magic eye doctor

Chapter 3206 Heartbroken

The outside of Qiangu Garden turned into a sea of ​​insects. Except for the light being affected, everything in the safe zone remained the same as before.

In addition to managing the crops in the spiritual fields, the growers also went to the edge of the barrier to watch the battle between the monks and the insect monsters when they had free time. Most of the monks were so frightened that they gave up the idea of ​​leaving the safe city to explore the secrets.

The gourd boy and the little creatures were not curious about the insect tide. They had never left the spirit-gathering world. They were very busy picking the fairy rice and fairy grass that should be harvested and sowing a new round.

In the fifth month of the insect wave, the little creatures couldn't bear it anymore and sent messages to the fairy.

Their messages were successful, but there was no response.

Le Xiaololi was within the range of the message talisman, but she had no time to look at the message talisman. She was busy catching locust larvae.

The insect-catching array continued to attract insects. In the middle of the fourth month, the locust army from Black Mist Lake had all moved over, followed by the second generation of insects.

Little Loli handed over the task of guarding the formation and cleaning up the insect corpses to the Silver Star Ninth Brothers. She ran towards the Black Mist Lake and found the area where the insect eggs had not yet hatched. When the insects hatched, she released the puppets and puppet beasts. Surround and kill nymphs.

The newly hatched nymphs from locust eggs are only as big as adult rice locusts on the earth, but they have the ability to defend themselves against the golden elixir monsters.

The nymph has just climbed out of the soil layer. It has no wings, cannot fly, and has weak jumping power. It can only jump about one foot in one leap.

But even if they don't eat, they can grow rapidly by absorbing spiritual energy. In just one day, they can grow to the thickness of a human forearm, and after about two days and two nights, they will evolve to the size of a Nascent Soul Beast.

Nymphs who have advanced to the first level of the program have increased combat power and greatly improved jumping ability. They can jump more than 30 high and 40 feet away with a single leap. Their wings are also developing rapidly. They look the same every day and can grow for more than ten days. To a monster beast equivalent to the Mahayana level.

The second generation locusts are equivalent to the Mahayana level, and their body shape is the same as that of adults. They eat while flying, and will be promoted to the first level insect demon in about a month.

The best time to catch a nymph is from the time it emerges from the mud until its wings are fully developed.

In the first two days after the nymph hatches, Le Xiao's hurricane sweeper can suck it into its stomach. When it reaches the first level, the hurricane sweeper can only suck the nymph when it is less than one foot away.

Waiting until the locust nymphs are hatched and unearthed, the puppet men and puppet beasts begin the cleaning work.

The little Loli also sent out all the hurricane sweep and mining array discs. When the nymph was promoted to the first level, her drying discs had a heroic role.

The drying pan can bear the weight of hundreds of millions of kilograms. It is hard enough. It can be enlarged to cover a width of one or two miles. If it is thrown at a certain position, the insects will be hit accurately. One drying pan can knock out or smash the insects within one or two miles. die.

Then, the Hurricane Sweeper and the Array Disk are responsible for "cleaning" the battlefield.

In the later stage, in order to save spiritual consciousness, the little Loli was only responsible for smashing bugs with a drying plate, while the puppets and puppet beasts were responsible for collecting the corpses.

The insect egg area was not large, but there were many puppets and puppet beasts. The nymphs were almost killed before they could develop into adults. Only a few thousand insects with fully developed wings did not survive and were completely wiped out by the blue-armored puppet men.

The little loli won a great victory, and then went to hunt the newly hatched larvae in other areas.

After killing several batches of nymphs, I became more and more experienced, and my speed of annihilating enemies became faster and faster.

After wandering around for more than a month, the little Loli returned to the area near the insect-catching array, withdrew the array, took back all the items that were used to set up the array, and covered up the large hole in the array.

She waited until the insect eggs in the soil around the array hatched, killed a group of nymphs, and headed towards the secret direction of Qianji.

There are insect eggs everywhere in some areas of the canyon. The nymphs hatch at the same time, so it is impossible to kill them all. The insect demons that have grown into adults are also heading east in groups.

Calculating time, the army of insect monsters had already arrived at Qian Ji Secret Valley, and Le Yun did not have to worry about the army of insect monsters discovering the information that they were being surrounded and killed halfway, and chasing after the second generation of insects to kill them.

The insect demon army lays eggs from west to east, and therefore, the order in which the insect eggs hatch can also be traced.

Little Loli and the Silver Star Nine brothers chased the second generation of insects to kill the adult insects. When they found any area of ​​eggs that were about to hatch, they stopped to surround and kill the nymphs.

A few months later, a large number of nymphs were harvested. It was speculated that the insect tide in front of Qianji Secret Valley had lasted for nearly eight months, and we decided to stop.

Le Yun let the nine Yinxing brothers who had been following him take a rest. He drove the spirit boat from eight to ninety thousand feet above the ground and returned to the canyon in the front section of Qianji Valley ahead of the large number of second-generation bugs.

She stopped at a height of more than 100,000 miles away from the western end of Qiangu Garden, put away her spirit boat, and descended by herself.

When they descended from a high altitude to mid-air, they met the dense insect swarm again.

The swarm of insects continued to attack, but the little Loli was not polite and cast a net as she walked. Every time she cast a net, she moved away before the swarm of insects could react.

Every time he moved, he traveled dozens of miles and mixed into new swarms of insects, so that the insect demon felt something was wrong. When he tried to find the creature that smelled like the insect swarm but also sneaked up on its companions, he couldn't find it.

