magic eye doctor

Chapter 3209 The reward has not yet arrived

The pain in her consciousness was so severe that Le Yun couldn't even pick up a magic weapon to catch herself. She was forced to accept the result of losing control. When she fell, the wind blew the gauze from her hat and covered her face, and her vision was also affected.

Until he was supported by a soft force, the whistling wind in his ears disappeared, and the gauze that was stuck to his face by the wind hung down naturally.

Le Yun, who was finally rescued, rubbed her eyes that were stinging from the wind with one hand, lifted off her curtain hat with the other hand, turned sideways based on her senses, and looked at the person who caught her.

There is a Buddhist cultivator standing in the air next to him. He has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and is full of Buddha nature. It is pleasing to the eye to see him.

"My little fellow Taoist, are you feeling better?" Nanjia stood a few feet away, his eyes filled with concern.

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist Nanga. If you hadn't come to catch me in time, if I fell like this, all the bones in my body would have fallen apart."

Le Yun rubbed her eyes instead of rubbing her head, which was still in severe pain, and she did not forget to complain: "Oh, who is the author of this safe city's barrier? Why is it unreasonable? I don't I just walked in without following the rules, and just because I flew in, my consciousness was so painful that it almost split my head."

Nanga smiled helplessly: "It makes sense that the barrier didn't directly kill you as an invading creature."

What? Le Yun's expression was so surprised that she said, "I have an entry and exit ID card. Is it a mistake to fly in?"

"The speed is too fast, and the barrier cannot tell whether it is an intruder or not, and sometimes mistakes are inevitable." Nanga gave a friendly reminder.

"This is really not good news." Le Yun muttered, no matter what, sat down, and then looked at the magic weapon that caught her.

Oops, the magic weapon used by fellow Buddhists and Taoists to catch her turned out to be a golden lotus.

The golden lotus magic weapon has ninety-nine petals, a golden lotus pod, and a circle of white stamens surrounding the outside.

The level of the magic weapon is very high, a divine weapon!

From this we can see that being a Buddhist friend is not simple!

The extraordinary Buddha Nanga raised his feet smoothly and stepped into the magic weapon. He sat down next to Fairy Xiyue naturally and let the magic weapon fly back to the grass.

After he landed safely, he did not forget to ask the monks what they were most concerned about: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, how is the reconnaissance of the enemy? Have you found the specific location of the insect leader, and have you figured out its combat power?"

"I'm going to take action. Of course I'll be successful." Le Yun looked embarrassed, jumped up, and patted her clothes: "Let's go to the steward to exchange for spiritual rice. Exchange it for spiritual rice, and wait until the insect tide is over when you are free. Please treat fellow Taoist to a meal of immortal rice."

Nanga was stunned: "Did you kill the insect leader?"

"Living up to the expectations of fellow Taoists, I successfully captured an insect leader." Le Yun held her little hands on her back and was so happy that she wanted to spin around. The insect leader weighed 500 kilograms of nine-star purple immortal rice!

Nanga clasped his palms together and couldn't help but sing "Ami Camel Buddha".

He said nothing more and flew towards the director's office with the magic weapon.

The monks who were resting or recuperating waited for the result when they knew who the returning shadow was. They couldn't believe it when they heard that she had killed the insect leader.

The monks did not move, but all their spiritual consciousness "ran" to the management office.

The Buddhist cultivator flew smoothly with the magic weapon, and in a few breaths he entered the stewards' room. The magic weapon landed in front of the stewards' long table.

The little Loli, who returned home with a full load, smiled brightly at the stewards: "Seniors and juniors, come and redeem the nine-star purple-grade fairy rice."

The three stewards had heard the words of Little Fairy Xiyue and Buddha Cultivator, and nodded with a smile: "Did Fellow Taoist Xiyue capture the insect leader?"

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." Le Yun took out the fishing net that caught the insect leader for the first time from the storage container, and poured the insects into a drying tray.

The insect leader and personal guards were thrown into the storage container that could only hold dead things. They went to meet the ancestors of the insect race silently before they knew that death was coming.

A group of insects died peacefully.

It is easy to distinguish between the bodyguard insects and the insect leaders. The bodyguard insects are all at the peak of the first level, while the leader is at the late second level. The size of the leader is one and a half times larger than the first level insect monsters.

A group of insect corpses were spread out in the drying tray, and the corpse of the insect leader was also particularly conspicuous.

"What a bug leader."

The stewards looked at the corpse of the insect monster in the little magic weapon and felt a little incredible. Less than half an hour after the little cultivator came back, she actually killed an insect leader in such a short period of time.

The monks who followed up with their spiritual senses and were in charge of the office were even more unbelievable.

The monk who was close to the management office asked: "Seniors, why did the insect swarm not respond at all even after the insect leader was killed?"

"Little Fairy Xiyue killed the insect leader and the insect guard team in one fell swoop without disturbing the insect swarm. The insect swarm team led by this insect leader probably didn't know that their leader was missing. The big leader among the insect leaders We haven’t received any news that the leader of any team has been killed, so there won’t be any changes in the insect swarm for the time being.”

The stewards already understood why there was no movement among the insect swarm. Fairy Xiyue also captured the insect leader's personal guards in one fell swoop. It was really just a matter of not taking action. If he did, he would kill them with one strike.

Being able to capture the insect leader and the insect bodyguards under the eyes of the insect swarm without alarming the insect swarm is of course not luck or luck, but sheer strength. Even if the monks were still unconvinced, they had nothing to say.

