magic eye doctor

Chapter 3212 Having fun

Because the spiritual silkworm spun silk, Le Yun was in a particularly bright mood. With the snow-fat fish membrane, the wings of a ninth-level golden cicada, and the silkworm ghost silk, the most important invisible material was now alive.

The date for refining the invisible magic weapon is just around the corner.

The little Lolita, who was in a beautiful mood, took the little creatures back to the Ruyi House, took out the spiritual meal to reward a group of little cuties for their hard work, and then left the spiritual plant space.

When she returned to Ruyi House, it was already getting dark.

The little Loli was "missing" for nearly a day, and the insect swarm in front of Qian Ji Secret Valley was also quiet for a day, and they never noticed that the two leaders were missing.

When night fell, the leader of the Zerg tribe commanded several leaders to enter the shift. Because he could not contact two of the leaders, he finally discovered that two of the Zerg leaders were missing.

The leader of the Zerg clan ordered the search for two small leaders.

Other insect leaders and guards also helped to send orders to search, and the insect swarm became commotion.

Sharp insect sounds came and went, and the insects in the air and on the ground also responded to each other. The sounds echoed in the secret valley, and the echoes were like the sound of war drums.

The harsh chirping of insects made the monks' blood surge.

Although they didn't understand why, the monk team also felt something bad, so they eliminated the circled locusts as quickly as possible and quickly returned to the safe area.

A few monks, fearing that something might happen later, gave up on trapping the seriously injured insects and quickly retreated.

The monks who retreated to the safe zone closely monitored the changes in the insect swarm while making repairs.

The stewards and some of the monks who were on the east side of the steward's office in the morning also guessed the cause of the commotion among the insects - the disappearance of the two insect leaders was revealed.

I have to say that the Zerg's response was a bit slow.

The leader of the Zerg clan, who was slow to react, almost went crazy after waiting for a long time without getting any effective clues. One or two bugs were missing, so it was reasonable. The two second-level leaders and guards were so numerous that they were eye-catching wherever they went. Worms have seen it.

Could it be that the two second-order insects and their guards disappeared out of thin air?

The big leader was furious and roared manically.

Another insect swarm leader in the crevice was summoned to personally investigate how the leader commanding in the crevice disappeared.

It tossed for a long time, and only a few bugs provided a clue, saying that they saw the leader on the rock wall, and there seemed to be a golden light flashing for a while. They thought the leader had arranged a barrier to hide and discuss tactics, so they didn't Attention.

The insect leader reported the information he found to the big leader. He suspected that the other leader and his guards in the cracks of the mountain might have been sucked in by the barrier.

As for where the leader outside the crack has gone, you have to ask the bugs responsible for pointing out and eating at the entrance to the barrier.

The furious leader of the Zerg clan was soothed by the unexpected news that he no longer insisted on "seeking the dead body of the Zerg leader" and immediately sent an order to all the Zerg swarms to step up their offensive.

No one in the insect swarm thought of the little insect that once wore human rags and went around looking for relatives, and no one in the insect swarm linked the disappearance of the two leader insects to that little insect.

In the eyes of the Zerg, the little bug covered in human rags has just entered the threshold of the first level. It is so weak, not to mention the leaders, even a random bug can bite it to death with one bite.

The entire insect race ignored the little insect hanging with rags, and no insect cared about its whereabouts.

The culprit, who had been ignored by the Zerg, had already washed away all his troubles and stayed in the Ruyi Room to sort out his belongings and figure out how many birds to exchange for points.

In her plan, most of the items to be exchanged in the future were the fairy plants grown in Baicao Garden and the fairy rice from Qiangu Garden.

Exchanging some ores or talisman-making materials that are only available in the God Realm must also be included in the budget to avoid missing opportunities due to insufficient budget.

After several calculations in her mind, Le Yun knew what she was doing. She divided the insects she killed according to their levels and packed them together at the same level.

I also picked out some second-generation insects that had just evolved to first-order adults and packed them in storage bags for emergencies.

There were so many bugs that I spent three different times and was only able to sort out some of the bugs in the storage containers. Most of the bugs were still mixed together.

After sorting out enough bugs to redeem points, Le Yun put it aside and quietly caught up on her sleep.

After a good night's rest, Na Ming woke up in the morning full of energy. He tidied up quickly, made himself look like a dog, and walked out of the Ruyi House.

Nanga, who had become a Dharma protector, also cleaned up early. When he saw Xiyue Fairy who had come out of seclusion for a day and night, he sang a Buddhist chant and expressed his feelings sincerely: "Fairy Xiyue is still looking like this. It's pleasing to the eye, that's right. My fellow Taoist has indeed lost some weight. The young monk suggested that the young fellow Taoist should take care of it for a while after the insect infestation and worry about other things later."

When he first met Fairy Xiyue, the little female cultivator looked like a half-grown child. She was small and exquisite, with a little fleshy face like porcelain, which also made her look soft and cute.

