, and the incense feet are buried in the soil to maintain stability.

After placing the puppets, Le Yun took the nine Yinxing brothers to clean up the shrubs inside and outside the formation, and then went to the lower reaches of several rivers to install fish nets to intercept locust corpses.

Locusts will inevitably become dizzy after taking Chinese medicine, and they may not be able to survive until they land. If they fall from the air, those that jump into the river will naturally be washed away by the water.

I worked so hard to prepare medicine to stun the locusts, but in the end, the water washed away a large number of insect demon corpses. That was a big thank you.

Installing a fishing net in the river can catch some insect monsters that fell into the water and reduce losses.

Only by doing the preliminary work of catching insects well can Le Yun be willing to take time to rest.

Based on the locust marching speed and estimated budget, the vanguard of the insect wave army will arrive in half a month at most, and time is still quite tight.

Le Yun only rested for two days. After recovering from the depleted consciousness, she took the nine Silver Star brothers to the area near the river to harvest green grass.

The Silver Star Ninth brothers were very fast, and they cut the green grass every day for three to four hundred miles.

The humans and puppets moved from east to west, mowing the grass while waiting for the insect wave army.

As expected, after only waiting for thirteen and a half days, the vanguard of the insect demon army was already in sight.

Sensing that the insect wave was approaching, Le Yun led the nine Silver Star brothers back to the formation quickly, asking the Silver Star brothers to take their positions and get ready.

In order not to arouse the vigilance of the insect demon, the little Loli sat calmly for a long time and half of the night, letting the front of the insect wave drive past, and only notified the puppet to burn incense at midnight.

There is an ever-burning lamp in the hand of the puppet. The lamp belly filled with oil is a small magic weapon. It is full of lamp oil and can continue to burn for half a year.

The puppet who received the master's instructions lit the incense with the fire of the ever-burning lamp.

The huge incense was lit, slowly releasing smoke.

The smoke disperses in the air, and the special smell slowly permeates the air.

At first, only the insect demons flying near the wooden pile were affected by the smell. Driven by instinct, they only looked for mating partners and were busy reproducing their offspring.

There is nothing wrong with the locusts treated with traditional Chinese medicine in a short period of time. At most, they are keen on mating, and fatigue will appear after about half a day.

On the surface, such a reaction is a normal reaction, because locusts also have a period of fatigue after mating. They will land to rest to relieve fatigue, or they will eat to replenish their physical strength.

The insect monster that was the first to enter the area covered by the medicinal fragrance, after exhausting its energy to reproduce, fell to the ground to rest or eat, and then fell asleep unconsciously.

The insect swarm filled the sky of the Grand Canyon, and the insects that did not smell the scent of the medicine passed by in a hurry. The insects that were close and did not enter the scent formation were slightly affected. After they were busy reproducing, they After the incident, he continued to fly away.

Because those insect monsters have no sequelae and no discomfort, they will naturally not alert the insect swarm.

During the march of the insect swarm army, insect swarms often leave the team to eat and mate. Therefore, when the insect swarm passes through a certain section of the canyon, some insect swarms leave the team, which is a normal phenomenon for the large army.

The large army of insect demons marched forward in a mighty manner, and batch after batch of insect swarms entered the special area without leaving.

In order to reduce trouble, Le Yun also took pills to change body odor, and her clothes were soaked in special potions. Even the insect monsters couldn't tell whether she was a human or an insect when she was mixed in with the locust swarm.

Disguised as a locust, with two flying machines attached to the soles of its feet, it wandered in the formation, sweeping dizzy or fainted insect demons into its pockets to make room for the locusts that followed.

The Yinxing brothers also wore clothes soaked in potion and wore gauze on their heads. When traveling among the locust swarms, they were often mistaken for the same kind by the drugged locusts, but no one attacked them.

If killing locusts would arouse the vigilance of the insect monster, Le Yun would not catch the locusts with a fishing net, nor would she kill the locusts. She would only pick up the corpses and transfer the locusts received from the drying tray into her own storage container.

The Nine Silver Star brothers also did not kill insects. The insect monsters who entered the formation were not disturbed. They chased their mating partners frantically and fell to the ground. They fell asleep silently, thus not spreading dangerous information to their kind.

The insect wave army did not receive any danger warning, and the mighty team marched in an orderly manner. Leyun mainly picked up corpses in the center of the large formation he set up. Each of the nine Yinxing brothers was responsible for a territory about ten thousand miles wide, and they were basically able to clear out the insect corpses in time.

Of course, there is basically no free time, and we need to constantly patrol the territory.

The formation was too wide. On the first day, the aroma was not able to spread throughout the entire formation, so the effect was weaker. After one day and one night, the aroma filled the air within a hundred thousand miles, and the medicinal effect was maximized.

The aroma still escaped and spread to three or four miles outside the formation.

The Nine Silver Star brothers also expanded their patrol scope.

When the formation exerted its true power, Le Yun calculated that on average, about 560 million locusts were intercepted per day and night.

There are hundreds of millions of insect corpses to clean up every day, which is a heavy workload.

Fortunately, the nine Silver Star brothers are puppets. As long as they have enough spiritual crystals and spiritual marrow, they will not get tired and can continue to work around the clock.

Le Xiao, a student of flesh and blood, can spin continuously for several days, but not for too long. Out of the principle of being responsible for his own body, he allocates an hour every day to practice.

The army of insect monsters is huge in number, and they are constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth while flying. Therefore, the spiritual energy in the canyon has become very thin.

