magic eye doctor

Chapter 3210 Frankly

Nanjia didn't pay attention to the eyes of other monks, and flew slowly with the magic weapon, passing through the spirit gathering arrays one after another, and stopped outside the spirit gathering array enchantment of the planting field of the little creatures of Xiyue Fairy's family.

Le Yun was too lazy to use her own magic weapon anymore, so she took out a wishful house and put it in the magic weapon of a Buddhist friend. She smiled broadly and said, "The smell on my body is difficult to remove. It may take a day or two. Taoist friend Nanjia can Let’s get rid of the pests first.”

"The young monk is not competing for the ranking list, and he is not in a hurry to exterminate insects and accumulate points." Nanga smiled brightly.

The Buddhist and Taoist friend did not compete for the title and was willing to protect himself. Le Yun did not rush him anymore and slipped into his wishful house and placed coniferous and round-leaf trees in the house.

She entered the conifer spiritual plant space first, looked at the sacred fire Fenyue still floating in the sky from a distance, and then entered the star core space.

The little loli, who smelled like bugs, first built a wish-fulfilling house in the medicine field area. She placed a bathtub and prepared potions in the house, then poured a few bowls of medicinal soup and took a bath honestly.

A lot of thought was put into making the medicine, and the taste of the medicine can be fake in the insect tide. Now, it also takes a lot of thought to remove the smell.

The little Loli soaked in the potion for two full hours, changed the bath water more than a dozen times, drank more than a dozen bowls of medicinal soup with different flavors, and spent a lot of time before Chengguo got rid of the smell on her body.

The bad smell was washed away and I felt refreshed.

After returning to his own happy mood, he packed up his tools, dug a pit to dispose of the sewage, and then went to find the little fox and little Huihui in a hurry.

Little Fox and Little Huihui were picking bananas and mangosteens in a bay of Haiji Lake in the West. They were so happy when they saw someone they hadn't seen for a long time appear in their spirit boat.

Leyun caught the two little cuties who were flying back, first ravaged them and gave them a sweet kiss, and then moved the spirit boat to a piece of grass to continue chatting.

One person and two little beasts sat on the freshly scented grass, basking in the sun and happily eating fruits or snacks.

One person and one fox ate fruit. The little black monkey filled half a bowl of his favorite peanuts in a small wooden bowl and ate the peanuts happily.

My little contractor was eating the spiritual fruit, and the three treasures lying flat in the sea of ​​consciousness stared at the little contractor's little fox friend with interest.

After the appraisal was completed, the ancient stone mortar slowly spit out two words: "Sacred fox?"

"A divine fox that has been sealed with magical powers!" Time History Book confirmed calmly.

"Why is there such a creature next to the little guy?" Void Bottle couldn't figure out why a god-like fox would stay next to the little guy.

"The little guy is very magical in his own right. He is the easiest to attract strange things. It's not unusual to have a god-like creature around you."

"Time, does the little guy have a more magical partner or treasure?"

"Of course there are more magical treasures. This space is very magical. If you feel it, you may have unexpected surprises."

"This space is completely isolated from the outside world. Even I can't get in touch with the outside world of gods." The Void Bottle sensed it and found that even his power of the void could not cross the space barrier. It can be seen that the little contractor's How awesome is this space?

"The only space that can isolate your consciousness is a higher level space than the Qingxu God Realm. Theoretically speaking, there are only spaces like the Life Ancestral Star or the Life Origin Star."

“It’s amazing for the little guy to have this kind of space.”

The interest of the three treasures in the Divine Fox has completely shifted to space, and they have carefully sensed it, looking for evidence to prove that space is the origin of life.

Le Yun didn't know that the three treasures in her sea of ​​consciousness had discovered the secret of space. She ate some fresh fruits and was in a great mood.

He was in a good mood, facing the little fox who was squatting and holding a mangosteen in his hands, he showed a beautiful smile: "Little fox, let me ask you a question, how many times have you experienced the heavenly thunder of enlightenment?"

The little fox holding the mangosteen fruit stood up straight with his ears: "Why do you ask this, little girl? Can I not answer?"

"Little fox, you have the right to choose not to answer, but the answer to this question is very important, as it relates to rare artifacts."

"A divine object?" The little fox's ears twitched in a circle, with a thoughtful look on his face. Is the rare divine object what he thought it was?

The little fox looked thoughtful, and Le Yun waited with a smile. This little cutie dared not tell the truth, so she considered detaining all the sacred objects suitable for him to practice or eat!

The little girl's smile was treacherous, and the little fox had reason to suspect that if his answer dissatisfied her, he would suffer huge losses.

Thinking in a circle, he sighed resignedly: "I must confess, I have experienced the Heavenly Thunder of Enlightenment four times."

"Four times... So, you are not a fox fairy, you are a divine fox." The little fox's answer was exactly what he had guessed, and beauty Le Yun's almond-shaped eyes were filled with smiles.

