magic eye doctor

Chapter 3211 Clues

After hiding the magical object, the little fox looked at the cute and sweet little girl, jumped up, threw herself in the face of the little girl, and screamed with excitement: "Little girl, little girl, you are the most beautiful, kind, cute and smart in the world..." "

A fox mask was put on her face. Le Yun was so speechless that she rolled her eyes wildly. The stinky little fox pounced on her face when she got excited and refused to change despite repeated admonitions!

He was so angry that he took off a fox "mask" and waved his big tail: "Little fox, if you lie on my face again, I'll chop off your tail to make a coat!"

The little fox was excited, not afraid of threats, and grinned with teeth bared.

A piece of divine essence made the know-it-all little fox smile like a silly son of a landlord. Le Yun didn't know whether to say that the little fox didn't pursue it or that he was too easily satisfied.

Such an honest little fox can't bear to be bullied.

Feeling a little pain in her conscience, Le Yun let go of her claws, put a mini fox that was smiling like a fool on the ground, and asked a question with a smile: "You can't eat divine objects at this stage, can you eat fire crystals or too much?" Fire Essence?”

"You can eat a little of the fire crystal, and you can eat a piece the size of rice and beans at a time. The energy of Taiyan Essence is so domineering that you can't eat it at the moment."

The little fox answered all questions, and his smile was still a bit silly.

Fire crystal can only be regarded as a spiritual object, while Taiyan Essence is a divine object. The two are indeed not the same.

Le Yun took out two more boxes and gave them to her friend Wan Shitong: "The red box is a fire crystal, and the other box contains a piece of Taiyan Essence. You can keep it yourself and do what you can, but don't be like a greedy snake. "

The little girl stuffed herself with two more boxes of spiritual things. The little fox was so excited that he stretched out his little paws to hug the boxes, and quickly put them away. His golden eyes were as bright as a torch: "Little girl, where did you get so many good things? Have you found them?" A baby suitable for the little monkey and your precious brother and your beautiful brother?”

"Hehe, I'm rich this time! We'll talk about the details when we get back. Don't worry, there are a lot of good things. Xiao Huihui and my brothers and sisters all have a share, and so do the Lingzhi Dolls and Rock Dolls.

There is a better treasure, but it is not suitable to see the light of day at the moment. I will give it to you when I get back! "

Thinking of the pile of treasures she had fished out from the Wanbao Pond and the Wanzhen Tower, Le Yun felt happy. She was about to leave, but then she remembered something and pulled out an insect leader from the storage container for the little fox to appreciate.

"Locusts of the Earth Immortal level?" The little fox glanced at it and saw the level of the insect at a glance. A strange color appeared in his golden eyes. In the God Realm, locusts are first-level insects and it is difficult to advance.

The little girl can catch second-order locusts, which shows that second-order locusts are more common in the Qingxu God Realm.

"Little fox, do you feel something familiar about this insect?" The little fox's focus was inconsistent with her own, so Le Yun had to remind her.

"No." The little fox was confused. He was from the fox tribe and couldn't compete with the Zerg tribe, so there was no sense of familiarity.

Why! A slow divine fox! Le Yun rolled her eyes: "Although this insect is dead, it still retains a faint special breath, which is the same as the breath of a certain component of the cold poison in you."

The little fox was confused, he couldn't smell the cold poison!

"I can't smell the cold poison."

"..." Le Yun was silent for a moment, then said something sincerely: "Little fox, your magic power has been sealed, but your sense of smell has not been sealed."

"This fox's spiritual consciousness has also been imprisoned and suppressed, and his sense of smell is naturally affected. His sense of smell is no longer working, and his brain is not very clear either." The little fox simply let it go.

"Forget it, you are slow to react today. I don't care about the fox once, so I won't argue with you." Le Yun had no choice but to reveal the answer: "This insect is not native to the Qingxu God Realm, it comes from another world. .

There is a place in the secret realm. Whenever the secret realm is opened, there will be a tide of insects within a certain period. All the insects come from a strange lake. All the insects have a trace of underworld energy, and the underworld air disappears when the insects die.

This insect died because it entered the storage container. The underworld energy dissipated a little slower, and a weak underworld energy residue could still be sensed in the body. "

"A swarm of insects from another world, dark energy?" The little fox looked shocked: "This secret realm seems to be hiding a big secret!"

Yes, the little fox and she were not on the same channel. Le Yun stretched out her hand to tug at the little fox's beard: "Smelly little fox, your focus is wrong. You should think about the relationship between the underworld energy and the cold poison in your body.

What big secrets there are in the secret realm? That is a matter that the big bosses of the God Realm should be concerned about. It is not something that little shrimps and scum of war like us can get involved with. "

The little fox hurriedly rescued his beard from the clutches of the little girl, took a few steps back, away from the little witch, and asked kindly: "Little girl, how much is the difference between this dark energy and the cold poison in this fox?" relation?"

"It's related to a few cents." Le Yun explained: "There is a special smell in the body of this insect, which is the smell of Devil's Crying Flower. They should have eaten Devil's Crying Flower or Devil's Crying Grass."

"You mean the cold poison in this fox contains the Devil's Weeping Flower?" The little fox suddenly realized.

The Devil's Weeping Flower and Devil's Weeping Grass are the most yin creatures. They grow in the underground world where they never see the light of day. They are only found in places where dead people are buried.