Le Yun didn't stay in the air for too long. She found that the locusts on the ground were denser, so she quickly landed from the air, walked on her face, and cast her net as she walked.

There are twelve levels of law enforcement in Qiangu Garden, all of which are hidden in the air. They have a commanding view of the insect swarm army and the team of monks outside Qiangu Garden.

When they saw from a distance a human-like creature covered tightly in black robes and gauze, moving freely in the insect tide, everyone fell silent.

Watching again and again the creature scurrying here and there in the dense insect tide, casting a net here to catch hundreds of locusts, and casting a net here to catch dozens of locusts, the law enforcement officers all looked at each other.

The meaning is just one: Is this a disciple of your Immortal Sect/Immortal Palace?

“It’s not from our palace.” ˜ ˜ ˜ “It’s not from our palace either.”

Every law enforcement officer shook his head.

"Whose family does that belong to?"

"I don't know."

"Didn't Fairy Xiyue leave the safe city? It might be her." Finally, a law enforcement officer remembered a certain Jian'er.

The law enforcement officers who received the reminder did not pay attention to anything else. They raised their eyes to look at the creature scurrying around in the insect tide. Then, nothing happened.

Because the covered creature perfectly blended with the person on the Qingshi list.

The law enforcement officers are quite shocked, you ask, why is such a genius with outstanding talents and a combination of merit and luck not a disciple of his own Immortal Sect/Tiangong!

A law enforcement officer said again: "With this person's methods, she must have caught a lot of insects. This time all the geniuses in the palaces were busy."

"Extremely, if she loves fairy rice, she may take all the high-grade fairy rice into her bag."

The other deacons looked at that one with deep eyes. Isn't this guy talking nonsense? How can Fairy Xiyue not love fairy rice?

After learning the truth, the law enforcement tried to remedy the situation: "Perhaps, if she can enter the Qianji Secret Valley and find the fairy field in the secret valley, she may not care about the fairy rice outside."

Law enforcement officers: "..." These words are even more heartbreaking!

Since a certain law enforcement officer is always trying to tell the truth and other law enforcement officers are not answering, they don't want to be hurt anymore. After all, they are not exempt from the common deeds. This time they are here for some kind of fairy rice!

The three treasures of the Golden Lotus of Merit lying in the Contractor's Divine Sea, and realizing that the Contractor was being watched, each of them pretended not to know.

Those guys can't see through the little guy and her storage, so there's no need to worry about it.

Besides, if they did something, it would be easy to alert the enemy.

The three treasures just calmly "watched" the little contractor fighting in and out of the insect swarm, and insisted not to take the initiative to help. This little guy can handle this kind of small scene more than enough, and they don't want to step in and destroy the little guy. Experienced elegance.

As the current owner of the treasure, Le Xiao doesn’t want to attract the attention of some powerful people in the divine world, so he has no plans to use the treasure.

If she used the treasure and sacrificed the Void Bottle, with the power of her consciousness, she would not be able to catch all the insects in one go, but she could still suck out one-fifth of the insect swarm.

Of course, there are hidden dangers in doing that. The overload of work will exhaust her consciousness and spiritual energy, and it will take about a month or two to recover.

Although insect monster corpses are good feed, it is not worth the risk of using the Void Bottle.

The little loli has one mind and two ounces of consciousness. One part of her consciousness is constantly catching insects in the net, and the other part of her consciousness is pouring out the insects that come back from the net, and smoothing the net out for easy reuse.

There are several nets used alternately, so no matter how fast the outgoing and incoming nets are, they can still be supplied.

Le Yun moved forward while netting insects, and after several circles, she reached the canyon opposite the middle section of the safe zone.

After netting away the insects for more than a dozen times, he moved outside the safe zone of Qiangu Garden. He quickly took action again and cast several nets to clear away the surrounding locusts. He quickly entered the barrier with the jade talisman in hand.

The location chosen this time was not ideal. After entering the barrier, Le Yun, who was in dizziness, fell into an idle spiritual field.

The somersault was so beautiful that the curtain and hat flew away, and the man and the earth kissed each other intimately.

Le Yun, who fell into the gentle embrace of Mother Earth, was sobered by the pain in her forehead and face that she climbed up and sat up.

After sitting down, I realized later that the curtain hat was missing.

Looking around again, well, the curtain hat flew five feet away, and I was a full forty feet away from the barrier. This shows how big the span was when I entered the barrier.

Take another look, hey, in the spirit gathering formation less than six feet away, there are two planters looking at me blankly across the barrier of the spirit gathering world.

It is estimated that they witnessed how gracefully they threw themselves into the arms of Mother Earth. The scene when they landed face down on the flat sand must have been very amazing.

It’s so stunning that it’s so eye-catching!

It's embarrassing.

But who is Le Yun? She has never been through the scene, how could she be stumped by such a small embarrassing scene!

She acted calmly, calmly cleaning her face and head with a dusting technique, then stood up, patted her clothes, reached out to grab the curtain and put it away in the storage container.

Then he calmly stepped out of the spiritual field, turned around and loosened the soil in the spiritual field that he had smashed hard, and then left as if there was no one around.

Several farming monks who watched how a certain monk came in from outside the barrier and landed on the ground were almost shocked, and they didn't close their mouths for a long time. When they came to their senses, the warrior had long disappeared.

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