The word "proving the way" is included in the Heavenly Thunder of Proving the Way, which naturally has a completely different meaning from the Heavenly Thunder used by monks to advance to higher levels. The Heavenly Thunder of Proving the Way refers to the Heavenly Thunder that promotes the promotion of Mahayana to Mortal Immortal and the promotion of Golden Immortal to Great Luo Immortal.

The promotion of Mahayana monks to mortal immortals is the monk's first enlightenment, and the second heavenly thunder is the promotion of golden immortals to great Luo immortals.

These two times of Zhengtian Thunder were all immortal thunders.

The monk's third enlightenment is the moment of canonization, and he proves that the heavenly thunder is the divine thunder.

The fourth enlightenment is to become a god, and the heavenly thunder of enlightenment is also a divine thunder.

The little fox has experienced the Heavenly Thunder of Enlightenment four times, which means that he has become a god and is a divine fox.

Little Huihui stopped eating peanuts and waited for the melon.

The little fox was so shy that he covered his face with his paws: "The divine fox happened a long time ago, and now this fox is just a phoenix with fallen hair."

"The phoenix has lost its fur, but its essence is still a phoenix." Le Yun reached out and grabbed the little fox's tail, lifted it up, shook it a few more times, and pressed his little head: "Why didn't you say you were a divine fox before?"

"Little girl, don't shake, you're dizzy!" The little fox danced and screamed: "Little girl, I also want to be ashamed! The majestic fox has been plotted to become like this. You think I still have the nerve to admit that I have already admitted it. Have you achieved enlightenment and become a god?"

"That's right, the fox of Fengshen can be tricked. If his vigilance is so poor, it would be really shameless to tell him." Le Yun put down the little fox with a look of approval.

"It's hard for a person to survive. It's so hard for a fox to have such a hard life. Please don't hit the fox anymore." After the little fox landed on the ground, he crouched down and buried his face in his little paws.

"Okay, I won't tear down the fox for now." Le Yun let the little fox go very generously and continued in her leisurely voice: "This secret realm is in the God Realm, the Qingxu God Realm. Have you heard of it?"

The little fox didn't care about being shy anymore and sat up straight: "Little girl, you said this is the Qingxu God Realm?"

"Yes, it is the Qingxu God Realm. The land of this secret realm is called the Shenmu Realm. I don't know why, the God Realm is vague to the outside world, concealing the name of the secret realm, and calling the secret realm the Qingxu Secret Realm.

Little fox, are you from this world of gods? "

"No." The little fox denied: "The divine realm that this fox ascended to is called the Xuemiao God Realm, but I have heard of the Qingxu God Realm, and the Qingxu God Realm and the Xuemiao God Realm are in the same time and space.     Xuemiao God Realm There is a neighbor called Mingguang God Realm, and Qingxu God Realm is a neighbor of Mingguang God Realm.

This fox has been in the Xuemiao Divine Realm for a short period of time, and still knows very little about the Xuemiao Divine Realm. I have only heard of the names of the Mingguang Divine Realm and the Qingxu Divine Realm, but I don’t know the relationship between this Qingxu Divine Realm and this fox. I don’t know if the Qingxu God Realm is the same. "

Le Yun wrote down "Xuemiao Divine Realm" in a small notebook and asked enthusiastically: "Little fox, it doesn't matter whether this Qingxu Divine Realm is the one you know. It is an indisputable fact that it is the Divine Realm. Do you want to Don’t think about staying in the Qingxu God Realm, and then find a way to return to Xuemiao after you recover?”

The little fox flew up in a whoosh and hugged the little girl's wrist: "If I don't live in peace, I will go wherever you go!"

"There are many good things in the God Realm. If you stay in the Qingxu God Realm, the time for you to recover your cultivation will be just around the corner. Once your strength is restored, you can go back to seek revenge on the gangsters." Others hugged their thighs, while the little fox hugged his wrists, happy. Yun grabbed his long beard and analyzed his situation.

The divine world is full of treasures and countless spiritual objects. If the little fox stays in the divine realm, it will be easier for him to find the treasures of heaven and earth that can solve the cold poison, and he can recover his mana faster.

For the little fox, there is no harm in staying in the God Realm.

"The lifespan of an immortal is long, so there is no rush to return to Xue Miao to avenge my previous shame. I want to travel with you to all the worlds. When you can also go to the God Realm in the future, it will not be too late for me to return to Xue Miao.

Besides, staying in the God Realm at this stage is equivalent to delivering food to other gods. In the eyes of those guys who confer gods, this fox is just like you, little girl, in the eyes of monsters and monsters. You are a walking big tonic pill. "

"Don't you have no magic power? Why are you still taking Dabu Pill?"

"This fox has been sealed with magic power and cannot use all magical powers. However, this fox is a fox who has achieved enlightenment. He has integrated and mastered certain laws, which is equivalent to the manifestation of certain laws. If the newly promoted god eats I can save N thirty years of hard work."