Today's little fairy's skin is still fair and translucent, but she is thin and her round face has turned into a tapered face. It feels like a strong wind will blow her up to the sky.

Nanjia was really worried that this new Taoist friend would accidentally turn into a kite and float in the sky to enjoy the scenery.

"Thank you for your concern, fellow Taoist Nanga. I was too busy some time ago and I lost some weight. It's not a serious problem. I will recover naturally after a while."

Le Yun put away her wishful house and said with high spirits: "Fellow Taoist Nanga, when are you going to catch insects?"

The little fellow Taoist was full of energy, and Nanga was also very cooperative: "Go now?"

"Get up quickly! If you go early, you might be able to catch an extra insect." Le Yun urged happily.

Xiyue became interested in the insect exterminator, and Nanga flew decisively on the plane.

He did not let the magic weapon show the speed of a divine weapon. He only showed the speed of a super divine weapon. He crossed the planting field and flew to the end area of ​​the monk team outside the barrier.

When he arrived at the barrier, Nanga shrunk the golden lotus magic weapon and walked out of the barrier with the magic weapon.

Le Yun was placed in a magic weapon and brought out of the barrier. When she came out of the barrier, only a flash of white light flashed in front of her eyes. She finally didn't have the dizzy experience of spinning around, but she was extremely excited.

The moment Nanga walked out of the barrier, he activated another defensive magic weapon to block out the scurrying insects. He then placed the golden lotus magic weapon on the ground to create a safe zone.

Fu Songqing and his teammates had just come out of the barrier. They had just marked out the territory and were about to start the insect killing mission. When they saw the west side going out to defend the barrier, they looked over and saw that it was a Buddhist cultivator. They were a little surprised.

Then I also saw the little female cultivator in the Buddhist cultivator, and they were all stunned.

Zhu Songqing saluted to the west: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, it has been more than two years since I said goodbye to Dao Lake. Is your farewell okay, my friend?"

"I wish you all the best, fellow Taoist, Xiyue is well. I wish you and fellow Taoists all the best!" Le Yun also saw Brother Zhu, whom she had met once before, and responded politely.

"Thank you, I'm waiting for you to be safe." Zhu Songqing smiled warmly and modestly: "The grace of fellow Taoist Xiyue fishing in Wudao Lake has made me unforgettable for a long time. I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to see Xiyue Taoism with my own eyes again here. I wish you all the best for your heroic deeds in exterminating insects. This trip to Qiangu Garden is extremely lucky." "I wish you all the best. Xiyue is just a little monk and does not deserve such praise. I wish you and all my fellow Taoists strong strength, and I wish you all the best today. I will win every battle and return with a full load." Le Yun was a little embarrassed when others were so polite. She didn't want her "feat" of fishing in Wudao Lake to be known to the whole city.

"Thank you for your kind words, fellow Taoist." Zhu Songqing replied happily, stopped chatting, and organized the team to start the insecticide operation.

A team of people perform their duties, pull in a locust, and then hunt it.

Leyun watched the insect hunting mode of Brother Zhu's team and asked Brother Buddha: " Brother Zhu over there has a team, and they cooperate to kill insects. How does Brother Nanga hunt insects when he is alone?"

"The young monk killed a few bugs by himself on the first day, and later he cooperated with Taoist Zhu and others to eliminate the insects. Fellow Taoist Xiyue was interested in the young monk's method of catching insects, and the young monk made a fool of himself."

Nanga took out his magic weapon, released two locusts into the defensive barrier, chanted Buddha's name and knocked on the wooden fish.

The two insect monsters that entered the barrier were made motionless and stagnant by the music technique. They were forced to perform with the bald human race, and then were sent to see the Buddha with the wooden fish mallet of the Buddhist cultivator.

The crowd watched the music performed by the Buddhist cultivator, and they were so impressed that they asked: "So Taoist friend Nanjia is good at sound attack?"

"The young monk knows a little bit about the sound attack technique, but he is far from being good at it. This time I will use this experience to improve myself." Nanjia recited the Buddha's name compassionately and put away the insect corpses.

GOU heard the music of the new way of happiness and was eager to try it: "Fellow Taoist Nanga, you chant sutras and knock wooden fish, and I'll hammer the insects."

"Sure." Nanjia smiled and moved his position, sitting in the corner of the magic weapon, just pulling insects, chanting sutras, and knocking wooden fish.

He released two locusts into the barrier at once.

When he recited the first sutra and struck the first wooden fish, successfully slowing down the locust's movements, the little female cultivator who had already been preparing to attack quickly attacked.

The female cultivator took out a wooden stick and struck it like lightning on the head of the locust. After two "bang bang" sounds, the two locusts fell to the ground.

The Buddha struck the wooden fish and just raised the mallet, it stopped in the air. He looked at his fellow Taoist collaborators in surprise. Buddha's eyes were full of astonishment.