Le Yun practiced for an hour every day. The training time was short, and the spiritual energy in the canyon was thin. She did not expect to absorb spiritual energy from nature to replenish the consumed true energy, so she set up a spirit gathering array in Ruyi House.

In order to pick up insect corpses, she charges for two hours a day and has a battery life of 22 hours.

Although it was hard work, sweeping back a large number of insect demon corpses every day was extremely motivating.

The corpses of those insect monsters are good feed for feeding mutated golden cicadas or carnivorous spiritual birds. Naturally, the more the merrier.

What's more, the corpse of the insect monster can be exchanged for points and immortal points.

As for the dark energy in the insect demon's body, that is not a problem at all, because when the insect demon's vital signs disappear, the dark energy also disappears silently.

The insect corpses without the underworld energy are no different from the insect monster corpses native to the God Realm.

The little Loli transformed into a corpse picker, running around collecting insect corpses every day. At the same time, she also took time every few days to check the burning progress of the incense in each array.

Because the incense was hidden among the wooden piles in a sheltered area, the incense burned longer than expected.

The incense wind blowing in each array eye in the west direction of the formation lasted for a long time, and the incense burned for seventeen to seventeen and a half days. The incense in the array eyes in the middle and east burned for nineteen days. to twenty-one days.

The incense she made was enough to last for several months, so the little Loli just stayed in the array picking up corpses.

When the little Loli turned on the pest control mode, the secret realm had been open for ten years.

Teams of monks from various races in the immortal world and the divine world who knew the inside story also rushed to Qiangu Garden from all directions, took over the task of exterminating insects, and waited for the insect tide.

Buddha Nanga rushed to Qiangu Garden in the second month after ten years. As soon as he arrived, he asked the stewards about Xiyue Fairy.

He found out that Fairy Xiyue had arrived at Qiangu Garden a few months ago, and the little creatures around her had also taken over the planting task. He found out the location of the little creatures' planting fields and came to visit her.

Because the Buddhist cultivator was an acquaintance, Calabash Baby put the person into the spirit gathering array.

Nanga entered the barrier, sang a Buddha's name to the little creatures who came after hearing the news, and asked with a smile: "Little Taoist friends, are your little fairies in retreat?"

"No." Yanwa Lingzhiwa shook his head.

"Our little fairy left Qiangu Garden and went outside."

"The little fairy left the safe city? When did she leave, and how long did she leave? Did the little fairy say what she was doing when she went out?" Nan Jia was shocked.

"The little fairy said that the grass outside is very tender and suitable for raising cattle, sheep and animals, so she went to collect the grass."

"The little fairy came here and stayed here for a few days and then went out. She said she would come back when it's time to come back."

This is indeed in line with Fairy Xiyue’s behavior! Nanga didn't know what to say anymore, so he asked again: "Has your little fairy accepted the insect extermination mission?"

"Took it. The little fairy said to kill a lot of insects in exchange for fairy rice and fairy grass." The little creatures sounded particularly happy.

Nanga looked at the endless planting fields, thought for a while, and took the initiative to ask for help: "Do you need help? The poor monk is very skilled in the rain condensation technique."

"No need." Yanwa Lingzhiwawa shook her head like a rattle. Are you kidding me? Foxiu is a little expert at frying the kitchen. Ask him to help plant it. If the fairy rice is planted to death, he will lose all his money!

You can ask anyone to help, but you can't ask the little fry chefs to help.

In order to plant fairy rice, the little fairy not only did not let Brother Yan, an expert in fried food, come to Qiangu Garden, but also packed up Brother Xuan and stuffed it into the training tower. They did not dare to accept the help of Buddhist cultivator who was also an expert in fried food. .

"The poor monk's spiritual roots are not suitable for planting, but watering the ground with spiritual rain should not affect the growth of fairy rice." Nanjia also wanted to fight for it.

"We are born to be experts in planting. We can keep busy on our own and often have free time. When the harvest comes, the master will be free to help." The little creatures resolutely refused to accept it, for fear that the Buddhist practice would be a disservice.

"Okay, the poor monk will keep watch here. When the fairy rice matures, the poor monk will help harvest it." Nanga successfully integrated into the group of little creatures again.

The Spirit Planting Dolls and Rock Dolls did not allow the Buddhist cultivator to participate in the planting, but they did not hate him staying in the Spirit Gathering Array.

Nanjia also came to the farm, released his wishful house, and left it in the planting field. He did not help with weeding or watering, but chanted a sutra in front of the planting field every morning and evening.

Xuerong didn't know that Fairy Xiyue quietly left the safe area. He placed a Ruyi House in the eastern free area of ​​the Ruyi House owned by the stewards, and stayed in the Ruyi House to wait for the insect tide.

The teams that rushed to Qiangu Garden from other security cities were also stationed in the vacant area on the east side of the teleportation array.

Each team works in its own camp and does not interfere with each other.

Most of the monks rarely visit each other, they are recharging their energy and discussing battle plans.

A small number of teams also seek cooperation from other teams for safety reasons.

In the fifth month after ten years, Xuerong also waited for his team.

Xuerong comes from the God Realm. Their team originally consisted of one hundred and ninety people. After entering the secret realm, they were divided into more than a dozen teams. Several teams were still in other safe cities and did not come to Qiangu Garden.

Even so, his team is also very large, with one hundred and twenty-five people.

Xuerong met with the team members to discuss the battle plan and arrange personnel positions.

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