It doesn't mean that there are Devil Weeping Flowers in all graves where dead people are buried. That thing is very picky about where it grows. It can only be found in those graves that have been buried underground for more than 100 million years and have special environments.

"Yes." Le Yun nodded: "The Devil's Weeping Flower has different growth points and a slightly different smell. The cold poison in you has a component that smells exactly the same as the special smell of bugs, and this bug comes from another world, meaning You get it."

"Understood. This means that the guy who poisoned this fox has either been to the world where this kind of bug lives, or he has been to this secret realm and got the Devil's Crying Flower from another world from this kind of bug." provided by the little girl The clue is the most valuable clue at present. If you follow this clue, not only follow the clues to find the guy who is responsible, you can also narrow the scope by a large circle when eliminating suspects.

"The little fox is indeed a smart fox. He can draw inferences from a single point. He is extremely smart and resourceful. With your intelligence, you will definitely be able to find out the mastermind behind the scenes with just a few clues."

"..." The little fox had a resentful face. Is the little girl praising him or hurting him?

After praising the little fox carelessly, Le Yun put away the corpse of the insect leader and took out two storage bags and gave them to the little fox, asking him to feed them to the eighth- and ninth-level mutated golden cicadas.

The little fox opened the bag and took a look: "Little locust? Little girl, you didn't run to steal the escape route of those insects, did you?"

"Guessed it right, but it's a pity that there is no prize."

Le Yun smiled beamingly: "When the insect wave lands in this world, it will first eat like crazy to replenish energy, and then breed like crazy.

According to my research, the insect swarm from another world will have no way to survive if they stay in the Qingxu Realm because of the underworld energy in their bodies, with a maximum lifespan of a hundred years.

The offspring they come here to lay eggs and hatch out are also defective. They are not intelligent enough. They do not have the intelligence of mortal immortals and monsters, but only the instincts of the insect race.

The second generation of insects are probably born in this world, and the underworld energy in their bodies is weaker. If they stay in the Qingxu God Realm, they can live longer, about three hundred to five hundred years.

The second generation of insects is rich in nutrients and is suitable for feeding seventh- and eighth-level mutated golden cicadas. Hurry and feed more batches of golden cicadas, and try to cultivate as many ninth-level cicadas as possible, and strive to gather enough materials to refine the invisibility magic weapon before the end of the secret realm. "

"Hey, I almost forgot about this. In the past two months, another batch of eighth-level cicadas evolved to the ninth level, and the original ninth-level golden cicadas also laid a batch of eggs."

"Wow, this is good news! Feed them more, and feed them all from the sixth, seventh, and eighth levels to the ninth level. The wings should be barely enough."

"Yeah..." The little fox nodded. The little girl took the golden cicada wings, and he could eat fried ninth-order golden cicada!

There was a little fox feeding the mutated Golden Dark Cicada. Le Yun was very relieved. She gave the feed to the little cutie and stopped asking about it. She briefly talked about her future itinerary and walked away coolly.

The little girl left as soon as she said she wanted to, and disappeared in a flash.

After sending away the golden thigh, the little fox happily jumped into the spirit boat and drove the spirit boat back to the bay of Haiji Lake to continue sweeping fruits.

The little girl is working hard outside, and he has to help her take care of the star core world and be a considerate helper!

The motivated little fox willingly transformed into a housekeeper fox and a tool fox, and worked hard to pick up fruit.

Classmate Le Xiao, who was accustomed to being a shopkeeper, moved from the star core world to the conifer spiritual plant space, and returned to the wilderness not far from Taixu Huanzhenhuo.

She squatted in the wilderness and studied spiritual fire.

Fen Yue has devoured all the essence of Tai Yan and successfully advanced to the Immortal Grade Spiritual Fire. Judging from the changes in data, Fen Yue is currently on the road to being promoted to the Divine Grade Flame.

As Fenyue advanced, it was naturally impossible to completely control the flame temperature. The high temperature steamed the air until it was boiling, making people feel like they were on the edge of a volcano.

The scorching heat caused the plants near the wasteland to wither their leaves.

After squatting and guarding the spiritual fire for a long time, seeing that Taixu and the real fire had not changed much, Leyun stopped accompanying her friends, watered the plants once, and went to visit a group of little creatures.

A group of little creatures were planting and playing, and they were in a good mood. They all had white skin and tender flesh, and were hydrated.

Because of his friends, Mian Doll almost forgot about his adults.

As soon as she appeared, Le Yun received good news - the ghost silkworm was spinning silk!

After hearing that the special spiritual silkworm was spinning silk, she immediately rushed to the Ruyi House in Lingquan Lake with a group of little creatures to check the results.

The spiritual silkworm raised in the wooden house has entered the silk spinning stage. It spins silk on the silk rack and winds it into a circle.

The silk is as thin as a spider's silk. The silkworm has spun it several times, but the accumulated silk is not enough to weave a fan.

The spiritual silkworms that had spun silk were eating again to replenish their energy.

In order not to disturb the spiritual silkworms, the little creatures did not enter the wooden house. They all lay on the side of the door, stretching their heads and looking inward.

Little Loli went to the wooden house and helped clean up the debris and stains from the remaining branches and leaves of the spiritual grass and mulberry leaves, and then placed some spiritual grass leaves again.

She didn't touch the silk, leaving it to wait until the silkworms finished spinning the silk before sorting it out together.

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