There is an invisible sour smell in the air.

Sensing the monk's mood changes and the unharmonious atmosphere, Le Yun silently slipped out of another net and said calmly, "Senior, there is another insect leader here."

"There's another one?"

Not only the monks were in disbelief, but even the stewards could not hide their surprise.

Le Yun took out another drying tray, poured the insects out, enlarged the drying tray, and placed it on the table.

Okay, there are more bugs in the second little magic weapon than in the first one. There are three types of corpses. The largest one is the insect leader, the slightly smaller one is the bodyguard insect, and the smallest one is the ordinary insect monster. .

The size of ordinary insect demons also differs slightly due to differences in strength. Some insects are slightly larger and some are slightly thinner.

"Fellow Daoist, did you kill two insect leaders?" The stewards felt a little uncomfortable breathing.

They thought of the meaning represented by the insect leader - one insect leader would reward five hundred kilograms of nine-star purple-level fairy rice!

Fairy Xiyue killed two insect leaders, which meant she had to be rewarded with a thousand kilograms of nine-star purple fairy rice.

Qiangu Garden only has four kinds of nine-star purple immortal rice this time, and the amount of immortal rice that has been planted is less than 400 kilograms.

That little fairy rice is not enough to pay the reward of an insect leader.

According to past records, the highest yield of the nine-star purple fairy rice grown in Qiangu Garden when the secret realm was opened was less than three thousand kilograms.

Assuming that Qiangu Garden can also harvest three thousand kilograms of nine-star purple-grade fairy rice this time, then one-third of the fairy rice will fall into Fairy Xiyue's pocket.

Thinking about where the reward was, the three stewards had mixed emotions.

Clearly sensing the emotional changes of the stewards, Le Yun made a general suggestion: "Seniors, this junior has another use for keeping the corpse of the insect leader. In this way, the points and rewards will only be exchanged for half."

The stewards didn't have the nerve to bully a junior and were pragmatic: "If you keep insect corpses for yourself, you only get half the points when redeeming them. The reward for the insect killer leader is different from the points. There is no precedent for the reward to be halved."

Le Yun stretched out her little hand and took back the drying dish that she took out for the second time and put it in her hand: "Senior, this junior only exchanged one insect leader for the nine-star purple immortal rice. This one will not be responsible for the mission.

The output of nine-star purple fairy rice is not high, and it is not easy for the younger generation to monopolize it. Please ask the seniors to give fifty kilograms of each kind of nine-star purple fairy rice to the juniors. Half of the remaining hundred kilograms will be exchanged for high-grade fairy rice, and the other half Exchange it for ordinary fairy rice, what do you think, seniors? "

The stewards pondered for a moment and did not object: "It's just that in this way, fellow Taoist Xiyue will suffer a loss."

"It's not a loss. It's a virtue for juniors to be humble to seniors." Le Yun showed a sweet smile. Nine-star purple-level immortal rice is the food of the immortals. If she takes them all away, it will bring hatred to herself.

If you exchange top-grade fairy rice for ordinary fairy rice, you will definitely suffer a loss. At least you won't offend all the forces in the God Realm.

It's not that she's afraid of trouble, it's because she's still too weak right now and has offended all the forces in the God Realm. If anyone secretly attacks and does something evil, even if she can't die with the treasure to protect her, she will still have to suffer a lot.

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. Le Yun does not want to put herself in danger for a mere fairy rice. If she takes a step back and does not seek a brighter future, she should be able to avoid a lot of trouble.

"Do you want to hand in the mission now, or after the insect tide has passed? Currently, only two types of nine-star purple immortal rice are grown in Qiangu Garden. The reward for the insect leader may have to be postponed until the end of the secret realm."

"Junior, please turn in the insect leader first." Le Yun handed the identity card to the steward.

The steward took the silver leaf and shined it on a light ball, registered it, and then took out a jade seal and returned it to the young nun along with the identity card.

"This jade seal is the proof of the reward from the leader of the insects. The little Taoist will wait for a while and then come to Qiangu Garden with the jade seal to collect the reward."

"Okay." Le Yun took the identity tag and jade seal with a smile, and waited for the steward to take away the body of the insect leader before taking back the drying plate.

Nanga acted as an escort for once, and when the little Taoist friend handed over the task, he drove the little Taoist friend to the planting area in a magic weapon.

Fellow Daoist Xiyue left, and the three stewards calmly closed their eyes and rested. In fact, they sent summonses to the law enforcement officers to find out how the little female cultivator managed to capture two insect leaders in the insect tide without making a sound.

The monks on the east side of the office watched silently as the Buddhist cultivator and the little female cultivator floated away with their magical treasures, and they all felt quite unhappy.

Yesterday, they heard that Fairy Xiyue was interested in competing for the top spot on the ranking list. They were somewhat contemptuous and felt that Fairy Xiyue's ranking in Qingbei was a matter of virtue and had nothing to do with strength.

Not long ago, when they saw her threatening to capture the insect leader, they were also skeptical of her strength.

Now, Fairy Xiyue not only proved her strength, but also allowed people to witness her character once again.

Anyway, it is impossible for me to give up the nine-star purple immortal rice, nor to exchange the nine-star purple immortal rice for ordinary immortal rice, not to mention several hundred kilograms, let them exchange one or two nine-star purple immortal rice for the top-grade immortal rice. Reluctant to part with it.

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