His partner, on the other hand, calmly placed a small plate-shaped magic weapon in a corner, threw two insect corpses in, then raised the stick in his hand and urged with excitement: "Fellow Taoist Nanga, come again!"

"..." Nanga's eyes shifted and he looked at the stick in the little fairy's hand. The stick was a wooden stick less than two feet long. The surface was uneven, and it looked very much like what the monks in the Buddhist temple cooks used to poke fire. of fire sticks.

The Buddhist cultivator remained silent, opened the barrier, put in four locusts, chanted sutras and knocked on the wooden fish.

The little Loli took action quickly and killed two of the locusts when their flying speed slowed down for the first time. She only killed the other two bugs when Buddha Xiu's mallet landed on the wooden fish for the second time.

The corpses of four insects were thrown into the drying tray, forming the auspicious number six.

Nanga had a strange look in his eyes and calmly pulled the bugs into the defensive barrier for the third time. The number of bugs became six.

The number of numbers increased, and the little Loli was forced to speed up. After the first wooden fish sound, she killed three insects, and then beat the other three insects to death in the first wooden fish.

When Fairy Xiyue took action, she hit the target with a stick and never failed.

Nanga opened the formation to release insects for the fourth time and attracted eight locusts at once.

This time, the little loli didn't speed up anymore and maintained the record of killing three insects with the first wooden fish sound, and three more insects with the second wooden fish sound. The last two insect monsters were killed by one blow with the third wooden fish sound. Life.

After some testing, Nanga also roughly knew the speed of his partner, so he kept the number of insects four times each time when he pulled the insects into the circle again.

This number is the best number. Fairy Xiyue can kill it in the shortest time. For him, he only needs to use one sound attack to affect the speed of the insect, which saves his consciousness.

The two of them cooperated. One released the insects to affect the speed of the insects, and the other killed them. They cooperated tacitly.

When Zhu Songqing and his teammates worked together to kill the insect demon that had been pulled into the battle circle, he took advantage of the moment to catch his breath and pay attention to how Buddha Xiu and Fairy Xiyue cooperated to exterminate the insects, and then also admired the two people working together to exterminate the insects. The style and speed are jaw-dropping.

They cooperated with Buddhist cultivators, usually putting in insect monsters four or five times at a time. The hunting team worked together to attack a bug. With the help of Buddhist cultivators, it would take half a cup of tea to kill an insect at the fastest. Demon.

And Fairy Xiyue cooperates with Buddhist cultivators, and she can kill four bugs in one or two breaths!

If you don’t compare, you don’t know. Comparing them, they are just a bunch of scum!

Looking at the pile of insect corpses piled up in the small magic weapon in the barrier on the Buddha's side, a team quietly turned their heads and looked at the insect swarm outside the defensive formation.

They are obviously insects of the same fighting strength, but why are they as weak as ants in front of Fairy Xiyue?

The monks, who were suffering from mental shock, picked up their mood and continued to kill insects. They were not as strong as others, so they had to admit that they should eat as much food as they could and live within their ability.

The battered group of monks stabilized their mentality and cooperated seamlessly, and the efficiency of killing insects was slightly improved.

The little loli also had fun.

It is a super fun thing to cooperate with Taoist fellow Nanga to eliminate insects. Knocking on insects is like a game of whack-a-mole. It is a good opportunity to practice your hand speed and eyesight.

She also regarded hammering insects as an exercise. She used the stick in her left hand to hit several groups of insects, and then used the stick in her right hand to hit the insects. The left and right hands took turns to work, and they compared which hand's speed increased faster.

For this reason, I have become addicted to knocking on the worm’s head.

In less than half an hour, her hand speed increased again. The fastest speed was when the bug was pulled into the barrier and the stick reached the head of one bug. All four bugs died before the Buddha hit the second wooden fish. call.

Nanga would occasionally make a surprise attack and put in five or six insect monsters, or seven or eight insect monsters.

At first, the little Loli was occasionally caught off guard, but a few more times, even if the Buddhist cultivator suddenly released nine or ten insects, she would still be able to cope with it with ease.

The difference is in the amount of time it takes.

Nanga's spiritual consciousness was very strong, and he didn't feel tired at all after half a day. Therefore, he didn't take a break at noon, and still worked diligently to circle insects and chant sutras.

The little loli was addicted to playing whack-a-mole and had a great time.

The result of hard work is that more and more insect corpses accumulate in the drying tray. At dusk, the corpses of the zombies cover the bottom of the drying tray.

When night fell and there was no more light between the sky and the earth, Nanga, who had recited the sutra for a day, finally put away the wooden fish and decided to call it a day.

The little loli, who had enjoyed playing for a whole day, happily put away the wooden sticks and drying dishes, and went back to the enchantment with Buddha to recuperate.

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