"You're such an unlucky person. The majestic divine fox fell from the divine world to the mortal world. How pitiful you are to end up like this." Le Yun sympathized with the little fox.

Because of her special characteristics, she is a human-shaped tonic pill, while the little fox, because of the fusion of the power of law, has become a great tonic pill in the eyes of other gods even without magic protection.

One person and one beast are both pitiful little things. Two little pitiful things get together. What is this?

It made Le Yun even think about adding a few ounces of soju, a plate of peanuts, and drinking with the little fox while exchanging bitter drinks, and then hugged each other and cried until he was in tears.

Think about that scene, it’s so eye-catching!

"It's true that a good person will never be demolished." The unlucky little fox wanted to cover his face with his paws again. He didn't know why he, a divine fox who could only prove the Tao, had such a miserable life.

"You're not human." Le Yun smiled and pulled the little fox off her wrist and put it on the ground, then took out a box and gave it to him.

"For me?" The little fox covered the box, his golden pupils shining brightly.

"This is a spiritual object I obtained in the secret realm. It matches your attributes. You should like it." Le Yun nodded.

The little girl gave herself a gift, and the little fox happily opened the box. Inside the box was a piece of golden ointment the size of an adult man's palm, exuding a charming fragrance.

When the lid is opened, the fragrance also spurts out.

"Golden marrow?!" The little fox was so excited that he held his breath. The little girl actually gave him a piece of golden marrow! .

I recall that when he became a god, some heavenly palaces in the divine world sent him gifts. The most precious gift among them was the essence of wood, which was only half the size of a baby's hand.

Divine marrow with attributes is a rare thing, and he has been collecting it for more than ten thousand years without even wanting to eat it.

It is true that he is a divine fox, but his time as a god is still short, and the divine objects he has found are limited. He has only eaten two pieces of divine marrow with attributes, one is as big as half a baby's hand, and the other is only one finger wide.

I haven't found much of the divine marrow in any of the divine foxes, and the little girl has not yet become an immortal. Now that I have found the golden marrow in the secret realm, the fox is very angry when people compare with others.

The little fox felt sour, sour.

Little Huihui was not curious about what kind of spiritual object the little sister gave the little fox as a gift, but the aroma of the stuff was so tempting. She put away her favorite peanuts and leaned over to take a look.

He came closer and took a look at the spiritual object in the box. Oh, isn't it just a piece of ointment? Look how excited the little fox is!

There's nothing unusual about the stuff, and the aroma is very charming.

Xiao Huihui took a deep breath, ah, this fragrance...

A little creature, with a drunken smile on its face, took another puff, and then felt dizzy in its head.

Xiao Mo'er's little body swayed, flopped to one side, fell over a few times, and fell asleep just like that.

Hearing the rhythm of the sound, when I looked at it, I saw the mini monkey lying on its side sleeping instantly, with a charming sweet smile on its face.

After looking at Xiao Huihui's body, I couldn't help but be shocked. Xiao Huihui was turned upside down by the aroma of the Golden God Skull!

After thinking about it again, I understood the secret. Xiao Huihui only cultivated the golden elixir, and the golden marrow was a divine object. The level difference between the two was too big. It was normal for Xiao Huihui to get drunk after taking a few sips of the aroma of the marrow. .

Le Yun then took out a small round basket covered with fur, reached out to pick up a little cutie and put it into the small round basket. She placed the round basket in the spirit boat and let the naughty child sleep well.

The little fox, who was full of excitement, came to his senses because of the drunkenness of the little black monkey, and quickly closed the lid of the box to prevent the aroma of the essence from being lost.

"Little fox, can you eat this kind of marrow now? Can you recover your mana after eating this?" Le Yun asked two more questions after placing Xiao Huihui in place.

The little fox used to like to eat gold and stones with the properties of metal and earth. The golden marrow is based on the laws of the metal system and also contains the laws of the earth system. In terms of attributes, it is a spiritual object suitable for him to eat.

"You can't eat it." Starlight twinkled in the little fox's eyes: "The meridians all over this fox's body are frozen. If you eat this magical thing, the power of the divine marrow will rush to the meridians and the meridians will explode in an instant.

The gods-deified creatures can quickly increase their strength by eating this kind of divine item on weekdays. When they reach the bottleneck of a certain level, they can safely advance by eating a piece of this divine item. "

Le Yun looked at the little fox holding the box tightly with its little paws for fear of being snatched, and thought of teasing him: "You can't eat this now, so give it back to me."

The little fox hugged the box tightly, his beard trembling with anxiety: "Little girl, you clearly said you gave it to me as a gift, so there is no reason to take back the gift you gave me."

"You can't eat it."

"I can't eat this fox now, I'll save it for later."

"Okay, then you can keep it yourself." The little fox was so anxious that he almost blushed and became thick-necked, so Leyun stopped teasing him.

The little fox immediately hid the box and let out a small breath, oh, the treasure was finally saved!

Dear little fairies, Happy New Year~

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