magic eye doctor

Chapter 3207 Don’t want to compete for ranking

The little Loli, who had fled far away, borrowed the aircraft to travel and rushed back to the rented planting field in one breath.

Because his whole body was filled with the smell that insects like, he was afraid of "scare" the growing fairy grass, so he did not enter the spirit gathering array, stood outside, and shouted: "Little cuties, I'm back! "

That voice spread in the spirit gathering array, and Calabash Baby and the five little creatures rushed out of the spirit gathering array and pounced on the little fairy.

However, the children, one large, five small and six small, who were running close, smelled the scent of the little fairy and all backed up.

"Wow, the little fairy smells so bad!"

"It's over, the sweet-smelling fairy has turned into a smelly little fairy!"

"Little fairy, little fairy, did you steal the male insect's new wife, so you were sprayed with saliva by the insect?"

The six little cuties retreated to the barrier of the Spirit Gathering Array and looked at the little fairy curiously, their eyes spinning fast.

"You dolls, it hurts my heart so much! I stayed up for months chasing and killing bugs. I was afraid that you would be worried. I just came back to visit you, but you actually dislike the smell of me!"

I have decided to deduct ten spiritual meals from you. "

"Wow, our little fairy smells amazing."

"The fairy doesn't stink, the fairy smells great!"

"Little Fairy is the best fragrance in the world."

The six dolls turned their heads faster than turning the pages of a book, but, as they said beautifully, no one moved their feet to the little fairy.

"I'm here to tell you that I'm fine. I'll find a place to lie down, and then I'll go kill the insects. You can go farm." Le Yun stopped teasing the dolls, and announced tasks to the stewards with her little hands behind her back. direction.

"Little Fairy..." The six dolls stared at the Little Fairy's back longingly. Will they still be able to deduct some spiritual food?

Then, they heard the most beautiful voice: "Don't worry, I won't deduct your spiritual food this time! If you don't work hard, it will be difficult to say."

"Hey, we will work hard and try to grow more fairy rice!" The six dolls jumped three feet high with excitement. Wow, the spiritual food is back in the bowl!

The dolls, filled with joy, turned around and got into the spirit-gathering array, carefully guarding their one-third acre of land. After a while, they felt as if they had missed something and hadn't told the little fairy.

What exactly happened, the six dolls did not remember.

The things that couldn't be remembered were definitely unimportant things. The five dolls did not waste any more brain cells and stared at the fairy seedlings peacefully, hoping that they would mature early and have a good harvest.

After running to her little cuties to say goodbye, Leyun walked through the planting field and wandered to the easternmost broad area.

The monks who had been killing insects for several months showed fatigue during the battle. Even during the day, some teams retreated to the safe area to recuperate. Those monks who were injured and were not suitable for fighting were also in the safe area.

In the free area reserved in Qiangu Garden, there are various wish-fulfilling houses or magical wards of various sizes.

Some monks who were recuperating from their injuries or who had retreated to the barrier to rest and relax their nerves were sitting or standing not far from the barrier, watching the battle outside.

There are three stewards on duty in the Stewardship Office, ready to accept tasks from the monks at any time.

Both the stewards and the monks thought that the female monk walking east from the planting area was someone who had returned from the battlefield outside. No one cared about it at first, until they smelled a peculiar smell from a distance.

The stewards watched carefully. One of the stewards was the one who once took a certain female cultivator to the planting fields. When they saw the female cultivator in black robes, their eyes showed surprise.

"Fellow Taoist Xiyue? It's you, you're back!?"

The steward's words made Le Yun feel friendly and she grinned: "Thank you for your help, seniors. I just came back from outside."

"Where have you been these days? This insect wave has covered millions of miles. How did you, Xiyue, pass through the insect wave and return to Qiangu Garden safe and sound?" The stewards were also surprised.

"Junior was curious about Black Mist Lake, so he ran there to satisfy his curiosity." Le Yun smiled helplessly: "Junior can safely pass through the insect tide because of this smell on his body."

"Fellow Taoist, have you been to Black Mist Lake? Have you ever seen a swarm of insects crawling out of the black mist with your own eyes?"

"No, I waited for several months and didn't see any insects, so I had to go back. Unexpectedly, the insect swarm came halfway. I was so angry that I waited for the insect swarm to pass by and then turned back to Black Mist Lake to see, but still ran away in vain. A trip."

The stewards laughed: "My little fellow Taoist is really persistent."

Le Yun nodded wildly, no, she is a persistent person!

It's rare to see a monk who survived the insect wave unscathed. The stewards' attitude was particularly gentle: "It's already the ninth month after the insect wave came. If you want to compete in the rankings, you have to work hard."

"The juniors don't want to compete for the ranking list. The juniors just want to earn some points in exchange for some fairy rice." What's there to fight for in the ranking list? There is no such thing as the fragrance of fairy rice in rankings.

"Little Daoist Xiyue is already ranked number one in Qingbei. Wouldn't it be better to strive for number one in the ranking list to get a double happiness?"

