magic eye doctor

Chapter 3208 Capturing the Insect Leader

Even though the little Loli said that it was uneconomical to exchange a bug leader for five hundred pounds of high-grade fairy rice, she was actually extremely excited about the task.

The fairy rice in the purple-level planting mission is a high-level fairy rice. The nine-star purple-level fairy rice is the best among fairy rice. It is said that the maximum yield of a two-mile spiritual field is only 200 kilograms.

The output is low, so naturally things are rare and expensive.

Why is the yield low?

Because the rice seedlings of nine-star purple-level fairy rice are not divided into separate plants, that is, there is only one rice seedling per rice seed, and on average one rice seedling will produce about ten rice seedlings.

Immortal rice in the world of gods and immortals is generally larger than a finger, but the grains of nine-star purple-level immortal rice are extremely small, and its grains are as big as the most common rice on earth.

Such rice grains are tiny in the world of gods and immortals.

The way to eat high-grade fairy rice is also different. If it is cooked, it will lose energy. You always peel it when you eat it. It is a type of rice that is peeled and eaten now.

And it's not about kilos, it's about grains. One pill a day is enough for Immortal Lord, and only half a pill for Daluo Jinxian is enough to keep you full for ten days and a half.

Among the high-level spiritual objects that can be redeemed at Wanzhen Pagoda, there is no nine-star purple fairy rice. Qiangu Garden has issued tasks to plant it, and the fairy rice grown is naturally divided among the various forces in the divine world.

The insect-killing leader rewards nine-star purple fairy rice. With such a good thing, what are you waiting for?

After scouting out the enemy's situation and knowing the distribution of the insect leaders, Le Yun used her spiritual power to activate the medicine she had just taken, and set off in a hurry.

The insect swarm in front of the secret valley is too dense, with locusts stacked on the ground and almost no gaps in the air.

Under such circumstances, it was difficult to use the movement technique, so the little loli could only fly slowly, looking for openings to avoid hitting other locusts.

It was also because the medicine she took took effect and her body exuded a special smell. The bug demon smelled the smell and became more fond of a certain creature that did not look like a bug.

In the dense insect swarm, not only was no one on guard against the strange-looking creature, some male and female insects even came closer and touched it tenderly with their tentacles to show their closeness.

Le Yun, who was approached by the insect, screamed silently: Don't touch me, I am not your descendant!

She hates the closeness of insects, but because she is too close to the insect leader, she cannot catch the insects with a net under the eyes of the insect leader, so she can only endure the "kindness and friendliness" of the insects.

At the same time, he secretly decided that he could not do this again when developing drugs in the future. It was okay to change the smell and pretend to be the Zerg, but he could no longer pretend to be the second generation of Zerg!

The risk of pretending to be the second generation of bugs is too high!

Even if she has a strong psychological endurance, Le Yun is unlikely to be able to accept the great "fatherly love" and "motherly love" of the Zerg, so she runs away in a hurry with her heart trembling.

She ran away, but in the eyes of the law enforcement officers high in the sky, she felt like she was in a swarm of insects and was in a deserted place, and her movement skills were even more exquisite.

The law enforcement officers silently watched the little female cultivator approaching the Qianji Secret Valley, wondering what step she could take, and whether she could really fake it and hide it from the insect leader.

Several leaders near the barrier also discovered a new insect in the insect swarm. They suspected that it was a mutated insect, and its appearance may be different from that of the insect race. It was worried that it would not be recognized by its own race, so it cleverly picked up the human race before wearing it. The rags were hung up.

The bug leaders acquiesced to the existence of strangely dressed bugs.

"Insects" covered in human rags were slithering through the swarm of insects, as if looking for relatives. They ran more than a dozen times in the air to the north in front of the barrier, and then ran to the south.

The "bug" circled in the air to the south of the barrier for more than a dozen times, and then ran around in the air in front of the barrier. After turning for more than ten times, it slowly approached the direction of the barrier.

The insect swarm that was busy eating the power of the barrier and the insect swarms that took over and changed positions did not stop the strange-looking sibling, and the insect leader did not issue an order to drive it away, defaulting to helping it.

But that insect did not join the swarm of insects that were eating the power of the barrier. It reached the top of the barrier from the air and entered the gap from the edge of the gap between the two mountains.

Several leaders speculated that the mutant bugs were looking for their parent bugs for shelter. One of the two second-order bug leaders who went to the gap might be the mutant bug's parent bug.

The entrance barrier of Qian Ji Secret Valley is suspended in the air. The edge of the last circle of the vortex is nine feet nine feet away from the ground, and the golden bowl of the barrier is directly touching the ground. It looks like the huge vortex is standing vertically on the ground. .

The large vortex is more than ten thousand feet thick, and its other end ends in the middle of the mountain. The barrier is like a large cylinder stuck between two peaks.

The gap is too narrow, and the golden cylinder radiates out and is reflected by the mountain walls on both sides, forming a gathering effect, so that the entire mountain gap is golden.

A large number of insect swarms poured into the gap, and the barrier and mountain walls were covered with locusts.

There are two insect leaders in the gap, one is located in the middle area of ​​the barrier, and the other is at the end of the barrier.

The "worm", thought by the leaders to be looking for relatives and seeking shelter, entered the thin line of sky between the two mountains, and happily jumped around again and again, and finally got to the point where it was commanding in the crevices of the mountains. Near the leader of the swarm.

The insect leader's personal insect swarm felt that the new insect was very friendly, and no one blocked its approach.

