magic eye doctor

Chapter 3204 The insect tide arrives

Teams of monks from the world of gods and immortals gradually moved to Qiangu Garden, and there were also teams of monks from the spiritual world. The team of monks was dense in the early stage, but more sparse in the later stage.

Until the end of the sixth month of the eleventh year after the secret realm was opened, it basically stopped, and the monk team was never seen again.

The number of monks gathered in Qiangu Garden exceeded half a million.

The monks in the God Realm have a very strong overall strength in terms of their physique and cultivation. They have always been the main force in exterminating insects. The monks in the Immortal Realm are relatively inferior in terms of tactics, but they are not weak in combat power.

However, compared to the tens of trillions of insect waves in Qianji Valley each time, the team of half a million monks is nothing but a dwarf.

The team of monks who took over the task of exterminating pests were gearing up and waiting for a big fight.

Seeing that half of the seventh month of the eleventh year has passed and there is still no insect wave, some teams are a little anxious.

In the blink of an eye, Qianji Valley ushered in the eighth month of the eleventh year since the secret realm was opened.

The first half of the eighth month is peaceful.

Just when the teams thought that the insect wave might be extended to the second year as before, in the afternoon of the third day in the middle of the eighth month, the voice of Security City law enforcement resounded throughout the area:

"The vanguard of the insect wave has arrived, about 30,000 miles away from the western end of Qiangu Garden, and is expected to arrive in front of the Secret Valley tomorrow morning."

"Ahhhh, it's finally here!"

"It's coming, it's coming! The insect wave is coming!"

"I wonder what kind of insect monster is here this time."

"The insect wave is coming, so get ready!"

The team of monks who were waiting eagerly were excited and nervous.

The voice of law enforcement once again echoed through the Qianguyuan Security Zone: "The first wave of insect waves is locusts, Qinggang Locusts."

"Green Steel Locust?"

"Oh, why is that thing?"

The monks were inevitably depressed.

The Green Steel Locust is a mid-level insect race among the historical insect swarm armies. Their combat power may not be the strongest, but they win with numbers.

Moreover, they are very shameless.

Most of the other Zerg races prefer one-on-one combat, but the Green Steel Locust does not. They like to fight in groups, and will always swarm them regardless of their opponent's strength or weakness.

In addition, the Qinggang Locust has two weapons that make it difficult to defend against others - spraying liquid and releasing "stink bombs".

A stink bomb is locust urine or feces.

The saliva of all locusts is corrosive and has a certain degree of toxicity. Fortunately, most locust demons have limited sap, but the Green Steel Locust has the largest storage of sap and urine!

The feces and urine of locusts are also extremely corrosive. There are several types of locust feces and urine with special properties that can even corrode divine magic weapons.

Generally speaking, locusts are not very powerful and are actually more troublesome than other insects.

The team of monks speculated on various possibilities, but they did not expect that the first wave of insects turned out to be locusts, which they thought were the least likely to appear. They were quite helpless.

Having no choice but to prepare early is the best policy.

Each team either adjusted their strategies or rearranged their outfits. They were so busy that they walked out of the safe zone and went to the outside battlefield.

No matter how strong or weak their combat power is, the monk team will rely on the barrier of the safe zone. When choosing a combat position, they will rely on the barrier. No team will go far away from the barrier of Qiangu Garden to develop combat power in the canyon.

With the team backed by the boundary of the safe zone, it not only eliminates one defensive direction and saves manpower, but also allows it to return to the safe zone as soon as possible if someone is injured or the team is unable to cope.

If the team is far away from the safe zone and has strong strength, it is good to be able to come and go freely in the insect tide. If the team is weak or has an accident, and has nowhere to rely on when no one is rescued, it will be doomed.

The team of monks chose a combat position outside the safety barrier and placed a magic circle to mark a territory sufficient for their activities.

Everyone knows that in order to keep a distance of about ten feet from each other, it can prevent others from taking advantage of the opportunity and prevent other teams from grabbing their loot.

Only those teams who are in the same world and know the basics, or have formed an alliance in the secret realm, are close together to facilitate each other's care.

The members of several teams all came from the spirit world. As soon as they stepped out of the safe zone, they felt that their spiritual power was not working smoothly. They were all panicked and quickly discussed countermeasures.

After some calculations, most people were unwilling to give in without a fight and occupied the space first. If they really couldn't handle the insect wave when it came, they would then retreat to the safe zone.

A team of more than 500,000 monks were stationed outside the safety zone in less than half an hour. Almost all of the team was at the east end of the safety city.

The total number of the monks' team is several hundred thousand. When they set up their posture outside the safety zone, in fact the team only stretches for more than 300 miles.

Nanga, a Buddhist monk who stayed with the Spiritual Plant Dolls and Rock Dolls, did not wait for the return of Fairy Xiyue, but the grains on the ears of the two kinds of fairy rice planted by the little creatures were already turning yellow.

The fairy rice with heavy ears of rice will be harvested in a few days, but the insect wave is coming.

Nanga, who originally wanted to help the little creatures collect fairy rice, had to make a mistake and chose to kill the insects first.

Nanga said hello to the Lingzhi Dolls and Rock Dolls, left the planting field, walked out of the safe zone, and took a look outside. Hey, they have all taken their seats!