"Senior, it's hard to earn points. If you want to be in the top ten of the rankings, you need at least tens of millions of points. Points like that are daunting."

"It doesn't take that many points. In the past, the highest point was eight million, usually around five million."

"Eight million, how many first-order locusts must be killed?" Le Yun suddenly stood outside Steward Ruyi's house and looked towards the mission area.

"In terms of killing locusts alone, one first-level early-stage locust has 100 points, and about 80,000 locusts can make up for 8 million points. Qianji Valley has a total of five insect waves. If you add them together, it won't be a big problem."

What does it mean that it’s not a big problem? Le Yun's head was full of black lines, and she asked sincerely: "Senior, among the monks who are hunting locusts now, how many locusts have been killed by the team with the largest number?"

"About fifty thousand or so."

"Hey, that's awesome!" Le Yun was so impressed that she fell to the ground.

"They have a lot of people, but if we actually divide them up, each person will only get a few thousand."

"Looking at it this way, this junior really has hope of competing for the top spot."

"Little fellow Daoist, come on!" The little female cultivator finally gained some fighting spirit, and the stewards smiled and cheered her up.

The stewards were full of good intentions, Le Yun smiled and thanked them, slipped away to the grass, set up a wishful house, and climbed in to sleep.

She really needed sleep. She had been busy hunting and killing bugs for several months and never had a good night's sleep. Especially when hunting bugs, she often stayed awake for half a month.

The little Loli got into the Ruyi House, closed her five senses, and fell asleep.

The approaching monks, after listening to the words of the female cultivator and the stewards, realized that the female cultivator was Fairy Xiyue, who was newly ranked number one on the Qingbei list!

The news that Fairy Xiyue was in Qiangu Garden also spread among the monks through them.

Rumors often get sidetracked as they are passed around. The same is true for the gossip about Fairy Xiyue. After being passed around by several teams, it becomes distorted. Fairy Xiyue also became Xiyue in Qiangu Garden and prepared to fight for it. Ranking list. Zhu Songqing and his team fought hard for another whole day, and returned to the safe area to rest in the evening. Then the team also heard the gossip that Fairy Xiyue was preparing to compete for the ranking list.

Nanga was a little surprised after hearing the gossip, and asked: "Where is Fairy Xiyue?"

"It is said that it is at the steward's side. I arrived at almost noon today and entered the Ruyi Room as soon as I arrived." The monk who heard the gossip and ran back to the team to share it did not know where Fairy Xiyue was.

"Fellow Taoists, the poor monk and others are here. The poor monk left the team to look for people. The poor monk observes that all the fellow Taoists are good people. The fellow Taoists can put aside the matters of dividing the shares and wait for the insect tide to end before counting. The rewards of collaboration.”

Nanjia stood up, and Zhu Songqing realized what he was doing: "Could Fellow Daoist be waiting for Fairy Xiyue?"

"Exactly." Nanga smiled and said goodbye with his hands clasped together, and flew towards the management office.

Zhu Songqing and some of his teammates had an encounter with Fairy Xiyue at Wudao Lake. They originally wanted to talk to Buddha and invite Fairy Xiyue to kill insects together, but after thinking about it, they gave up the plan.

Fairy Xiyue must be unwilling to cooperate with other people's teams, so it's best not to disturb them.

Buddha Cultivator was broad-minded, and Zhu Songqing did not brush off his kindness. He asked the teammate in charge of the storage device to store the proceeds from the cooperation separately, and everyone took the time to practice and restore their true energy and spiritual consciousness.

Nanjia flew to the grassland east of the steward area and found the wishful house of Fairy Xiyue without asking anyone else.

After all, he had spent so much time with Fairy Xiyue and recognized her wishful house.

Nanga walked to the opposite side of Ruyi House, sat on the floor, and practiced quietly.

Qiangu Garden is safe. The little Loli enters the Ruyi House and falls asleep with peace of mind. She wakes up naturally after sleeping, her true energy is restored, her consciousness is full, and her whole person comes to life.

The odor on my body has not been removed, and I have no appetite for food. I have only cleaned my face and mouth, and I am full of energy and ready to go out and have a big fight.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the Ruyi House, I saw the monk sitting facing the Ruyi House, and the joy of "It's great to have friends coming from afar" also came to my heart.

She took one step out of the Ruyi House, put the Ruyi House away, and smiled at the Buddha, revealing her silver teeth: "Fellow Taoist Nanjia, I haven't seen you for many years. How are you?"

Nanga stood up and said with a leisurely smile to his fellow Taoist whom he had not seen for ten years: "The poor monk is fine, and fellow Taoist Guan Xiyue is also fine. It's great to congratulate him, and the joy of meeting him again should come to light."

"How about we wait for the insect wave to pass and have a few drinks together?"

"It's a good idea. The young monk also has this idea. However, since the young monk has no wine, I guess fellow Taoist Xiyue will have plenty of good wine, so the young monk will be blessed again."