The leader of the insects that was surrounded was a male. Its long tentacles moved again and again. He analyzed that the blood of the insect covered in human rags was close to his, but he was not sure that he was his descendant.

The worms come from another world, and it is difficult to breed healthy offspring here. It has mated with more than a dozen female worms, and it does not expect that the eggs laid by any of the female worms will hatch into healthy bugs.

The bugs in human skin have their own aura and are not necessarily their own blood larvae, because this time there are two larvae of the same mother as the leader of the Zerg team. The leader of the male insect needs to get closer to the insect to determine the blood relationship, which acquiesces to the approach of the insect.

The little Lolita, who had a special smell, and with the thoughtful care of the kind-hearted insect swarms, had no problem touching the edge of the male insect leader's personal insect swarm.

Le Yun, who was mixed in the insect swarm, visually measured the distance and found that she was about thirteen feet away from the male insect leader.

There were about 200 personal insect swarms surrounding the insect leader, forming a circle layer by layer, surrounding the leader in the middle.

Not far below is the barrier between heaven and earth in Qianji Secret Valley. There is a layer of locusts stuck to the surface of the barrier, and their presence does not affect their actions.

After visually measuring the distance to the edge of the outermost vortex of the heaven and earth barrier, Le Yun knew what was going on, and once again moved closer to the male insect leader and the guard insect group.

As the distance got closer again, both the male insect leader and the bodyguards were within the range that he could catch them all.

After calculating the angle and position, Leyun quickly cast a big gray net.

The giant net surrounded all the guard insects and insect leaders. She held the wires of the big net in her hands and jumped down to the bottom of the guard insect swarm.

The big net scooped up the bodyguard insects and the leader of the male insects, who had not yet understood the situation, into the net.

The few guard insect monsters on the outermost edge saw the gray grid appear, and instinctively rushed forward, but they bumped into a gray wall.

Le Yun jumped down, tightened the cable of the big net, and threw the net into the storage container with lightning speed, and the people quickly moved around.

The void structure of the God Realm is tight. In the Yunlan Spirit Realm, the maximum distance that can be moved at one time can reach more than a thousand miles, while in the secret realm, the maximum distance that can be moved at one time is less than 900 miles.

If you are chased by an immortal, you can only move nine hundred miles at a time, which is very dangerous and there is basically no possibility of escape.

For now, this moving distance is enough for Leyun.

She did not stop in the mountain peak, moving once to the entrance of the gap in the mountain peak, and then moved once more to the edge of the insect swarm where the insect leader was stationed on the north peak wall to direct the insect swarm to bite the barrier.

Before the bodyguard insect swarm could react, another large net flew out of Le Yun's hand, and she moved downwards again.

After another small move of half a mile, a large net was drawn down from the air at an unparalleled speed. The net included the insect leader's bodyguards and the leader, as well as some ordinary guard insects.

Succeeding for the second time, Le Yun threw the big net into the storage container and quickly moved it. The target was Qiangu Garden.

The transfer was successful.

However, because the barrier level of Qiangu Garden is high and it moves very fast, people will inevitably have sequelae after entering Qiangu Garden. The brain will feel like being hit by a heavy object, the consciousness will be in severe pain, and the person will not be able to stabilize. Fell from the air.

"Help, help! Fellow Taoist Nanga, come and help!" The feeling of being out of the air came to her heart, and Le Yun, regardless of the image or not, let out a howl like a slaughtering pig.

The barrier of Qiangu Garden looks only a hundred feet high from the outside, but is actually as high as five thousand feet inside.

If a monk falls from the air without defense, no matter how strong his bones are, he will still have to break a few bones to survive the fall.

The last time I entered the barrier, I fell into the mud. If I landed like a wild goose on a flat sand with my butt in the air again this time, I would have no image at all.

Le Yun didn't want to fall face to face with the loess and back to the sky in front of everyone again. No matter what, it was better to roar first and ask someone to protect her than to fall down and eat a mouthful of grass, right?

Nanjia stayed in the air within the boundary of Qiangu Garden, far away in the direction of Qianji Secret Valley. Even though he had sharp eyesight, because the locusts were too dense, he could not see Fairy Xiyue after she left the boundary about three thousand feet away.

There was no movement among the insect swarm outside Qianji Secret Valley, which also meant that Fairy Xiyue did not take action.

Nanga had been paying attention to the movements of the insect swarm. At a certain moment, he suddenly sensed spiritual energy fluctuations in the air within the barrier, and immediately looked over.

He saw a black shadow appear in the sky, and the black line fell downwards.

Because of the distance and the speed of the black shadow, he could not see clearly whether the black shadow was a person or an object, and instead heard a familiar female voice.

Hearing Fairy Xiyue's voice, Nanga's body reflexes were faster than his thoughts, and he had already rushed out.

The stewards noticed the moment someone entered the barrier and knew who it was immediately, so they did not take action.

If any foreign creature enters the barrier, the stewards will kill it as soon as possible.

When the stewards heard the shouts of the female cultivators, their eyes were strange. Fairy Xiyue was obviously extremely powerful, so why did she often not play her cards according to the rules?

Some monks who were recuperating east of the steward's office had not yet noticed the person appearing out of thin air. When they heard the sound, they all raised their heads and looked high into the sky.

They saw a black shadow falling rapidly downwards, and at the same time a flash of brown flew from the sky. They threw a magic weapon to catch the falling black shadow steadily.

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