magic eye doctor

Chapter 3213 Seed

After returning to the safe area, Nanga placed the golden lotus magic weapon on the grass about a hundred feet away from the safe city barrier and opened the defensive barrier.

Leyun didn't care about her demeanor or not, she sat on the floor in the magic weapon.

Nanga also moved to the little fellow Taoist, and when he sat down, he did not forget to use a dust remover to clear his smell.

After calming down, Le Yun also used the dust removal technique to take care of herself, then fetched water to cleanse her hands, took out a small kang table and placed it on the ground, put a bowl of fish in a ritual bowl and sent it to the Buddhist cultivator, and also took a few herself. Put the bad fish on a plate and eat.

Fellow Taoist Xiyue carried the spiritual food with him, and the light in Nanga's eyes became brighter. He put away most of the bad fish and stored it, leaving a third of it for dinner.

The fish bones are rotten and the meat is crispy, with a pleasant fragrance.

Nanga enjoyed a delicious meal, cleaned the rice bowl, put a bowl of spiritual fruits and returned it, and put another plate of spiritual fruits on the small table to enjoy the food with his fellow Taoists.

Le Yun readily accepted the reward.

After eating the spiritual fruit, Nanjia raised the topic: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, the young monk saw that you made that stick very special today. Can you borrow it for a look?"

"Nothing is wrong." Le Yun took out the stick generously and handed it to Jun Foxiu for appreciation.

Nanga took the stick in his hand and felt carefully that the stick was really a wooden stick. It was purely natural and had not been carved by any man. It had experienced countless wind, rain and grinding stones in nature. After the lead was washed away, only a piece of wood remained. core.

I admired it carefully several times, felt it, and smelled it.

No matter how you look at it, the sticks are ordinary, and you can't tell what they are made of.

This is also the strangest place.

"It's strange that the young monk doesn't have the slightest clue about its origin. What kind of sacred tree is it that can easily kill a first- and second-level insect monster without any damage." Nanga became more and more surprised as he looked at it.

"I don't know either. This is an item obtained from the light ball I caught in Wanbao Pond. I feel like I used it as soon as I got it." Le Yun spread her hands, don't ask her, even if she asked her, she wouldn't know what a wooden stick is. Sacred tree.

Anything that can enter the time and space without being destroyed is either a treasure or an item with some special meaning. Items that are not treasures and have no special meaning will generally be destroyed when they hit the wall of the time and space. .

Nanga's attention shifted from the stick: "Can fellow Taoist Xiyue remove the seals of the treasures fished from the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond?"

"Yes, but the seal can only be lifted once a month." Le Yun admitted happily without being secretive.

Nanga put the stick on his lap, took out a cyan light ball and handed it over: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, please help the young monk remove the seal of this light ball. If you have any conditions, tell me directly."

"Based on the friendship between us, there is no need to say whether there are conditions or conditions for doing this little favor." Le Yun took the light ball and held it in her hand, running the technique to absorb the power of light.

She has the all-spiritual root, and she can also lift the seals of certain light groups with her own ability, but the speed is relatively slow, unlike the Taishijiu and other treasures that can absorb the power of time from hundreds of light groups at will with just one sweep. .

Nanga looked at the little fellow Taoist next to him in surprise. She didn't avoid him and just released the seal like this?

Soon, he discovered that the light group had changed - the time power of the light group was slowly weakening.

Where has the power of time gone?

Nanga's eyes fell on the slender pair of fellow Taoist disciples, as if thinking thoughtfully. Fairy Xiyue must have light spiritual roots. Only in this way can she absorb the power of time for her own use.

He made no sound, sat quietly and observed.

The power of the cyan light group was lost little by little, and the light seemed to be slowly thinning. Half an hour later, the layer of light was as thin as cicada wings, but the items in the light group were still invisible.

After about another stick of incense, the thin green light suddenly disappeared at a certain moment.

As the seal was unlocked, a huge gray seed in the light ball appeared on the palm of the little female cultivator. The seed was shaped like a woman's buttocks and was almost as tall as Fairy Xiyue.

Nanga stared at the seed in disbelief, his eyes full of questions.

Le Yun, who had absorbed the power of time, finally opened her slightly closed eyes, and looked surprised when she saw a strange seed held in her hands.

Nanga, a Buddhist monk who did not have the spiritual root of water and wood, actually caught a sea coconut seed!

Even if the sea coconut is a sacred tree in the Qingxu Divine Realm, it is still a seed.

With mixed emotions in his heart, Yun returned the giant seed to Zhao with a dull face: "Fellow Taoist Nanjia, congratulations on harvesting a sacred tree seed!"

Nanga stretched out his hands to catch the strange-looking seeds, and the look of surprise on his face continued: "The young monk planted flowers and the flowers died, and the trees he planted withered, but one day he was able to catch a plant seed. It's incredible!"

Le Yun smiled meaningfully: "Fellow Taoist Nanjia can catch plant seeds from Wanbao Pond, it must be because the sacred tree and Taoist Friend Nanjia have an inseparable bond."

"To be honest, the young monk has never seen such a sacred tree seed. Does fellow Taoist Xiyue recognize this sacred tree seed? What's so magical about it?" Nanjia asked humbly.

"This is the seed of a strange divine tree. The tree grows like a palm tree. It likes ocean and island environments with warm sunshine and long-lasting summer. However, trees in the divine world sometimes change their habits.