Unintentionally shooting herself in the foot, Le Yun's face fell: "I don't have any wine! Just drink a few glasses of water. It's not that you're full of water. With this deep friendship that hit you right at first sight, even if you drink ice on a cold day, it will be warm." .”

Nanga: "..." He dares to gamble with his faith. Fellow Taoist Xiyue has a fine wine!

The Buddhist monk stared at his friend quietly: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, monks don't lie."

"Fellow Taoist Nanga is right." Le Yun agreed with her face. She was not a monk anyway, so she was not an exception.

Nanjia guessed that this little friend must have other ideas, and also smiled: "The young monk heard rumors that Fairy Xiyue intends to compete for the top spot in the rankings. My little Taoist friend is very confident."

"Ouch, who started this rumor?" Le Yun looked shocked: "I just returned to Qiangu Garden yesterday, and I clearly said that I had no intention of competing for the rankings. I just wanted to earn points to exchange for fairy rice. Who spread the rumors that I wanted to compete for the rankings? Number one on the list?

The people who spread the rumors must have low points and were worried that I would use my points in exchange for Xianmi, which would not be their share, so they deliberately spread rumors to push me to the forefront and force me to keep my points to compete for the rankings. No. Then grab some fairy rice from them. "

"Fellow Taoist is right." Nanjia said happily: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, you have been rumored as soon as you show up. Others are so jealous of you that they make you angry. Do you want to fight for this ranking or not?"

"Why are you fighting for that false reputation? If someone likes to spread rumors, let him do his best. I want to use my points to exchange for fairy rice. What can he do to me?" Oh, do you want to force her to waste her points?

This is not just about eating enough.

Based on the number of locusts in her hand, which can be exchanged for tens of billions of points, she can single-handedly wipe out the entire Wanzhen Tower and Qiangu Garden of fairy rice.

Le Yun smiled and rolled her eyes. Hey, military strategists pay attention to attacking the heart. In this game, the rumormonger is destined to lose again.

"False names are all in vain, but fellow Taoist Xiyue is still so wise." Nanga's eyebrows were more Buddhist-like: "My little fellow Taoist, are you going out to hunt insect monsters today? How about we go together?"

"Let's form a team another day. I'll go around today to find out where the leader of the insect demon is." Le Yun suddenly remembered something and rushed to the management area like a monkey in the sky.

After searching for tasks, I still couldn't find any tasks related to killing insects, so I asked the steward for advice: "Senior, if you kill the leader of the insect monsters, is there any special reward?"

"Yes." The steward immediately answered: "Kill an insect leader and your points will be multiplied five times, and you will also receive an additional reward of 500 kilograms of some kind of high-level immortal rice from the nine-star purple-level planting mission."

"The insect leader is one level higher than the insect swarm, and the reward is only 500 kilograms of rice. It doesn't seem very cost-effective." Le Yun did the calculation and felt that it was not cost-effective.

"Fellow Taoist, the fairy rice for the nine-star purple level mission is one step short of being promoted to the divine grade. It is the fairy food eaten by the immortal kings. One pound is equivalent to a hundred pounds of high-grade fairy rice." What about the only monk who has the ability to kill the insect leader? They all look like they lack fighting spirit and are helpless in taking care of things.

"Okay, let's consider it worth the money. I'll go find the insect leader and see if I can catch one back and try it in exchange for some high-grade fairy rice."

Le Yun slipped away like a whirlwind, taking out her curtain hat and putting it on as she flew, not forgetting to say hello to her Buddhist friends: "I'm going out to scout the enemy. If I feel like I can't beat him, I'll come back and ask fellow Taoist Nanga for help."

"What a good idea, little monk, I'm waiting to help you." Nanjia smiled. After getting along with her for more than a month, she realized today that Fairy Xiyue's nature is so lively.

The nearby monks who were silently paying attention had dark and unclear eyes. Fairy Xiyue's tone was relaxed, but I didn't know if she was just being conceited or if she had real abilities.

Nanga also flew high into the sky to observe the actions of his fellow Taoists from a distance.

Flying to the top of the Qianguyuan barrier, Le Yun silently grabbed a bowl of medicine and drank it, then sprayed a layer of special medicine on her hat and clothes, and then flew out of the barrier when she was ready.

This time, she moved out of the barrier without directly touching it, so she didn't feel dizzy.

Standing in the air outside the barrier, everything you see is densely packed with locusts. The density is enough to kill trypophobia in minutes.

Le Yun, who did not have trypophobia, did not care at all about the insects that were within reach around her. She set her sights on the Secret Valley of Qian Ji. Several insect leaders were near the secret valley.

Judging from the light on the insect monster, there are thirteen leaders in the insect swarm. The twelve leaders are in the middle and late second level respectively, and one of them is at the peak of the late second level.

The insect demon at the peak of the late second level is equivalent to the Great Perfection of the late earth immortal level.

The highest level insects were protected by dense insect guards and were difficult to catch. Le Yun's target was the insect leaders with slightly lower status.

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