Looking around again, oh, there were thousands of monks in groups, but he was alone.

Nanga, who was all alone, twirled the string of Buddhist beads in his hand and silently walked westward along the boundary of the safe zone. He walked to the very end of the west end and formed a formation. He marked a piece of land in a circle, sat down leisurely, and chanted sutras quietly.

The team of monks who were originally lined up at the westernmost end looked at the lonely Buddhist cultivator, and their eyes widened. Oh, this Buddhist cultivator is really compassionate!

They were originally at the end of the line, which meant that they would bear the brunt of the insect swarm. Now that there is a Buddhist cultivator in the west, it is like having an extra shield.

The monk team's favorability towards Buddhism has soared, and they have decided that they will also provide resources for Buddhism if necessary.

Nanga didn't know what the neighbor team was thinking. Anyway, he didn't feel any malice, so he wouldn't speculate. If he felt any malice, just stay away from the place where the trouble occurred.

Xuerong and her team settled down and returned to the safe area. After wandering around for a while, they still found no trace of Fairy Xiyue and left the safe area again.

He searched around outside again, but found no trace of Fairy Xiyue among the other teams. It was strange that the insect wave was coming, so why was Fairy Xiyue missing?

Unable to figure it out, Xuerong stopped embarrassing herself and recuperated her energy for tomorrow's first battle.

The team of monks practiced with peace of mind.

Qianji Valley at night is as peaceful as during the day.

When the sun rises again, the atmosphere outside the Qiangu Garden barrier gradually becomes solemn.

In the middle of the morning, the atmosphere in Qianji Valley became more and more solemn.

When the time turned to the middle of the hour, the voice of law enforcement resounded inside and outside the safe zone: "The insect tide has arrived. We are now less than 10,000 miles away from the westernmost monk team. Warriors, be ready to fight!"

In the planting area, monks from various races who are good at planting and have low cultivation levels also became nervous.

"The little fairy hasn't come back yet."

The rock dolls couldn't help but worry about the little fairy.

"Don't worry, the little fairy is an expert at catching insects. When a tide of insects encounters the little fairy, it's the insects that you should worry about." Calabash Baby comforted the little creatures.

"There are so many insect swarms that it's hard for a little fairy to fight against them."

"Yes, the little fairy is alone outside, and she is afraid that the insects will attack her."

"Haven't you ever seen a little fairy catching a beast? A group of chicken monsters that eat insects can't do anything to the little fairy. How can insects be more difficult to deal with than a chicken monster?"

"Yes, chicken monsters are more powerful than insects." The little creatures were comforted. Chicken monsters are the natural enemies of insects. The little fairy can easily knock down the insect-eating chicken monsters, but can she knock down a group of insects?

Calabash Baby comforted the little creatures, patrolled the spiritual field with a group of radishes, caught insects, weeded, watered, and resolutely ignored the things outside.

Outside the barrier, the monks from each team heard that the insect wave was approaching. Whether they were the reserve team or the vanguard, they all walked out of the Ruyi Room and stood in their battle formations, staring at the west.

The stewards of Qiangu Garden also quickly dispersed and went to their own positions.

They were distributed at the barrier where the monk team was located in Qiangu Garden, and there was only one barrier between them and the large team of monks outside.

The stewards not only supervise the monks to prevent them from taking advantage of the chaos to attack other monks, but also act as security guards. Once the young monks outside cannot withstand the attack of the insect demon or someone is seriously injured, they try to pull the person back as soon as possible. Reduce personnel losses.

A distance of thousands of miles is nothing to a first-level monster, especially a flying beast. It is just a matter of flapping its wings a few times.

The army of insect demons marched at a speed of dozens of miles per breath, moving forward inexorably.

After about a cup of tea, the black clouds before the storm appeared in the field of vision of the monks at the west end, and the dark clouds pressed towards the east.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the buzzing sound was already heard.

Then, the strong breath of the insect demon also blew like a strong wind.

Qianji Valley was eerily silent for a moment.

The monks immediately opened the formation barrier and blocked their sense of hearing and smell.

In just a few breaths, the buzzing sound and the strong wind caused by the insect demon army's flight formed a strong wind, charging fiercely towards the Qianji Secret Valley.

The strong wind was raging, and the sound waves shook the valley floor.

Even if the magic weapon defense is turned on, the monks can't help but feel palpitations.

In the team of monks from the spirit world, some people were injured internally by the sound waves, and most of them retreated.

The insect demon army was flying in the air, and the lowest insect on the ground was hundreds of feet away from the ground.

The dense insect monsters blocked the sunlight like black cloth, and the ground was dark.

The army of insects rushed forward with indomitable momentum, ignoring the lights at the foot of the mountain, and rolled over the heads of the monks like a tsunami.

The insect demon that rushed forward condensed into a sharp cone shape in a short period of time, and the sharp tip went straight towards the huge vortex between the two peaks.

Thousands of insect demons hit the vortex at the same time, but they could not block the light of the vortex.

The vortex didn't move at all.

The locusts that hit the vortex with all their strength flew quickly to the ground, and the insects behind them continued to hit the large vortex like a tide.

The locusts that had completed an impact mission quickly landed on the ground, gnawing on the grass and replenishing their lost strength.

The monks outside the Qiangu Garden barrier are still waiting for the opportunity.

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