The fruit of the sacred tree is also a seed, which can heal damage caused by fire, thunder spells and spiritual fire, and can also awaken the mind of those who are possessed by evil spirits. "

The sea coconuts on the earth are used as ingredients for drinks or soups, while the sea coconuts in the fairy world have become spiritual trees, their status has increased, and they also have magical functions.

"So magical?" Nanga put the seeds on the ground of the magic weapon and gathered around it to see the novelty.

Le Yun looked at the Buddha and the seeds with joy. From the look on the Buddha's face, it was the first time for him to see the sea coconut, which also showed that the sea coconut was also a rare tree in the Qingxu God Realm. Nanga walked around the seeds several times until he memorized the seeds deeply and knew the characteristics of each area of ​​the seeds. Then he took out a spirit wood box and packed it up for safe storage.

Just as Fairy Xiyue said, the seeds are the treasures caught from the Wanbao Pond, which shows that she has a deep relationship with him.

It is most appropriate to take the seeds of such rare sacred trees back and give them to the elders to plant.

He has even thought about which elder to give the seeds to for planting and care, and has clearly arranged the future of the seeds.

The answer to the light ball caught from the Wanbao Pond has been revealed, and I continue to study the wooden stick of Fairy Xiyue, but I have no clue after studying it.

After struggling for a long time, Nanjia stopped studying and returned the wooden stick to fellow Taoist Xiyue.

Le Yun put away the wooden sticks, took out the drying tray, and counted the number of bugs with Jun Fo Xiu while eating the spiritual fruit.

When killing insects during the day, the two of them were busy chanting sutras and knocking wooden fish, and the other was busy knocking the heads of bugs, without even paying attention to how many bugs they killed.

When I counted the harvest in the evening, there were more than 5,000 insects.

Dividing the harvest into two is equivalent to one person killing more than two thousand insect demons in one day, which is an astonishing achievement.

This is the first day of cooperative pest control.

Such good results made Nan Jialian recite the Buddha's name twice.

According to the speed he and his fellow Taoist were going through, if they continued to kill insects for three more months, it would no longer be an extravagant hope to exchange points for nine-star purple-level fairy rice.

Because they were in good spirits, the two grouped the bugs into different levels. Early first-order bugs were put into a storage bag, mid-first-order bugs were put into a pile, and late-first-order insect monsters were put into another bag.

The levels of insect monsters are different, and the redemption points are also different. If the monk himself does not classify the insect monsters according to their levels, the steward will calculate the total points by multiplying the number of insects by the average of the insect redemption points.

After sorting out the bugs, Buddha Nanga changed the air in the defensive barrier.

Le Yun ate a few spiritual fruits, left the Ruyi House, climbed in, sorted out the bugs she had collected, and lay down to sleep when she was almost asleep.

Nanga didn't waste any more time and just sat on the lotus platform inside the golden lotus to meditate.

After a night's rest, the next day, the two friends went out to kill insects with full energy.

Zhu Songqing and his teammates also practiced night and day. After several days in a row, their team was exhausted, but the two-person team next door became more and more courageous.

Comparing people with others is infuriating, so comparing goods with others has to be thrown away.

A team was so beaten that they were physically and mentally exhausted, so they had to stop work and rest for a day, then regroup and rush to the battlefield again.

The main target of the insect demon army is the entrance barrier of the Secret Valley. They do not regard the human camp as the primary target of attack. They only let a part of the insect swarm hold back the humans and prevent the human monks from causing trouble at the entrance of the secret valley.

Not being the main target of the attack, the pressure on the monks was less, and the injury rate was also lowered again. Of course, injuries to personnel were unavoidable.

Time passed between sunrise and sunset, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

When a new month arrives, it is also the tenth month when the insect wave army attacks Qian Ji Secret Valley.

Based on past experience, the insect wave army's attack on Qianji Secret Valley has also entered an advanced stage, and they may withdraw at any time.

The monks of all races also cheered up again and worked hard to kill the insects.

Each team fought with the idea that "today is the last day of the battle". As a result, ten days had passed and the insect wave army still showed no sign of retreating.

No matter how hard he persisted, he persisted for half a month, but the insect tide still had no intention of withdrawing.

After persisting for a few more days, the teams of all races entered the battle fatigue period again. Their combat effectiveness continued to decline. While their harvests decreased, their damage rates increased.

Even with the two-person team of Buddha Cultivator and Fairy Xiyue as examples, the fighting spirit of Zhu Songqing's team is declining day by day, and everyone is becoming more and more unable to meet their expectations.

When the team persisted until the middle of the second half, the team members who managed the magic weapon's defense were tired of their consciousness. When they pulled in the locusts, they lacked their consciousness and mistakenly closed the magic weapon's barrier.

The defensive barrier disappeared, and the surrounding locusts swarmed into the monks' team like a tide.

Although everyone in the monk team had a defensive magic weapon, they only had time to activate the defensive magic weapon. They had no time to retreat to the safe area before they were surrounded by insect monsters.

A few monks who reacted a little too late were attacked by insect monsters before they could activate their defensive magic weapons, and were seriously injured.

In just a short moment, a team was overwhelmed by the swarm of insects.

The stewards in the barrier reacted very quickly, and promptly pulled the dozen monks closest to the barrier back to the safe area, and then went to snatch the monks who were overwhelmed by the swarm of insects.

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